View Full Version : 13 yr old suspended for drawing a picture of a handgun

08-23-07, 10:30
anyone see this yet?


08-23-07, 11:10
If schools/teachers had reacted like this in 1980, I'd have never made it beyond 7th grade! :rolleyes:

Yet another reason I hope my children never spend a single day of their lives in a public school.


08-23-07, 12:27
I saw that on the news this morning I remember taking guns & ammo to school with me. Its sad that kids can't explore their interest anymore (Art or Firearms).

08-23-07, 12:42
Do I remember the 80's..........but more like the 70's..........
When I did a school report on the Civil War, I brought in a
Springfield musket and did a show-in-tell. For WWII out came a Thompson.
During deer season, we brought our rifles into the school, because we
felt they were not safe being left out in the parking lot.
But I do remember one time In the late 70's a Willy's sat in the school parking lot complete with a Browning M2.
This year my youngest turned 16, he took the different Willy's to school, complete with pedestal mount and
fender scabbards. No weapons ofcourse.
Remember....weapons are not safe in the parking lot.
The good old days.

08-23-07, 16:13
I hate it that the media often fail to disclose the names of the "school officials" who decided this was a proper punishment. We need to know who to shame. (Does anybody remember shame? Or was that gone with the 70s, too?)

Ditto for the Class B Felony butt-swatting case here in Oregon. I don't think I ever saw the name of the school principal (or VP or whoever called the police) in the voluminous media coverage.

08-23-07, 16:30
I hate it that the media often fail to disclose the names of the "school officials" who decided this was a proper punishment. We need to know who to shame. (Does anybody remember shame? Or was that gone with the 70s, too?)

Ditto for the Class B Felony butt-swatting case here in Oregon. I don't think I ever saw the name of the school principal (or VP or whoever called the police) in the voluminous media coverage.

Here is a link to an article that names names. Not the first problem for this principal.


08-23-07, 16:48
a few years ago while he was in the 2nd grade, my Son was suspended for 3 days for bringing a postage stamp sized G.I. Joe pistol to school, and was caught "shooting it" at another kid during recess:rolleyes:

08-23-07, 18:12
I live within a couple miles of that school. I would never post this of the other site but the folks are much more articulate and knowledgable;this is the link to the school's site with a link to the principal's email (Ms. Martin).


That school is actually in the county (unincorporated area) but in the Chandler school district.

Let her and her bosses know how much of a knee jerk over reaction decision she made. Educator ignorance is what is ruining our kids, got school rifle teams and JROTC out of our schools etc. If these people only knew that there are full ride NCAA scholarships to major schools for shooting (my kids shooting coach's daughter in on full ride to Nebraska and ranked number 2 in Olympic smallbore in the nation). And all the other positive benefits of learning responsibility that firearms use can teach our youth.

My partner had an issue like this and convinced the anti gun teacher at a private school to come to the local range/club to learn more for herself. 6 or so years later, she regularly is shooting IDPA, IPSC and 3 gun matches!

08-23-07, 19:30
These always amaze me.

I would treat this as a joke, which would likely really irritate the administrators.

Man, we are becoming a nation of wusses.

Plus, I really have to wonder about someone seeing the drawing or even the gun as a threat, over a dangerous person.

08-23-07, 21:34
I saw that on the news this morning I remember taking guns & ammo to school with me. Its sad that kids can explore their interest anymore (Art or Firearms).

I use to bring Sports Afield and Field and Stream to high school in the late mid to late 80's. Plenty of gun pictures in those magazines. I even brought my Remington 7400 .30-06 in to school once to give a gun cleaning demo for one of those "give a presentation on how to do something" assignments. No one thought twice about it. The principal kept the rifle in his office until class. I brought in on the school bus. :D

08-23-07, 23:14
In 4th through 6th grade, we used to shoot rabbits along the railroad tracks that ran through our school's playground before and after school with our .22s. Which we kept in a buddies' house that is next to the school. The principal used to ask us if we "got anything" when the bell rang.

08-25-07, 21:53
An absolute horrendous disgrace. I mean this is really the most ridiculous load of crap I have seen in some time. Shame on what ever idiot recommended this asinine punishment. Every person (and/or liberal) involved should be jailed for their gross incompetence. These fools actually teach to impressionable children daily???

Simple minded morons. :mad: :mad: :mad:

08-25-07, 23:46
I'm a senior in highschool (public:mad: ) and I can tell you firsthand of the idiocy of school officials. I really think that the whole school disciplinary policy needs to be looked at. Starting with of course, zero-tolerance policies. I remember the first time I got a lecture when I brought a neon yellow/green/pink squirtgun to preschool, that didn't end well, I was just told "no guns allowed at school":D and told not to bring it again.

