View Full Version : Retired Lt. Col Allen West

02-13-11, 17:30
Scroll to the 8:52 time hack into the video, I certainly will vote for this man Retired Lt. Colonel of the United States Army. He was forced too retire after an investigation of his conduct during the interrogation of a detainee in Taji, Iraq.

Recall : while serving in Taji, Iraq, on August 20, 2003, West was in charge of the interrogation of Yahya Jhodri Hamoodi, a civilian Iraqi police officer suspected of having information about attacks on American troops in the area. Interrogators had been informed the detainee knew about a planned ambush. When the detainee refused to talk, LTC West was asked to assist. Hamoodi continued to withhold information, and West was accused of firing his pistol past the prisoner's head, frightening him into talking. According to West's sworn statement the detainee told West:

[The attack] was to occur Friday morning in Saba al Boor vicinity of the police station by positioned snipers supposedly being brought in from Fallujah. [The detainee] was to ID my vehicle and myself for these rooftop firers. We took this information and the following day established flask CPs and used AH-64s overhead. There was no attack and no further attacks have emanated from the town since the apprehension of [the detainee] and his named associates.


02-13-11, 18:58
So far the only thing I've seen that I didn't like was he voted to reauthorize the Patriot Act.

02-13-11, 19:31
He is incredible.

02-13-11, 20:12
Scroll to the 8:52 time hack into the video, I certainly will vote for this man Retired Lt. Colonel of the United States Army. He was forced too retire after an investigation of his conduct during the interrogation of a detainee in Taji, Iraq.

Recall : while serving in Taji, Iraq, on August 20, 2003, West was in charge of the interrogation of Yahya Jhodri Hamoodi, a civilian Iraqi police officer suspected of having information about attacks on American troops in the area. Interrogators had been informed the detainee knew about a planned ambush. When the detainee refused to talk, LTC West was asked to assist. Hamoodi continued to withhold information, and West was accused of firing his pistol past the prisoner's head, frightening him into talking. According to West's sworn statement the detainee told West:

[The attack] was to occur Friday morning in Saba al Boor vicinity of the police station by positioned snipers supposedly being brought in from Fallujah. [The detainee] was to ID my vehicle and myself for these rooftop firers. We took this information and the following day established flask CPs and used AH-64s overhead. There was no attack and no further attacks have emanated from the town since the apprehension of [the detainee] and his named associates.


This situation was blown WAY out of purportion. What he did was insignificant, but garnered great info in stopping a future attack, compared to what the insurgents have done to get intel. Given the circumstances, he operated with the proper restraint. I'd wager that many of us would have done much much worse to the captured insurgent. If it wasn't for this act and this PC world we live in, he would be a General by now. If we, as a society, don't have the stomach for war, and prevent our warriors from performing to their maximum potential (take the gloves off, unleash our pit bulls), then we should stop waging wars. If we our not in it to win it, then bring the troops home.

02-13-11, 20:20
I heard about that incident, but because it was so long ago I didn't realize it was Lt. Col. West. Damned fine job to get that intel, sad that it cost him his military career

And can you IMAGINE the whining and gnashing of teeth from the Dem party about a "prisoner beating Uncle Tom" running for President? It would be epic. The racism of the Dems, NAACP, etc against blacks would be finally very visible on a nationwide scale.

02-22-11, 04:29
You got tooooooooooooo love this guy! He certainly crushes CAIR Koran thumper, great video.
