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01-28-11, 08:18
Prisoners during SHTF?

I suppose that there are standing orders on what to do with dangerous prisoners during a SHTF which is bad enough to cause all of the guards to go home to take care of their families. Are the prisoners to be locked down and left? Are they to be released? Other?

01-28-11, 08:22
Ive never heard of a standing order, but I imagine if SHTF for real, there would be a lot of dead people behind bars as the correction officers go to take care of their families.

Outlander Systems
01-28-11, 17:00

If the SHTF I guess the bad guys are SOL.

01-28-11, 17:42
I don't know if it is authorized. But I have a friend who is the Deputy Warden of a state prison. He said the really bad prisoners he would have shot, the medium danger ones locked down to starve, and the minimum ones left to fend for themselves. The guards would be sent home and the prison would be locked and attack dogs and electric fence switched on. Sounds pretty bleak, but if it was SHTF I really wouldn't want murderers and rapists running loose. We would have enough "innocent" people doing that already.

Paraclete comes
01-28-11, 19:51
I can honestly say I could not be concerned if SHTF with those guys anyways.

01-28-11, 20:14
Shouldve read this earlier, wouldve been a good question to bring up during ART this week.

Outlander Systems
01-28-11, 21:00
I don't know if it is authorized. But I have a friend who is the Deputy Warden of a state prison. He said the really bad prisoners he would have shot, the medium danger ones locked down to starve, and the minimum ones left to fend for themselves. The guards would be sent home and the prison would be locked and attack dogs and electric fence switched on. Sounds pretty bleak, but if it was SHTF I really wouldn't want murderers and rapists running loose. We would have enough "innocent" people doing that already.

Dude's nutting up, and minding his civic duty. In a situation where normal folks would be on the brink, letting low-lifes out would be akin to pouring accelerant on an out-of-control fire.

It's not PC, but I'm with your Warden friend on this one.

01-28-11, 21:25
I take a slightly different tack on it. In a true SHTF, for all but the true sociopaths, I think the prisoners would find the outside world a lot different. Their anti-social behaviors will get them killed, not reported to the authorities. Still not a good idea to have them out and about but I don't think it will be the the happy hunting grounds they think they'll find.

jklaughery- tell your buddy that he should brand the ones that he has to let go so we can better separate the wheat from the chaff.

01-28-11, 21:32
You mean like "Hobo Chaff", LOL. Seriously though I think he plans on flooding the units and letting them drown like rats on a ship.

01-28-11, 22:39
I don't know if it is authorized. But I have a friend who is the Deputy Warden of a state prison. He said the really bad prisoners he would have shot, the medium danger ones locked down to starve, and the minimum ones left to fend for themselves. The guards would be sent home and the prison would be locked and attack dogs and electric fence switched on. Sounds pretty bleak, but if it was SHTF I really wouldn't want murderers and rapists running loose. We would have enough "innocent" people doing that already.

Interesting. So, allegedly, this member of goverment conspires to commit mass murder....

Anyway, if the prisoners were to be left for dead, the prison would be broken into by armed gangs/militias/guerrillas/insurgents looking for more muscle and recruit a whole bunch of angry hard-asses.

Some loose prisoners will create their own gang. Guess which homes they'll be visiting first. Hate to be the warden, talk about "bleak".

01-28-11, 22:58
Not my issue since I am 90 miles from where he works. And I would seriously doubt him talking hypothetical is conspiring to commit mass murder. Chill out man. Not everything is as literal as you would like to believe. PS, I would hope the smart people would try to get as far away from urban centers if shit happened anyways.

01-29-11, 09:39
Some loose prisoners will create their own gang. Guess which homes they'll be visiting first. Hate to be the warden, talk about "bleak".

That is a good point. The warden and guards would be wise to ensure that no prisoners leave at all.

01-29-11, 09:44
PS, I would hope the smart people would try to get as far away from urban centers if shit happened anyways.

That's really only possible if they have advance notice. Otherwise the highways will be jammed, cars will be abandoned and people will have to walk. Bugging in may be a better alternative than trying to walk with a bugout bag and rifle to a safe non-urban area, with hundreds of thousands of others at your side. As for waiting for the traffic jam to abate, then there are likely to be road blocks run by gangs so it would be necessary to travel in an APC, or to travel in a medium sized military-style unit so that you can scout the danger, flank the danger and eliminate it, and then continue moving. I am not an expert and these are just random thoughts.

