View Full Version : So When Did This Nation Lose it's Sense Of humor??

01-04-11, 12:12
Seems to me like the guy has a great sense of humor. I guess I can see how some might find them inappropriate, but lose his command over it? Sailors and military men swearing? Who would have thunk??!! PC police strike again.

Unfortunately, those ships are no longer an island/mini society onto themselves with everyone owning a cam, YT, etc. and such things can and will come back to bite you in the a$$ in our offend no one society 'cause they may get their feelings hurt society.

WASHINGTON — A series of coarse and sexually explicit videos produced several years ago and shown to the crew of a Navy aircraft carrier by an officer who is now the ship’s captain will cost the officer his command, a Pentagon official said on Tuesday.

The videos were broadcast to crew members on the aircraft carrier Enterprise via closed-circuit television in 2006 and 2007.

The official said that the officer, Capt. Owen Honors, is expected to be relieved of duty Tuesday afternoon, some two weeks before the carrier, the Enterprise, leaves its home port at Norfolk, Va., this month to support combat missions in Afghanistan.

The videos, which include scenes of simulated masturbation, simulated eating of feces and two men as well as two women showering together, were made by Captain Honors and shown as entertainment to some 6,000 sailors and Marines aboard the Enterprise in 2006 and 2007. The videos, which also include slurs against gay men, were disclosed over the weekend by a Norfolk newspaper, The Virginian-Pilot.

The Navy said on Sunday that the videos were “clearly inappropriate” and that it was investigating the circumstances surrounding their production. Naval officials said that although the investigation might not be completed before the Enterprise headed to the Arabian Sea this month, Captain Honors could be relieved while the inquiry was under way.

Captain Honors, who was the ship’s executive officer and second in command when he made and starred in the videos, declined a request for comment on Monday. He was promoted to the ship’s commanding officer in May.

Navy officials had no explanation for why the videos shown on the ship’s closed-circuit television surfaced publicly after several years, or why no officers on the Enterprise apparently raised questions about them when they were made and shown. The Virginian-Pilot said one crew member mailed a complaint about the videos to the Navy inspector general last week, and quoted other crew members who said they were ignored when they objected to the videos at the time they were shown.

The Virginian-Pilot also quoted a female sailor who said that she and a number of other women were offended by the videos, a view Captain Honors acknowledged on camera.

“Over the years, I’ve gotten several complaints about inappropriate materials in these videos, never to me personally but, gutlessly, through other channels,” Captain Honors said in one video. He went on to use a derogatory term for gay men and to say, “Why don’t you just go ahead and hug yourselves for the next 20 minutes or so, because there’s a really good chance you’re going to be offended.”

On Monday a leading military gay rights group denounced the captain. “Capt. Owen Honors was acting more like the president of a frat house rather than the executive officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise,” Aubrey Sarvis, an Army veteran and the executive director of the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, said in a statement.

The videos of the men and women showering together show no nudity; they are shot from the shoulders up in the case of the women and from the waist up in the case of the men.

Comic in-house videos are popular as morale boosters in the Navy as well as in the other branches of the armed services, but military officials said Captain Honors’s efforts were an extreme case.

By Monday evening, however, more than 1,700 people, including many former Enterprise crew members, had clicked “like” at a Facebook page supporting Captain Honors. The typical comment was that the videos were not only morale boosters but also funny and that the news media were overreacting.

“Honors was a great commander and those videos were in no way offensive to anybody that I knew on that ship,” wrote Ryan Mconnell, who said he was on board the Enterprise in 2006 and 2007. “I stand behind him 100 percent and I actually looked forward to his videos every week.”


A Vid:


01-04-11, 14:20
I'm sure had the video bashed Republicans or Bush it would be lauded by the liberals.....

01-04-11, 14:58
An officer should have known better.

Is it petty, and shows how damn gay this nation has become? Yes

However, as an officer, he should have know damn well what the culture is now. Hard charging officers need not apply; queer HR managers with a commission is the need of the day.

01-04-11, 15:08
The officer was dumb considering the situation.

