View Full Version : violent criminal vs single-action Colt .45

01-08-11, 12:39
Zero hits on searching this forum regarding the following:

On Saturday July 11, 2009 a violent criminal walked into Golden Food Market in Richmond, VA and immediately opened fire on the store clerk without warning. One of the customers in the store was openly carrying a single-action Colt .45; he shot the criminal in the stomach, saving at least six or seven lives.

In these videos VCDL President Philip Van Cleave talks about his exclusive interview with the peaceably armed citizen who intervened and saved many lives that day.

Part I setting up Part II & III takes awhile to lay out the picture of the store (recommend starting at the end of Part I or start on Part II

Part II – when the good guy shot, he then took a belly flop to get out of harms way resulting in his trigger spring breaking from the impact of the belly flop. He then used the fanning method to get of the round that did connect. But the bad guy kept coming and they ended up struggling.

Part III - he interviews the other employee of the store who was shot SIX ( 6 ) times prior to this incident. Dang, rough area.


Edit: news story http://www.wtvr.com/wtvr-shooting-golden-food-market-090711,0,2691670.story

01-08-11, 14:10
In no way am I trying to render judgment on the shooter, but perhaps he would be better served with a modern service pistol for defensive carry (Glock 17, P30, M&P)?

01-08-11, 14:27
In no way am I trying to render judgment on the shooter, but perhaps he would be better served with a modern service pistol for defensive carry (Glock 17, P30, M&P)?

On Part I they state he was open carrying the Colt .45, as you that certainly isn't a carry weapon (at least in my personal opinion) that is why I believe he was heading to some event.