View Full Version : Multicam once again proven to be better than nearly everything else...

12-30-10, 07:42
I think its officially time to determine who signed off on UCP being the Army's camo pattern back in 2004.

It's time we learn who is responsible, WHY they chose UCP, and who got paid in the process

MC is kicking the crap out of UCP now in testing, and no doubt was the winning camo back in 2004.

So what the hell happened? How the hell did we end up with WORST performer?


The results for the UCP uniform with matching PPE, which is the currently fielded combination, are consistent with the anecdotal feedback that lead to the Congressional interest in an improved camouflage pattern for OEF: UCP is in the bottom 10 overall across all four backgrounds and did not perform well in any of them.

Read more: http://kitup.military.com/2010/12/how-bad-was-universal-camo-in-tests-b-a-d.html#ixzz19bOY4cbA

On a side note, I like the look of Universal AOR, which is the transitional pattern between AOR1 and AOR2. It looks like digital Multicam.



12-30-10, 13:53
You know the DOD is really screwed with procurement when you have one program after another that ends up being a giant cluster ****. They are spending billions of dollars simply spinning their wheels coming out with poor end results one after another.

12-30-10, 14:22
How many retards in conference rooms (and millions of dollars taken from critical programs) has it taken to figure out that a universal pattern will probably need Tan, Brown, and some frickin light green?

It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to have put the color palette from the Crye pattern and affix it to the CADPAT/MARPAT/AOR digital pattern, but it has somehow taken five years to do so? Really big Army?

Aside from the Crye Original, and to a degree, one of the PenCott intermediate patterns, this AOR 1.5 pattern is the first thing that has even threatened to work better than the AOR1/AOR2 // MARPAT Desert/Woodland scheme that has already been in place for 8yrs.

I'm actually somewhat impressed at how open this latest round of testing has been - since it seems to be absolutely verifying what was already plainly obvious - UCP/ARPAT sucks, and was a waste of money from the start.

12-30-10, 19:55
Every swinging dick responsible for pushing UPC on the Army, should be tried for government waste, endangering the troops lives, and shot.

12-30-10, 23:47
I said it back in '04, and ill say it again, someone got paid big time for that ACU shit.

01-01-11, 19:08
Natick was offered the Crye uniform in Multicam about 15 years ago. Because of a lot of big egos, stupid Congressionally mandated procurement rules, cold war thinking, and a garrison mentality, a committee of high ranking Officers, NCO's, and DoD civilians conspired to kill the best combat uniform available. And truthfully, the is the sad history of most military procurement.

Now, 15 years and billions of dollars latter, we are trying to un**** this. We still have the same shitty garrison friendly ACU maternity cut uniform (useful for hiding the belly of pregnant females and other assorted fat bodies) but now in a better pattern!

Even after they fix the pattern we will still be sandbagged with the same poorly cut and poorly designed uniform. Anyone who has worn both clearly understands the difference. Never once during ACU development did they do a side by side comparison with other available options.

Rumsfeld once said that half of the Generals in the Pentagon are a threat to national security. For my money they could cut the DoD budget in half and actually improve the force! We routinely squander billions into misguided and mismanaged programs.

We need a centralized end user driven COTS-first procurement model. Big Army needs something along the lines of DEVGRU where the best in the business come together and vett training, doctrine and procurement. Right now there are at least three or more separate commands that handle new equipment procurement.

Anyone who has a choice buys the Crye pattern uniform in Multicam - Rangers, CAC, and the AWG. The AWG has really been trying to help Army (that is their mandate) but the Army has been shockingly resistant to adopting their suggestions across the force.

Right now today they could save billions of dollars buy moving PEO Soldier under the AWG and cut out the middle men. If Natick has a good idea, they should send it to the AWG for vetting. Natick programs should have to compete head to head with COTS systems. At that point, the AWG will send the requirement to PEO Soldier for procurement and RFI.

If we did this, could have already issued the entire force two each Crye Combat and Crye Field uniforms in Multicam and we could have solved the problem and moved on to other things. Now, we will spend yet more time and money ****ing around with some other shit from the Natick Good Idea Fairy.

Your tax dollars at work!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, for the good of your Army, contact your Rep in Congress and demand the CUT the defense budget! The only reason this shit goes on is because these ass hats feel they have unlimited time and money. Our troops deserve better and so do the American people!

01-02-11, 09:52
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, for the good of your Army, contact your Rep in Congress and demand the CUT the defense budget! The only reason this shit goes on is because these ass hats feel they have unlimited time and money. Our troops deserve better and so do the American people!

This would only result in cutting the items that actual work and are decent while some general's pet project gets the funding...