View Full Version : The most irresponsible gun owners ever (vid)

12-26-10, 21:01
I can't believe this...people like this are the reason safe and responsible gun owners have to live with ridiculous gun laws.


12-26-10, 21:12
Huh? Looks like a typical AZ shoot to me.


12-26-10, 21:19
I only watched a couple minutes after skipping through the boring lead up to the shooting, I didn't see any muzzles pointed at people or anything else inherently unsafe. What was the major complaint?

12-26-10, 21:28
Eh. I saw a few things I wouldn't condone or do, but this is far better than many many videos out there.

edit - I posted that in the middle of the video... It started bad (after intro), got better, and then went back to bad...

12-26-10, 21:34

Muzzles were pointed in a safe direction as far as I could tell.

12-26-10, 21:40
I didn't see anything wrong.

maybe the OP was mad because he wasn't there?:sarcastic:

12-26-10, 22:13
maybe the OP was mad because he wasn't there?:sarcastic:

Of course I would have loved to attend a FA shoot! I was referring to rapid fire with no sight picture, dual-wielding, walking down range, etc. Maybe not unsafe, but it definitely looked irresponsible.

I love FA shoots (don't have any myself) but the ones I attend are WELL policed by ROs and there is no "movie shooting" (dual wielding, sideways shooting, etc) tolerated. It's all very safe and conducted with NRA range rules.

The vid just looked kinda caddy-wompus to me. Lots of cool weapons though!

12-26-10, 22:15
john woo style with a mg isn't the safest thing to do. Not the worst video I've seen but it's not a great example of gun safety either.

12-26-10, 22:54
Of course I would have loved to attend a FA shoot! I was referring to rapid fire with no sight picture, dual-wielding, walking down range, etc. Maybe not unsafe, but it definitely looked irresponsible.

I love FA shoots (don't have any myself) but the ones I attend are WELL policed by ROs and there is no "movie shooting" (dual wielding, sideways shooting, etc) tolerated. It's all very safe and conducted with NRA range rules.

The vid just looked kinda caddy-wompus to me. Lots of cool weapons though!

I'm not particularly fond of dual wielding or shooting with out looking, but the whole time I was watching the video I was looking to see the 4 rules being broken and didn't see it.

I'll say this though, if I was there in that video, I would've been keeping an eye on them.;) oops I meant both eyes lol.:)

12-26-10, 23:44
i dont think this video or these people or their shooting style has anything to do with our gun laws. nothing.

just some people having some good clean fun. if you want to complain about dual wielding and things like that- sure, that's gay, but, in my opinion, so is dumping mag after mag for no better reason than to do it. not my cup of tea.

does that make it "wrong?" NO.

12-27-10, 00:14
i dont think this video or these people or their shooting style has anything to do with our gun laws. nothing.

just some people having some good clean fun. if you want to complain about dual wielding and things like that- sure, that's gay, but, in my opinion, so is dumping mag after mag for no better reason than to do it. not my cup of tea.

does that make it "wrong?" NO.

True, I'll give you that. I guess after reading article after article about gun control lately I was a bit peeved. I surely don't condone any of the actions in the vid, but you're right...none of the 4 laws were broken. As you said...not my cup of tea.

12-27-10, 00:42
does that make it "wrong?" NO.
Seeing how it's a group event, the shooter is responsible for the safety of those around him as well as his. Shooting a MG one handed is pretty reckless. Just because nobody got shot that doesn't make it any less stupid.

People have been killed at these types of shoots in the past because of similar dumb ass behavior.

If you want to act like a dumb ass do it alone, that way the only one being endangered is you.

12-27-10, 01:46
I thought this was going to be the video I saw on here a while back of the guy standing in the middle of a golf course dressed like a gangster, closing his eyes and shooting a Glock straight up into the air. Or the one of the guy that shoots his friend in a bullet proof vest, only to have the bullet penetrate, then he punches him the stomach....

There are some pretty good examples out there that truly illustrate your topic, and statement.


