View Full Version : For fun: if you were President, who would you want as your advisors?

01-06-11, 14:05
After having debated on several occasions with other posters in Constitutional vs Unconstitutional, Legal vs Illegal, etc. debates in GD, I realized that some posters in particular maintain reliably predictable views. While they may or may not differ from my own, they're refreshing because 1) I can always count on them to be true to what they believe and 2) they base their opinions on functional common sense.

Regardless of whether I agree with them or not, debating with them either presents the issue at hand in a different light, allows me to hear my own stance in different words, or gives me a way to gauge how far from "moderate" my own views are. It's a functional reality check and a good way to maintain an open mind.

Anyways, I noticed a few individuals that fit the description mentioned above. If I was in a position of leadership (e.g. POTUS), I'd value their feedback.

variablebinary (tends to present arguments in favor of government-moderated commerce, which balances out my lassez-faire philosophy)
Belmont31R (tends to present arguments from a moderate, common-sense Constitutionalist point of view... plus that comment about debating 40% taxes was freaking amazing)
THCDDM4 (tends to argue for Libertarian views based on the Constitution)
RancidSumo (tends to be all or nothing in terms of the Constitution, similar to my own views)
jklaughrey (pro-LEO, but with respect to Constitutional rights and is always good for presenting issues from an LEO perspective)
500grains (tends to be opposite of jklaughrey, which in turn provides opposing arguments that provide differing insights)
bkb0000 (tends to say what I find myself thinking, but in a no-nonsense, get-to-the-point kind of way)

That's just a quick list and is in no way comprehensive. However, I do enjoy reading the listed poster's material and find it (usually) thought-provoking.

What say yous?

lethal dose
01-06-11, 14:26
Me... because I'd make a great dictator. You did list some quality posters, however. Lemme think on it and I'll get back at ya.

01-06-11, 17:33
Looks like an excellent cabinet. When do you run for office. I can't wait to get drunk with 500grains!:D

01-06-11, 17:39
bkb0000 because, like you said, he says things in a concise way without much regard for PC.

Irish because he agrees with me on pretty much every issue we have discussed but says it a little differently.

THCDDM4 is much the same as Irish in that regard and as such, I would value his input.

Belmont31R seems to know the Constitution and other legal matters very thoroughly.

chadbag it like a more moderate version of me so it would be valuable to hear a view that is similar to mine but not taken quite as far.

John_Wayne777 always take a common sense approach and responds in a well thought out way that I always find helpful.

Complication, while we may not always agree, does his research and doesn't back down from his points. He also tends to be a bit of a reality check at times.

Skyyr, we usually agree, although I remember once when we were pretty much extreme opposites but I can't remember the actual topic. Because of that, I would find your opinion useful knowing that while we may be very similar in our views, I could run into unexpected opposition.

Finally, Business_Casual is a lot like bkb0000 except I agree with him far less often.

Thats it for now although there are many many more posters here on this forum that would be valuable to have around if I was actually in a position of power. Maybe it would be best if the President just signed up here to ask questions before he signed any bills.

lethal dose
01-06-11, 18:32
BKB- because he is an unabashed good time and probably the biggest prick I know and he loves Jesus. Call it wrong, but tipsy-drunk talks about religion are a good time.
ARMY CHIEF- for his level head, in depth knowledge of many subjects, and his ability to lead.
JKLAUGHREY- yet, another smart alek that I'm sure I'd like to drink scotch with.
NATHAN BELL- because I know the dude, he knows guns, cars, and just about everything else. Solid man.
HOPELOETHOS- just because he is bad to the bone. I'm thinking personal security, here.
500 GRAINS- always posting a good read. He'd make for a good "media czar".
C4IGRANT- I only want him if he still has the mp5. If not, screw 'im. ;)
GABE SUAREZ- because, believe it or not, he is a real solid dude... plus... who doesn't like a little controversy?
DONR- because he agrees with me and I with him.
CHADBAG- dude knows stuff.
SKYRR- I'd feel bad if I didn't pick you after you started this thread. :D
So many more... there are some quality dudes around here that I've had the privilege of working with on a professional level that I'd love to have around, not to mention a bunch of other guys on the forum that I enjoy communicating with on an informal basis.

01-06-11, 19:06
Grant/Steyr-Funds and good business models. Need them for finance
BKB/Belmont-I could just unleash them on the pundits and assclowns
JohnWayne/Army Chief-Well need level headed moderates to appease the masses
Mr. Smiles- I need a over the top liberal to be a scapegoat when shit goes wrong
Hop-Need someone to protect my borders( my ass)
Skyyr-agreeable with me on most things, does have his moments though.
Lethal dose-just because I think he might actually have a dose of Penicillin on him when I get caught with an intern.
MookNW-C'mon really any man who has a name Mook must know how to party. You bring the chicken Mook, I'll bring beer and porn.

