View Full Version : Corporal Hottie headed to Afghanistan!

01-11-11, 23:08
English Beauty Queen reporting for duty with the British Army! :eek:



That's just GOTTA be great for morale! :dance3:

01-11-11, 23:15
She's not bad. :cool::D

01-11-11, 23:16
Though I can't help but wonder about her potential performance in battle, her performance in other areas I'm sure make up for it.

01-11-11, 23:21
sounds like a prime "on location" lingerie shoot in the works

01-11-11, 23:39
Since the Brits are so rarely permitted to leave the wire in some areas, she'll likely be gracing Bastion with here presence. I'm okay with that.

There were some other good looking birds out there - some would even sunbathe topless out there. Good times.

01-11-11, 23:53
So we can't talk about actions of LE anymore but its cool to disparage soldiers this way?

01-11-11, 23:53
For you non-believers. :big_boss:

Katrina was awarded a commendation from her unit, the 1st Batallion, Royal Anglian Regiment for her actions during a posting in 2005 in Basra.

'We arrested an Iraqi suspect we wanted to question and were taking him back to the prison when we were involved in a road accident,' she says.
'Our vehicle rolled over and when I came round the Iraqi had escaped and had our weapons. I knew I had to do something or he would have shot us all dead. It was a real do or die moment.'

'My training just kicked in and I managed to disarm him, get the weapons back and restrain him."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1200950/Soldier-decorated-bravery-Iraq-battles-Miss-England-title--says-scariest-thing-shes-done.html#ixzz1AnVBJJ33

01-12-11, 00:04
I actually miss Camp Bastion. And yes there were some nice looking ladies around there. Especially in the Viking camp.

Since the Brits are so rarely permitted to leave the wire in some areas, she'll likely be gracing Bastion with here presence. I'm okay with that.

There were some other good looking birds out there - some would even sunbathe topless out there. Good times.

01-12-11, 01:55
I've worked with more than one pageant winner as a superior, subordinate and colleague in the last few years, downrange, and frankly, they are superior to 99% if the male soldiers/contractors I routinely interact with.

They are, to a person, exceptionally talented, smart and down to earth. They are also supremely fit and surprisingly tough. I've kind of become "that guy" that gets assigned to work with these kinds of co-workers, as I've developed a reputation for keeping the knuckle-draggers away, while getting along with them. in an appropriate manner.

I remain friends with each and every one of them, which is kind of cool, because when you show up in the middle of bum****, ass-crackistan, and you hear your name shrieked across the street, and she runs over and gives you a hug in front of your knuckle-dragging mates, the look on their faces is priceless.

01-12-11, 01:58
I've worked with more than one pageant winner as a superior, subordinate and colleague in the last few years, downrange, and frankly, they are superior to 99% if the male soldiers/contractors I routinely interact with.

They are, to a person, exceptionally talented, smart and down to earth. They are also supremely fit and surprisingly tough. I've kind of become "that guy" that gets assigned to work with these kinds of co-workers, as I've developed a reputation for keeping the knuckle-draggers away, while getting along with them. in an appropriate manner.

I remain friends with each and every one of them, which is kind of cool, because when you show up in the middle of bum****, ass-crackistan, and you hear your name shrieked across the street, and she runs over and gives you a hug in front of your knuckle-dragging mates, the look on their faces is priceless.

Cock blocking is a sin...just sayin

01-12-11, 02:50
Cock blocking is a sin...just sayin

Especially when done by someone who acts like a fawning, surrogate daddy, to anything with tits.

... That's worse than the fat best friend.

01-12-11, 03:38
Cock blocking is a sin...just sayin

Especially when done by someone who acts like a fawning, surrogate daddy, to anything with tits.

... That's worse than the fat best friend.

I think you have nailed it, and me. However, here's the deal: I'm not against these girls having a sex life; I'm just an asshole filter.

I'm amazed at how few dudes ever take the time to make nice to me, or the fat best friend. Seriously, you might be surprised at what happens when you do.

01-12-11, 04:27
So we can't talk about actions of LE anymore but its cool to disparage soldiers this way?

As the father of two Warrior Princesses, you'll never hear me disparage any female soldiers.

01-12-11, 20:26
Some SAS dude will be 'runnin up in her' - sideways. Just sayin...

01-12-11, 20:33
Keep it respectful or this one is done. Just sayin.

01-13-11, 13:36
I get your point, however...

Whenever this subject of female soldiers comes up there is a certain objective reality that cannot be ignored. Anyone who has been in service, and particularly anyone who has deployed, knows the reality of the situation. I will never understand why this is such a 'third rail' issue.

M4Carbine.net prides it's self on being full of SME's and guys with real world first hand experience.

In my experience, General Order #1 is (in practice) little more than a guideline and the higher your rank or more 'elite' your unit, the more likely it is to be ignored.

Not wanting to defame anyone, just giving an objective assessment of the situation and likely COA's based on my experience.

01-13-11, 15:02
And while your assessment may be correct, my comment was directed at the statement of someone "runnin up in her sideways."

People are entitled to their opinion which is shaped from their experiences but we can avoid derogatory comments about female soldiers whether they are beauty queens or bull dykes.

I would also caution anyone about what they think they know about our SME community here at M4C.