The whole situation is dumb and the worst that should happen is he goes and apologizes for his "lack of respect" in a private meeting with his superiors, makes a public apology to the crew (to appease the PC people that need to be appeased) and then to carry on.

So yes, Will, you are correct in your summation.

01-04-11, 15:17
The videos, which include scenes of simulated masturbation, simulated eating of feces and two men as well as two women showering together, were made by Captain Honors and shown as entertainment to some 6,000 sailors and Marines aboard the Enterprise in 2006 and 2007. The videos, which also include slurs against gay men, were disclosed over the weekend by a Norfolk newspaper, The Virginian-Pilot.

Sending men out to fight and die is acceptable - check.

Letting said men **** around on their down time is unacceptable - check.

Given all that goes on in the military and all that happens to military personnel, that this would even be an issue let alone one that is punished is so absurd it is beyond my comprehension. At worst his superiors should have told him to not do things like this again in the future.

Anyone who thinks this video is a serious matter should be drafted for one combat tour.

01-04-11, 15:40
So When Did This Nation Lose it's Sense Of humor??

If memory serves me correctly, it was right around 1982. The fun police have been in charge ever since. :(

01-04-11, 16:33
An officer should have known better.

Is it petty, and shows how damn gay this nation has become? Yes

However, as an officer, he should have know damn well what the culture is now. Hard charging officers need not apply; queer HR managers with a commission is the need of the day.

Yes, but some of the crew "complained" 'cause on a ship of 6000 people, people never complain... It's a WAR ship, not a cruise ship.

Me, I want the Capt. of my multi billion dollar tax payer owned carrier to be run by a mean, salty, take no prisoners, get the job done, kiss my PC a$$ kinda person, not someone expected to act like the CEO of a civilian toy company. The modern military - considered a reflection of current civilian society - wants the latter person vs the former it appears.

If you are good at your job, a good leader, and save my ass due to your great leadership when it counts, you can call me Sally for all I care.

01-04-11, 18:31
I guess we need a "Don't watch, Don't laugh" policy for people who can't watch videos intended to boost morale without getting their panties in a bunch in todays PC Navy. I believe he even had some disclaimers at the beginning saying that certain people (like wimps, wusses and little weenies as they used to say on a local comedy show called "Almost Live" here in Seattle) might be offended.

Alpha Sierra
01-05-11, 05:23
The Navy started on its downhill slide at Tailhook. Things have progressed from bad to worse to what you see today.

Knowing what I know now, I would not recommend anyone to serve nor would I do it over if I had the chance. It is a tough life made worse by the dull, humorless, PC bullshit being forced down from above.

Variablebinary is right.

01-05-11, 09:25
you can call me Sally for all I care.

...Was that a Snatch reference?

01-05-11, 14:17
You need to look at the bright side. He'll probably say **** it and retire, then go on to make way more money working for a private contractor or something like that.

01-05-11, 14:27
Libturds have NO sense of humor - hence the words of the new Navy Hymn (set to the Village People's tune, "In The Navy").

"In the Navy, where we can all be flames -

In the Navy, but don't you dare call us those names -

In the Navy, now we can all play grab-ass games -

In the Navy, In the Navy, In the Navy..." :rolleyes:

Just more of the never-ending tyranny of the flaming minority, against the heterosexual MAJORITY.

01-05-11, 15:05
Anyone who thinks this video is a serious matter should be drafted for one combat tour.

^ this

01-07-11, 00:05
After watching some of the videos on Youtube, I think the guy's got a career in stand-up comedy. I chuckled through most of it.

01-07-11, 00:50
The video was funny and I definitely see the need to blow off steam on a 6 month deployment after doing 2 of them myself. However, as the XO, the second in command, of an aircraft carrier it was a pretty ****in' stupid move to make and air those movies on an integrated ship of 6000 sailors. He showed piss poor judgment and is now paying the price for his actions and lack of common sense. The XO has way more important shit to be doing than making fag, **** and jerk off videos to try to improve morale.

01-07-11, 02:36
About the same time we stopped thinking it was ok to punch an asshat in the nose.

01-09-11, 12:51
The crude videos the Navy needed -- Washington Post