Outlander Systems
01-29-11, 11:11
That's really only possible if they have advance notice.

This is true. Advanced notice probably ain't gonna happen.

01-29-11, 12:37
How much advanced notice is needed?

I was born and raised in the city... Moved to the mountains in my early 20's (10+ years ago). The places are obvious "stampedes" waiting to happen.

The point still stands IMO...

The smart people get as far away as possible.:cool:

Outlander Systems
01-29-11, 12:43
How much advanced notice is needed?

I was born and raised in the city... Moved to the mountains in my early 20's (10+ years ago). The places are obvious "stampedes" waiting to happen.

The point still stands IMO...

The smart people get as far away as possible.:cool:

I don't think we got a shitload of advanced notice on 9/11. Katrina, OTOH...

I'm the reverse. Grew up in the boondocks, and moved to the city in my late teens (10+ years ago)...wanna trade places? ;)

If my job options weren't severely limited in the sticks, I'd relocate in a heartbeat. I abhor the urban cessmaze I'm in.

01-29-11, 13:35
This is true. Advanced notice probably ain't gonna happen.

If we have a national / international financial collapse, it would likely happen over a period of weeks or months, which would allow someone to monitor the situation and get out.

But if we are talking earthquake, emp, etc., then there will be no advance notice and I see the highways just being big parking lots on day 1 and killing fields by day 3.

01-29-11, 15:39
I live in an area where I have two major waterways, a few Nat'l forests, lots of open mountain areas and woods. I can get to any of these in 10 mins by vehicle. I had the good sense to leave LA and never look back years ago.

Fried Chicken Blowout
01-29-11, 17:10
What's the proper definition of "Hobo-Chaff"? This is all I could find...

The act of swinging your arm overhead while releasing a handful of nickles in a large circle like a spray from a lawn sprinkler in order to disperse a mob of panhandling bums, creating a diversion so you can bug-out from the area.

"I was comin' out of the liquor store with a case of Colt45 Malt Liquor when six street people started hounding me for money or my brews, so I bladed at 45 degrees, released a burst of hobo chaff, and then booked the other way when they scurried for the change."

It's sounds like a dynamic phrase and I want to make sure I'm using it correctly when I need to...

01-29-11, 17:15
That is the definition.

Fried Chicken Blowout
01-29-11, 17:29
Good, I'm glad I'm on the same page... I love being able to throw out new terms at work... It amuses everyone in the general vicinity...

Oh and I would prefer the inmates to stay in the prisons in a SHTF situation no matter the cost. Doubling the douche bag population would cause a serious problem. That was an interesting documentary that was posted above. It could have been better if it wasn't produced by the bleeding heart liberal media of the BBC...

01-30-11, 03:46
Meanwhile in Egypt....

Thousands of inmates escape jails in Egypt turmoil

Published January 29, 2011

CAIRO – Thousands of inmates escaped prisons across Egypt on Sunday, including at least one jail that housed Muslim militants northwest of Cairo, adding to the chaos engulfing the country as anti-government protests continue to demand the ouster of longtime authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak.

Security officials said the prisoners escaped overnight from four jails after starting fires and clashing with guards. The inmates were helped by gangs of armed men who attacked the prisons, firing at guards in gun battles that lasted hours.


Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/01/29/chaos-engulfs-cairo-mubarak-points-successor/#ixzz1CVhNFFZM

01-30-11, 05:37
Dang 500 Grains: are you trying to win your argument? :)

Seriously, that looks suspiciously like proof of what would happen when/if...

01-30-11, 11:15
Nothing that napalm wouldn't solve.

01-30-11, 12:13
Prisons require constant supervision and maintenance to keep the inmates in.

Convicts left to their own devices would quickly break out and move into the surrounding area. They may even use the facility as a base. Unless the CO's took all the weapons, they would also now be armed. Of course, getting weapons would also be their first priority when they go foraging.

