View Full Version : Please help me draft a letter to my college regarding campus carry.

02-08-11, 09:49
Hey guys,

I am currently a sophomore at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. In case you are wondering, my majors are Psyc and Crim. Justice. I enjoy my right to carry a handgun daily, and have done so almost every day since I recieved my CCW permit a few months after turning 18. I do not live on campus, I commute from about 45 minutes away, and as the university's policy dictates I am forced to leave my gun locked up at home. In the wake of the recent massacres carried out by disgruntled college students, I feel quite naked wearing my EMPTY Raven Concealment holster to class (I dont care to even take the time to remove the holster from my belt, as I have my gun on me before and after school at all times). We are, however, allowed to carry a pocket knife with a <3" blade:rolleyes:. Campus carry is something that I feel very strongly about, and I would like to write a letter to the policy makers at the university explaining the benefits and philosophy of state-licensed CCW holders carrying on campus. I do not expect to change their minds by any means, but it will never happen unless the idea is brought to their attention.

Now, I am not a strong rhetorical writer but I have noticed that many members of this forum are. I do not recall the subject of the thread, but one member had written a letter to the governor of their state, explaining the added threat that goes along with creating "no fire zones" in public locations. It was a very to-the-point letter, and it got right down to the crux of the issue. I would like to write something similar, but I need some assistance. I am looking for a short and sweet way to describe the vulnerability of a (no carry) college campus to mass shooters, and also a short and sweet way of persuasively explaining how state-licensed CCW holding students being armed would make campus a safer place for everyone. I will get to work typing something up, and if anyone has any suggestions, post them up! I would appreciate any assistance with this.

P.S. If this sounds like a really bad idea that could get me kicked out of the university, let me know!

Thank you guys,


02-08-11, 14:56
P.S. If this sounds like a really bad idea that could get me kicked out of the university, let me know!

Doubt it'd get you kicked out of the university, but it could very well get you hassled.

I understand the desire to try to do something, but as you said in your first paragraph, it's not going to change anybody's mind. A better approach would be to contact SCCC first http://www.concealedcampus.org/

Here's the contact page for Indiana campus leaders. http://www.concealedcampus.org/stateinfo.php?sid=75&fd=cclaw&name=Indiana Your university has a campus leader, talk to him.

02-08-11, 17:43
Another good idea would be to write your local newspapers, and enourage other like minded folks to do the same. You're in college to earn that degree, and you don't want to do anything that could possibly jeopardize that.

02-08-11, 17:58
Another good idea would be to write your local newspapers, and enourage other like minded folks to do the same. You're in college to earn that degree, and you don't want to do anything that could possibly jeopardize that.

That too, a direct attack, so to speak, doesn't do any good...but going for press coverage and getting others to do the same might be a bit more productive.

02-08-11, 19:12
I would like to write something similar, but I need some assistance.

Are you looking for help or are you waiting for someone to write the letter for you? How about you supply a rough draft and perhaps others will help refine.

02-09-11, 02:20
In the end, its likely going to be a waste of time, but if you want any chance at all of success, make it a reasoned argument citing unasailable statistics and not an attack on their personal fears and predjudices.

02-09-11, 02:58
I agree that I would reach out to other resources. Myabe contact lawmakers in Utah and Arizona. Utah allows it and Arizona is looking to pass leglislation.

02-09-11, 03:07
No offense but there is absolutely no way this is going to fly or be even remotely accepted by your school, your fellow peers on campus, your professors, and especially (most important) the "Administration". You will not get a single faculty member that will admit "off the record" that they agree with you. If you are willing to accept this as fact, and you are willing to commit to your idea feel free to PM me. I understand the University system more then most on here, but before we even talk, you need to come to terms with the fact that doing something like this may result in you being asked to leave the University.

If you want to take a risk like this with your life, and you believe in what you have to say enough to actually put your future on hold, then I say go for it. However, until then you aren't going to accomplish anything.

Good luck, I look forward to a message.

Alpha Sierra
02-09-11, 04:08
If the worse that can happen from either carrying a pistol to class concealed OR writing that letter is getting kicked out of uni, then carry the gun.

02-09-11, 07:01
Are you looking for help or are you waiting for someone to write the letter for you? How about you supply a rough draft and perhaps others will help refine.

I most certainly am not. I stated that I planned to have something typed up, and that will be as soon as I can get to it. I tried to make it clear in my original post that I want assistance in two specific areas, this was to avoid folks thinking that I want the work to be done for me. I apologise if it was interpreted that way. I am getting slammed with school work at the moment, so my letter is on hold. Also, I may take the advice of some of the other posters here and seek other means of getting this message to the administration.

02-10-11, 10:25
Just to let everyone know, I have contacted BSU's Concealed Campus leader. He has since graduated, and is no longer a part of the cause. He asked if I would be interested in stepping into that position and I replied with, "Absolutely.". He is going to forward me the contact information of a couple different people who assisted the group in gaining media coverage and the support of the NRA. I am really looking forward to heading up this cause on campus. I will keep everyone updated on what happens with this. Thank you to all who contributed information to this topic. Avenger, thanks for steering me towards Concealed Campus. Iraqgunz, thank you for your ideas, which will more than likley be of great help to me with this undertaking. And Mac556, I am still looking forward to your PM, thank you for offering your assistance.

Thanks again guys,


02-10-11, 21:43
I am really looking forward to heading up this cause on campus

I think you'll accomplish more doing that than simply writing a letter that gets circular filed...now you can be a real thorn in some people's sides...

Be sure to ask your predecessor how much flak he got for heading up the chapter, and from where, if he has not briefed you. Also, ask him what type of events the chapter held (if any) and such...

02-11-11, 00:54
i would write no letter.
concealed means concealed.
i'm blessed to go to school at one of the dozen or so campuses that hasn't banned self defense, but if that weren't the case i'd have my p7 in a smart carry every day. If the need arises to use it, i'd be happy to deal with the consequences.