View Full Version : Which pepper spray?

08-27-07, 11:11
I'm looking for some pepper spray for a couple of family members. Which brand/type do you recommend?

08-27-07, 11:34
I've always been impressed with Fox Labs. I've been present at a few demonstrations where it was used on volunteers and/or police recruits. That's far from the same as a determined attacker, but it worked pretty well. Luckily, I've only had to use it on dogs and it took the fight out of them in short order. I carry a gun to deal with two-legged threats.

I have several family members who can't carry a gun for various reasons (workplace/school restrictions) and I give them Fox Labs spray. I tell them it won't incapacitate anyone, but it might give them time to run away.

08-27-07, 15:01
This topic can quickly degrade into a similar debate like 9mm v 45 ACP.

I have only been sprayed by Defense Tech and it was not pleasant. Everyone OC instructor that I have spoken to (that is not a rep for FOX) states they all hurt and there is not a discernable difference aside from environmental changes.

Supposedly the oil based resins are harder to get off than the water based.

The delivery system and size of the container are the most important things to consider. If it ADs in your pocket you are going to have a very bad day, and if you are not going to carry it with you then it is not worth owning.

Just like a gun, OC is something that is best carried on your person and not in a bag. Thus, the 4oz and even the 2oz cans are sometimes to cumbersome to get people to carry consistently. More is always better, but some is better than none.

The only tiny flip top I have found is the .35oz MK7 from defense tech. http://www.defense-technology.com/aerosol.aspx

Without a long diatribe, stream is best suited for personal use.

Additionally, I would suggest some training. A 3 to 4 hour course with scenarios using inert spray is extremely valuable. OC is a very low level of force. It only works on unmotivated victimizers. For the motivated victimizer, a higher level of force is necessary.

08-27-07, 17:00
I've been sprayed many times, with different products. The differences between them are most prevalent after the exertion/exercise during decontamination, and not on application. Hot is hot, and there's a point of diminishing return when you turn up that heat.

I like products that work, have a MSDS that is easily digestable (literally and figuratively), can be decon'ed with minimal effort in a reasonable time interval, and have manufacturer support in the field. FL/DT (First Defense) has been my choice.

Some are spared these considerations, and they should use what works for them.

Beware of any manufacturer that isn't well insured and/or won't provide an MSDS with their product.

08-28-07, 13:34
RHR one thing you need to take in account when you purchase said pepper spray for said individuals (besides training) are the percentage and and SHU's. the comkon misconception is the higher the percentage the better it is, well thats wrong. The percentage I.E. 5.5% is the percentage of pepper in the can (remember you still have the delivery system water, alcohol, or aresol). The percentage will generally dictate how long the effects last as well. The over all heat or "hotness" of the spray is dictated by the SHU's or Scoville Heat Units, the higher the SHU's the "hotter" the spray. Most LE agencies use a percentage right around 5.5 and a SHU number from 2-5 million SHU's. At both of the agencies im affiliated with we carry Defense Tech 5.5% and I think its 2.5million SHU's (not shure I will check tho). As far as Delivery type (fogger stream or gel) Stay away from the gel it can be wiped off the face and thrown back at you! Stream is great b/c you will not get any cross contamination to other people. I personally like the fogger b/c you dont have to be right on aim with it and it dries faster so the effects will kick in faster. As mention in previous posts training is key it give a better understanding of how it works and a clear idea of when and how you can use it.

08-28-07, 19:16
You might find this video interesting (posted toward the bottom of the first page): http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=76&t=587658