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View Full Version : One Hundred Push Ups?

Travis B
02-21-11, 06:46
Have any of you heard of/used the 100 Push Up (http://hundredpushups.com/index.html) program? I found it on another forum and thought I would ask for experience over here. They also have programs for sit ups, pull ups, etc.

Danny Boy
02-21-11, 07:29
Did something similar for the Army PFT with a buddy for push ups and sit ups about four - five weeks before a record was due. We'd always start with doing two minutes trying to do as many as possible as it was good practice for the test day. First week would be that then adding however many sit ups/push ups would get you a total of 120 with muscle failure built into it. So if I could get 50 in two minutes, I'd then rest for 60 seconds then knock out as many as I could until failure of correct form, let's say 25. Rest for another 60 seconds, then knock out another 25. Then rest another 60 seconds and do another 20 to make the 120 total. Sometimes would be better than others but we just made sure that we got our total in. Did that three times a week with a days rest in between. The following week I'd add 20 more to the total to make 140 and try and do more each set to keep at around 4 sets. After around four to five weeks we were at 180 total per session. The total for our 2 minutes for the APFT was up to about 75 push ups and sit ups.

02-21-11, 08:25
I dont do that exact program, but since i'll be doing PT tests for some jobs coming up, i've been working on my pushups.

Aside from chest day at the gym, what i usually do is...every other day i'll max out (do as many as i can), then about 2mins later i'll try to get as close to the first number as i can. Thats it.

02-21-11, 20:06
When I came off profile, I had to get back to maxing pushups within 45 days or I was going to be kicked out of Scouts. I went from 58 to 81 in 4 weeks just doing timed sets three times a week. (3 sets of 1:00 max effort/1:00 rest)

What's your end goal?

02-21-11, 20:19
I just downloaded an app for this today and started. Sounds pretty fun.

Travis B
02-21-11, 21:42
What's your end goal?

Well I graduate college in August (early, not late!) and I'll start basic and OCS after that so I want to be at at least a 300 APFT (while I haven't done an official test, my unofficial score is around a 210) at the beginning.

02-21-11, 21:50
Well I graduate college in August (early, not late!) and I'll start basic and OCS after that so I want to be at at least a 300 APFT (while I haven't done an official test, my unofficial score is around a 210) at the beginning.

Do you already have an OCS contract?

A 300 APFT is pretty easy to achieve. You could have a 300 in as soon as April if you work hard. August is no problem so long as you don't get lazy over the summer. Pyramid workouts will get you there quickly as well as interval training for your run. Just make sure you mix in resistance training too. I know a lot of guys with 300+ PT scores that can't carry a ruck to save their lives.

Travis B
02-21-11, 21:58
Do you already have an OCS contract?

A 300 APFT is pretty easy to achieve. You could have a 300 in as soon as April if you work hard. August is no problem so long as you don't get lazy over the summer. Pyramid workouts will get you there quickly as well as interval training for your run. Just make sure you mix in resistance training too. I know a lot of guys with 300+ PT scores that can't carry a ruck to save their lives.

No, I'm meeting with the recruiter either this week or the next.

My experience backpacking (I seem to always over-pack so it's never ultralight packing) should help me with the ruck march, right?

Travis B
02-21-11, 22:00
I just downloaded an app for this today and started. Sounds pretty fun.

Keep us updated on your progress. What is your starting max, if you don't mind sharing?

02-21-11, 22:06
Rucking, as with almost everything else in the military, is mostly a mindgame. I've seen some fatbodies who can't even pass the PT test hump the 240B and a 60lb ruck while I've also seen studs crying on the side of the road a few miles into the EIB 12-miler.

For that small part of rucking that requires physical ability, deadlifts, squats, and lunges are your friend. I don't know about you, but my recreational hiking is dramatically different in intensity compared to a roadmarch.

No matter what, though, it's going to suck. It's just a matter of how you prepare physically and mentally that determines how much it sucks.

Good luck with the recruiter, and especially with the rest of this semester.

Travis B
02-21-11, 22:22
I don't know about you, but my recreational hiking is dramatically different in intensity compared to a roadmarch.

No matter what, though, it's going to suck. It's just a matter of how you prepare physically and mentally that determines how much it sucks.

Good luck with the recruiter, and especially with the rest of this semester.

I have one friend who hikes like his ass is on fire and the only source of water is at our camp for the night, and I try to make sure he leads the hikes. But yeah, I imagine it won't be as bad as a ruck march, but I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks for the luck, I will really need taking 18 hours this semester. Hopefully I'll have the GPA requirement to take advantage of the automatic branch selection they've put into place recently.

02-21-11, 22:27
Which branch(es) are you considering?

Travis B
02-21-11, 22:31
Which branch(es) are you considering?

Infantry would be fun but I'm not sure how practical it would be for a life after the military if I don't make a long-term career out of it. As of now I'm leaning towards either MI or Finance, but I'm trying to find someone to talk to concerning those branches.

02-21-11, 22:38
Infantry would be fun but I'm not sure how practical it would be for a life after the military if I don't make a long-term career out of it. As of now I'm leaning towards either MI or Finance, but I'm trying to find someone to talk to concerning those branches.

With the qualifications you'll receive as an 11A and the wide myriad of jobs that officers fulfill in Infantry battalions, you'll have absolutely no problem finding work outside of service. On top of the professional certifications you'll receive, the personal achievements will make you a more confident and capable leader in the business world.

Keep in mind I'm an 11B, so I'm just a tad bit biased.

Travis B
02-21-11, 22:41
With the qualifications you'll receive as an 11A and the wide myriad of jobs that officers fulfill in Infantry battalions, you'll have absolutely no problem finding work outside of service. On top of the professional certifications you'll receive, the personal achievements will make you a more confident and capable leader in the business world.

Keep in mind I'm an 11B, so I'm just a tad bit biased.

Great post and thank you for your selfless service to our amazing country! I'll keep the advice in mind

Mr. Biggles
02-22-11, 02:37
If you've got the time, just start knocking out 10-20 pushups every thirty minutes. =)

02-22-11, 08:29
If you've got the time, just start knocking out 10-20 pushups every thirty minutes. =)

That's not going to do anything for his APFT.

Travis B
02-22-11, 08:32
If you've got the time, just start knocking out 10-20 pushups every thirty minutes. =)

The workout I sent out calls for that many pushups every 60 seconds

02-24-11, 20:24
This is what a friend told me about this "100 push-up" plan...

A few months ago I tried something from a link and it turned out terribly - the stupid 100 pushups plan and their sister site for 200 situps are pure BS. Started with a baseline of 20 each, after two months of following it to the letter, my baselines had DROPPED to 15 each.

I wanted to share it if it might help someone else not to waste their time. Or maybe this was his own body's personal reaction to it, who knows?

Travis B
02-24-11, 20:34
This is what a friend told me about this "100 push-up" plan...

I wanted to share it if it might help someone else not to waste their time. Or maybe this was his own body's personal reaction to it, who knows?

My numbers would start me at week 3, but who knows. Thanks for the input.

02-24-11, 20:37
Keep us updated on your progress. What is your starting max, if you don't mind sharing?

33 was my starting. I'm on day three. It's pretty fun and it's something I can do in the hotel when I'm traveling (besides surfing M4C and porn).

Travis B
02-24-11, 20:40
(besides surfing M4C and porn).

Guns and girls. What a night

02-24-11, 21:09
Just being curious, i did as many as i could....60 even.

Not bad for a 210lb'er, but i'd like to be able to bust out an even 100. Only one way to do it....do more pushups.

02-24-11, 21:24
I tried it last year, and got nowhere.

02-26-11, 13:22
I tried it last year, and got nowhere.

I tried it a while back...when I started out I couldn't do 10 good solid push-ups...it didn't get me very far...

I dropped that and started jumping rope/pull-ups/dips/push-ups...

I can do fifty now...in sets of 40 I can do a couple hundred...

Honestly...doing pyramids or steps is probably a better use of your time...it's been working for me...

I'm training for general fitness though...not a scheduled test...

02-26-11, 13:43
Just remember that if you've reached muscle failure (not when you're tired but when you collapse when trying to raise your body up) drop to your knees and keep pushing. If you're doing pull-ups/chin-ups and you reach muscle failure, either have a friend put your feet on their thighs or use something like a chair in front of you to rest your feet on and keep kncoking out reps.

You can do as many pyramids/timed sets as you want, but it's the same deal as resistance training. If you don't break your muscles down, give them time to heal, then keep going, you aren't going to improve. It's all fine if you can knock out 100 pushups in a set time limit, but it's been my observation that you need to smoke yourself to continuously improve on pushups.

YMMV and all that happy shit. I still believe timed sets > pyramids for rapid and continuous improvement of any endurance exercise.

Travis B
02-28-11, 20:23
I'm starting today on the 3rd column of week three. Wish me luck. I'll try to give weekly updates on my progress

03-04-11, 09:17
My new way to increase pushups is resistance...

Backpack + 30lbs of books + Rep till failure = Higher max?...hopefully.

Danny Boy
03-04-11, 09:25
My 1st Sgt is a big fan of putting a 30lb dumbbell between my shoulder blades and doing sets of twenty. It's the cost of admission to cross his doorway.

Travis B
03-04-11, 10:46
My new way to increase pushups is resistance...

Backpack + 30lbs of books + Rep till failure = Higher max?...hopefully.

Try doing some sets, too.

03-04-11, 10:47
I've found it doesnt really matter how much i bench (bar/dumbells/ect.) nothing increases pushup ability like...pushups.

I'll use the backpack method untill it gets too easy, then i'll invest in a weighted vest...

03-04-11, 11:34
I'm not in any way in the kind of shape you guys are but i decided to start doing pushups regularly because I can't get much exercise. I'm 56.

I started out and doing 10 was about it. Then I pushed trough to 20.

Then a couple of days I did 20, rested a bit, 19, rested 18, rested, etc.... 1 finished.

Doing that every other day one week and then resting a few days really bumped things up for me. After that week I was on my way to 40 - 50 range. I can now go a week or so and at any time I can knock out 50 - 70 with no huge effort. Stick something in the microwave and knock out 60 while it cooks. That sort of thing. The other thing I did towards the beginning was simply knock out 25 every hour. Even if I could do more, I stopped at 25.

