View Full Version : SC/E. GA guys, if you will.......

01-15-11, 21:54
Mods, if this is not kosher feel free to delete it; I am just trying to catch as much viewer traffic as possible as I would really like to see this happen.

I am trying to get a SC Regional Training Group started. I know that me personally, I do not read the site comment section much, so maybe posting here will get a little more traffic/get the word out. There is a poll/topic in the site comment/question forum to guage interest for an SC group. If you live in SC, or Eastern GA and would like to see one, get over here..
and show your support.

This would be a great for us. I'll be honest, the guys in NC/VA/PA...are some of the best there is. I have met some of the best shooters and nicest folks up that way, but I am tired of seeing them have all the fun. Lets get a Palmetto State group going, we've got too many good ranges and shooters to not take advantage of this.
