View Full Version : We got ice....

02-01-11, 07:49
Freezing rain this morning and now its not going to get above freezing for 3 days. :rolleyes:

02-01-11, 08:12

It has been in the 70's here for the past 3-4 days. Right now it is 69 degrees outside and in 15 hours the forecast is 40 degrees but 24-hours from now it is supposed to be 27 with a 20 mph wind. That's baaad cold for us...
BUT no snow, ice, etc. and it should be back in the 60's this weekend.


02-01-11, 08:43
Had a two dog night last night and it's -20 this AM but I'm not gonna bitch 'cuz the folks up on the Hi-Line around Havre and Glasgow woke up to -43 this morning.

Don't know how many folks have dealt with forty below zero, but that's COLD!

02-01-11, 09:02
My friend in central MT told me it's "not too bad", meaning FREEZING for us east coast folks... lol

Had a two dog night last night and it's -20 this AM but I'm not gonna bitch 'cuz the folks up on the Hi-Line around Havre and Glasgow woke up to -43 this morning.

Don't know how many folks have dealt with forty below zero, but that's COLD!

02-01-11, 09:08
It's still in the 60's here but creeping closer...i'm gonna have to make a trip to the ranch and get camp / trailer ready for the freeze shortly.

I'm sure the water was left on who ever was there last:rolleyes:

02-01-11, 09:11
I'll keep my Scotch inside, thanks for the warning.

02-01-11, 09:22
-12F here this morning, supposed to get down it -20F tonight, that is way too cold for a Kiwi, so I'm heading south for the rest of the winter!


02-01-11, 09:24
We dodged the ice here in OKC area, so thankfully it looks like our power will stay on. South/Eastern OK is a lot worse from the ice standpoint.

However the 55 mph winds and -16 windchill are really making everything miserable and dangerous.

02-01-11, 11:45
We are overcast, 20 degrees and waiting for the Snowpocalypse. Heard this could be the worst in 55 years... 20" and 50 mph winds!

Schools closing early even before the snow is to start (sissies).

We have had a snowy winter already so we are rather used to it by now.

Glad to not be working outside with these conditions but remember them fondly from those days (when I was young and fearless).

Stay safe folks, this could be a bad one.


02-01-11, 11:54
We too were blessed and missed the ice. It's running about 15 now but with 20 mph winds and near whiteout conditions at times. They're talking maybe 20" before it ends tonight. This is the second biggest snow I can remember around here.
A good day to stay inside.

Bubba FAL
02-01-11, 12:02
Snow day here in SW MO. I-44 is shut down til further notice. Got ~6" overnight, expecting another 14" today, then the deep freeze starts.

Here's a hint for anyone living around here - if you don't have a 4wd or know how to drive one in the snow - stay the hell off the roads. Sheesh! Don't know what people are thinking.

02-01-11, 12:10
Well its 75 degrees and sunny here :haha:

02-01-11, 13:18
Cold and sunny here. Supposed to get a low of around 0 tonight. Rest of the week single digit lows and teen -- twenty-something highs.

02-01-11, 13:49
It's a balmy 8 above zero right now. If it gets much warmer it will be time to break out the shorts and t-shirts. Ice isn't that bad. I drive on it 6-7 months a year.

02-01-11, 14:27
12 inches of snow Wednesday, 2 more on Saturday, 2 inches of ice today. Expecting 10 more inches of snow tonight. My kids haven't had a full week of school since before Christmas!
My range at home is under 2 feet of snow and my rifles and handguns are pissed at me for not taking them out to play in over 2 weeks!

02-01-11, 14:34
Had a two dog night last night and it's -20 this AM but I'm not gonna bitch 'cuz the folks up on the Hi-Line around Havre and Glasgow woke up to -43 this morning.

Don't know how many folks have dealt with forty below zero, but that's COLD!

What's a 'two-dog night'?

02-01-11, 15:00
What's a 'two-dog night'?

Just slightly warmer than the "three dog night" those previously mentioned Hi-Line folks had. :haha:

Which is fortunate, as I currently have only two dogs.

02-01-11, 15:19
Just slightly warmer than the "three dog night" those previously mentioned Hi-Line folks had. :haha:

Which is fortunate, as I currently have only two dogs.

Haha, thanks for the clarification there Dave.

02-02-11, 13:20
Ice ?? it's 78 in Orlando !!
What is this " snow " stuff you guys keep talking about ?
I have my A.C on in the house:D


02-02-11, 13:29
There is rolling black-outs all throughout Texas today. We have been down a couple times so far.

02-02-11, 13:40
So far in MN we're at -2 before the windchill. Fun times.

02-02-11, 15:57
We got 6-8 inches of snow last night in SE Michigan. They were predicting 10-16 inches, so it could have been worse.

With the wind chill it's really close to single digits. Same for the last couple of days.

Bubba FAL
02-02-11, 15:59
Haha, thanks for the clarification there Dave.

It refers to the number of dogs needed in the bed with you to stay warm at night...makes more sense if your wood stove is in one end of the house and your bedroom is at the other end. BTDT, gets kind of crowded in a queen size bed with self, wife and 2 german shepherd dogs!

02-03-11, 09:28
I miss Maui !!!!

frigin even AZ is freezing

02-03-11, 10:23
I have family and friends in Texas that are putting up with the crap weather, so I feel a little empathy for everyone. Other than that though, I can't help but laugh some about how much the media is talking about it. Some of the stuff they talk about as far as temps, snow, and ice is like a normal day during winter for me. And right now it is actually warm at 15 above zero.

Heartland Hawk
02-05-11, 15:16
Between Tues and Wed we got about 13 inches (South Dakota). The high was 1 degree, low was -14, and the wind chill was -30.