View Full Version : Why is DHS in charge of security the Afghanistan border?

01-01-11, 16:44
The recent news reports puzzle me greatly. While we have a completely porous border with Mexico, allowing millions of illegal immigrants and tens of billions of dollars worth of drugs to flow north in the past few years, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security does almost nothing to address the problem.

Instead, she has taken on the task of securing the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Well, I did not know that Afghanistan is part of the American homeland. Nor did I realize that DHS has extra resources available to apply to a foreign problem, since they appear to have inadequate resources to deal with the problems on our southern border.

[note: My tin foil hat is ON. Alternatively, you can consider this written war gaming.]

Then it occurred to me. If you accept the notion that someone high up wants a properly trained military force to use to pacify the domestic population, why not send members of that force to a war zone to get training and experience? The next step after that of course will be to radically slash the military budget (in the name of deficit reduction) so that the military will not be in a good position to interfere with its sister military agency's future actions.

All of this makes it much easier to enforce martial law.

Of course all of this is merely theoretical and for discussion purposes only. All I know for sure is that the Secretary of DHS is shaking hands in A-Stan.

[note: Tin foil hat OFF.]


01-01-11, 16:55
Well, this one won't last long.

It is an excellent question.

01-01-11, 17:05
Now, now, now....why do you expect a gigantic, bloated agency to actually, you know, do their job of maintaining actual security (and I don't mean security threater, aka TSA)?

01-01-11, 18:28
They do such a bang up job here:rolleyes: Whether your self labeled tinfoil idea is on point or not, nothing good can come of this. At best it is a waste of our tax dollars.

01-01-11, 20:08
Two words: obama and neopolitano!! It's the same reason NASA is mandated to conduct research of Gobal Warming... err... Climate Change and muslim relations. :rolleyes:

Besides, you wouldn't want the poor Afghans to loose jobs to the many illegal aliens from Pakistan, Chechnya, Sudi Arabia, etc. do you?

01-01-11, 20:26
positive thought: developing procedures and obtaining experience for actually securing a border

negative thought: a reason to justify DHS payroll

01-01-11, 20:26
Ive always wondered why domestic agencies are so involved in wars now.

Or why we have so many agencies. No wonder why there are so many "intel" failures and information doesn't get passed around. The Feds have 5-10 agencies for each thing overlapping each other. We should really have a max of about 5 Federal agencies.

01-01-11, 20:39
positive thought: developing procedures and obtaining experience for actually securing a border

You may be right. My guess is that they will learn the technique that works best is accurately-placed projectiles landing on those who would illicitly cross said border.

01-03-11, 00:55
Since your post is completely lacking a shitload of information please explain the following.

1. Why was she there? Was it a simple fact finding trip or some type of boondoggle?

2. Where did you read or where was it stated that DHS is in charge of Afghan border security? As far as I know- they aren't. But, there are BP agents in A'stan (or there were just like in Iraq) helping to train the border police agencies in means to secure their borders.

3. Yes, I do find it a little absurd that the U.S is involved in training the Afghan government in border security when we can't secure our own borders.

01-03-11, 01:43
3. Yes, I do find it a little absurd that the U.S is involved in training the Afghan government in border security when we can't secure our own borders.

They should get former DDR people to do the teaching on securing the border...

(only half :sarcastic: -- of course the DDR people were keeping people in, not out, though they probably did OK on that too if anyone actually wanted to get in)

01-03-11, 06:50
Ive always wondered why domestic agencies are so involved in wars now.

They have been for a very long time.

01-03-11, 09:02
positive thought: developing procedures and obtaining experience for actually securing a border

negative thought: a reason to justify DHS payroll

Sorry, but with this current administration, their lies, unkept promises and Napolitono at the helm of DHS, I sincerely doubt it. It's all bull shit, smoke and mirrors.

01-03-11, 09:40
Sorry, but with this current administration, their lies, unkept promises and Napolitono at the helm of DHS, I sincerely doubt it. It's all bull shit, smoke and mirrors.

Yes, spot on.


Some observers are less enthusiastic about Napolitano's visit to Afghanistan. Local law enforcement officials in border states such as Arizona and New Mexico wonder why Napolitano doesn't spend time at the U.S.-Mexico border with her own "troops" -- the men and women serving as U.S. Border Patrol agents and as Customs officers.

"The U.S.-Mexico border is practically a war zone, but Napolitano and other members of the Obama [national] security team ignore the situation," said former police detective and intelligence officer Mike Snopes.

"Anyone who visits our border with Mexico knows that we are being deceived by cynical politicians who care more about foreign borders thousands of mile away than they care about U.S. sovereignty and American lives," Snopes said.



01-03-11, 10:48
Why is the DEA running around playing soldier there?

01-03-11, 11:57
For the simple fact that Afghanistan is the worlds largest supplier of heroin to the world. They are attempting to locate the middle men and upper level traffickers and shut them down.

