View Full Version : Armed father fights back against driveway robbers

01-05-11, 10:46
Good job Efrehem!


01-05-11, 11:20
I am so glad that everything worked out for him and his family. I would love to buy him a beer. I used to work over at the Best Buy by that mall and lived just down the road from that neighborhood. I am so glad that we still have people willing to fight back.

01-05-11, 11:28
Gonna have to pay more attention when coming home from gunstores now . . . I did not know a new criminal tactic of following home from retailers of interest had come about . . .

I am glad his family and himself are ok.

01-05-11, 11:33
Gonna have to pay more attention when coming home from gunstores now . . . I did not know a new criminal tactic of following home from retailers of interest had come about . . .

I am glad his family and himself are ok.

Following people isnt anything new. Its not uncommon for criminals to follow people away from places such as banks, check cashers, etc and do the robbery at a "better" location.

01-05-11, 13:34
Following people isnt anything new. Its not uncommon for criminals to follow people away from places such as banks, check cashers, etc and do the robbery at a "better" location.

First I have heard of it. I know about the baiting online stuff. I know about cruising neighborhoods and casing it. I never figured it would be predator versus prey battles. Truth is the only stalking I have ever thought of is the whole ex-girlfriend/boyfriend thing we always hear about, of which I had an ex-girlfriend do that to me once. ROs are a wonderful thing.

01-05-11, 14:08
Good on the homeowner.

I can't stand the comments from people like the lady at 1:08 into the video saying "its not something you expect in this neighborhood." Good mindset. :rolleyes: Nothing like being a sheep with blinders on. Violent crime isn't restricted to just the city or the poor areas of town.

01-05-11, 14:40
"I'm glad I did it, and you should too."

Way to go Ephrehm, way to go. Kudos.

01-05-11, 14:44
I always try to maintain good S.A. while driving. If I feel like a car has been behind me for to long then I alter my route. I also try to know where the nearest police station is. I can also change course and drive to the nearest military installation. There are three here in San Antonio. There have been times when I notice a car or truck that has been behind me for to long so I keep driving or do a crazy Ivan. I thought I was being to cautious until I read about this attempted robbery.

01-05-11, 16:43
good for him :)

I know I always watch who is behind me
and if the same car is turning down a certain road I turn off I usually pull over let them pass get a quick pic of the car and see what they do or take a loop around a area a bit away from my home

paranoid I am :) or cautious ?

01-07-11, 01:48
good for him :)

I know I always watch who is behind me
and if the same car is turning down a certain road I turn off I usually pull over let them pass get a quick pic of the car and see what they do or take a loop around a area a bit away from my home

paranoid I am :) or cautious ?

definitely a good tactic.
if they get the impression that you're onto them they might decide you're not worth the trouble too.

01-07-11, 02:06
good for him :)

I know I always watch who is behind me
and if the same car is turning down a certain road I turn off I usually pull over let them pass get a quick pic of the car and see what they do or take a loop around a area a bit away from my home

paranoid I am :) or cautious ? I do the same. I never stop! i will change lanes and slow down to make them pass ,if they dont I always have my HK 45 sitting next to me.
and i start looking at them and act like I get on the phone that will do most times ,
I am lucky though this only happen once ,when I left a bank and just cashed a 2000 dollar check and the dumbass clerk counted it out to me where every body in the bank could see and the Meth head looking redneck was behind me and I noticed he was behind me for awhile after leaving the bank..I watch everything around me and have taught my wife to do the same she sees things a lot different Now,Thanks to the Military S.A. if always in my head

01-07-11, 08:26
"I'm glad I did it, and you should too."

Way to go Ephrehm, way to go. Kudos.

i laughed when he said that.
and he is right he may have stopped some older couple being killed for there prescriptions or money etc.

01-07-11, 08:39
Following people isnt anything new. Its not uncommon for criminals to follow people away from places such as banks, check cashers, etc and do the robbery at a "better" location.

Yup. That's always something I pay close attention to, especially when making a purchase at some electronics store. They have a watcher in the store see what people are buying, and follow you. I know people its happened to.

01-07-11, 14:58
I do the same. I never stop! i will change lanes and slow down to make them pass ,if they dont I always have my HK 45 sitting next to me.
and i start looking at them and act like I get on the phone that will do most times ,
I am lucky though this only happen once ,when I left a bank and just cashed a 2000 dollar check and the dumbass clerk counted it out to me where every body in the bank could see and the Meth head looking redneck was behind me and I noticed he was behind me for awhile after leaving the bank..I watch everything around me and have taught my wife to do the same she sees things a lot different Now,Thanks to the Military S.A. if always in my head

yeah usually dont stop stop but stop in the sense like I am parking ? the road I live near gets super wide so I pull over as the road gets wide and their are houses where people park along the road ? so to them might look like I am pulling over to park at a house :)
but good point about not complete stopping or blocking yourself in :)

never would put myself in a position with a way out !
also I take the pic when they pull up to a stop they have to stop at

01-07-11, 15:04
one other thing I do is when pulling up to a stop light I always leave space and a way out I never like to be in a center lane but left or right and enough room to the car in front I can easily maneuver even if that meant going up a curb :)

01-07-11, 22:16
Too bad he didn't give the BGs a dirt nap, but good on him for fighting back.

01-10-11, 00:22
Good for him, hope the bad guys get long sentances.