View Full Version : Man Gets Ticket While Paying for Parking(with video)

01-09-11, 14:59
Man Gets Ticket While Paying for Parking

01-09-11, 15:03


doesn't work

01-09-11, 15:24

01-09-11, 15:39
much better.

wow.. so she basically just walks her fat, ugly ass around town taking out the fact that she's fat, ugly, and lonely on anybody she can. nice.

parking enforcement has got to be one of the gayest jobs in America. when i was going to school, i had three different cars i'd drive, depending on what was going on... my work truck, the family SUV, or my mustang. the school would only issue you one mirror hanger... know how easy it is to forget to grab your mirror hanger out of your other vehicle when you're constantly switching between?

and of course parking enforcement didn't give a flying ****.. "you can go purchase a temporary day permit, if you forget yours." that's assuming you REMEMBER THAT YOU FORGOT IT. so i was in the parking enforcement office about once a month, arguing over the $60 fine... sometimes, if they were feeling generous, they'd reduce it to $30 for me. didn't matter that computer records clearly indicate i have a valid parking permit for the semester. and apparently their high-tech mobile hand-held ticket maker, while good enough to take my license plate number and issue me a ticket, isn't good enough to recognize my plate number so's NOT to issue me a ticket...? its another source of revenue... so of course not.

ETA- and i should emphasize the fact that i paid $40/semester for that damn parking permit.

01-09-11, 17:44
Fat bitch. Pretty typical of parking ticket assholes.

The guy had a good assessment at the end of modern "public servants"

01-09-11, 18:50
how does one get into parking enforcement :)

OHHHH I want to be a meter maid when I grow up !

01-09-11, 20:01
how does one get into parking enforcement :)

OHHHH I want to be a meter maid when I grow up !

For my area, I highly suspect that parking enforcement and courthouse "security" is a place to stick the incompetent...

Parking enforcement person in my area? Fat woman in one of those Cushman three wheeled scooter thingies. I always wonder if it's going to tip over when I see her.:haha:

The courthouse security officer (yes, just one, it's a real small town) is a fat woman who can't even fit through the metal detector...

01-09-11, 20:35
She's lucky he was such a profoundly reasonable person. Even so, I hoped he leveraged this footage to get his ticket nullified.

I suppose I could also hope she got canned, but we all know it takes way more than that the end the "career" of the average municipal employee.

Thomas M-4
01-09-11, 20:46
Reminds me few yrs back seeing a meter maid getting all bent out of shape seeing a guy walk down the street in front of her dropping nickles in the meters in downtown Bham .:haha:

Will add: we call them smut butts on put puts