View Full Version : Thunder Snow makes you feel good!!!

02-03-11, 14:25
So I was watching the news and saw this quick clip of this weatherman freaking out over a weather phenomenon called "Thunder Snow" and realized that I had actually experienced this growing up in March 93' during an epic blizzard across the country but specifically in my case, Birmingham AL. In Bham we got 24" of snow IIrc and during the first night of the blizzard the lightning and thunder was truly amazing and the whole night sky would turn greenish/yellowish...an almost outta this world visual. Anyway just thought I would post the link to the funny video and see if Thunder Snow makes anybody else feel that damn good:D


02-03-11, 14:28
So thunder snow comes w a side helping of "holy smoke"?

02-03-11, 14:47
We had some Thunder Snow and Lightning around here back in November. A sudden blizzard like condition popped up while we were at my sons swimming practice one evening last November and on the way home, all 9 miles or so, it was almost like a whiteout and people were going wicked slow etc. We were driving on a state highway on the extreme west side of the Salt Lake Valley and this highway is up a little higher on the sides of the foothills and only has a couple lights for the whole 9 miles to our house. Driving along in this almost whiteout when the sky lights up with big flashes and you heard a rumble... Happened several times on the 15-20 minute drive home. Was kind of freaky and cool at the same time.

Bubba FAL
02-03-11, 21:06
We had it early Tuesday morning when the main force of the storm finally hit. It's wierd, for sure.