View Full Version : White House official: Obama will tackle 'very important issue' of gun control

01-26-11, 18:56



01-26-11, 21:01
Oh bloody Hell.

01-26-11, 21:39
I don't see any lame duck President finding agreement for the menu of the next state dinner, let alone bringing the Republicans around for gun control.

01-26-11, 21:52
This has always been his agenda from day one. With the republicans in the majority in the house, he has a slim to none chance of passing another AWB.

01-26-11, 22:01
Totally agree! Besides with the 2012 elections coming up it would be political suicide!

01-26-11, 22:01
I hope this doesn't cause a buying frenzy.

I'd like to buy *some* ammo and mags in the next 5 months.

01-26-11, 22:02
There's always the chance the checkered pants wearing Republicans screw us as well, in the name of "reaching across the aisle".....

This has always been his agenda from day one. With the republicans in the majority in the house, he has a slim to none chance of passing another AWB.

01-26-11, 23:19
On the optimistic side of things, bear in mind that "addressing the issue" in political-speak can be as little as simply issuing a statement along of the lines of "gun control would be cool." and then being done with it.

For better and for worse, there's a lot of tokenism in Politics, here's hoping whatever comes down the pike will be a token gesture.

Heavy Metal
01-26-11, 23:57
On the optimistic side of things, bear in mind that "addressing the issue" in political-speak can be as little as simply issuing a statement along of the lines of "gun control would be cool." and then being done with it.

For better and for worse, there's a lot of tokenism in Politics, here's hoping whatever comes down the pike will be a token gesture.


The Proles who backed him on the gun control issue need him to make statements they can use for fund raising. Brady and VPC have been laying people off. They need a good tradegy to keep from shutting down entirely.

I suspect he will adress the mental helth check aspect of this and anything more susbtantial will be mentioned breifly in passing in a throw-away remark.

01-27-11, 01:13
i knew he was a one termer. let's hope we can contain the damage.

01-27-11, 03:23
There's always the chance the checkered pants wearing Republicans screw us as well, in the name of "reaching across the aisle".....

This has happened all too often.

01-27-11, 03:23
Allow me to adjust my tinfoil, ever so slightly. I used to think that many of these shootings were somehow orchestrated by the anti-gunners of this country. It seems as if at the right moment when some legislation was pending or discussion of gun control would come up we would have a rash of shootings.

I really start to wonder sometimes. Just look at the incidents of the last couple of weeks beginning with Tucson.

01-27-11, 07:45
Just look at the response from the gun grabbers just minutes after the shootings- they use the blood of the fallen to further their twisted, anti liberty agenda.

Allow me to adjust my tinfoil, ever so slightly. I used to think that many of these shootings were somehow orchestrated by the anti-gunners of this country. It seems as if at the right moment when some legislation was pending or discussion of gun control would come up we would have a rash of shootings.

I really start to wonder sometimes. Just look at the incidents of the last couple of weeks beginning with Tucson.

01-27-11, 08:15
Allow me to adjust my tinfoil, ever so slightly. I used to think that many of these shootings were somehow orchestrated by the anti-gunners of this country. It seems as if at the right moment when some legislation was pending or discussion of gun control would come up we would have a rash of shootings.

I really start to wonder sometimes. Just look at the incidents of the last couple of weeks beginning with Tucson.

Tinfoil on!

Ever hear of MKULTRA? Pretty much the whole lone suicide assassin scenario training program.

Tinfoil off!

01-27-11, 08:28
Allow me to adjust my tinfoil, ever so slightly. I used to think that many of these shootings were somehow orchestrated by the anti-gunners of this country. It seems as if at the right moment when some legislation was pending or discussion of gun control would come up we would have a rash of shootings.

I really start to wonder sometimes. Just look at the incidents of the last couple of weeks beginning with Tucson.

I seriously wouldn't put anything past these people.

Zealots can justify anything to advance their agenda

01-27-11, 08:55
I seriously wouldn't put anything past these people.

Zealots can justify anything to advance their agenda

Any excuse will fit a tyrant.

01-27-11, 09:10
Meanwhile FL is looking to introduce new gun laws after the LEO shootings here in FL and around the country, to allow people who have a CCW license, to open carry as a deterrent to folks like the AZ MoFo who shot all those people. Once implemented, hopefully, it will spread nationally.

01-27-11, 09:37
I think standard capacity mags are most in jeopardy. Particularly with the parroting of the media that he had huge mags and was only stopped because he had to reload.

Lets hope the illogical grabbers stick to an all or nothing plan because I don't see anything sweeping being passed -- but sneaking in a mag ban is the kind of thing I can see being "compromised" into action.

And by "compromised" I mean we take a huge hit and get nothing for it, as usual.

01-27-11, 09:52
Allow me to adjust my tinfoil, ever so slightly. I used to think that many of these shootings were somehow orchestrated by the anti-gunners of this country. It seems as if at the right moment when some legislation was pending or discussion of gun control would come up we would have a rash of shootings.

I really start to wonder sometimes. Just look at the incidents of the last couple of weeks beginning with Tucson.The ends justifies any means. They have been doing this for years. For example, When felons are caught for violent crime, why is it the first charges plea bargained away are the firearms charges? Especially considering the crime took place in a urban anti gun community and is being prosecuted by an anti gun prosecutor?

