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10-10-11, 12:06
Mind doing a copy & paste job for us on the top link? You have to be registered to see it...

Here ya go!

David Cameron has urged European leaders to take a “big bazooka” approach to resolving the eurozone crisis, warning they have just a matter of weeks to avert economic disaster.
The UK prime minister wants France and Germany to bury their differences and to adopt before the end of the year what he claims would be a decisive five-point plan to end the uncertainty, which was having a “chilling effect” on the world economy.
Meanwhile, on Sunday, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, and France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy spelt out their determination to defend the stability of the euro as they met for a bilateral summit in Berlin, though they refused to spell out details of their plans.
Mr Sarkozy insisted that the two leading governments in the eurozone were pursuing a common course, and were ready to announce a comprehensive package before the summit of the G20 leading global economies in Cannes, France, at the beginning of November.
Mr Cameron’s interview with the Financial Times increases pressure on eurozone leaders to act, including pressing Mr Sarkozy to agree a plan of action for the recapitalisation of Europe’s banks.
Separately, Mr Cameron wants Germany and others to accept the “collective responsibility” of euro membership and to increase the firepower of the eurozone’s €440bn bailout fund to stop financial contagion spreading from Greece.
Although he refused to speculate on a Greek default – some British government ministers believe it is now inevitable – he said all uncertainty had to be removed about the country’s economic future.
He also called for the International Monetary Fund to be more active in “holding feet to the fire”, confronting eurozone leaders in the starkest terms possible with the consequences of further prevarication.
The final part of Mr Cameron’s plan is to address Europe’s underlying weaknesses, including deepening the single market and improving the governance of the eurozone, if necessary through treaty change.
“That’s the menu,” he said. “It’s not à la carte – you have to do the whole thing.” His comments reflect growing frustration in London and Washington at the incremental approach so far adopted in response to the crisis. “Time is short, the situation is precarious,” he said.
Mr Cameron believes it is vital that Europe’s leaders get ahead of the markets by announcing a comprehensive plan, comparing it to the “bazooka” approach once advocated by Hank Paulson, former US Treasury secretary.
He said Europe’s leaders must break the habit of doing “a bit too little, a bit too late” and conveyed the message in person over the weekend to Mrs Merkel.
Mr Cameron’s endorsement of new EU bank stress tests – applying market-based write-downs to sovereign debt holdings – is a tacit acknowledgement that Greece may not be able to meet the onerous terms of its austerity plan.
The tests could put new pressure on the British government to inject more capital into state-owned Royal Bank of Scotland, although Mr Cameron said he thought this would not be necessary.
Separately Mr Cameron called for EU “safeguards” put in place to protect the interests of non-euro members like Britain as the single currency area becomes increasingly integrated.
He detected a French-inspired plot to discriminate against the City of London simply because it operates outside the eurozone. “I’m not having them trying to move our financial services industry to Frankfurt – forget it,” he said.

10-10-11, 13:17
I think this is interesting. Are police protecting banks so that citizens don't create a "run on the banks"? SWAT team in St. Louis refusing to let customers withdraw money from BofA. http://youtu.be/Db_P0wHsSz0

If what he's saying is true it's not a good sign.

10-10-11, 13:36
Thank you good sir

10-10-11, 14:24
Feh... bring another doctor, a hot daughter, or some ammo if you want something from me - otherwise, YOYO, GFL, and GFY. I expect no quarter from anyone, and will give none.

Most of the oxygen-wasters I have nagging after me couldn't handle being a doctor, though a few of them might have hot daughters...

10-10-11, 14:43
The financial collapse has already been planned and mapped out in full and will help lead to WWIII and the restructuring of the new world order along with our "global economy". These types of warnings are rather convenient so they can say "I told you so!" after the fact. The news pundits will be focused on the warning after the fact rather than the origin of the collapse and will make the architects out to be the heroes due to their "predictions".

Yes, everything is already in motion. The string pullers are simply trying to prop things up for the general public long enough for them to complete their planning. I think if they really had "their" answers they wouldn't be doing the stop-gap superficial saves. Same here with stimulus bs; they're propping it up until they feel like they can fundimentally change everything in one big shot. If "We the People" don't stand and fight at that time or earlier you might as well hang it up.

