View Full Version : Woo Hoo! My daughter and my son in law are adopting!

02-04-11, 10:06
I could not be more proud of them. Its going to be tough because the child is mixed race with a congenitive heart defect and will need surgery. But that makes me that more proud that they are taking him in and giving him a decent shot at life. She knows I will be there for her every step of the way and help in any way I can. Im gonna be a grandpa and have another kid to spoil!!! Yesssss! I'm so happy I can cry! I don't care revoke my man card. This is wonderful news for me.

02-04-11, 10:19
I could not be more proud of them. Its going to be tough because the child is mixed race with a congenitive heart defect and will need surgery. But that makes me that more proud that they are taking him in and giving him a decent shot at life. She knows I will be there for her every step of the way and help in any way I can. Im gonna be a grandpa and have another kid to spoil!!! Yesssss! I'm so happy I can cry! I don't care revoke my man card. This is wonderful news for me.


02-04-11, 11:39
Awesome. My dad swears that if he knew grandkids were this much fun he would have had them first.

Best of luck to the family!

02-04-11, 12:13
Yesssss! I'm so happy I can cry! I don't care revoke my man card. This is wonderful news for me.

By the time you are grandpa age, they revoke your man card for NOT doing what you are doing!


The nice thing about grandkids is you can hand them back when they poop their diapers ;)

Still raising my own (3 and 8) though I could be a Grandpa by now if I had gotten busy in early 20s.

02-04-11, 15:21
congrats, you all are doing a great thing. :cool:

02-04-11, 17:00
Thank you everyone!

02-04-11, 20:46
Congrats. My sister and her husband adopted a special needs child and that kid is absolutely adorable.