01-27-11, 10:21
Newsweek article (http://www.newsweek.com/2011/01/27/white-house-to-push-gun-control.html)

"But in the next two weeks, the White House will unveil a new gun-control effort in which it will urge Congress to strengthen current laws, which now allow some mentally unstable people, such as alleged Arizona shooter Jared Loughner, to obtain certain assault weapons, in some cases without even a background check."
Yeah, that's great, except this was an illegal purchase, because Loughner lied on the 4473 (http://robdoar.com/jared-loughner-did-not-legally-obtain-a-gun/)... There is room for improvement in the NICS, but that is not what this is actually about, is it? Color me skeptical.

"The White House said that to avoid being accused of capitalizing on the Arizona shootings for political gain, Obama will address the gun issue in a separate speech, likely early next month." :rolleyes:

01-27-11, 13:25
There's always the chance the checkered pants wearing Republicans screw us as well, in the name of "reaching across the aisle".....

Yep. There was at least one Republican who was out front after the shooting in Tuscon talking about making it illegal to carry a gun within 1,000 fett of a politician.

All the President or some moderate in Congress needs to do is promote some sort of "Common Sense" gun control measures. Then, admendments and other attachments can be added, and before you know, something will get slipped in at the last moment.

I'm not resting easy. I don't care which party is in power. Even though Boehner said that he wont allow any debate on the issue. Sometimes things happen that are unexpected that will change Congress' mind.

I should add, that lately there have been a lot of Network News stories about the availability of guns, and there link to different crime trends. I tend to put my tinfoil on when I see these stories.

01-27-11, 13:57
What concerns me isn't the suits in "congress" but oSama's unelected Czars & stooges in one of the many agencies. They can make a recommendation and he can just issues an Executive Order.

Men we are screwed and we aren't even smiling.

01-27-11, 17:34
Meanwhile FL is looking to introduce new gun laws after the LEO shootings here in FL and around the country, to allow people who have a CCW license, to open carry as a deterrent to folks like the AZ MoFo who shot all those people. Once implemented, hopefully, it will spread nationally.

Yes!! If one guy open carries, he is a potential target. If half a dozen guys in a Wal Mart open carry, there is a greatly reduced chance of a bad guy pulling a stunt.

01-27-11, 17:37
Many states like Arizona have CCW and open carry. Most if use choose not to open carry so as to be discreet and not make us a target.

What needs to happen is that law abiding citizens need to start exrecising their rights.

01-27-11, 17:45
Many states like Arizona have CCW and open carry. Most if use choose not to open carry so as to be discreet and not make us a target.

What needs to happen is that law abiding citizens need to start exrecising their rights.

I think the fact that an armed law abiding citizen helped stop the arizona guy tells us that more of us ARE exercising our rights. sure the guy didn't fire a shot, but i dunno about you, i'd be a lot more hesitant to charge toward the sound of gunfire if i didn't have a gun. Fine line between brave and suicidal.

01-27-11, 19:03
The game.....
Start pushing gun control despite low odds of success. A win would be gravy, but the real reason to push, is to put conservatives on the defensive. Thus consuming the energy, bandwidth and momentum that would otherwise be used to undo the damage (accomplishments if you are a liberal) done to the nation over the last 2 + years.

01-27-11, 19:32
Liberals will never get that gun laws only disarm law biding citizens. Criminals and crazies, care not one damn bit about the law.

A national open carry law is the only way.

01-27-11, 20:26
A national open carry law is the only way.

If by "national open carry law" you mean anyone can carry openly if they choose, then I'm fine with that. If you mean mandating those of us who currently carry concealed to carry openly... I disagree wholeheartedly.

What I think would be best remembered regarding the shooting in Tucson was that it was not a rational act comitted by a rational man, and I don't think everyone in America open carrying would've deterred him any more than the countless laws he broke did.

01-27-11, 20:35
Gun control efforts have nothing to do with crime control. That is just the excuse. The real reason they push is power and control. It is the conflict between those who believe in the power of the state vs those who believe in individual liberty. Small arms are the ultimate expression of individual liberty, therefore, they must be eliminated.
The atrocity in Tuscon created an emotional event that can be exploited.

01-27-11, 20:46
My wife works for a small city police department and as of monday some of the local city judges are refusing to allow officers into their courts room with weapons. I see it as the same type of trend

01-27-11, 21:03
My wife works for a small city police department and as of monday some of the local city judges are refusing to allow officers into their courts room with weapons.

I hope the po po union stands up for the officers and refuses to let them work without their duty weapon. If the judges do not like it, then they are free to hold court without police protection.

01-27-11, 23:06
Allow me to adjust my tinfoil, ever so slightly. I used to think that many of these shootings were somehow orchestrated by the anti-gunners of this country. It seems as if at the right moment when some legislation was pending or discussion of gun control would come up we would have a rash of shootings.

I really start to wonder sometimes. Just look at the incidents of the last couple of weeks beginning with Tucson.