Most criminals have 'criminal minds'. They look at how they can 'hack' everything. The are always looking for weakness and how to exploit them.

Even in a the theoretical 'kill em all' scenario above, I doubt the CO's would be able to maintain positive control of the guns. Once the shooting starts it will be 'do or die.' From my own observations, your more hardened criminals have a much greater will to survive than your average CO. A guy with several murders under his belt is probably much more willing to 'kill or be killed' than your average CO who has been in only slightly more than a run of the mill scuffle.

One of the problems with SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Zombie Apocalypse threads is people often project their own world view onto other people without critically thinking about how other people with different motivations might act.

In an actual SHTF survival scenario violent criminals are much better mentally prepared to survive. They have abandoned conventional morality a long time ago and are already mentally willing to do WHATEVER they need to to survive. In general, they are also use to living a rather deprived life. A lack of hot showers, clean clothes and good food is much less likely to phase your average criminal. Even lacking any really useful survival skills, the worst of the lot will be able to survive for quite a long time by simply preying on others.

Just for fun, study the habits of the 'homeless.' These guys are already living in full blown SHTF mode.

One of the most basic rules of survival is to study the habits of the local animals and people. Criminals study people and their environment all of the time. They are much more aware of things they can use to their advantage and things that can hurt them.

01-30-11, 13:02
I agree with your observation Armati. But I do know quite a few CO's that when push come to shove they have zero issues pulling the trigger if needed. Criminals may be more adept at survival, but those with standing orders and proper direction are going to do what is needed to perserve the status quo if you will. Criminals kill for selfish needs, honorable men kill for their loved one's, country, etc... This is what separates us from animals.

01-31-11, 18:11
Prisons require constant supervision and maintenance to keep the inmates in.

Convicts left to their own devices would quickly break out and move into the surrounding area. They may even use the facility as a base. Unless the CO's took all the weapons, they would also now be armed. Of course, getting weapons would also be their first priority when they go foraging.

Most criminals have 'criminal minds'. They look at how they can 'hack' everything. The are always looking for weakness and how to exploit them.

Even in a the theoretical 'kill em all' scenario above, I doubt the CO's would be able to maintain positive control of the guns. Once the shooting starts it will be 'do or die.' From my own observations, your more hardened criminals have a much greater will to survive than your average CO. A guy with several murders under his belt is probably much more willing to 'kill or be killed' than your average CO who has been in only slightly more than a run of the mill scuffle.

One of the problems with SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Zombie Apocalypse threads is people often project their own world view onto other people without critically thinking about how other people with different motivations might act.

In an actual SHTF survival scenario violent criminals are much better mentally prepared to survive. They have abandoned conventional morality a long time ago and are already mentally willing to do WHATEVER they need to to survive. In general, they are also use to living a rather deprived life. A lack of hot showers, clean clothes and good food is much less likely to phase your average criminal. Even lacking any really useful survival skills, the worst of the lot will be able to survive for quite a long time by simply preying on others.

Just for fun, study the habits of the 'homeless.' These guys are already living in full blown SHTF mode.

One of the most basic rules of survival is to study the habits of the local animals and people. Criminals study people and their environment all of the time. They are much more aware of things they can use to their advantage and things that can hurt them.

I could not agree with this statement anymore. If the world or the united states faces a disaster where prisons are left un watched by police/guards/military; its only a matter of time before they escape and thrive.

The prison might be there safest place, as he mentioned them making it a base. To be honest, the re-population of man may take place in a federal correction facility. The future face of man's genome might currently be locked behind 23 hours of isolation and metal rods; eating government processed cheese and peanut butter.

Im just worried about what future women are going to look like

'cause those bitches are raw in prison.


01-31-11, 21:49
Prisons require constant supervision and maintenance to keep the inmates in.

Convicts left to their own devices would quickly break out and move into the surrounding area. They may even use the facility as a base. Unless the CO's took all the weapons, they would also now be armed. Of course, getting weapons would also be their first priority when they go foraging.

Most criminals have 'criminal minds'. They look at how they can 'hack' everything. The are always looking for weakness and how to exploit them.

