View Full Version : What's your 2011 New Year's Resolution...

12-30-10, 19:08
What do you want to accomplish for firearms, training, fitness, family and or life in general?

12-30-10, 19:14
Pistol training is my top priority... So far I have these scheduled.

January - Louis Awerbuck
February - CJ Lapre (VSM Instructor)
March - USTC (Blackwater)

12-30-10, 19:18
1. lose weight (eating control and exercise)

2. finish transition to iOS software dev and consulting

3. shoot more regularly (should be a side effect of #2)

4. spend more time with my kids doing fun things

5. more drills / practice

12-30-10, 19:55
To continue to stockpile ammo and components.

12-30-10, 20:03
Firearms wise I want to take advantage of all the local training Grey Group is offering around here. I want to take at least two LAV classes and one (at least one) Jason Falla class.

Fitness wise I need to get in better shape. I started playing hockey again twice a week and I feel like I got hit by a truck. Actually he was almost as big as a truck but...

I just need to get my ass in better shape.

Also along those lines I'd like to get my Level 3 coaches certification from USA Hockey.

Family wise the wife and I are going to have "date night" more often. This was such a crazy year with my work, her work, home improvements and my son playing in two hockey leagues that we hardly spent any time together. We're agreed to make time in 2011.

I think that's all, is that enough? :D

12-31-10, 03:07
My resolution is fairly simple; To be more fiscally responsible. After all, this can be an expensive lifestyle.

12-31-10, 03:37
My resolution is simply make more efficient use of the time I have allotted for some given task, assignment, project, etc.

12-31-10, 03:49
Get back down to a lean 155-60 and increase my endurance, I have no desire to bench 400lbs, but wouldn't mind being able to run 20 miles.

Retire... :D

12-31-10, 05:02
1. Make it to September in my current job, to get my full year's Overseas Income Exemption.

2. Go into business with my work partner.

3. Live with my wife.

4. Make a difference.

12-31-10, 08:14
Get back down to a lean 155-60 and increase my endurance, I have no desire to bench 400lbs, but wouldn't mind being able to run 20 miles.

I have the same goal, powerlifting is absolutely pointless unless you need to be strong to make a living. Laborer, powerlifter, corrections, etc. I've had that goal for 2 years and I'm getting there but it's hard. I'm trying to lose all this mass without losing much strength. I'm 5'7" and at my heaviest I was 230lbs. I'm down to a pretty lean 185. At this point I don't care what the scale says anymore.

I quit smoking last year, last May to be exact. I used Chantix. $130 a month for 3 months. I took it for a lil less than 2 months, then stopped smoking and took it about another month. The doc said to take it 6-12 months after you quit but everybodys different. I didn't feel the need to. The first week without smoking is rough though. I would suggest doing while on vacation or something. Completely remove all stressors. I smoked since High School, like 13 years or so. So if you wanna do it, DO IT.

12-31-10, 08:53
Pay off credit card and pay down debt.

Save more.

Continually evaluate Wants VS Needs.

Get into shape, get back into martial arts.

More pistol training over carbine. Stop buying ARs (unless I sell one first):p

Remove stress and don't sweat the small shit. Enjoy life more. Take a vacation where I actually leave the country, maybe back to Thailand, India or eastern europe.

12-31-10, 09:44
Get back to 270+ APFT scores.
Reclass to a 11 series MOS.
Possibly go back to active duty.
Maintain a respectable savings account balance again.

12-31-10, 11:20
1. Take time for regular, personal devotions in the mornings.
2. Make and follow a daily schedule (no more staying up till 3AM reading firearms forums and playing COD: Black Ops).
3. Be more goal-oriented with my family and help my wife out with her priorities so she can manage the household more effectively (and hopefully have more time for herself).
4. Get in shape for the PFT (and, hopefully, max it out) this summer so I can get a slot in OCS (I was supposed to do this last January and take the PFT over Summer 2010, but a new job description, baby, and house changed that).
5. Find more ways to save more money.
6. Pay off my student loans from college.
7. Build a new desktop PC (this has been much-needed for some time).
8. Get a pistol to use for everyday range training so I don't put the wear and tear on my primary handgun.
9. Finish off my office/man-cave (currently using it for a storage room).
10. Stock up on ammo and spare preventative maintenance parts for my AR and pistols.
11. Remodel our kitchen.
12. Get and build out a Remington 5R 700 (that should round out my arsenal).
13. Take a handgun training course (using the pistol described in #6).

And maybe, just maybe...
14. Get a second, lightweight, no-frills AR that I can use for training/plinking to keep the wear off my primary carbine.
15. Take a carbine training course. This is more of a "it'd be nice to" goal, but I'm listing it anyways.

12-31-10, 11:31

12-31-10, 11:51
Family: Spend more time doing "fun stuff" with my two boys and wife.

Health: run 3 miles a day and continue to watch what I eat.

AR: Build a LW 16" (Hammer Forged) AR for mid-range use.

Pistol: Pick up a custom built BHP for my collection.

Training: Attend a SouthNarc class along with making it to all the Vickers Tactical classes I am signed up for.

Teaching: Continue to teach basic pistol, AR, SG and AK at my local club. Complete 3-4 basic HD classes at Ft. Harmar.

Business: Continue to down size G&R and re-focus on what gear we purchase.


12-31-10, 15:19
Business: Continue to down size G&R and re-focus on what gear we purchase.


If you really want to downsize I am more than happy to take extra gear off your hands. :sarcastic:

12-31-10, 15:53
1. No More Porn
2. Put more money in long term savings
3. Make Physical fitness a daily priority.

