View Full Version : 40+ years of porking Joe Q

02-27-11, 13:42
The Demand is low. Supply is HIGH. But the price goes up up up per barrel of oil. Production in the Middle East has not stopped.

02-27-11, 15:14
Current gas prices are high due to the recent instabilities within the Middle-East region. Also, demand for crude oil is always high, as most of the modern world is heavily dependent upon it.


02-27-11, 15:21
Do what now?
My solution is to own stocks in oil companies.

02-27-11, 15:35
If we did more drilling here our gas prices would not be so dependent on if the muslims are good boys or bad boys from day to day.

Some dime a dozen cretins halfway around the world decide they don't like their president and it costs me 30 cents a gallon more...:rolleyes:

02-27-11, 15:40
If we did more drilling here our gas prices would not be so dependent on if the muslims are good boys or bad boys from day to day.
Yes, we need to much more drilling here and we need to utilize natural gas, of which we have lots, more.

Some dime a dozen cretins halfway around the world decide they doesn't like their president and it costs me 30 cents a gallon more...:rolleyes:

Actually it is the oil traders driving up the price. No different than when gold goes up when there are crises.

02-27-11, 16:39
If we did more drilling here our gas prices would not be so dependent on if the muslims are good boys or bad boys from day to day.

ding ding ding

Problem solved. But, all the NIMBY ****s in this country would rather see wars, terrorism, and genocide take place out of sight then see a damn oil derrick in the distance.

02-27-11, 17:48
I would orgasm if the next President we elect on DAY ONE signs an Executive Order on oil & gas drilling & processing, clearing any permit issues, land use issues, environmental issues, etc...

All for NATIONAL SECURITY... Is not oil & gas a NS issue?

If I had a snowball in hell's chance, that would be MY platform I would stump every day, if you elect me President...


02-27-11, 19:49
If we did more drilling here our gas prices would not be so dependent on if the muslims are good boys or bad boys from day to day.

Some dime a dozen cretins halfway around the world decide they don't like their president and it costs me 30 cents a gallon more...:rolleyes:

I think the reason we dont is we are trying to exaust the rest of the worlds supply before we touch our own. I think thats the same reason we capped so many wells in the 70's. Its part of a broder stratigic fall back plan in the case of SHIFT.

02-27-11, 20:09
The sooner we reduce oil trading with the middle east the better off we will be as a nation.

This is a big reason of why I like the idea of electric cars and diesel powered vehicles. Whenever OPEC dicks around with oil prices a new hybrid/electric vehicle owner is born. The more the merrier.

I hate OPEC and dependence on Arab oil. The sooner we break their backs by dumping their #1 export the safer we will be as a nation.

02-27-11, 21:47
I think the reason we dont is we are trying to exaust the rest of the worlds supply before we touch our own. I think thats the same reason we capped so many wells in the 70's. Its part of a broder stratigic fall back plan in the case of SHIFT.

+1 this is it. When the world is void of oil, we will still be in business.we get screwed a little now and come out ahead in the end.

02-27-11, 22:55
I think the reason we dont is we are trying to exaust the rest of the worlds supply before we touch our own. I think thats the same reason we capped so many wells in the 70's. Its part of a broder stratigic fall back plan in the case of SHIFT.


+1 this is it. When the world is void of oil, we will still be in business.we get screwed a little now and come out ahead in the end.

Brazil successfully converted to ethanol after experiencing a period of widespread gasoline shortages during the 1970's.

If anyone is interested:



02-27-11, 23:31
I love how our own government ****s us over by preventing high mileage diesels from being sold over here due to insane emissions regs. I love how our government restricts drilling off the coasts, but foreign countries can drill in the same areas without a bit of concern for the environment. I love how you can't get a new refinery or nuke station built due to the red tape insanity.

Our own .gov shoots us in the foot constantly.

02-28-11, 00:04
I love how our own government ****s us over by preventing high mileage diesels from being sold over here due to insane emissions regs. I love how our government restricts drilling off the coasts, but foreign countries can drill in the same areas without a bit of concern for the environment. I love how you can't get a new refinery or nuke station built due to the red tape insanity.

Our own .gov shoots us in the foot constantly.

yeah it does seem to be a running theme....
"environmentalists" don't want drilling here... how environmentally friendly is it to sail huge ships full of oil across the pacific ocean? what do you suppose the carbon footprint of a supertanker is? :fie:

02-28-11, 01:00
yeah it does seem to be a running theme....
"environmentalists" don't want drilling here... how environmentally friendly is it to sail huge ships full of oil across the pacific ocean? what do you suppose the carbon footprint of a supertanker is? :fie:

I dunno, those hippie environmentalist types tend to know everything. So I'm almost certain that if there were some flaw in their logic, i.e. the carbon footprint of supertankers dwarfing the offsets of domestic drilling, they would have told us by now. In layman's terms of course, that way we simple folk could understand their fancy book speak. :D


02-28-11, 01:06
We import 60% of our oil supply. We don't have nearly enough to drill our way out of this situation.

