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02-02-11, 09:10
Anderson Cooper Attacked by Mob in Egypt

The anchor was "punched 10 times in the head," CNN producer Steve Brusk Tweeted.



02-02-11, 09:13
good, he's no journalist....

02-02-11, 09:16
"Don't you think ther is more to life than being really really really rediculously good looking?" - Ben Stiller, Zoolander (I think)

02-02-11, 09:27
Against my better judgement, I can't help but notice that the photo of Mr. Cooper in the OP has him sitting on a "manhole." :haha:

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

02-02-11, 09:58
It is well suspected in the news business that he is a Rump Ranger.

02-02-11, 10:06
What is the vibrational rate Al-Kenneth!!!

02-02-11, 10:07
It is well suspected in the news business that he is a Rump Ranger.

Only the MSM would be so clueless as to having any doubt about this.

02-02-11, 12:02
Against my better judgement, I can't help but notice that the photo of Mr. Cooper in the OP has him sitting on a "manhole." :haha:

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


I can only imagine him screaming with each shot, "But I'm a JOURNALIST, I'm here to HELP you!"
Imagining/hoping/praying that would change his reality.

Bubba FAL
02-02-11, 12:22
Wonder what would happen if some of the more fundamentalist types in the crowd found out about his (alleged) "orientation"? Buggery is a capital offense in some middle eastern countries.

02-02-11, 12:25
Wonder what would happen if some of the more fundamentalist types in the crowd found out about his (alleged) "orientation"? Buggery is a capital offense in some middle eastern countries.

Only if they catch you!

Bubba FAL
02-02-11, 12:41
Only if they catch you!

LOL, point taken!

02-02-11, 12:56
If they knew he was an ass pirate he might have gotten beheaded

02-02-11, 13:02
I don't care about his sexuality, but I am glad that someone finally knocked him a good one. As someone said before, he is not a journalist, he is an icon, and he ties with Beck at being what's wrong with American Journalism.

02-02-11, 13:08
One would think that if they were punching his head it wouldn't do much damage. From the look of it that hair would probably stop a rifle round at point blank range.

02-02-11, 13:13
If they knew he was an ass pirate he might have gotten beheaded

Yeah - unless it was on a Thursday :D

02-02-11, 13:14
I don't care about his sexuality, but I am glad that someone finally knocked him a good one. As someone said before, he is not a journalist, he is an icon, and he ties with Beck at being what's wrong with American Journalism.

Muslims do care. You get killed for ass buggery there.

Liberals need to stay in their ivory towers

02-02-11, 13:19
Yeah - unless it was on a Thursday :D

Allah only looks the other way for Muslims on Thursday. Infidels need not apply

02-02-11, 13:52
I was wondering when someone was going to mention that part of their hypocrisy.

Allah only looks the other way for Muslims on Thursday. Infidels need not apply

02-02-11, 14:06
The only thing worse than hearing "I'm a journalist, I'm here to help" is, I'm from the government, I'll handle this situation!"

02-02-11, 14:08
Anderson Hays Cooper (born June 3, 1967) is an Emmy Award-winning journalist, author, television personality, and, even though he isn’t really all that old, a total silver fox. Generally accepted to be gay—though still officially reporting live from the closet—he is also a dick.



02-02-11, 14:24
Notwithstanding my previous jibe at Mr. cooper's expense (it just seemed to good to pass up), I gotta give the guy some props for doing what he's doing.

If I possessed Anderson Cooper's wherewithal (he is, after all, the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, as in the Cornelius Vanderbilt), I sure as shit wouldn't be dodging bricks in Cairo.

02-02-11, 14:32
I don't understand the whole "thursday" thing....:confused:

02-02-11, 14:37
Allah only looks the other way for Muslims on Thursday. Infidels need not apply

You're right - first he'd get buggered, then beheaded.

02-02-11, 14:40
I don't understand the whole "thursday" thing....:confused:

The prophet's son died on Thursday. Allah would never knowingly let that happen. Therefore Allah just looked the other way. Therefore banging a man in the ass on Thursday is not a sin like it would be otherwise because Allah gives evil a pass on Thursday

02-02-11, 15:07
As someone said before, he is not a journalist, he is an icon, and he ties with Beck at being what's wrong with American Journalism.


A icon? Really? Lol

02-02-11, 15:41

A icon? Really? Lol

Not every "icon" is a positive thing. To me he symbolizes turning news into celebrity.

02-02-11, 16:06
Isn't Beck a commentator, not a journalist? To condemn a commentator for not being neutral misses the point of having a commentator.

02-02-11, 16:09
Isn't Beck a commentator, not a journalist? To condemn a commentator for not being neutral misses the point of having a commentator.

I was going to post earlier Beck himself constantly says his show is entertainment not a news show.

02-02-11, 16:15
I was going to post earlier Beck himself constantly says his show is entertainment not a news show.

Damn, you beat me to it

02-02-11, 16:32
To condemn a commentator for not being neutral misses the point of having a commentator.

Liberals missing the point? What a shock!

02-02-11, 17:07
Anderson cooper would never call himself an entertainer. Liberals take themselves way too serious

02-02-11, 21:49
Anderson cooper would never call himself an entertainer.

I wonder what term he uses. 'Pleasure giver'?

