View Full Version : FAKE SILVER & GOLD is now here in the USA ~ Courtesy of CHINA

02-28-11, 10:11
BEWARE! Fake silver bullion and coins are now being seen and found within the USA...

Most, if not ALL fakes, are being made in CHINA...

This is going to make selling your silver and gold A LOT MORE DIFFICULT in the future... as everyone will be leery. Since many fakes appear to be silver PLATED, even some chemical tests may be difficult without damaging the coin or bar being tested (cut out a chunk).

Here is a good site about it and how to test for fakes...

FAKE SILVER is here! (http://sherriequestioningall.blogspot.com/2011/02/alert-fake-silver-coinsbarsingots-are.html)


02-28-11, 11:49
Fake (poison) soy sauce
Fake (poison) Heparin
Fake (poison) Alpo
Poison drywall
Poison Thomas the Train for kids
etc. ...

Now fake gold and silver?

Ned Christiansen
03-01-11, 09:47
What a surprise!

I make a big effort to buy nothing made in China. Sometimes it's impossible to avoid, sometimes you just don't know. When in doubt (like, the product says "distibuted by" but doesn't say where it's made), I pass on it. If it was made here or by a friendly nation or at least not a bellicose, petulent and devious one, it would say so.

I have been encouraging people who get stuck with low-quality made in China products to send them to the nearest Chinese Embassy..... those addresses are easily Googled.

03-01-11, 17:18
Lots of bad stuff comes from China.