View Full Version : Deficit Reduction My Ass!

02-14-11, 08:36
With the release of the President's proposed budget, we're being treated to yet another round of partisan bickering and bitch slapping about who's gonna do what to address the budget deficit and the federal debt.

And the truth is nobody, save maybe Ron Paul (who's been talking to an empty room forever), is prepared to do shit about it. I watched one of the newly elected Tea Party house members tie himself in knots yesterday trying to evade committing himself to a substantive position on virtually anything. Amazing how quick the campaign rhetoric gets tossed overboard once these guys realize they're no longer a candidate, they're an incumbent. And lest anyone accuse me of grinding a political ax here, the democrats are no better.

So I enjoyed listening to retired Senator Alan Simpson, who served as co-chair on the President Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (whose recommendations, by the way, were spot on and, thus, ignored or reviled by conservatives and liberals alike), offer some plain speak yesterday on Candy Crowley's CNN show:

"But the next time you hear... a career politician get up and say, "I know we can get this done; we're going to get rid of all earmarks, all waste, fraud, and abuse, all foreign aid, Air Force one, all congressional pensions," that's a sparrow's belch in the midst of a typhoon. That's about six, eight, 10 percent of where we are.

So I'm waiting for the politician to get up and say, there's only one way to do this, you dig into the big four, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and defense. And anybody giving you anything different than that, you want to walk out the door, stick your finger down your throat and give them the green weenie (ph)."

Would that Obama or Boehner had the balls to say the same thing.

02-14-11, 09:47
Would that Obama or Boehner had the balls to say the same thing.



I can play Obamas game. I can jack the budget up a few million percent (slightly exaggerated) and the lop 10% off it and claim reduction too.

They are all a bunch of idiot crooks.

02-14-11, 10:23
More and more each day I think no one is going to do whats got to be done, and we are just going to slowly fade away or we will just crash as the world turns away from the dollar and goes with something else.

In the last two weeks Ive heard of 100 billion being cut....when we are running a deficit over a trillion. Its laughable actually. Make it a trillion and we'd be getting somewhere.

02-14-11, 10:56
We could cut a Trillion from Medicaid, Medicare and Welfare spending (Section 8, etc). I'd be more hesitant to cut from Defense, as it is an industry that actually earns it's keep in my eyes.

I'd rather see the generational welfare bums go without than a member of our Armed Forces serving in harms way.

02-14-11, 11:00
More and more each day I think no one is going to do whats got to be done, and we are just going to slowly fade away or we will just crash as the world turns away from the dollar and goes with something else.

In the last two weeks Ive heard of 100 billion being cut....when we are running a deficit over a trillion. Its laughable actually. Make it a trillion and we'd be getting somewhere.
I agree. Thats why its important for Conservatives in the GOP to vote for real change in the Republican presidential primaries. I have no interest in Romney. He's just a retread. I'd like to see Ron Paul make a serious run.

02-14-11, 11:04
RP on the ticket would guarantee a 2nd term for Obama.

I agree. Thats why its important for Conservatives in the GOP to vote for real change in the Republican presidential primaries. I have no interest in Romney. He's just a retread. I'd like to see Ron Paul make a serious run.

02-14-11, 11:13
We could cut a Trillion from Medicaid, Medicare and Welfare spending (Section 8, etc). I'd be more hesitant to cut from Defense, as it is an industry that actually earns it's keep in my eyes.

I'd rather see the generational welfare bums go without than a member of our Armed Forces serving in harms way.

There is a lot of waste in the DOD that could be cut without even affecting capability.

Instead they will cut things like new barracks construction and training dollars while still spending billions on various programs then cutting them like the Commanche, new Marine One, FCS, ect. The DOD is good about spending piles of money on programs then cancelling them. Oh another one I forgot about is the Marine landing craft.

We can cut a lot of waste out of the DOD. For instance overseas bases and shuttling entire families all over the world. In fact I saw a spouse of a soldier in Germany get a breast reduction surgery at a German hospital...he said it cost over 50k on the bills they got which was paid for by tri-care. Then to move his family with kids all the way to Germany, and house them there for 3 years was pricey. Just this one guy's family cost the gov more than I got paid as a single soldier my entire 1st enlistment. I forgot during that time too, she has 2 more kids all which were birthed at a German hospital.

All at the same time we were told we couldn't get replacement parts for our mission essential equipment because the unit was out of funds, and we wouldnt get more until we deployed. So we had to deploy with 1/3rd of our generators not working.