I can't agree with that completely IG, but I see your point. I've noticed the same thing, but I don't think it is a conspiracy on the part of the government. I think what is happening is that there are always these shootings, one person here, another there, but when there is a high profile incident like Tucson all the journalists get excited and comb local news reports for anything that will increase ratings. This essentially makes an issue where there wasn't one (in the minds of people) before.

Just look at all this insane hype and over reporting regarding the Snowmageddon shit in the North East. The media has literally ground my part of the country into a stand still regarding the weather. Every time there is even a suggestion of snow, the media runs with it, and bashes it into peoples brains that the coming storm is going to destroy the world. The result here has been catastrophic. The media has essentially turned a non issue into something that people are literally freaking out about. Not to divert the subject, but I think you can use it as an example to draw the same conclusion about shootings.

01-27-11, 23:17
Thousands of people die every year from shootings. Its not hard to focus on any one topic at any given moment when you have an agenda to push.

Just like the whole runaway Toyota thing. In the media and Congress for 2 months and when was the last time anyone said anything about it?

Somewheres around 50k people die in auto accidents every year. Its easy to pick and choose what to report to shape an image of something.

01-27-11, 23:33
I never doubted he would go for more gun control, the man is a habitual liar.

01-28-11, 04:20
Obama doesn't give a shit about gun control.

He wants to get re-elected.

01-28-11, 04:51
Obama doesn't give a shit about gun control.

He wants to get re-elected.

Think twice

Robb Jensen
01-28-11, 04:55
Obama doesn't give a shit about gun control.

He wants to get re-elected.

Or he's thinking surely he won't be reelected and said F-it and now will go after guns. I do believe that many of the dems in congress still won't want to touch gun control because they still want their seats.

One day after the State of the Union the ATF released their 'study group' on the importation of 'sporting purposes' of shotguns. It seems to contradict itself, they recognize that USPSA and 3gun as a sport, but say imported shotguns which have magazine capacities greater than 5 rounds is not sporting, they say plinking isn't 'sporting' because it's too broad.

I think they forget why the 2nd Amendment exists and why George Mason wouldn't sign off on the Constitution unless the 2nd Amendment and the Bill of Rights were included in it.

01-28-11, 07:32
All the President or some moderate in Congress needs to do is promote some sort of "Common Sense" gun control measures. Then, admendments and other attachments can be added, and before you know, something will get slipped in at the last moment.

Exactly. They'll just put it into a 2,000+ page bill that no one will read. Like the current health care law. :rolleyes:

01-28-11, 10:37
In my opinion, it matters not who is POTUS or who holds the majority; a gun control bill is coming down the pike in the next 6 years; more than likely much much sooner. My bet is that it will be one of the more detrimental pieces of legislation on the matter to date.

Just look at the sociopolitcal factors that are at play right now. It isn't hard to see a big "**** you" coming to us freedom loving folk.

Not just in the venue of guns, but in all venues of freedom, we are being pressed harder and harder to give up just a bit more, just abit more, just a bit more in the name of "Safety"; "Security", "Colectivism" and "common Sense".

I think now, right now, when most of you have your guard down (And from the tone of a lot of the posts I have read here, your gaurds are somewhat down gentelman! Keep your eyes opened!) is the worst time, and we will see some BS bill that is thousands of pages of pork laiden crap that further errodes our freedoms/rights.

Shit, all it will take is (1) more high profile political figure to be involved in another shooting and we will see the machine use the blood of the victims to squelch our freedoms very rapidly.

01-28-11, 15:01
They have to PASS gun control first, so we can all find out what they're banning in it. :rolleyes:

01-28-11, 15:43
For those of you who receive the AmericanHunter the Feb 2011 issue has an article "endRun"about the oSama administration bypassing congress you can read it there.

I emailed the AmericanHunter and received the following:

Dear Mr. (removed)
Thank you for contacting NRA-ILA.

The article is attached as a pdf. You are more then welcome to post the article.

Again, thank you for your inquiry and please do not hesitate to share any of your thoughts or concerns in the future.


Kyle C

NRA-ILA Grassroots Division


As stated by his email, I have the PDF version of his article and don't know how to convert and paste into this forum. If anyone does, contact me or if you are interested in the article I will email.

02-04-11, 00:47
Any such ban will be retroactive and could require all current owners of any shotgun on the ban list to go through all of the investigation and permitting processes and pay the $200 tax if they wish to keep the guns, though it is likely that they would wave the tax to help encourage compliance.


02-04-11, 00:48
For the love of God or (insert your deity here) WND is about as reliable as the Onion News Network. Please save us and do not reference them unless it is a joke.

Any such ban will be retroactive and could require all current owners of any shotgun on the ban list to go through all of the investigation and permitting processes and pay the $200 tax if they wish to keep the guns, though it is likely that they would wave the tax to help encourage compliance.


02-04-11, 05:13
For the love of God or (insert your deity here) WND is about as reliable as the Onion News Network. Please save us and do not reference them unless it is a joke.

In case you haven't read the ATF Study of January 2011 referenced in the WND article, the following is provided.


Edit: So "Iraqgunz" when you have time ATF encourages your comments no later than May 1, 2011.