1. What the hell was that green polymer automatic that the young lady was shooting about mid video? The one the guy called an "alien gun"?
2. I've always felt like you can tell the level of "Yahoo/Bubba" involved in a shoot by how close people put the targets... I grew up in Wyoming, and living in NY I can tell you that I would love to have the reach seen in this video, and to see these guys shooting within 50 yards makes me kind of sick to my stomach, they have an entire hill, and probably 400 yards to play with! What the hell!!!!

12-27-10, 02:17
1. What the hell was that green polymer automatic that the young lady was shooting about mid video? The one the guy called an "alien gun"?

Replica from the movie Aliens, thompson m1a1 upper 870 lower I believe.

12-27-10, 02:18
They giggled a whole lot and may not have hit much.

Suwannee Tim
12-27-10, 05:43
I only watched a couple minutes after skipping through the boring lead up to the shooting, I didn't see any muzzles pointed at people or anything else inherently unsafe. What was the major complaint?

I wasn't too enthusiastic about folks shooting a gun in each hand.

1:56, he chap in the background has just swept the one in the foreground.


12-27-10, 06:24
[QUOTE=Suwannee Tim;857786]
1:56, he chap in the background has just swept the one in the foreground.


its ok...
he's a Ranger :big_boss:

12-27-10, 11:19
I wasn't too enthusiastic about folks shooting a gun in each hand.

1:56, he chap in the background has just swept the one in the foreground.

i suppose he may have, but the muzzle was down. if he lasered him, it was his foot for a fraction of a second.

12-27-10, 11:29
I only watched a couple minutes after skipping through the boring lead up to the shooting, I didn't see any muzzles pointed at people or anything else inherently unsafe. What was the major complaint?

That in general they are acting like idiots with Full Auto Weapons in their hands. This kind of behavior is what fuels the Anti's and gives validity to their agenda's.

If they are going to act like asses, then have the sense not to record and then post it to a site like You Tube where it is viewable to the rest of the sensible world.

12-27-10, 11:32
you guys have way too much spare angst.

12-27-10, 11:43
I've seen a lot worse gun safety. Overall, they aren't bad......not great, but not bad.

Most of us were raised, and later if you were in the military or LE to view guns as tools, not toys. They are unforgiving, and thus with enough yelling from drill instructors the fun gets sucked out of shooting. However, this leads to much more safety conscience shooters,professionalism, and discipline in shooting. I think that this level of training, and discipline is important for anyone that handles a loaded weapon.......especially with all the influences of movies and video games out there. Video games especially which makes kids yearn for guns, but does little to make them safe and responsible shooters.

However, shooting is also considered to be a tradition.....a pass time. I don't agree with these guys playing around like this, but they can do it if they wish. I just don't want to be on the same range with them. Another downside to it is that anti-gun types don't like it either, and they point to it as evidence of dangerous youths with assault weapons who are liable to kill innocent people with their lack of shooting discipline and trying to copy movies. It looks much better politically to film controlled range settings with stoic and reserved shooters on a line. Image is everything in the realm of congressional law.

Alex V
12-27-10, 12:09

I have no words...

12-27-10, 12:12
The title of this thread is really terrible. So many of you sound like anti's with the comments you are making.

Would it make a difference if they were dual-wielding semi-AKs instead of NFA AKs? Why is everyone focused on the fact that they are NFA weapons?

We ought not group responsible NFA owners in with inexperienced goofballs like these guys just like they wouldn't group M4C members in with mall ninja wannabes.

It's easy to think "your way" of shooting is the "only way." Don't fall into that trap. This is what the fudds think about their hunting shotguns and rifles, too. They see guys on M4C running carbine courses and have heart attacks wondering why any "citizen" would ever want or need to know how to shoot like that. See where it goes?

You're worried about people using this for their agendas and then you call attention to it and name the thread the way you did?

Remember Jim Zumbo? Don't be a Jim Zumbo.

12-27-10, 12:47
Geeze, you guys need to take a Midol or something. So what if you're not into gangsta-style dual-wields? So what if it "looks" unsafe? The only thing unsafe about it is the wife-aggro you'll get when you try to explain that $500-worth of ammo went up in 15 minutes.