02-14-11, 11:23
RP on the ticket would guarantee a 2nd term for Obama.Then we have to do some soul searching. Do we vote for the lesser of two evils and perpetuate the problem? Do we vote our conscience and accept the consequences? If Obama wins a second term, its not the end of the world. The recent congressional victories the Repubs have had are directly due to the Obama Admin. A Obama second term could actually be a good thing. If we McCain had been President, would there be a TEA party? Overall, I agree with Belmont. Both parties are killing our Constitution and Country. We need more Libertarians. I'll accept tactical losses for strategic victory.

02-14-11, 11:27
I agree- Imagine a Republican Senate and House in '12, with a 2/3 majority. His second term would be Lame Duckery.

Then we have to do some soul searching. Do we vote for the lesser of two evils and perpetuate the problem? Do we vote our conscience and accept the consequences? If Obama wins a second term, its not the end of the world. The recent congressional victories the Repubs have had are directly due to the Obama Admin. A Obama second term could actually be a good thing. If we McCain had been President, would there be a TEA party? Overall, I agree with Belmont. Both parties are killing our Constitution and Country. We need more Libertarians. I'll accept tactical losses for strategic victory.

02-14-11, 11:40
I agree- Imagine a Republican Senate and House in '12, with a 2/3 majority. His second term would be Lame Duckery.We can only vote and hope for the best.

02-14-11, 12:55
Then we have to do some soul searching. Do we vote for the lesser of two evils and perpetuate the problem? Do we vote our conscience and accept the consequences? If Obama wins a second term, its not the end of the world. The recent congressional victories the Repubs have had are directly due to the Obama Admin. A Obama second term could actually be a good thing. If we McCain had been President, would there be a TEA party? Overall, I agree with Belmont. Both parties are killing our Constitution and Country. We need more Libertarians. I'll accept tactical losses for strategic victory.

The problem is you are not guaranteeing a strategic victory. In all likelihood you would get the tactical loss and the strategic loss.

02-14-11, 14:13
The problem is you are not guaranteeing a strategic victory. In all likelihood you would get the tactical loss and the strategic loss.You may be right. No one really knows. I despise the Socialist/Commies on the left who are determined to destroy our Republic and our capitalist way of life. I'm sick and tired of being used and taken for granted by the so called Conservatives on the right. Mitt Romney for example, what a joke. I live in Massachusetts so I should know. Romneycare etc. His most recent stunt if getting the Marriot Hotel chain to stop offering porn on cable TV. Self righteous jerk. If America can elect a radical like Obama, we sure as hell can elect a real change candidate like Ron Paul or some other lesser know name. I want real substance, not some slick Willy smooth talker.

02-14-11, 14:23
You may be right. No one really knows. I despise the Socialist/Commies on the left who are determined to destroy our Republic and our capitalist way of life. I'm sick and tired of being used and taken for granted by the so called Conservatives on the right. Mitt Romney for example, what a joke. I live in Massachusetts so I should know. Romneycare etc. His most recent stunt if getting the Marriot Hotel chain to stop offering porn on cable TV. Self righteous jerk. If America can elect a radical like Obama, we sure as hell can elect a real change candidate like Ron Paul or some other lesser know name. I want real substance, not some slick Willy smooth talker.

I won't vote for any moral crusader or Romney. Romney has his health care law and an AWB under his belt. Cold day in hell before I vote for that cocksucker. Now he's running around like a champion conservative....:rolleyes:

02-14-11, 14:37
I won't vote for any moral crusader or Romney. Romney has his health care law and an AWB under his belt. Cold day in hell before I vote for that cocksucker. Now he's running around like a champion conservative....:rolleyes:
Amen brother.

02-14-11, 15:12
RP on the ticket would guarantee a 2nd term for Obama.

Does that mean voting for "electable" Romney is a vote better spent?

I'd rather take my chances with Ron Paul

02-14-11, 19:16
I'd like to see a Jindal / Bachmann ticket. No way would I vote for a RINO scumbag like Romney.

Does that mean voting for "electable" Romney is a vote better spent?

I'd rather take my chances with Ron Paul

02-14-11, 21:05
RP on the ticket would guarantee a 2nd term for Obama.

What makes you think that?

Obama is by far the most unelectable candidate in US history, with his Alinsky communism, his deadbeat drunk dad, his time spent at a muslim school or madrassa or whatever, his radical black anti-American church, his shunning all religions (no Xmas service, no national prayer day, etc.) except that he invited a bunch of muslims over to pray at Ramadan, his trillion dollar graft / money transfer to his cronies and thugs, his ACORN ballot box stuffing, his bitchfacewookie wife, his missing college records, his missing law school records, his missing Harvard Law Review publications, his illegal trip to Pakistan in 1980 (illegal if he were a US citizen), his missing birf certificate, his failure to make partner at a law firm due to incompetence, suspicious removal of his and his wife's name from the roles of licensed attorneys in Illinois, his crooked land deal with Rezko, his inability to form a gramatically complete sentence without a teleprompter, his arrogance, his ignorance, his class warfare, etc. obviously I could go on about for hours.