10-10-11, 22:04
Wow, 4 days off and on to read this thread.

Am I prepared, not entirely, but working on it more diligently than ever.

Do I belong to the "Angry White Male Society"? I signed up a long time ago.

As for the 3% club, count me in.

Doc Maker
10-11-11, 01:09
I wonder how much of the concern we feel is simply our perception?

Here’s the point of my question:

At the height of the Tea Party movement prior to the last election ALL of the leftists were bemoaning the coming violence, breakdown of civil discourse, riots in the streets, etc.

Now that the leftists are out in force protesting we are doing the same thing.

So…how much of this is just a lack of distrust of those on the opposite end of the ideological spectrum?

Don’t get me wrong, as I feel we are closer to the edge than ever. I just don’t know that that feeling is as rational as I think.

Finally, a sharp blade to cut through the paranoia I've been reading. Thanks, Simple1. When we see our fellow Americans as the "enemy," we start down a path of inevitable destruction. The Civil War (I?) is still being fought in the history books.

I returned from Malfunction Junction (AKA: Area 1 Multi Gun Championships) to find a mish-mash of conservative talking points and rumors that have coalesced into a familiar theme.
THEY are coming for us...

I'm sorry but this is a tired story and if you believe this, then you have no faith in the strength of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Some examples:
"THEY are gonna take my guns!" - If this was going to happen, THEY'd have done it by now. There have been plenty of crises in our recent past that could have been a catalyst for disarmament. Yet, the current administration has expanded the rights of gun owners in signing the bills to allow us to carry in parks and to allow LEO's to carry nationwide. Fast & Furious is a red herring. The ATF went much farther during Bush Admin in 2004-05, raiding gun shows in Virginia. Does that make Bush an "enemy of freedom?" Hardly.

"Obama is a foreign socialist who hates freedom and America." - Does anyone have ANY credible evidence of a coordinated dismantling of the constitution by legislation? I watch the congressional record and I've seen nothing but free money for people who have a lot of it already. TARP 2008 was mentioned in an earlier post. If the banks are bastions of capitalism, why did they need the government's help? With a divided congress it's doubtful ANY MEANINGFUL LEGISLATION will be passed, on either side's agenda, before November 2012. Articles I and II of the Constitution clearly separate the powers and responsibilities of the of the Congress and Executive I suggest reading it.

"Total economic collapse is imminent! OMFG! Dig a hole & hide." - The facts tell a different story. http://books.google.com/books?id=c7b-lYM_-TcC&lpg=PA668&ots=N-wEPCsGnn&dq=changing%20the%20rules%20for%20the%20average%20american&pg=PA668#v=onepage&q=changing%20the%20rules%20for%20the%20average%20american&f=false
The rules were changed a long time ago and no one posted them on the board for the rest of the team to read. Remember, the dollar drives the agenda on Capitol Hill. Can you name a single member of Congress (Freshmen don't count because they're still rookies in the Big Show) that's even average Middle Class? Not surprising that they don't want to tax themselves.

"The entitlement class is ruining this country" - What are the requirements, exactly, to be in this group? Anyone who takes money or services from the government? If your local widget plant shut down because the company moved to India and you live in a rural area (no other widget plants to go to) it's not your fault. That's why the rest of us pitch in to help out with food and necessities. Ever heard of tithing? I drive on the Federal freeway system, does that make me a member? I hope so, as Americans we ARE entitled to enjoy the nation my grandfather's built.

Now, I am not being naive. There are tough times ahead and we all knew this was coming long before anyone knew who Obama was, whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not. The Congress has been spending money like a trust fund baby for decades and now everyone is surprised that the account is overdrawn. Give me a break. Fear and misinformation will be our downfall. We can only destroy ourselves.

Just a Jarhead
10-11-11, 03:09
"you have eyes and you do not see, you have ears and you do not hear"...what else can we say? There's many like you and there always has been throughout history. Usually the masses in fact! You're certainly entitled to your opinions. However, most of us see & hear things differently. We all hope we're wrong. Time will tell. But modest preparations in the mean time are prudent.

