View Full Version : Fox report: Putin fires govt

09-12-07, 07:47
There is initial reporting on foxnews.com that the current duma(?) has been dissolved, three months prior to elections. This is bad because, without a democratically elected governement in place, Russia could develp a sucky economy, nationalize successful businesses, assassinate angry journalists, engage in genocidal wars, and get taken over by the mob. :D

All kidding aside, this could play out in a number of ways, none of them good.

09-12-07, 22:07

Putin has no intention of turning his hard, dirty, bloody, cold war-esque work over the years to "the MASSES" by some "election."

I honestly believe we are closer to surprise attack :eek: from the revived USSR than during most times we call the "Cold War." I would add China as partner in that deed with the Bear as well....

The world is a very dangerous, edgy place now days...