Do you really think that the most unelectable candidate in history, with one of the worst failed presidencies if not the worse, and at least the second worst economy in American history, would really be electable over anyone other than Stalin, Hitler, Satan, Pol Pot, Darth Vader, Megatron, Mike Tyson, Charles Manson, Louis Farrakhan, Bertha Lewis, Chairman Mao, or Charlie Sheen?

02-14-11, 21:10
And if the Republicans run a joke candidate in 2012, we'll see 4 more years of what you just described. Never underestimate the apathy and stupidity of the average voter.

What makes you think that?

Obama is by far the most unelectable candidate in US history, with his Alinsky communism, his deadbeat drunk dad, his time spent at a muslim school or madrassa or whatever, his radical black anti-American church, his shunning all religions (no Xmas service, no national prayer day, etc.) except that he invited a bunch of muslims over to pray at Ramadan, his trillion dollar graft / money transfer to his cronies and thugs, his ACORN ballot box stuffing, his bitchfacewookie wife, his missing college records, his missing law school records, his missing Harvard Law Review publications, his illegal trip to Pakistan in 1980 (illegal if he were a US citizen), his missing birf certificate, his failure to make partner at a law firm due to incompetence, suspicious removal of his and his wife's name from the roles of licensed attorneys in Illinois, his crooked land deal with Rezko, his inability to form a gramatically complete sentence without a teleprompter, his arrogance, his ignorance, his class warfare, etc. obviously I could go on about for hours.

Do you really think that the most unelectable candidate in history, with one of the worst failed presidencies if not the worse, and at least the second worst economy in American history, would really be electable over anyone other than Stalin, Hitler, Satan, Pol Pot, Darth Vader, Megatron, Mike Tyson, Charles Manson, Louis Farrakhan, Bertha Lewis, Chairman Mao, or Charlie Sheen?

02-14-11, 21:22
Joke candidates IMO:

Romney: A liberal just like John McBrain, has RomneyCare against him and his religion will not be considered a plus. Plus there was that story about him putting his Irish setter in a dog crate on the roof of his station wagon and then driving to his vacation destination. Almost on par with Michael Vick, but not quite, I suppose.

Palin: At least she is a conservative. Not well eduated, generally not articulate, and turns crowds of liberals into the cast for Night of the Living Dead. Went caribous hunting with a rifle that was not sighted in. But she keeps the lenses of her glasses nice and clean.

Christiie: Does anyone think this guy can cut the fat? And since when are NJ politicians less corrupt than Chicago politicians?

Jindal: Appears weak. Not dynamic enough.

We need someone who can give really dynamic speeches like Hitler did, but whose speeches talk about cutting the budget by 75% (instead of talking about Jews, German nationalism, etc.). Adding in some tidbits about locking the border down, kicking out illegal immigrants, eliminating the corporate income tax to bring manufacturing back, eliminating OSHA, cutting EPA regs by 95%, eliminating Dept of Labor, eliminating Dept of Education, eliminationg Dept of Energy, eliminating Dept of HHS, eliminating DHS, merging ATF, DEA and FBI, cutting off imports from China, balanced budget amendment, etc. would be helpful too.

John Boehner can stay in the tanning booth all day for all I care. He certainly does not fit the bill.

02-14-11, 21:35
How is Palin inarticulate exactly?


02-15-11, 00:06
She is not quick on her feet. If people ask her questions she has to think about she often turns it into a goat****. Not saying I would do any better. I would turn bright red and sweaty speaking in public but she has stumbled her way through interviews even with friendly people.

Id much rather see her in there than Obongo but I don't think she is the right person to take on the AFL-CIO/SEIU/minority/Obongo machine/average dumb American.

I will say we are ****ed if we have a Romney/Huckabee/Palin selection. I wouldn't vote for either of them except Palin.

02-15-11, 01:50
It's amazing that people can even discuss Palin being President.

02-15-11, 01:57
the hunting thing it was her dads rifle and when he fell he must have knocked it harder then he thought ?

I dont think she is as bad as some make her out to be and would rather have her than many others

I guess is it good she thinks before she opens her mouth ?
does that mean she is honestly thinking or are others prepared for anything or just say what pops in and is current ? makes me wonder ;)

02-15-11, 03:06
Palin plays her position well. She can never win the white house, but she can start lots of trouble and divert press attention

02-15-11, 03:31
The RP needs a non-controversial candidate. By which I mean, one that does not go out and open his/her mouth to create controversy.

Someone who has been there/done that in terms of governing, and who won't talk a lot about the things that need to be done, but will just do them.