History is replete of example after example of citizens who didn't recognize or heed the warning signs, didn't get or understand what was truly happening until it was too late. Doesn't make them bad people necessarily, just lacking in wisdom or foresight. Some of us might affectionately refer to them as "stupid shits though! Intelligence and wisdom are not mutually inclusive of each other. People like Dietrich Bonhoffer and others got it way in advance. Some people learn from history and look for the warning signs. Some don't.

There is nothing anyone can say to disway me from prepping. I'll believe my own eyes and ears and listen to my own paranoid inner voice thank you! I'm prepared for hurricanes every year, most of them miss me here in south Florida. Never do I fret because they missed me, nor do I fret about the preps I've taken.

10-11-11, 05:33
Whether the Occupy xxx protest turn into anything significant (other than liberal camp outs with no school or work) is not really the point. the point is that we have gone pass the point of no return economically on it will end soon and end ugly. Best be prepared.

I believe within the next two years we will see dramatic changes, increased violence and government power grabs. California is a bellweather state in this regard. In an interview with former CA governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, he basically said he tried every approach to solve the state's problem. But, fundamentally the voters want free stuff and don't want to pay for it with taxes. They are willing to ride their free pony over the cliff rather than take any corrective action. As a country I think we are in the same boat as CA.

There is no way we can have $1.2-$1.4 trillion deficits every year, still talk about more bailouts/stimulus/jobs bills, and even in our best fantasy planning come up with trifling budget cuts and expect this end well. Oh yeah and the health care bill hasn't even taken full effect yet.

Who knows what the triggering events will be, or when they will happen, but you don't bankrupt the most powerful country in the world with 45% or more dependent on the government without bad things happening.

As others have said, WWIII would be a convenient distraction to get the peasants' minds off lynch mobs for the corrupt rulers and banksters. And there will be plenty of internal violence as well.

10-11-11, 06:14
I don't think anyone here is running around screaming that the sky is falling, but I think most of us see the pillars holding it up starting to crack. To ignore the signs of trouble would defy everything I learned while in the military and the same for others here and LEO's. Also, to compare OWS and the Tea Party on the surface is apples and oranges, but there are some similarities that could unify the two movements. They won't because they just won't, but that's a different topic. Where the biggest divide is in OWS and TP is OWS is the "give me" rally and TP is the "I work for my own, leave me alone" rally. Oh, and there's more bongs at OWS. The OWS goers are angry, bitter, leftover Woodstock hippy anarchists and TP supporters are working taxpayers, Veterans, retiries, etc...
I don't know where any of this recent activity is going to lead, but I see a crowd calling for actual violence in some cases, last month it was rolling flash mobs, the month before was something else.
As for me and mine, we're going to be prepared and hope things don't get stupid. How many people after any disaster say "I wish I would have been better prepared?".

Just a Jarhead
10-11-11, 07:28
History is replete of example after example of citizens who didn't recognize or heed the warning signs, didn't get or understand what was truly happening until it was too late. Doesn't make them bad people necessarily, just lacking in wisdom or foresight.

We see this happening right now with the Arab Spring. POTUS, Hillary & company encouraged the uprising thinking this transition was awesome. Others (Glenn Beck mainly) said it was a probably disaster in the making, that the Muslim Brotherhood would mostly likely come to power and the muslims wanted a caliphate and unite the entire Arab World. Same with Lybia. The devil you know is often better than the devil you don't know.

The final chapter hasn't been written yet but clearly looks like Obama, Hillary & Co. didn't know or truly understand what was going on with these uprisings & lacked wisdom & foresight! This is not looking like it's going to end very well for the U.S.& rest of the world. Looks like Beck was right...again!

Doc Maker
10-11-11, 07:33
I wonder how much of the concern we feel is simply our perception?

Here’s the point of my question:

At the height of the Tea Party movement prior to the last election ALL of the leftists were bemoaning the coming violence, breakdown of civil discourse, riots in the streets, etc.

Now that the leftists are out in force protesting we are doing the same thing.