12-31-10, 16:08
Business: Continue to down size G&R and re-focus on what gear we purchase.

I can relate to that one.

12-31-10, 16:59
1. No More Porn
2. Put more money in long term savings
3. Make Physical fitness a daily priority.

You were obviously drunk when you typed that. That......is just plain crazy talk.:D

12-31-10, 17:06
No more porn? That's just crazy talk.

I think I need to spend less time on the internet, period.

12-31-10, 17:37
This new year I GOTTA get me a new car. I'm talking about a big body 70's and 80's classic.

But I'm afraid there aren't that many left out there.:(

12-31-10, 19:05
1. More dry firing, more live firing.
2. Ability to finish a full marathon.
3. Run 6-7 miles with a 25# load.
4. Enjoy my family, they are my #1 priority.

12-31-10, 19:13
1) Really need to drop 15 pounds. "Dieting" doesn't work for me, it's all going to boil down to portion control and more exercise.

2) Get started reloading. I already have a press and after tax time I'll be able to fund all the rest of the gear.

3) Several of my shooting friends and I have made a commitment to shoot SSR in IDPA for at least 3-4 months. A local 'smith has rebuilt a S&W model 64 for me and now I need a lot of practice.

12-31-10, 19:18
1. Run more and drop another 10-15lbs
2. Take as many Vicker's classes as I can this year
3. Work on my handgun skills as much as possible
4. Avoid saying shit I regret (like that guy who said he should watch porn less).
5. Step up at work more.

01-01-11, 03:12
Get my mind out of the gutter.

More dry fire & practice drawing from a holster.

Successfully complete jump school and the CAQC.

01-01-11, 11:34
Get a job that doesn't suck and/or go back to school.

01-01-11, 11:40
All of the above...

01-01-11, 14:52
To finish this &^&^%&%^$#^# TacSol rifle, even if it kills me!!!!

And it's TRYING.... :eek:

01-01-11, 15:24
Don't post in the GD.


01-01-11, 16:41
To no longer suffer the fools...

01-01-11, 17:09
For those of you working to lose weight. Here is the CNN take on this #1 resolution: (the guy in the guard uniform is my brother)


01-01-11, 18:57
get lean and mean again . . . (P90X arrived yesterday)

stop wasting my self or resources on poopycock . . .

hopefully land a decent job or go back to school to acquire another degree . . .

marry my fiance . . .

quit smoking . . . i failed that last year.

hopefully have the time and money to get some training . . .

firearm wise: glock .22lr conversion kit and a .22lr AR rifle be it complete or dedicated upper, so I can shoot more . . .

01-03-11, 10:26
1)Spend more time with my kids
b)Get ok with being a single father
3)Accept the things I cannot change, change the things I can, and know the difference
4)Stay the hell away from gravity or anything that brings me down
5)Make changes only for the better

01-03-11, 10:49
If you really want to downsize I am more than happy to take extra gear off your hands. :sarcastic:

Well here you go! Everything is pretty much at my cost.



01-03-11, 23:40
3. Run 6-7 miles with a 25# load.

Are you an idiot? Do you hate the idea of having healthy knees when you are 40?

To no longer suffer the fools...

See the above response. People will hate and revile you. And then you will be me.

01-04-11, 12:06
Re-lose the weight I lost last year, and keep it off... Lay off the beer, or at least drinking and posting on the internet. I also want to avoid saying things like "less porn".

01-06-11, 16:03
I don't believe I have anything new, just continuations of previously set goals.

01-02-12, 10:22
1. Take time for regular, personal devotions in the mornings.
Did a lot better this year, aiming to improve it this upcoming year

2. Make and follow a daily schedule (no more staying up till 3AM reading firearms forums and playing COD: Black Ops).

3. Be more goal-oriented with my family and help my wife out with her priorities so she can manage the household more effectively (and hopefully have more time for herself).
A work in progress, but much improved

4. Get in shape for the PFT (and, hopefully, max it out) this summer so I can get a slot in OCS (I was supposed to do this last January and take the PFT over Summer 2010, but a new job description, baby, and house changed that).
Did. Done. Gone. Lost nearly 30lbs, passed the PT, and got selected into the Army WOFT program and I'm shipping to BCT in Feb., then to WOCS in May

5. Find more ways to save more money.
Saved more than double what I planned on this year.

6. Pay off my student loans from college.
Besides what I payed back in regular payments, the Army SLR option will be repaying back 99% of my original loans.

7. Build a new desktop PC (this has been much-needed for some time).
Completed 12/10 - it's a BEAST!

8. Get a pistol to use for everyday range training so I don't put the wear and tear on my primary handgun.
Got a NIB USPc 9mm... for $500!

9. Finish off my office/man-cave (currently using it for a storage room).
Still a work in progress, about 95% complete.

10. Stock up on ammo and spare preventative maintenance parts for my AR and pistols.
Lots more ammo!

11. Remodel our kitchen.
Changed priorities and we're selling our home for the upcoming military move, so this wasn't feasible.

12. Get and build out a Remington 5R 700 (that should round out my arsenal).
Didn't get to do this... It'll be a 2012 goal.

13. Take a handgun training course (using the pistol described in #6).
Lots of informal training and practice, but not an actual course. It'll realistically be 2013 before I have time to shoot for this (pun intended).

Can't believe it's been a year since this thread was posted. In hindsight, I found that it was exponentially easier to accomplish my goals when I had them listed out. I'm in the process of forming my 2012 goals and hope to be even more successful than this past year.

So how did you everyone else do?