Even in a the theoretical 'kill em all' scenario above, I doubt the CO's would be able to maintain positive control of the guns. Once the shooting starts it will be 'do or die.' From my own observations, your more hardened criminals have a much greater will to survive than your average CO. A guy with several murders under his belt is probably much more willing to 'kill or be killed' than your average CO who has been in only slightly more than a run of the mill scuffle.

One of the problems with SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Zombie Apocalypse threads is people often project their own world view onto other people without critically thinking about how other people with different motivations might act.

In an actual SHTF survival scenario violent criminals are much better mentally prepared to survive. They have abandoned conventional morality a long time ago and are already mentally willing to do WHATEVER they need to to survive. In general, they are also use to living a rather deprived life. A lack of hot showers, clean clothes and good food is much less likely to phase your average criminal. Even lacking any really useful survival skills, the worst of the lot will be able to survive for quite a long time by simply preying on others.

Just for fun, study the habits of the 'homeless.' These guys are already living in full blown SHTF mode.

One of the most basic rules of survival is to study the habits of the local animals and people. Criminals study people and their environment all of the time. They are much more aware of things they can use to their advantage and things that can hurt them.

I agree with most of what you wrote but will add that a key dynamic to survival is more than doing without and a degredation of morals. There are many on these boards who have spent tours overseas and long FTX's that have done without and also have no problem killing.

As a 20 year cop I've found that except for the 1 in a 1000 criminal most are extremely lazy. They have followed the path of least resistance their whole life, never the hard path. They also seem to be much more likely to already collect a check from us, the taxpayers for some arcane reason. They have entitlement issues and don't mind preying on others but rarely are able to prey on those that aren't intimidated by them. Most have never had to truly survive or make a living on their own.

On a last note the whole idea of the cons running free will not change anything. With most states requiring between 30-40% of sentences they are already out. Most states only have the capacity to lock up around 25% of those that need to be locked up. They are among us.

Lost River
02-02-11, 22:40
Without reading all the posts, here is my perspective:

Hard choices would have to be made. They would not sit well in the minds of some. Often there is no good alternative, only choosing between two bad ones.

Many felons would end up having bad and unjust things happen to them. Many would end up dead. It would not be fair.

In fact they would end up knowing what their own victims felt like.

02-03-11, 03:56
In SHTF, if a dude wearing a jumpsuit that says "Oregon State Corrections'' looks at me in a threatening manner...

I'm not going to think twice before somebody gets dropped.

Better him, than me and mine.

I have a feeling though that morality goes out the window, and the blue boys start dropping prisoners before tending to their wife/husbands and kids.

Arc Angel
02-03-11, 05:59
You know, I've often wondered about this topic. Neither do I think the American economy is any longer safe from collapse, nor that America's present HUGE inventory of potentially dangerous criminals should be released.

Think about it. If some of them get loose, all of them are, sooner or later, going to acquire the same opportunity. Many prison officials and staff live on or near the prison complex. So, yeah, look who'd be the first to go. These people aren't in prison because they're, 'Boy Scouts'. My thought is to deny them the mercy that - if they get out - they'll surely deny to me and mine.

What happened during Katrina seems to have been an experience in, 'mass insanity'. Criminals went free and old people with guns were actually attacked by overzealous federal agents - Nutz! Could this social madness happen again?

(Tomorrow!) ;)

02-03-11, 08:48
In SHTF, if a dude wearing a jumpsuit that says "Oregon State Corrections'' looks at me in a threatening manner...

you think the first thing theyd do wouldnt be to ditch the coveralls and find regular clothing??

02-07-11, 06:57
I'm sure they would, but nobody would ditch their clothes for a prison jumpsuit.

Chances are, if somebody is wearing one, they're a former prisoner.

I'm assuming (for a minute) I can identify them by that.

02-07-11, 07:53
. My thought is to deny them the mercy that - if they get out - they'll surely deny to me and mine.

After about day 5 of shtf, 99% of the non-criminal population will agree.

What happened during Katrina seems to have been an experience in, 'mass insanity'. Criminals went free and old people with guns were actually attacked by overzealous federal agents - Nutz! Could this social madness happen again?

It is very likely to happen again, but this time the overzealous federal agents are not likely to be treated so kindly and will probably see their zeal leaking out onto the ground.