So…how much of this is just a lack of distrust of those on the opposite end of the ideological spectrum?

Don’t get me wrong, as I feel we are closer to the edge than ever. I just don’t know that that feeling is as rational as I think.

Finally, a sharp blade to cut through the paranoia I've been reading. Thanks, Simple1. When we see our fellow Americans as the "enemy," we start down a path of inevitable destruction. The Civil War (I?) is still being fought in the history books.

I returned from Malfunction Junction (AKA: Area 1 Multi Gun Championships) to find a mish-mash of conservative talking points and rumors that have coalesced into a familiar theme.
THEY are coming for us...

I'm sorry but this is a tired story and if you believe this, then you have no faith in the strength of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Some examples:
"THEY are gonna take my guns!" - If this was going to happen, THEY'd have done it by now. There have been plenty of crises in our recent past that could have been a catalyst for disarmament. Yet, the current administration has expanded the rights of gun owners in signing the bills to allow us to carry in parks and to allow LEO's to carry nationwide. Fast & Furious is a red herring. The ATF went much farther during Bush Admin in 2004-05, raiding gun shows in Virginia. Does that make Bush an "enemy of freedom?" Hardly.

"Obama is a foreign socialist who hates freedom and America." - Does anyone have ANY credible evidence of a coordinated dismantling of the constitution by legislation? I watch the congressional record and I've seen nothing but free money for people who have a lot of it already. TARP 2008 was mentioned in an earlier post. If the banks are bastions of capitalism, why did they need the government's help? With a divided congress it's doubtful ANY MEANINGFUL LEGISLATION will be passed, on either side's agenda, before November 2012. Articles I and II of the Constitution clearly separate the powers and responsibilities of the of the Congress and Executive I suggest reading it.

"Total economic collapse is imminent! OMFG! Dig a hole & hide." - The facts tell a different story. http://books.google.com/books?id=c7b-lYM_-TcC&lpg=PA668&ots=N-wEPCsGnn&dq=changing%20the%20rules%20for%20the%20average%20american&pg=PA668#v=onepage&q=changing%20the%20rules%20for%20the%20average%20american&f=false
The rules were changed a long time ago and no one posted them on the board for the rest of the team to read. Remember, the dollar drives the agenda on Capitol Hill. Can you name a single member of Congress (Freshmen don't count because they're still rookies in the Big Show) that's even average Middle Class? Not surprising that they don't want to tax themselves.

"The entitlement class is ruining this country" - What are the requirements, exactly, to be in this group? Anyone who takes money or services from the government? If your local widget plant shut down because the company moved to India and you live in a rural area (no other widget plants to go to) it's not your fault. That's why the rest of us pitch in to help out with food and necessities. Ever heard of tithing? I drive on the Federal freeway system, does that make me a member? I hope so, as Americans we ARE entitled to enjoy the nation my grandfather's built.

Now, I am not being naive. There are tough times ahead and we all knew this was coming long before anyone knew who Obama was, whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not. The Congress has been spending money like a trust fund baby for decades and now everyone is surprised that the account is overdrawn. Give me a break. Fear and misinformation will be our downfall. We can only destroy ourselves.

10-11-11, 09:56
The final chapter hasn't been written yet but clearly looks like Obama, Hillary & Co. didn't know or truly understand what was going on with these uprisings & lacked wisdom & foresight! This is not looking like it's going to end very well for the U.S. & rest of the world.

Could not agree more & key grasp of the obvious.

Lots of people said this (Neocon plan) would be a disaster WAY before GB.


10-11-11, 10:35
Doc Maker: "I'm sorry but this is a tired story and if you believe this, then you have no faith in the strength of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. Some examples:
"THEY are gonna take my guns!" - If this was going to happen, THEY'd have done it by now. There have been plenty of crises in our recent past that could have been a catalyst for disarmament. Yet, the current administration has expanded the rights of gun owners in signing the bills to allow us to carry in parks and to allow LEO's to carry nationwide. Fast & Furious is a red herring. The ATF went much farther during Bush Admin in 2004-05, raiding gun shows in Virginia. Does that make Bush an "enemy of freedom?" Hardly."

