View Full Version : Just got the call, my buddys down IED blast

Paraclete comes
02-26-11, 12:53
I just got the call from his Dad, got injured on the 25th in helmand. He alive and sustained frag to the left side of his body and face. He said his Oakleys saved his eyes. Funny I said the same thing in late 09 when i was hit on foot. i had a ring of burns and frag around my m frames. but took most of the damage to his arm, not many details after that. As its not life threating hes at the field hospital awaiting determination.

The best part is he made sure to tell us, they got the fu*!$r with the old M4. Sent the bitch to allah at 3,250 FPS! The M4 might not be what "some" would consider the best weapon system, but its laying waste to shit heads that want to use command det ieds. Please keep him and the guys still over there in your prayers.

Thought you guys might like to know team America is out getting some. Hope I dont get my d!#k slapped for posting this here.

02-26-11, 13:12
Prayers sent for you friend. May he heal quickly and thoroughly. Glad he got the guy responsible.


Big Av
02-26-11, 13:19
Hope he heals up quickly...

02-26-11, 13:19
I just got the call from his Dad, got injured on the 25th in helmand. He alive and sustained frag to the left side of his body and face. He said his Oakleys saved his eyes. Funny I said the same thing in late 09 when i was hit on foot. i had a ring of burns and frag around my m frames. but took most of the damage to his arm, not many details after that. As its not life threating hes at the field hospital awaiting determination.

The best part is he made sure to tell us, they got the fu*!$r with the old M4. Sent the bitch to allah at 3,250 FPS! The M4 might not be what "some" would consider the best weapon system, but its laying waste to shit heads that want to use command det ieds. Please keep him and the guys still over there in your prayers.

Thought you guys might like to know team America is out getting some. Hope I dont get my d!#k slapped for posting this here.

Glad to hear he's okay and that there's a few less Taliban in the world. Were they mounted when they were hit?


02-26-11, 13:37
Damn, glad your friend survived.

Our troops these days have some the best equipment not only to survive but execute the fight.

Paraclete comes
02-26-11, 13:54
they were dismounted and foot mobile.

Glad to hear he's okay and that there's a few less Taliban in the world. Were they mounted when they were hit?


Thanks for the prayers guys, God is great. Right about the gear, from weapons to armor and medical we are well taken care of.

02-26-11, 14:10
Glad to hear he is ok, good to know he got the guy. Was he able to get a trophy? Not sure if they are able to do that, but I would want something.

I hope everything goes good, he's in my prayers. God bless our troops!

02-26-11, 14:11
God bless you and your buddy for your service and the job you do everyday. I will pray for his speedy recovery.

I'm sure anyone on these boards for any length of time will agree, with quality equipment and knowledge of how to properly maintain it, you can trust your life to that weapon and it is plenty effective.

Had buddies in Sunni triangle in 04-05 with confirmed kills w/just aimpoints on M4's out to 350-400 meters... 1 instance, observe/ambush from vacant rooftop overlooking distant intersection frequently used by Coalition forces. Caught a guy trying to plant IED, 3 shots, 2 hits in torso, by the time the team leader w/the acog got guns up, he saw the guy drop and said "You got em!!!"

Keep up the good work bro and tell your brothers in arms that we have not forgotten about any of you!!! You may not be in the news everyday like the bullshit that is being broadcast, but you are all in our thoughts and prayers!!

02-26-11, 14:18
Good to hear that he's in recovery and none the worse for wear.... And gave more than he got. Prayers out to his speedy return and, for those still in hams way. Press on.... Hooah!.

02-26-11, 14:18
Without delving too much into OPSEC-sensitive details, the anti-personnel IED was the bane of my existence during my last tour in Helmand. As the OIC of the C2 agency responsible for taking, processing and routing MEDEVAC requests, tasking aircraft to support missions, and tracking the progress of those missions, I used to deal with one of these at least every other day or so. During peak times (Moshtarak in Marjah, kicking the hornets' nest in Sangin and Now Zad, etc), there were times where we would launch birds to support one mission, and wind up having them pick up three, four, sometimes half a dozen more patients.

The TTPs the shitheads use over there were getting harder and harder to defeat, but some open source articles I've read in the past couple weeks (I'm out now) have started to indicate that CIED practices are making some headway. I do not, however, have any stats to verify that. Tell that to your pal, or the LN kids that wind up--excuse the expression, but I don't know any other way to describe it--splattered all over the compound walls, though.

Your friend got very, very lucky, and send him all my hopes/prayers for a speedy recovery. Send some thanks to the guys and gals (most of whom used to work for or with me) who got him out ASAP, too.

02-26-11, 14:27
Glad they got him. And glad your buddy was lucky enough to survive. A guy I went to school with got killed from a pressure plate IED a few days ago.

02-26-11, 14:27
Prayers sent that your friend makes a full and complete recovery. Please know that we keep all of our warfighters in our prayers.

May his family, friends and fellow Marines receive comfort and strength, while they continue the fight.

02-26-11, 16:40
Glad they got him. And glad your buddy was lucky enough to survive. A guy I went to school with got killed from a pressure plate IED a few days ago.

I'm sorry to hear about that. Those things are wicked nasty and one of the few things that scare the shit of me.


ETA: I like your location comment, 'Join the Army, see the world.'

Somebody lied to you, huh? :D