Most states only have the capacity to lock up around 25% of those that need to be locked up.

This fact has frightened me since I was a little kid. And our society, with its liberal bent, does not have the will to impose appropriate punishment. But if shtf, practical reality will take over and the undesirable element will be given no quarter.

02-07-11, 20:45
I don't know if it is authorized. But I have a friend who is the Deputy Warden of a state prison. He said the really bad prisoners he would have shot, the medium danger ones locked down to starve, and the minimum ones left to fend for themselves. The guards would be sent home and the prison would be locked and attack dogs and electric fence switched on. Sounds pretty bleak, but if it was SHTF I really wouldn't want murderers and rapists running loose. We would have enough "innocent" people doing that already.
Speaking as a former Associate Warden of Security, your friend is running his mouth. If I authorized what he is suggesting, my ass would eventually be in prison. There are contingencies or SOP's for containment, call up, etc. Worse case would be a skeleton crew left at the prison and anyone trying to break in would get the same treatment as an inmate trying to escape, they would be shot.

02-07-11, 21:09
I just don't see CO's staying on to prevent escapes when their families may be in danger. What's the protocol if no CO's are willing to stay? At least the other guy may have thought about it and may not just be blowing hot air.

02-07-11, 21:16
Not all officers have family waiting at home for them. With an armory full of weapons, the few willing to stay may actually feel quite safe.

02-07-11, 22:40
I thought this thread was going to be about taking or not taking prisoners after the SHTF. I know if I see any one in a jump suit with prison markings there will be no warning shots! Prisoners should have razor blades passed out by the leaving guards. Let them figure out what to do wth it:suicide: I will not be taking any prisoners on the outside either. I have prepped and continue too, my weapons food and water will not be given out to just any straggler with a hand out! Lead and copper will be dispensed accordingly.....................

02-08-11, 07:08
Prisons require constant supervision and maintenance to keep the inmates in.

Convicts left to their own devices would quickly break out and move into the surrounding area. They may even use the facility as a base. Unless the CO's took all the weapons, they would also now be armed. Of course, getting weapons would also be their first priority when they go foraging.

Most criminals have 'criminal minds'. They look at how they can 'hack' everything. The are always looking for weakness and how to exploit them.

Even in a the theoretical 'kill em all' scenario above, I doubt the CO's would be able to maintain positive control of the guns. Once the shooting starts it will be 'do or die.' From my own observations, your more hardened criminals have a much greater will to survive than your average CO. A guy with several murders under his belt is probably much more willing to 'kill or be killed' than your average CO who has been in only slightly more than a run of the mill scuffle.

One of the problems with SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Zombie Apocalypse threads is people often project their own world view onto other people without critically thinking about how other people with different motivations might act.

In an actual SHTF survival scenario violent criminals are much better mentally prepared to survive. They have abandoned conventional morality a long time ago and are already mentally willing to do WHATEVER they need to to survive. In general, they are also use to living a rather deprived life. A lack of hot showers, clean clothes and good food is much less likely to phase your average criminal. Even lacking any really useful survival skills, the worst of the lot will be able to survive for quite a long time by simply preying on others.

Just for fun, study the habits of the 'homeless.' These guys are already living in full blown SHTF mode.

One of the most basic rules of survival is to study the habits of the local animals and people. Criminals study people and their environment all of the time. They are much more aware of things they can use to their advantage and things that can hurt them.

Good points.

Keeping in mind, though that a great nmber of CO's are veterans, and perfectly capable of killig folks in the proper military manner.

...what about Jails? They are primarily pre-trail, and only house a relative handful of convicted inmate, mostly medium security misdemeanors. Many jails also house federal inmates and states inmates as well.

02-09-11, 09:29
Long-term instability doesn't happen overnight. The S will start HTF long before people stop reporting for work.

I suspect most COs will end up just walking off the job when they realize a pay check isn't coming. When they do they'll likely take as much of the food and weapons as they can (I've worked at a privately-operated jail, correctional facilities usually aren't that well armed) and lockdown the inmates. The more industrious inmates might be able to manage getting out of their cells before they starve, whether they would suddenly become roving death machines is something else entirely. I suspect most of them would do what any one of us would do, try to get home and take care of their families.

