View Full Version : Tuscon shooting victim & staffer arrested for death threats...

01-15-11, 21:10
Remember folks we are the dangerous ones. I guy did get shot but its no excuse to start throwing out death threats against people who had nothing to do with the shooting in any way.

Unrelated directly but always seems to be at least one person who goes on sometime of binge after these type of invents. One of the Virginia Tech people started working for the Brady Campaign going out of state to illegally purchase weapons with hidden cameras (can't buy guns FTF out of state). Also seen that douche on MSNBC this past week, too.

The theme of the event was "An American Conversation Continued" -- the idea being to continue the conversation that a madman's brutal rampage had interrupted. So it was inevitable that the conversation would eventually turn to politics. It did, toward the end, with Amanpour leading a discussion on a very touchy but obvious topic: gun control.

That's where the atmosphere turned tense. When Tucson Tea Party founder Trent Humphries rose to suggest that any conversation about gun control should be put off until after the funerals for all the victims, witnesses say Fuller became agitated. Two told KGUN9 News that finally, Fuller took a picture of Humphries, and said, "You're dead."


* I like that stations call letters....:D

01-17-11, 07:45
I noticed you didn't get any responses on this for a few days. I think in the current light it would be hard to ignore some thing like what happened, but at the same time a slip of the tongue and you get 3 days 2 nights vacation at your local looney bin and they search your house.

If a single utterance of "You're dead" is enough to get the ticket to the puzzle factory, why is Rahm "Dead!" Emmanuel still walking the streets? Didn't he yell that at a Representative and send another a fish head?

Sounds like the guy was a political junkie and he was shot twice- two things that don't make you the most stable person in my mind. I guess they had to do something, but what ever happened to a public apology, and a quick handshake?

A crazy comment doesn't make you crazy. I really want to see the raw tape, maybe there was more, or is was more vehemently delivered than they are letting on.

01-17-11, 09:54
There is an article today on www.drudgereport.com that says Loughner was a Bush hater. Well, so much for him being a right wing Tea Partier.

01-17-11, 11:02
I noticed you didn't get any responses on this for a few days. I think in the current light it would be hard to ignore some thing like what happened, but at the same time a slip of the tongue and you get 3 days 2 nights vacation at your local looney bin and they search your house.

If a single utterance of "You're dead" is enough to get the ticket to the puzzle factory, why is Rahm "Dead!" Emmanuel still walking the streets? Didn't he yell that at a Representative and send another a fish head?

Sounds like the guy was a political junkie and he was shot twice- two things that don't make you the most stable person in my mind. I guess they had to do something, but what ever happened to a public apology, and a quick handshake?

A crazy comment doesn't make you crazy. I really want to see the raw tape, maybe there was more, or is was more vehemently delivered than they are letting on.

Probably after a failure to act when Loughner was making death threats...that department isn't going to be taking chances in the future. And he did it in front of a crowd with LEO's present. Not the smartest move, and being involved in the shooting doesn't give anyone permission to break the law.

I think people in the administration fall under the "immunity" or whatever you want to call it that the president has.

01-17-11, 11:12
White house staffers do not have immunity to make death threats.

A death threat often comes down to interpretation. From the sounds of the circumstances surrounding this incident, taking it seriously seems to have been a reasonable action by law enforcement.

01-17-11, 14:57
Probably after a failure to act when Loughner was making death threats...that department isn't going to be taking chances in the future. And he did it in front of a crowd with LEO's present. Not the smartest move, and being involved in the shooting doesn't give anyone permission to break the law.

I think people in the administration fall under the "immunity" or whatever you want to call it that the president has.

That was my first thought when I saw that he'd been committed, the Sheriffs Dept. is likely going to take some heat over their inaction in the past, they won't be taking any chances now. The witnesses just made things that much easier for them to make the decision.

I still find it interesting (or infuriating) that people on the left are still trying to blame the right for this, even with all of the evidence to the contrary.

01-17-11, 15:55
After hearing the news on the guy who said "You're dead!" at the media event, I too thought the usual... "crazy lib-tard!..."

But I think what he was trying to prove, in a VERY POOR WAY, is how FAST someone could stand up and shoot someone dead with a handgun...

I think him standing up, turning around and taking the photo was to show how FAST something could happen and how hard it is to defend against...

He just made his STUPID point in a very POOR way, getting him three days in the crazy house...


01-17-11, 16:03
I think the reason those on the left are vehemently blaming the right is that it further pushes their agenda for complete gun control. What is just as scary is that no one on the right is pushing the stories of how blatantly leftist the shooter is. The only person who has forcefully defended the right and herself was Sarah Palin and she was attacked instantly for doing so. I'm not a huge Palin fan but you can see how the left is doing everything possible to crush any explanation from the right on the circumstances and how the right is keeping quiet.

01-17-11, 16:54
After hearing the news on the guy who said "You're dead!" at the media event, I too thought the usual... "crazy lib-tard!..."

But I think what he was trying to prove, in a VERY POOR WAY, is how FAST someone could stand up and shoot someone dead with a handgun...

I think him standing up, turning around and taking the photo was to show how FAST something could happen and how hard it is to defend against...

He just made his STUPID point in a very POOR way, getting him three days in the crazy house...


Funny, I was telling someone about the incident and that was their first thought too. I'm thinking that there was probably more to it, or that wasn't his intention because that would be pretty easy explain. No matter, that will probably be his defense at trial.

01-17-11, 17:22
After hearing the news on the guy who said "You're dead!" at the media event, I too thought the usual... "crazy lib-tard!..."

But I think what he was trying to prove, in a VERY POOR WAY, is how FAST someone could stand up and shoot someone dead with a handgun...

I think him standing up, turning around and taking the photo was to show how FAST something could happen and how hard it is to defend against...

He just made his STUPID point in a very POOR way, getting him three days in the crazy house...


Interesting take on this incident. I must admit that explanation had not occurred to me. It will be interesting to hear what this individual says to the press (if he choses to speak to the press) when his 72 hour involuntary hold expires tomorrow.

01-17-11, 17:58
Where's the "civility" here?

Typical left wing psycho.

01-17-11, 21:31
From the Glenn Beck video of the guy, he did not have a camera, but a photo of the guy...

So it is back to wacko lib-tard...

PS: I base my labeling just by seeing the goofy SNEAKERS the guy was wearing with his ill-fitted Kmart suit...


01-17-11, 21:46
Where's the "civility" here?

Typical left wing psycho.

What? THEM worry? :rolleyes:
