View Full Version : The world has a muslim problem.

02-18-11, 20:19
That is Bill O'Reilly's line and he is right. Generally O'Reilly is way too liberal for me, but this time he is on target.

There was an Iranian muslim expert on tv who said that 5 to 7 percent of Muslims worldwide (out of 1.5 bn total) are radicalized.


One more time - why would we ever consider letting these people into our country?

I really think the head-in-the-sand stance of the liberals who control most western governments is going to give rise to Adolf Hitler, II, whose stated agenda will be elimination of Islam.

02-19-11, 07:19
That is Bill O'Reilly's line and he is right. Generally O'Reilly is way too liberal for me, but this time he is on target.

There was an Iranian muslim expert on tv who said that 5 to 7 percent of Muslims worldwide (out of 1.5 bn total) are radicalized.

Where do these numbers come from? Did he conduct a poll of 1,500,000,000 Muslims and ask them a series of question to determine that 5 - 7 (a huge ****ing gap by the way when you're dealing with such a large number) are radicalized?

Seriously would like to know, my best bet is he pulled a number out of his ass but wanted to be some what conservative instead of just blurting "49.599% of Muslims are radical jihadist" 5-7 percent sounds a bit more credible, as if it's a number with a lot of research behind it.

02-19-11, 08:33
Why someone gets their news from pro New Orleans gun grab idiot who can't understand evolution or the Moon's effect on the tides is beyond me. **** O'Reilly.

02-19-11, 09:15
When there are facts to back up the claims other than "Bill says so" then we can revisit this topic.

Until then.....