None of the guys were doing anything blatantly unsafe or improper, they're just a bunch of kids at a range, with better gun control than 80% of the shooters I've seen at most public ranges.

As long as they're being safe (check), and as long as they aren't doing anything illegal (check), I don't care how odd, crazy, or "unsafe" what they're doing looks like, they have a right to do it. Threads like this that point out how others aren't conforming to their views of "safe" are the very fuel that liberal laws are based on.

I'm with bkb on this - you guys have too much time and unused angst. Shut up or post this crap somewhere else, like the Democratic Underground.

12-27-10, 12:58
I have to say while some childish fun stuff for sure

is this different then going out and doing donuts and jumping your off road rig ? WHEN off road ? things you would never do on the road are OK ! who in cold regions when it snowed has not spun and slid around a big parking lot !

this gun video to me would be safer than all the idiots on the road texting and the lack of knowing how to drive these days in general !

I can say I would feel safer at that event then the drive on Arizona roads getting to and from the event !!! as that would be the real danger :)

my thoughts at least :)

12-27-10, 16:01
i suppose he may have, but the muzzle was down. if he lasered him, it was his foot for a fraction of a second.

To me I can't even tell from the distances and angles involved if he even did. Also what if he did and somebody told him to watch his muzzle right afterwards and it was edited out?

I have to laugh at the idea that this video is fueling antigun sentiment when so called pro gun people are in the thread making mountains out of molehills. And this being called the most irresponsible gun owners ever? Laughable. I expected to see people pointing guns at their own heads, sweeping entire groups of people in every shot, maybe some dipshit shooting his buddy with a bullet proof vest on. This video isn't even close.

Suwannee Tim
12-27-10, 16:36
i suppose he may have, but the muzzle was down. if he lasered him, it was his foot for a fraction of a second.

No, he swept him. The still shot does not show it clearly. Hell, today I got swept. The guy denied it. I told him "No, you swept us and if you do it again I'm going to show you my bullet wound."

I've seen a lot worse gun safety. Overall, they aren't bad......not great, but not bad.....

Agreed. What spooked me was all the laughing and whooping it up. Not that I'm averse to some mirth, I'm one of the most mirthful fellows you will ever want to meet. NOT! Anyway, the yucking it up with a gun in each hand gave me the creeps.

12-28-10, 07:34
Guess I will just have to go take some Midol and agree to disagree with many of the posters on here...

Granted these guys are at what appears to be a fun shoot....But I will end by asking one question...If you were at the range and a group of yahoo's were acting like this next to you....How would you react?

12-28-10, 15:58
Guess I will just have to go take some Midol and agree to disagree with many of the posters on here...

Granted these guys are at what appears to be a fun shoot....But I will end by asking one question...If you were at the range and a group of yahoo's were acting like this next to you....How would you react?

I would be gone in a hearbeat :) just cause of the idiocy ?

but if I was really their I might have seen other things than this ? so hard to say as it looked like a huge group of people these might have been the yahoos that kept getting yelled at ?

then again I am a paranoid person when with others :)

12-28-10, 22:31
I'm with most folks. This is disconcerting and certainly not something I'd wanna be around, but not really unsafe in any clear technical way.

That said:
-Shooting without looking isn't cool - I don't care if it's a full auto or a single-shot.

-That one dipshit firing the UMP from the side of his leg and then hip-firing a .50 cal is pretty much guaranteed to shoot himself in the foot/leg sooner or later.

and most of all...

-Anybody wearing a Ranger shirt or any other symbol of special forces, however official or unofficial, who hasn't earned that honor deserves a straight-up ass kicking on principle.

12-29-10, 00:54
Not seeing anything shocking.... Are they just blasting for the sake of blasting and pissing away a lot of ammo??? Yup... Not my cup of tea, I want some value for my time and ammo... but if they have the cash for class 3 then they have the ammo and there having what there idea of fun is..

Only thing that really struck me was how there working on creating the next generation of knuckle head in the boy shooting and walking the Ak...

but is this the worst video ever??? not hardly...