View Full Version : Will a side plate work as a chest plate?

02-18-11, 01:17
I have a Shell back tactical, go time triple mag chest rig http://shellbacktactical.com/gotimetriplemagchestrig.aspx . It will hold a 7x9 plate in a pouch behind the mags. Does anyone know if the Defend X level III 7X9 side plate will work as a front plate http://www.defenstech.com/defenstechdnn/OnlineStore/tabid/60/ctl/ProductDetails/mid/400/ProductID/9/Default.aspx ? I would hate to spend $500 and find out that a side plate is not suitable for the front. Thanks for any advise.

02-18-11, 08:17
There's nothing magic about front vs. side plates. Assuming equal ballistic ratings, the only difference is size and shape.

Dave L.
02-18-11, 09:26
Do you really want to trust a side plate to cover your vitals from the front?

02-18-11, 10:54
As noted, ballistic protective abilities are the same--coverage is a whole different issue...

02-18-11, 12:10
Thanks for the help, I just wanted to make sure.

I understand about the lack of coverage. I only put the chest rig on when I grab my rifle out of my patrol car. I put it on over my IIIA vest and uniform. I just figured that the 7x9 of rifle protection was better than no rifle protection. I also have the chest rig sitting much higher than the one pictured.

02-18-11, 15:47
I guess it beats nothing, but if I'm already lugging soft armor and load bearing stuff, I'm getting a 10x12 plate (shooters cut, but that size at least)