Shooting somebody at close range while penned in a cell isn't like being one of 20-30 guys blasting away at somebody several hundred yards away. Do some research on the einstatzgruppen and the kind of turn over those guys had. Shooting defenseless people just isn't in the character of normal people.

BTW, most of the people incarcerated in the U.S. aren't there because they are violent criminals. I'm not that concerned that some guy might get out of prison when the SHTF and try to sell me some pot.

02-09-11, 11:55
Long-term instability doesn't happen overnight. The S will start HTF long before people stop reporting for work.

I suspect most COs will end up just walking off the job when they realize a pay check isn't coming. When they do they'll likely take as much of the food and weapons as they can (I've worked at a privately-operated jail, correctional facilities usually aren't that well armed) and lockdown the inmates. The more industrious inmates might be able to manage getting out of their cells before they starve, whether they would suddenly become roving death machines is something else entirely. I suspect most of them would do what any one of us would do, try to get home and take care of their families.

Shooting somebody at close range while penned in a cell isn't like being one of 20-30 guys blasting away at somebody several hundred yards away. Do some research on the einstatzgruppen and the kind of turn over those guys had. Shooting defenseless people just isn't in the character of normal people.

BTW, most of the people incarcerated in the U.S. aren't there because they are violent criminals. I'm not that concerned that some guy might get out of prison when the SHTF and try to sell me some pot.

You lose the mindless bluster contest that is this thread.

02-09-11, 22:25
You lose the mindless bluster contest that is this thread.

I'm taking that as a compliment.:cool:

02-11-11, 02:17
I'm a CO Sergeant in a Florida prison. I doubt that anything would be done to the inmate population in a SHTF situation. I think the best that we could hope for was that some of them would kill each other. One thing an inmate hates almost as much as security is other inmates that have crossed them. They would fight over supplies and weapons left.

02-12-11, 22:05
I worked in corrections for just over 3 years in a 700+ bed facility. During that time I had many conversions with like minded co-workers and the conclusion we came to was pretty much unanimous. In the event of a really big disaster, we would just leave. Taking care of our families would be our priority.

We talked about the idea of killing the most dangerous inmates but honestly, those guys are pretty well screwed right where they are, which is usually max meaning about a dozen electricity dependent doors between them and freedom.

I cant think of a single person I worked with at that job that would have stayed for long after things got bad. The inmates would mostly starve or kill each other, maybe a few would escape. The ones that escaped would likely die quickly trying to make meth.

02-12-11, 22:11
Most likely, I would say 80% would die behind bars, guards don't care about them.

02-12-11, 22:15
Soylent Green

02-12-11, 22:41
Did I hear correctly on that video that some of the guards actually had their families come to the facility? Seems to me like I would prefer to lock down the inmates, keep myself in the safe areas of the prison/jail, and maintain the normal or emergency operations. Of course in a flood situation it could get to a point in which you could not stay any longer, but for a majority of the inland prisons, the massive brick and steel buildings would provide a good shelter. At least that would be so if enough of the staff stuck around to maintain order.

Suwannee Tim
02-13-11, 06:58
Speaking as a former Associate Warden of Security, your friend is running his mouth. If I authorized what he is suggesting, my ass would eventually be in prison. There are contingencies or SOP's for containment, call up, etc. Worse case would be a skeleton crew left at the prison and anyone trying to break in would get the same treatment as an inmate trying to escape, they would be shot.

Presumably, after SHTF, after some time, some semblance of order and law would be restored. The laws on the books now will still be on the books during SHTF. What Prison Warden will risk his freedom and life to order mass murder? These people are trained and conditioned to follow the law and regulations. That won't change because of SHTF.

02-13-11, 20:33
Even county jails would be left to natural discourse......kind of sad almost.

02-27-11, 20:42
you think the first thing theyd do wouldnt be to ditch the coveralls and find regular clothing??

You would be suprised Sir! I always say their (prisoners) stupidity is my job security.

02-28-11, 00:32
A prison or well appointed detention facility like a jail would make for a fine bastion.