I personally think it's a good idea, even though it is like sticking a finger in a crumbling dike.

Why is the DEA running around playing soldier there?

01-03-11, 12:36
Why is the DEA running around playing soldier there?

DEA uses MIL assets.

DEA FAST Team in Astan


01-03-11, 14:13
What I am curious about is why a domestic agency is running around Afghanistan.

01-03-11, 14:18
Because the DEA is our anti-drug agency. They also work in other countries and with other countires LE agencies because drugs are international and are an international problem.

So if they didn't do it, who would you like to see do it?

The same reason we have FBI LEGAT's in foreign countries as well.

What I am curious about is why a domestic agency is running around Afghanistan.

01-03-11, 14:31
For the simple fact that Afghanistan is the worlds largest supplier of heroin to the world. They are attempting to locate the middle men and upper level traffickers and shut them down.

I personally think it's a good idea, even though it is like sticking a finger in a crumbling dike.

Yet we back people such as Hamid Karzai & his entourage, some of the biggest pushers in the region... go figure.

01-03-11, 15:06
This is nothing new. Think Saddam, Noriega, etc... FWIW- I completely disagree with the politics and the person.

Yet we back people such as Hamid Karzai & his entourage, some of the biggest pushers in the region... go figure.

01-03-11, 15:41
I'd like to see them take of their problems and us take care of ours. Seeing a domestic agency of ours running around in multi cam and playing soldier in a foreign country bothers me on several fronts. I don't think we are going to do anything but short term and historically insignificant to the drug trade there and that we should be here and doing something about the modern day Medellins south of us by legalizing pot, immigration reform, and securing our border.

Maybe those DEA agents in the Stain could be put to use in Texas or Arizona?

Because the DEA is our anti-drug agency. They also work in other countries and with other countires LE agencies because drugs are international and are an international problem.

So if they didn't do it, who would you like to see do it?

The same reason we have FBI LEGAT's in foreign countries as well.

01-03-11, 15:53
I'd like to see them take of their problems and us take care of ours. Seeing a domestic agency of ours running around in multi cam and playing soldier in a foreign country bothers me on several fronts. I don't think we are going to do anything but short term and historically insignificant to the drug trade there and that we should be here and doing something about the modern day Medellins south of us by legalizing pot, immigration reform, and securing our border.

Maybe those DEA agents in the Stain could be put to use in Texas or Arizona?

Exactly. When our border is secure, and we no longer have 20 million plus illegals in this country, drugs flowing across like water, and we can actually hike/camp along the border again then our domestic LE agencies can go dress up in expensive Crye uniforms, shoot guns that cost 2-3X what our real soldiers are using, and be pseudo soldiers in Afghanistan. We need them to secure our country first not Afghanistan.

And what are all these poppy farmers going to grow if we eradicate their crops and bring the WOD half way around the world? The WOD has been an epic failure in the US, and now we are going to spend money doing it in Afghanistan? Really? We barely make a dent on drugs from the south, and we have entire counties in some parts of CA where its estimated that over half the population makes a living from growing pot. Either as growers, sellers, by product of all the growers and sellers spending money there, ect. Numerous polls show over half the US population below 40 has tried an illicit drug at least once. But yeah the solution is the send the DEA and DHS to Afghanistan?

I love all these War on ______'s. I can't wait to see what the next war we have to fight will be.

01-03-11, 21:26
"Maybe those DEA agents in the Stain could be put to use in Texas or Arizona?"

last time I looked South Asian heroin and opium weren't being trafficked from Texas.

01-03-11, 21:37
"Maybe those DEA agents in the Stain could be put to use in Texas or Arizona?"

last time I looked South Asian heroin and opium weren't being trafficked from Texas.

And we have no right, despite terrorism, to tell a farmer on the complete other side of the planet what crops to grow.

What would you do if some foreign nation came to your farm, destroyed everything, and told you to grow XYZ? Yeah Im sure you'd be jumping at the bit to grow what a bunch of foreigners told you to grow even if it means 10X less income.

Like I just said...the WOD has been an epic failure here so I guess we gotta try it somewhere else in some vain attempt to prove it "works" even if it means turning even more of the local populace against us.

And last time I checked opium isn't a big hit anymore in most of the US. Meth is, and its now coming from Mexico at bargain basement prices. Id rather have cheap opium getting junkies high than meth. But instead of those DEA agents combating that here in the USA they can go raid farmers in a foreign country like we are rulers over there or something. Is that what nation building is? We just transport our failed policies over there?

Thomas M-4
01-03-11, 22:15
I am going have to agree with Belmont with this.
We shouldn't impose our value on these people they have there own.
And telling illiterate farmers they cant grow there cash crop and sending DEA agents to burn it all up. Guess what you are going to push them to the enemy it is a Stain problem. Our problem is Al-Qaeda worry about the drugs later don't give the population anymore reason to hate us.