So that made me pretty happy. 60-70 at a go is fine with me. Then I figured maybe I'll try some pullups. I had heard they are a really good test. I figure since I went from barely doing 10 pushups to doing 60 no problem that maybe I should be able to knock out some pullups. Sadly I struggled to get 3. I couldn't believe it. It was embarrassing.

So I have to agree, if you want to be able to do a lot of pushups, then do a lot of pushups. ... and in my case it looks like I need to set up a pullup bar.

Travis B
03-04-11, 21:59
Week 1 complete (week 3 on their list). The easiest day seemed to be Wednesday, which I could have something to do with the fact that I did some other chest and tri workouts after Monday's workout. I think I'm going to try and work in these extra workouts and see how it goes.

03-05-11, 03:40
I have not tried this program, and probably will not. I would get bored with it. I like and do lots of push ups though. There are so many variations, and I like to mix it up. Simply google any of the types I mention. Some that I like are the simple decline, but on your fingertips. I also vary the decline. I also like dropping my nose inside a diamond. Those are great for triceps. I sometimes do rotational T’s as they help with core strength, specifically the obliques. I just read about doing those with dumbbells. That is a great idea because they seem too easy with just bodyweight. I was doing lost of Charles Atlas pushups during the summer between a couple picnic tables. Those are so much harder than the classic, especially if you go slow and really drop deep. Of course you have the clapping type. There are just oodles of variations of the clapping type. The pseudo planche push up is a bear. I am extremely impressed with those that can do real planche push ups. Those are just crazy. My core strength will need to improve considerably yet if I am ever to do one of those.

Travis B
03-05-11, 06:08
I am extremely impressed with those that can do real planche push ups. Those are just crazy. My core strength will need to improve considerably yet if I am ever to do one of those.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqvOLHC-1sk Those planche push ups are just crazy! There's no telling how many years of training it takes to do one of those. Good luck in getting there

03-05-11, 07:27
Normally I do between 75 and 80 push ups on the APFT. I wouldn't mind hitting 100 though, if for no reason other than knowing I can.

03-05-11, 10:00
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqvOLHC-1sk Those planche push ups are just crazy! There's no telling how many years of training it takes to do one of those. Good luck in getting there
I think it may be easier to do them on parallel bars, like shown in the video. I would prefer to be able to do them on a flat surface. The thing I like about push ups is so many versions can be done almost anywhere with no equipment, or with some improvised devices. Bodyweight only exercises are often highly underrated IMO. This is a bit of a derail, but another bodyweight exercise I could not yet do last time I tried is the one legged, unsupported squat. Those are a great test of leg strength, core strength, and balance. If you cannot do those, and most people cannot, you can start out with your back supported against a wall. You need a slick interface between your back and the wall or these become incredibly difficult also, though.

03-05-11, 10:25
Holy Cow, I've never heard of those planche push ups.

I can sort of push/jump myself up off the floor but can't hold it, much less push through another one. That one seems very triceps and balance oriented.

03-12-11, 03:45
You don't have to follow the pushup plan to the T when it comes to rest periods of 60 seconds. I believe in letting my heart rate relax a little closer to normal before I spike it back up. I have done this type of program in the past but it is one of my own making. I do a max set and deduct a few each time for a total of 6 sets. APFT pushups rely on your fast twitch muscles to do your max in 2 minutes. Train by putting some weight between your shoulder blades and do slower pushups with a pause at the bottom, then explode up. What you get at the bottom is very close to your body weight plus the weight you are using. Elevate your feet to reduce body incline to add more resistance without weight. To tighten up your core even further and get your abs and hips to lock up, cross your ankles and stack your legs. I do this type of program every year until I reach sets of 80. It is not as tough as you would think. Keep training!

03-12-11, 10:58
If the 100 pushup plan works then keep doing it.. but the only way to get better at pushups is to do pushups. Once you get to where you want to be, check out Stew Smith's 200 pushups workout

03-12-11, 12:25
To the OP try P90X I am a big fan of it and it took me from a fat guy to a fit guy ;-)
Just another opinion!

Travis B
03-12-11, 12:43
To the OP try P90X I am a big fan of it and it took me from a fat guy to a fit guy ;-)
Just another opinion!

I was planning on doing that this summer, when I can afford it. So I should see great results from it?

03-12-11, 12:55
I used this program with some success. I've never had much trouble with chest exercises though. Benching and pushups come pretty natural to me, but this program help me make some fast progress. More importantly, it kept me organized while doing it, which is usually my problem at the gym. The pull up program worked for me as well.

I'd imagine that you can use the formula (which it basically is) and apply it to any exercise with some success.

03-12-11, 13:00
I was planning on doing that this summer, when I can afford it. So I should see great results from it?

If you follow the program you will see awesome results, I lost 60lbs and went from over 27% Body Fat to 11% BF.
When I did the fit test I could only do 20 push ups at the end of my first 90 days I had turned 20 push ups into 94 (just kept going until I could not go anymore)
All the best!