02-28-11, 03:07
The whole "shtf" is a fantasy and/or delusion. Perhaps it is a way for people living in fear to feel they have control. It is also a way for people to justify having expensive fire arms with no real use for them.

02-28-11, 03:31
The whole "shtf" is a fantasy and/or delusion. Perhaps it is a way for people living in fear to feel they have control. It is also a way for people to justify having expensive fire arms with no real use for them.

I agree to an extent. The likelihood I will be at home during a SHTF situation is kind of low. I work and go to school, I'm only home to sleep. If something did happen, I'd have to get out of the city to get to my house. Chances are I would be picked off before I made it to my carbine. I can't carry at school, so I typically don't even have my pistol with me. I'm relatively close to Ft. Knox which seems to me like a decent spot for a massive terrorist attack. And if something did happen, people nearby would lose their minds.

My idea of a SHTF situation is a tornado or something which would leave us without a home for added protection. Seems like a much higher chance of that happening than some major attack or apocalyptic event.

02-28-11, 03:57
I agree to an extent. The likelihood I will be at home during a SHTF situation is kind of low. I work and go to school, I'm only home to sleep. If something did happen, I'd have to get out of the city to get to my house. Chances are I would be picked off before I made it to my carbine. I can't carry at school, so I typically don't even have my pistol with me. I'm relatively close to Ft. Knox which seems to me like a decent spot for a massive terrorist attack. And if something did happen, people nearby would lose their minds.

My idea of a SHTF situation is a tornado or something which would leave us without a home for added protection. Seems like a much higher chance of that happening than some major attack or apocalyptic event.

Don't get me wrong I feel being prepared for situations is a good thing. But taking a realistic approach is paramount. For example I have 2 extra full spare tires and a gas can in my suv. I have a 3 day pack and my camping gear, food, extra contacts, eye glasses, first aid kit, meds, clothes, blankets and water. A few extra glock mags that I will most likey never need.

Most of this shit I have used like my full spares, my shovel, my camping gear and first aid kit. It helped me more than a tac vest and my AR.

A few years ago people were stuck on the inner state for 12 hours in the winter there was older people running out of gas I was able to offer them blankets and food. I had my pistol for protection concealed just like every other day. Just some food for thought

SHT Fantasy:suicide:

02-28-11, 04:09
I drive a subcompact car. I have the normal automotive emergency supplies, small first aid kit, spare clothes and a blanket. That all takes up almost half of my trunk space. I can't carry extra gas without getting high off fumes. I have to worry about weight to keep her road worthy for the non-SHTF time on the road which is 99.9999999999999999% of the time.

02-28-11, 04:47
The whole "shtf" is a fantasy and/or delusion. .

This is an example of the "normalcy bias".

I think the chances of a real shtf situation are very low, it is still within the realm of possibilities. If I though the chances were high, I would buy a used nuclear bunker from the govt and go live there.

02-28-11, 12:29
The whole "shtf" is a fantasy and/or delusion. Perhaps it is a way for people living in fear to feel they have control. It is also a way for people to justify having expensive fire arms with no real use for them.

It's a good thing that our only choices aren't living in fear or living in denial.

What could go wrong?... A bunch of warring factions, hurling arround a massive ball of flaming gas, floating on molten rock, under attack from countless organisms... This could go on for awhile (surface not scratched) so we'll just go with "etc, etc, etc...".

I feel fine BTW. ;)

Prepared, not scared.

03-05-11, 21:35
You guys should read history or watch the news. In Egypt, protestors recently stormed a prison and released all the prisoners (including muslim militants). In France, they celebrate Bastille Day to commemorate the mobs that stormed the Bastille fortress prison and released all the inmates to start the revolution.

If the social calamity is revolution, then the prisons will be opened up as they always have been. The incorrigibles among the released inmates usually don't last long after being freed as the mob that freed them can turn into a lynch mob in a New York Minute.

If there is a full blown revolution, then released inmates are going to be the least of concerns. Anarchy usually leads to dictatorship, read about how the French Revolution turned into the Reign of Terror.

K.L. Davis
03-05-11, 22:18
This thread sort of ran its course... pretty much the last page is dedicated to one comment, that has zero to add to the discussion.