Not bad at all, ideally the teacher should have been okay with it, but comparing it to the zero-tolerance policies that I have to put up with every day, I'd consider myself lucky I wasn't tazed to death by a police officer.

At school, there is zero-tolerance for any discussion of weapons. Although that doesn't stop people from doing it. Mainly its being selective about who is within earshot, and its not really the teachers either, mainly its kids who think that reporting anyone talking about a good weekend at the range is "keeping schools safe".:rolleyes: I really hate to think about it though. And hearing stories about "the good ol' days" from some of you old-timers doesn't help any. It's pathetic that a young man can't discuss his hobby with classmates without fear of losing his educational future to a school official with a power trip and an agenda.

I wish that I could just kick back in study hall and read a copy of guns and ammo without the school going to defcon 1. And then even thinking about coming to school to show off my AR (imagine the cool presentations you could do with today's guns;) ) and actually talk about my hobby is just too much.

I do get to speak my mind on the political issue a lot though, and I'm a well known pro-gunner by my peers. (sometimes, I wonder if that's good or not:( )

It really doesn't matter much, as I'm out of the k-12 educational system in about 9 months anways, but can any of you with kids in private school chime in on their anti/pro gun policies?

08-26-07, 00:09
can any of you with kids in private school chime in on their anti/pro gun policies?

My childrens' school has a shooting club. The school mascot is The Crusaders. Being PC isn't high on their list. It's like a wonderful time machine. Money is just money.

08-26-07, 00:17
My childrens' school has a shooting club. The school mascot is The Crusaders. Being PC isn't high on their list. It's like a wonderful time machine. Money is just money.

:( I feel that my parents have cheated me, but it really is too late for me. I know that I'll remember what it was like for me if any future children of mine have gun related hobbies though. All I can hope for is that college won't be as bad as high school, although I feel that Virgina Tech, much like Columbine, will see to it that I just can't get a break.:mad:

08-26-07, 00:29
I feel that my parents have cheated me

It's more generally true that an insatiable government (and the resulting high taxes, high prices, and, hence, two-income families) is what has cheated many out of a traditional education and many other things our predecessors enjoyed. I am heartened whenever I find someone like yourself that has a healthy view of guns despite your circumstances.

The way you describe the degree to which you have to be discrete at school reminds me very uncomfortably of the ever-present telescreens and spies in 1984. Perhaps you should change your username from BushmasterFanBoy to WinstonSmith (or anything, for that matter :) ).

08-26-07, 00:43
All I can hope for is that college won't be as bad as high school, although I feel that Virgina Tech, much like Columbine, will see to it that I just can't get a break.:mad:

OSU has a varsity shooting team (http://www.osurifle.org/) and I'm sure other colleges do, too. So it might not be that bad.

08-26-07, 07:18
Should be doing school work, not drawing gun's unless that was his assignment.

08-26-07, 07:59
It's really a shame that this "zero tolerance" has turned our public school system into a joke.

08-26-07, 11:10
Should be doing school work, not drawing gun's unless that was his assignment.

Wow, that was insightful. :rolleyes:

Perhaps you are right, but he should not have been suspended for three days for such a minor infraction and been made out to be a danger to his classmates. I think that is the obvious issue, but in case you missed it...

08-26-07, 20:10
"Once we abandon our sacred principles in favor of soft living, we, as a nation, are going to get really gay."
-John Quincy Adams (or maybe that was me)

08-29-07, 10:18
The school I send my kids to supply the teachers and the principle with AR-15's, an Ak-47 and various handguns. The kids are allowed to shoot during recess under direct supervision. Also, the school will be starting a class on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States soon. The students learn about God and right and wrong. Its the perfect school, its called home school. But homeschooling is under attack too. Someday It will be illegal to teach unapproved curriculums.

I cant wait till they come knocking at my door.:D

08-29-07, 13:41
I can only imagine the look on this lady's face if she had seen me and a buddy walk down the hall of our high school with a de-milled 30 cal. machine gun! Buddy brought it into our history class, complete with a full WWII uniform. Seems like he might have brought the carbine in as well. We also used to shoot small bore in the Old Gymnasium on Saturdays.

08-29-07, 17:42
I thank God every day that my parents sent me to private schools until I went to College.

I hope that some day, somebody starts a Christian church that recognizes gun ownership as God given. That way when they try to pull this sort of BS, you sue them for 100 million for religious bigotry.

Funny, anyone read Inherit the Wind? So much for freedom of self expression.

08-29-07, 22:46
OSU has a varsity shooting team (http://www.osurifle.org/) and I'm sure other colleges do, too. So it might not be that bad.

I coached a college team (Illinois State University) and there were several schools that even offered scholarships to shoot.

Ourselves, we had two year undergrad schollies we'd give through the state of Illinois, if you signed up for the first two years of ROTC (no military service obligation).