View Full Version : “All of you are white. Go to hell!”

02-16-11, 11:08
Updated 10:25 p.m. Feb. 15 2011


As Price stood to leave, he looked at Turner and the five other citizens who addressed the court. Price said to them, “All of you are white. Go to hell!”


Army Chief
02-16-11, 11:23
Please tread (very) carefully, gentlemen.


02-16-11, 11:36
The looters are In full panic mode. I can't really blame them, what possible private sector job could a guy like Price get that would allow him to continue his lifestyle? Answer - none.


02-16-11, 11:58
Please tread (very) carefully, gentlemen.

OK. I promise not to speak the truth in this thread, as the truth is a very sensitive subject.


However, if we eliminate ALL forms of welfare, people will have to earn their keep and this type of attitude will be less common.

02-16-11, 14:14
Again, if you reverse certain variables, it becomes national news and a world wide outcry.

02-16-11, 14:34
I like how the racist commissioner blames the tea party ?

02-16-11, 14:51
Isn't this the same dude who said the term "black hole" was racist?

02-16-11, 16:25
I think my response would have been far more vitriolic if I a black man and someone was calling me a "moulignon" (mool-in-yan).

This is a hardcore racist term for black people. It means eggplant, and is typically shortened to "mooly"

As it were, he was not called "mooly" but rather a "Mullah", which is still pretty stupid when it comes to polical discourse. Attacking a person's ideas and staying on message is far more effective than name calling when it comes to resonating over time.

02-16-11, 16:30
I think my response would have been far more vitriolic if I a black man and someone was calling me a "moulignon" (mool-in-yan).

This is a hardcore racist term for black people. It means eggplant, and is typically shortened to "mooly"

As it were, he was not called "mooly" but rather a "Mullah", which is still pretty stupid when it comes to polical discourse. Attacking a person's ideas and staying on message is far more effective than name calling when it comes to resonating over time.

WOW, you certainly are stretching the point "moulignon" (I am Italian and speak Italian, for sure I know the difference between the two) vs "Mullah":

Quote from the Dallas Attorney:
In any event: "The real news is whether Commissioner Price has established, or is attempting to establish, a party machine political system in Dallas County, with himself being the "Boss." Or, as I referred to him as, the "Chief Mullah." We hear in the news about the mullahs in Iran, for example, who essentially run that sad country by dictate and corruption and who remain in power through intimidation and dismissal of any and all opponents.


Edit: correction - I am an American of Italian Hertiage. If one was an American of French Hertiage they would state Moulignon is situated in Melun, Seine-et-Marne, Ile-de-France, France.

02-16-11, 16:52
What exactly is the point of this thread?

Suwannee Tim
02-16-11, 16:56
Turner was blatantly attempting to provoke Jenkins and, probably to Jenkins' regret, succeeded. I don't see the news in this.

What exactly is the point of this thread?

You beat me to it rick, but I was hot on your heels.

02-16-11, 16:56
What exactly is the point of this thread?

Valid question. Same posters, pushing the same agenda, time after time, in different threads...the usual suspects.


02-16-11, 17:17
What exactly is the point of this thread?

To demonstrate the savage hypocrisy that minority elected officials can openly engage in racism without consequence to their elected office when a white person who said EXACTLY the same thing with the variables reversed would be removed from office.

Valid question. Same posters, pushing the same agenda, time after time, in different threads...the usual suspects.


There are all kinds of agendas. The agenda of acceptable racism from certain groups is an agenda.

Army Chief
02-16-11, 17:22
Once again, we find that no tribe, clan, color or creed has a monopoly on stupidity.

Name calling leads to angry outbursts, which leads to further ill will and more name calling. Who knew?

Let's call this one early, friends.


P.S. I understand certain cultural clashes, but racism flat out sucks in whatever form we may find it. It really makes little practical difference who is on what side of which line at the time: wrong is wrong.