01-03-11, 22:19
+1 good stuff

01-03-11, 22:28
"Maybe those DEA agents in the Stain could be put to use in Texas or Arizona?"

last time I looked South Asian heroin and opium weren't being trafficked from Texas.

No, but who cares? If you want to fight drugs (which is a losing proposition) then combat the drugs coming up through Mexico. The meth and cocaine. Put the guys in A-stan in Texas, NM, and AZ.

01-04-11, 05:52
"Maybe those DEA agents in the Stain could be put to use in Texas or Arizona?"

last time I looked South Asian heroin and opium weren't being trafficked from Texas.

And that means that this manpower and money being used to stick a finger in the dike in Afghanistan cannnot possibly be utilized on the Mexican border, kmrtsn? I honestly cannot fathom a rational response on your part.

Perhaps we should deploy DEA agents to Amsterdam drug cafes? It's OUR business, right? Team America, World Police!

01-04-11, 05:57
"Maybe those DEA agents in the Stain could be put to use in Texas or Arizona?"

last time I looked South Asian heroin and opium weren't being trafficked from Texas.

Where are they being trafficked into?

01-04-11, 06:08
Where are they being trafficked into?

Mainly Europe and Asia. Is it your contention that we should deploy our DEA to every drug producing country in the world?

01-04-11, 06:18
What I am curious about is why a domestic agency is running around Afghanistan.

In simplest terms, because there is some mission overlap and because they have the expertise.

The USMS is in Afghanistan and Iraq where they've worked on establishing security for the judicial systems in concert with the natives. The department of Agriculture has been in both areas. A large chunk of the federal agencies have had resources and people in Afghanistan and Iraq. When there's more than just killing bad guys going on assistance from non-military agencies is generally welcomed by the military.

01-04-11, 06:22
Exactly. When our border is secure, and we no longer have 20 million plus illegals in this country, drugs flowing across like water, and we can actually hike/camp along the border again then our domestic LE agencies can go dress up in expensive Crye uniforms, shoot guns that cost 2-3X what our real soldiers are using, and be pseudo soldiers in Afghanistan. We need them to secure our country first not Afghanistan.

And what are all these poppy farmers going to grow if we eradicate their crops and bring the WOD half way around the world? The WOD has been an epic failure in the US, and now we are going to spend money doing it in Afghanistan? Really? We barely make a dent on drugs from the south, and we have entire counties in some parts of CA where its estimated that over half the population makes a living from growing pot. Either as growers, sellers, by product of all the growers and sellers spending money there, ect. Numerous polls show over half the US population below 40 has tried an illicit drug at least once. But yeah the solution is the send the DEA and DHS to Afghanistan?

I love all these War on ______'s. I can't wait to see what the next war we have to fight will be.

We live in what will surely eventually be called the age of insanity.

01-04-11, 07:28
Mainly Europe and Asia. Is it your contention that we should deploy our DEA to every drug producing country in the world?

Hell no.

My point was if they are coming into the US, stop them from coming into the US.

01-04-11, 08:33
JW7777, thanks for your disgusting logic :D

Makes sense though my inner libertarian hates this sort of thing.

01-04-11, 09:12
And we have no right, despite terrorism, to tell a farmer on the complete other side of the planet what crops to grow.

What would you do if some foreign nation came to your farm, destroyed everything, and told you to grow XYZ? Yeah Im sure you'd be jumping at the bit to grow what a bunch of foreigners told you to grow even if it means 10X less income.

Like I just said...the WOD has been an epic failure here so I guess we gotta try it somewhere else in some vain attempt to prove it "works" even if it means turning even more of the local populace against us.

And last time I checked opium isn't a big hit anymore in most of the US. Meth is, and its now coming from Mexico at bargain basement prices. Id rather have cheap opium getting junkies high than meth. But instead of those DEA agents combating that here in the USA they can go raid farmers in a foreign country like we are rulers over there or something. Is that what nation building is? We just transport our failed policies over there?

Afghan is an arid heckhole and nothing really grows there well...except poppy. Guess whats going to happen when the DEA comes in burns it all. Just because you grow poppy doesnt mean you're a terrorist. But guess what you create when you destroy a man's property and way of life...a terrorist. They are trying to make a living off poppy because it has good value and barely anything else grows there. I wouldnt blame them for growing it, just like how I wouldnt blame Columbians for growing cacoa plants

01-06-11, 08:58
So as to wave the guys wearing turbans through the line faster. :rolleyes:

Oh wait - that's the TSA. :jester:

01-06-11, 23:47
I have no doubt that you will find a crushing majority of americans agree that our domestic agencies need to get their domestic asses back on domestic soil and do their god damn jobs.