Our community, unlike others on the errornet is unique in the fact that we all tend to want to stay the course and do good for our fellow man and ourselves. Sure some of us are crass and pure assholes at times, esp. to certain noobs and trolls. But our diversity and ability to drop the bullshit and disseminate factual empirical data is what sets us above the norm.

Cheers, God bless and my White House would be open like Andy Jackson's...whores, drunks, and ass kickers always welcome.

01-06-11, 20:01
<^> <^> <--- Those are suppose to be my middle digits :D, I'm no stinking liberal you damn hippie. :p

01-06-11, 20:12

Hippy, I thought we shot those?:big_boss:

01-06-11, 23:47
Aria Giovanni
Erica Campbell
Bianca Beauchamp
Laetitia Casta
Sunny Leone
Dita Von Teese
Gianna Michaels

lethal dose
01-06-11, 23:56
...I'll bring beer and porn.


01-07-11, 06:27
Aria Giovanni
Erica Campbell
Bianca Beauchamp
Laetitia Casta
Sunny Leone
Dita Von Teese
Gianna Michaels

I have to acknowledge I did not recognize any of these names so I googled the list and the first hit was "girls I have masturbated to the most."

All in all, probably not a bad choice. :laugh:

01-07-11, 10:37
Heres my list:

-Gutshot John: Although I feel we have a somewhat similar outlook politically (Maybe I am way off though?) we always seem to have differing poinions/interpretations, the debate is always based on facts and real world evidence. I lvoe the challenges you give me.

-JKlaughrey: Always brings the LEO propective to the table in a great way. Has good taste in beer too; and lets face it that is the most fundemental factor of a good cabinet member!:D

-SKYYR: You always present arguments in a way that gets me thinking. You debate very well and your "take it or leave it" approach to the constitution is great!

-Irish: Always keeps a cool head in the debate and brings such great info into the discussions. I can tell he is a good 'ol family guy too!

-BKB0000: Love the no-nonsense approach, you say thingss in a way that always makes me laugh, yet take your intention/meaning to heart.

-RancidSumo: You have very well thought out posts, always call people on their bullshit and seem to echo SKYYR and myslef when it comes to the constitution and limiting the Governments powers.

-Business Casual: It seems we almost always disagree on some level, yet we hold many of the same ideals/opinions in the overall scheme of things (Atleast it seems this way to me...).

-Steyr: BEcause I want you to bring along the cabinet members you listed!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously though, you are straight forward and I like how you say things; especially your sig line. Good business sense, and always something to lighten the discussion yet keep it on track.

-Belmont31R: You're always debating, keeping things serious without it being too serious or over the top. And then injecting stuff like this: "I don't think they were debating 40% taxes; they were shooting people in the ****ing face..." is just amazing. Seriously, when I first read that it made me laugh my ass off; at the same time it made me think of how proud I am of my country/countrymen and how much saccrifice it truly took to create a country so damned magnificent; then I think of how badly we need to get back to our greatness. You really inspire me with your words sometimes, I get that feeling in my stomach and just want to stand up and fight!

-Buck: Because I hardly ever agree with the guy, and having cabinet members that are very different is important I think. Would keep me on my toes and level the whole cabinet out.

All in all, it is a pleasure to debate and discuss with you gentleman, those listed, and otherwise.

lethal dose
01-07-11, 11:11
I think Wesley Willis would be a great addition to an m4c run office... too bad he's a corpse. Maybe our theme song could be suck a cheetah's d***.

01-07-11, 11:19
I think Wesley Willis would be a great addition to an m4c run office... too bad he's a corpse. Maybe our theme song could be suck a cheetah's d***.

I just shot water out of my nose onto my keyboard whislt reading that. :laugh:
Thanks for the laugh Lethal!

RIP Wesley Willis!

lethal dose
01-07-11, 13:01
Haha... yes... r.i.p.

01-08-11, 20:19
I would pick:

C4iGrant- Top gun/ammo supplier :D
RobbJensen- Head Armorer
JW777- Chief of Staff
Iraqgunz- SECDEF
Army_Chief- Secretary of State
Littlelebowski- White House Press Secretary
Templar- Foreign Policy advisor
Jay_Cunningham- Director of Training
VA_Dinger- Training coordinator

Suwannee Tim
01-09-11, 09:34
I was hoping to see my name on this list. Setting aside my humility, I nominate myself for Secretary of Transportation.


lethal dose
01-09-11, 09:53
looks lovely, tim. we have a beautiful creek here in ohio that offers great canoeing, too.

01-09-11, 10:02
Shoot, Tim- I'd give you that position. :D