View Full Version : Rear sight

02-10-11, 10:52
I have Heinie Straight 8 sights and from daily carry in and out of the car, in and out of the desk, doorways and all the rest. I have managed to bang up my rear sight. The problem is that now I have raw shiny metal that glare comes of of when i shoot. Can someone recommend a home made fix or refinish to cut the glare.

Frank Castle
02-10-11, 11:12
Sharpie- short term
Cold Blue - long term?

02-10-11, 11:28
Birchwood Casey makes a bluing pen that looks like a Sharpie. I've used it for years to touch up stuff, just like what you are talking about. It works great, but just like any bluing concentrate, you must wipe it with a little oil, since bluing is actually a form of rust. It runs less than $6.50 anywhere you look.