View Full Version : Something strange........

08-31-07, 19:12
Just posting this link as I thought it might interest many of you.


Comments and opinions....

08-31-07, 19:48
Yikes. Thats a lot of money. Anyways, is the media hyping up his "world coming to an end" talk or is he just taking SHTF a lil too seriously? Either way, what right does that give them to simply remove his rights? This is why I think using restraining orders to remove someones rights is BS.

I'm very interested in what was his mental state, after all, many of the things said on TOS and even here, if taken out of context would make us sound very scary to many members of the ignorant public.

08-31-07, 20:04
If it's 223/556 no wonder we can't get the stuff :p

Whatever his mental state is, going into a gunshop and buying thousands of rounds of ammo while ranting that the world is coming to an end just doesn't sound like the smartest move one can make.


08-31-07, 20:30
If it's 223/556 no wonder we can't get the stuff :p

Whatever his mental state is, going into a gunshop and buying thousands of rounds of ammo while ranting that the world is coming to an end just doesn't sound like the smartest move one can make.


I agree, it's best to maintain a low profile even in a gunshop.
When the local Wally worlds here sold WWB 40 rd bonus packs I would go in on the last weekend of the month and buy a minimum of 25 boxes. I did this for over a year. The clerks would always comment on the quantity and make stupid comments... or ask alot of questions.

My solution was simple. I would show them my NRA pistol instructors license and then tell them that I teach people how to safely handle firearms.;)

Kinda funny when you realize that I'm standing there holding over a 1000 rounds of .223/5.56 ammo. :eek:
I only encountered 1 person who caught on immediately and she was very cool about it. She quietly told me that she usually buys it all as soon as it arrived on the truck but her manager told her she needed to leave some for the customers. :D
I got a good laugh out that.

09-01-07, 00:11
What really bothered me most was the part about the "Project Disarm" task force. What is that all about???

09-01-07, 01:15
Info on Project Disarm....the part that could be disturbing is that the second link describes a "Project Disarm" in London, England. Not stirring a conspiracy theory about New World Order gun grab plot (at least without more evidence)



09-01-07, 20:02
UMMMM! I have some rounds. Do i need to bury them in the back yard?

09-01-07, 23:00
Telling the likely sheepish (maybe not, though) store personnel that all that ammo was for some pending disaster could present the image that the pending disaster was he himself. But, I support his right to buy "a lot" of ammo. I don't discount the possibility that exactly what he fears may happen soon on some large scale, but one must for now still be somewhat low key.

09-02-07, 00:01
One of the things that bothers me is that most of the newspaper articles are clearly trying to make it look like stockpiling ammunition is a crime in and of itself. It's yet another in their collective long line of very bad things they do.

09-03-07, 23:00
Rule #1: Hide most of your shit and keep out only what you need to fight your way to it.

Rule #2: Never tell ANYONE about what you have stashed away. ANYONE!

Let them be surprised when SHTF or TEOTWAWKI and you have the goods.:cool:

09-05-07, 21:12
What really bothered me most was the part about the "Project Disarm" task force. What is that all about???

Yeah, what the hell is that?
Project disarm sounds like a brady or UN program.

09-05-07, 21:35
...in the neighborhood, who are you gonna call?

One Shot
09-07-07, 02:24
I noticed that the press didn't mention anything about food, water or medicine. They were only interested in the amount of ammo. Was there a follow-up article on this first article? Any idea on how this guy turned out?

Robb Jensen
09-07-07, 08:09

09-07-07, 17:10
****ing Ammo WHORE!!!! Now how about they sell some of that off.