View Full Version : CNN poll to ban mags over 10 rounds

01-19-11, 10:31
Yes, a CNN un-scientific poll - we are behind 57% to 43% - only if lose it will it become scientific.


01-19-11, 10:51
im pretty sure CNNs demographic is an accurate representation of the average person


01-19-11, 12:55
At least they called them magazines and not clips like they do on MSNBC.

I voted no (big suprise) - still 57/43.

01-19-11, 13:07
I voted by ordering more CLIPS.

01-19-11, 13:17
Who say's elections don't matter and that both parties are the same. If the Democrats still had a majority in place not only would we'd have a second AWB but this time it wouldn't have a sunset date and grandfather clause. The fact the Boehner has said this thing is DOA is reassuring because the way the House works the Speaker can pretty much kill anything or force it to languish long enough that it dies of it's own accord.

Gutshot John
01-19-11, 14:07
What makes these unscientific is that there is no verification of participation and a flawed methodology.

No one could ever point to such a poll, no matter how it comes out and then claim it was scientific without being laughed at by statisticians.

I'd bet the numbers you're seeing are the results of IP spoofing and other script-kiddy chicanery.

01-19-11, 14:14
im pretty sure CNNs demographic is an accurate representation of the average person


Actually I would bet that it probably is.

01-19-11, 15:21
99.9% of the population don't understand the difference between a clip and a magazine. Heck 99% probably don't know what center-fire or rim-fire mean. So why would it be surprising that so many are willing to ban things on emotion alone.

Thank fully the dumb ass didn't plow a car in to the crowd.
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have so many survivors.

And people will never see a car as anything more than a mode of transportation because it's something they understand to be a none living entity that requires a person to manipulate it's controls, but since 99% of the country uses the boob tube for their critical thinking, they see guns as evil little ****ers with a mind with one focus DEATH!

Damn I'm illiterate lmao

01-19-11, 15:46
ive never seen 30 round clips before, go ahead and ban things that dont exist. 30 round magazines however do exist.

01-19-11, 23:04
CNN. Ugh.

Aren't they like... THE left?

01-20-11, 12:03
This is exactly why I don't share the view that many seem to have here...that "there's no way any anti 2A legislation will go through the current congress".

There are millions and millions of Americans out there that consider themselves "pro 2nd amendment", that wouldn't get worked up over another hi cap magazine ban. They don't own them, so they don't mind throwing them under the bus to try and appease the anti gun crowd.

I've sent several checks out this last week to the pro-gun organizations I belong to. I'd recommend others do the same. It's going to be a bumpy ride for a while.

01-20-11, 13:31
Agreed. There are many Fudds and Quislings that would gladly sell us down the river, so long as they can keep grandpa's shotgun and their "Thutty Thutty". I see these folks from time to time at the range, giving EBR owners the evil eye. One guy even told me he would be fine with a total ban on semi auto handguns, as long as they kept 6 shooters and shotguns legal. These people are actually worse than the gun banners, IMHO.

This is exactly why I don't share the view that many seem to have here...that "there's no way any anti 2A legislation will go through the current congress".

There are millions and millions of Americans out there that consider themselves "pro 2nd amendment", that wouldn't get worked up over another hi cap magazine ban. They don't own them, so they don't mind throwing them under the bus to try and appease the anti gun crowd.

I've sent several checks out this last week to the pro-gun organizations I belong to. I'd recommend others do the same. It's going to be a bumpy ride for a while.

01-20-11, 19:18
Agreed. There are many Fudds and Quislings that would gladly sell us down the river, so long as they can keep grandpa's shotgun and their "Thutty Thutty". I see these folks from time to time at the range, giving EBR owners the evil eye. One guy even told me he would be fine with a total ban on semi auto handguns, as long as they kept 6 shooters and shotguns legal. These people are actually worse than the gun banners, IMHO.

I agree. They get used for propaganda by the anti's. That kind of giving in is what put the Brits into the position they're in today.

Heavy Metal
01-20-11, 19:50
One guy even told me he would be fine with a total ban on semi auto handguns, as long as they kept 6 shooters and shotguns legal. These people are actually worse than the gun banners, IMHO.

That is when I go into my famous "Hunting is a blood-sport and should be banned slaying of their sacred cow speech" and how if they ban modern weapons, I will have plenty of time and money to help eliminate hunting.

The look on their faces is priceless. A few might even understand the point I am trying to make.

01-21-11, 09:09
That is when I go into my famous "Hunting is a blood-sport and should be banned slaying of their sacred cow speech" and how if they ban modern weapons, I will have plenty of time and money to help eliminate hunting.

The look on their faces is priceless. A few might even understand the point I am trying to make.

I do like hunting, but that is a brilliant argument. Please don't mind if I borrow that premise.