There is also that UN Arms Trade Treaty that could be used against us once it is passed. We shouldnt have to have laws passed in for people to carry and for LEO's to carry nationwide. It should be allowed already. Same with a concealed weapons permit. IF they are legally allowed to carry concealed in one state then it should be the same for all. I also dont see how raiding gun shows and selling weapons to mexican drug cartels and not tracking them until they show up at a crime scene compares to one another.

"Obama is a foreign socialist who hates freedom and America." - Does anyone have ANY credible evidence of a coordinated dismantling of the constitution by legislation? I watch the congressional record and I've seen nothing but free money for people who have a lot of it already. TARP 2008 was mentioned in an earlier post. If the banks are bastions of capitalism, why did they need the government's help? With a divided congress it's doubtful ANY MEANINGFUL LEGISLATION will be passed, on either side's agenda, before November 2012. Articles I and II of the Constitution clearly separate the powers and responsibilities of the of the Congress and Executive I suggest reading it."

Obama frequently uses terms like "spread the wealth around". He clearly wants to tax the rich to throw money around in hopes that it will fix this problem. The administration would LOVE to continue to print money through Quantitative Easing. If people dont believe that they are naive. The reason they have stopped is because there is so much heat on them and would rather brush it under the table and do it, rather than do it while they are in the spotlight. Just like they passed that health care bill at midnight and Pelosi says we have to pass it before we can read it?! What?! Forcing people to have to buy into health insurance is unconstitutional. I heard Hannity compare the current banking situation to that of a Bookey. I dont gamble so i dont understand the reference. Maybe some one can explain that comment.

"The entitlement class is ruining this country" - What are the requirements, exactly, to be in this group? Anyone who takes money or services from the government? If your local widget plant shut down because the company moved to India and you live in a rural area (no other widget plants to go to) it's not your fault. That's why the rest of us pitch in to help out with food and necessities. Ever heard of tithing? I drive on the Federal freeway system, does that make me a member? I hope so, as Americans we ARE entitled to enjoy the nation my grandfather's built."

The number of people who are on government assistance is continuously growing.High School Graduation rates are dropping in a bunch of areas and our education system is really garbage until you get to our universities which are still highly regarded. Very often i read about standards dropping for test scores and standardized testing because of the number of people who can not pass them. I agree with your reference of a plant shutdown. That is another problem with our government that is not solely on obamas back. The regulations have been building for a long time. I believe the entitlement class reference is more to those groups of people who are on welfare for generations and are not rising above that poverty line. They are satisfied with living in government housing and accepting government checks. If there is someone who doesnt agree with me then you havent been around those people for any amount of time. I have unfortunately. In large urban environments this is a huge problem. We need to stop people from having the ability to stay on welfare for an unlimited length of time. I believe that is the argument against the entitlement system.

Doc i agree 100% that we are in for tougher times and that it is absolutely not solely on Obama's back. Our gov't has been spending far too much money for far too long. Obama sure as shit hasn't helped the situation. I do believe that he is the worst president during my short time on this earth. Bush was a big spender and these bailouts are huge reason that people are outraged. The banks should not have allowed the irresponsible loaning situation to happen and the gov't should not have allowed it either. Bailouts shouldnt have happened either along with the government picking winners of loans. IE Solyndra types.

I just purchased my first house and me and my wife were fortunate enough to be able to afford new construction. But man did we play hell getting the loan through. If it wasnt for the MD behind her name we may not have been able to get the loan. We made sure we got into a house that we could afford plus bills on just her salary in case something happened to me. She is only an intern and is on fixed $2800 a month for the next four years. We weren't trying to get into some huge house that we couldnt afford but still got dragged through the ringer. I am perfectly fine with that. The bank wanted to make sure we were not an unsafe investment.

10-11-11, 11:54
My responsibility and my job first and foremost is to protect my family. If I see events on the horizon and do not prepare to deal with them in the best way I know possible I will have failed as a husband and father, that is unacceptable. If people want to act like ostriches and stick their heads in the sand have at it.