02-28-11, 02:28
We import 60% of our oil supply. We don't have nearly enough to drill our way out of this situation.

I don't think anyone here, or anyone anywhere, is making the argument that it will completely solve our addiction to foreign oil, or at least that's what I'd like to think. Here's a hypothetical situation for whomever. Say domestic drilling were to cut our oil dependency by only 10%. That 10% would still go a very long way towards lessening OPECs impressive ability to dictate our own foreign policy for us, eventually leading to the creation of an atmosphere in which we won't need to tip-toe around the Middle-East anymore. I'm also of the opinion that it would be a good thing to have sitting on the back burner, so to speak, while we work on developing a more long-term, and hopefully permanent solution to our present situation.


02-28-11, 08:20
I saw a WSJ article that said Libya exports 1.2 million barrels a day, and that people were concerned about those barrels not making it to market with the unrest. It also went on to say that Saudi Arabia had the capacity to export an additional 3.5 million barrels a day, and they've expressed firm interest in picking up the slack should Libya melt down.

At this point I'd blame the oil traders buying and driving up the price, and it seems more of an emotional decision than one based in sound reasoning, if the article I read is true.

02-28-11, 08:56
I dunno, those hippie environmentalist types tend to know everything.

They all want us to join their DRUM CIRCLE and chant to Mother Gaia... Shut down the industrial world... Grow white-people dreds... Let Bambi play free...


02-28-11, 09:38
yeah it does seem to be a running theme....
"environmentalists" don't want drilling here... how environmentally friendly is it to sail huge ships full of oil across the pacific ocean? what do you suppose the carbon footprint of a supertanker is? :fie:

Oh no, my good sir, it gets better...

When they approach our shore, the oil tankers are apparently supposed to switch over to a special, more "environmentally friendly" fuel than the standard fuel (which I think is usually bunker oil)...apparently, this causes issues with the ship's engines, costs more to buy, has to have a tank dedicated to it, etc...

Also keep in mind that there are plenty of loons in the .gov and environmentalist movement that want to do stuff like tax your vehicle on mileage with a GPS receiver (because the fuel efficient vehicle owners are cheating the .gov out of taxes by not buying enough fuel) and they also believe that the price of gas needs to be raised to $8/gal or higher through artificial means (i.e., taxing it more).

This stupidity has got to end.

02-28-11, 10:41
If we did more drilling here our gas prices would not be so dependent on if the muslims are good boys or bad boys from day to day.

Amen. Did you know that the US is about to become the worlds #1 energy producer / kingdom (LINK (http://www.firstenercastfinancial.com/e_commentary.php?cont=100170)).

Of course if we could drill we could do even more.

I think the reason we dont is we are trying to exaust the rest of the worlds supply before we touch our own. I think thats the same reason we capped so many wells in the 70's. Its part of a broder stratigic fall back plan in the case of SHIFT.
You really think our pols are that forward looking?

02-28-11, 10:47
If we did more drilling here our gas prices would not be so dependent on if the muslims are good boys or bad boys from day to day.

I think that this is short term thinking. This stuff ain't renewable, one day it's going to be gone and we'll really have something to bitch about. I think we should continue to use everyone else's oil first.

Thomas M-4
02-28-11, 11:08
I think that this is short term thinking. This stuff ain't renewable, one day it's going to be gone and we'll really have something to bitch about. I think we should continue to use everyone else's oil first.

I have seen this line of thinking before.

1st you do know that china is drilling for oil in the gulf-coast [taking our oil].
2nd When do you want to start using our own oil? After we have a economic collapse and are a 3rd world power that cant afford the military that we used to have? Not to mention the industrial base that we will lose getting to that point.

03-03-11, 10:17
I think that this is short term thinking. This stuff ain't renewable, one day it's going to be gone and we'll really have something to bitch about. I think we should continue to use everyone else's oil first.

GONE They have been saying this for 40+ years. AND we find more Oil fields in the world all the time. We have more OIL then they know what to do with it.

03-03-11, 14:34
I have seen this line of thinking before.
1st you do know that china is drilling for oil in the gulf-coast [taking our oil].
2nd When do you want to start using our own oil? After we have a economic collapse and are a 3rd world power that cant afford the military that we used to have? Not to mention the industrial base that we will lose getting to that point.

1st we produce plenty domestically as it is including from the Gulf Coast.
2nd we should expand domestic production as soon as we see the writing on the wall. Imported oil won't destroy us economically, we're doing a good enough job doing that on our own.

GONE They have been saying this for 40+ years. AND we find more Oil fields in the world all the time. We have more OIL then they know what to do with it.

Don't be so shortsighted, one day (When? Who knows?) it'll be gone and when people realize that supplies are dwindling prices will skyrocket and everyone will feel the hurt.