02-02-11, 21:57
You guys are friggen killing me!:p:p:p

Ed L.
02-02-11, 22:21
He's lucky that they didn't run him over with a camel.

Think I am joking?


02-02-11, 22:35
Camels...interesting. Still, it fails to take the cake...


02-02-11, 23:07
Someone send Obermann a one way ticket, along with Michael Moore, Oliver Stone, and Sean Penn.:)

02-03-11, 00:22
Camels...the Egyptian technical?

And cactus dude...WTF? I want to see the ****er he's walloping with that cactus...I'm sorry, but I can't think of a situation that would lead me to pick up a cactus of all things as a weapon.

02-03-11, 01:02
And cactus dude...WTF? I want to see the ****er he's walloping with that cactus...I'm sorry, but I can't think of a situation that would lead me to pick up a cactus of all things as a weapon.

Cacti don't kill people, people kill people.

02-03-11, 09:25
the only reason Anderson Cooper is where he is cause his mommy is Gloria Vanderbilt
he is along side the likes of Paris Hilton and others being famous cause their parents and they do stupid stuff

02-03-11, 09:51
I learned more about Cooper in this thread than I ever would care to know... Hillarious...

I wonder if he was shocked the Egyptians didn't embrace him...


02-03-11, 09:53
CNN was on one of the TV's at the gym yesterday. They had a big banner across the bottom of the screen about the "breaking news" that Anderson Cooper and crew were mobbed.

Oh, how is that dude grabbing the cactus?

02-03-11, 11:19
Isn't Beck a commentator, not a journalist? To condemn a commentator for not being neutral misses the point of having a commentator.

Cooper is a commentator himself, he just wont admit it. Thus, missing my point... ;)

All commentators these days consider themselves, historians, journalists, entertainers, public figures, policy makers, and the like. Really they are all just a bunch of overpaid talking heads, and "entertainer" is the closest thing any of them can come close to claiming.

02-03-11, 12:59
I think before Cooper is allowed back in the States or near any high level Gov't official he should have a body cavity search. You never know they might have put a "charger" filled with explosive up his anal orifice. He could be packing a large quantity given his experience.

02-03-11, 14:19
Greg Palcott from Fox News got tuned up bad last night also. He appears strait to me but my Gaydar is weak.

02-03-11, 20:24
The Cactus Swordsman has nothing on "PFD Shoots from the Hip" dude.

02-03-11, 21:49



02-03-11, 22:40
You think middle easterners have easy access to military related items like helmets under those regimes?

02-03-11, 22:45
Cacti don't kill people, people kill people.

I may have to reciprocate and quote you lol.

02-03-11, 23:04
i actually don't really know anything about cooper's political views or activism, nor am i up on his current career/status... but i do know he's spent a large part of his life in dangerous places, doing and seeing more than most people in this thread combined. i have to respect the man for that... even if it was all bought and paid for with the silver spoon he pulled out of his ass.

02-03-11, 23:12
i actually don't really know anything about cooper's political views or activism, nor am i up on his current career/status... but i do know he's spent a large part of his life in dangerous places, doing and seeing more than most people in this thread combined. i have to respect the man for that... even if it was all bought and paid for with the silver spoon he pulled out of his ass.

Thank you for making that point it is very valid.

As for the images of the protesters posted above: Having been in large brawls before, I would be making an improvised helmet out of anything I could. I don't think it's fair to laugh while sitting in the lap of luxury about someone using something on hand to protect their head. How much did that helmet that kid is wearing in the first photo has cost his daddy?

02-04-11, 00:17
50 bucks. It went over big so it was well worth it.

02-04-11, 03:39
i actually don't really know anything about cooper's political views or activism, nor am i up on his current career/status... but i do know he's spent a large part of his life in dangerous places, doing and seeing more than most people in this thread combined. i have to respect the man for that... even if it was all bought and paid for with the silver spoon he pulled out of his ass.

Who the **** cares. What has he done? Go on some exotic vacations because he comes from old money? I got a Marine friend that was sent home because he MRAP was blown to shit by an IED. A couple of months later, he went back and got sent home again because an RPG blew him off his feet. Guess what, he wants to go back again.

That's a man who has been places and really put his ass on the line to make a difference in the world.

**** Anderson Cooper and his mother's money. He hasn't done shit.

02-04-11, 03:57
I liked him when he hosted "The Mole" looked pretty dangerous:sarcastic:

02-04-11, 08:48
When it comes to journalists getting attacked at mob scenes, well, play stupid games, win stupid prizes! :(

02-04-11, 09:35
For some reason I found myself chuckling when I read that he had been punched in the head several times. Poor guy...:haha:

02-04-11, 11:48
I think before Cooper is allowed back in the States or near any high level Gov't official he should have a body cavity search. You never know they might have put a "charger" filled with explosive up his anal orifice. He could be packing a large quantity given his experience.

why give him the pleasure ? :)

chances are he would say OH can you check again ? I think they planted something might want to go deeper ?

02-04-11, 11:55
when he has been abroad ? he seems to have other people around him quite a few actually behind the scenes
others putting their life on the line so he can do his thing on TV and some that were with him kept having to tell him to quit doing stuff he was doing cause it was putting them in danger ?
no respect for those kinda people

02-04-11, 12:11
So I guess that means AC takes his own private security detail abroad?