The news articles I post are indeed pieces to an ever growing puzzle. Some of the pieces may be small and some others may not fit as obvious as others but they are all a part of a bigger picture leading down a very troubled road.

Places like Topeka no longer prosecuting domestic violence due to not having the money. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/weird/Cash-Strapped-Topeka-Stops-Prosecuting-Domestic-Violence-131468933.html

Around Detroit, Highland Park, they've removed 1400 street lights due to not paying their electric bills. http://www.detnews.com/article/20111011/METRO01/110110385/DTE-deal-pulls-out-lights-in-Highland-Park

Personally I see the 2 events as helping to increase lawlessness and criminal activity in our nation. If you read the articles I fail to see how anyone could disagree with that. Are these huge events in the grand scheme of things? Probably not but they are a small piece and there's a possibility of things like this spreading as they often do. We are bankrupt as a country and we can no longer afford to pay for many services that people are accustomed to. Be prepared to defend yourself, your family and loved ones.

10-11-11, 12:04
Or maybe we shouldn't worry about the criminal element since .Gov is rolling out Minority Report (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8818716/US-crime-predicting-technology-tests-draw-Minority-Report-comparisons.html) crime predicting technology.

Using cameras and sensors the "pre-crime" system measures and tracks changes in a person's body movements, the pitch of their voice and the rhythm of their speech.

It also monitors breathing patterns, eye movements, blink rate and alterations in body heat, which are used to assess an individual's likelihood to commit a crime.

The Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) programme is already being tested on a group of government employees who volunteered to act as guinea pigs.

Doc Maker
10-11-11, 12:12
You make some good points 4X4.

"We shouldnt have to have laws passed in for people to carry and for LEO's to carry nationwide. It should be allowed already. Same with a concealed weapons permit. IF they are legally allowed to carry concealed in one state then it should be the same for all." - I agree with this however this is one area that we run into a constitutional issue concerning State's Rights. Any Rights not specified to the Federal Gov is afforded to the individual States. That is why we have a confusing mess going state to state.

"I also dont see how raiding gun shows and selling weapons to mexican drug cartels and not tracking them until they show up at a crime scene compares to one another." - I bring up this as an example of a bureaucracy beyond the control of any one Administration, along with the FBI, IRS, DEA, etc. Simply one example of a Nixon Administration alphabet soup agency thats time has passed.

"Obama frequently uses terms like "spread the wealth around". He clearly wants to tax the rich to throw money around in hopes that it will fix this problem. The administration would LOVE to continue to print money through Quantitative Easing. If people dont believe that they are naive. The reason they have stopped is because there is so much heat on them and would rather brush it under the table and do it, rather than do it while they are in the spotlight. Just like they passed that health care bill at midnight and Pelosi says we have to pass it before we can read it?! What?! Forcing people to have to buy into health insurance is unconstitutional." - First of all, the individual mandate is a perfect example of media manipulation. This mandate was proposed by the Chamber of Commerce to deflect employer healthcare costs on to the employee. This was a compromise by Obama that ended up being a Trojan Horse. As soon as the Chamber heard the negative response, they flipped the script on the Dems and hung them with it. The US prints money because of the reserve status of the dollar. This will not last. This isn't an "Eat the Rich" scenario, it's math. The current Tax laws have been re-written, by the lobbyists of the wealthy, to place a disproportionate burden on the middle class. A simple flat percentage of income based tax is what we need. Not paying families like the Fanjul brothers millions a year to keep sugar prices artificially high in the US. Ever buy a pound of sugar in Canada?

"I heard Hannity compare the current banking situation to that of a Bookey. I dont gamble so i dont understand the reference. Maybe some one can explain that comment." - Wall Street makes money by betting on the projected profitability of a certain sector and leveraging it. Just like a bookie.

I have met the "entitlement" types you speak of, they do exist albeit in small numbers. You hit the nail on the head when you mention graduation rates. So why de-fund schools and make the problem even worse. Personal responsibility as a parent is laking in the cases you speak of and that is a sad commentary on our society.

I look at education and healthcare from a National Security perspective. It makes Strategic and Tactical sense to have an educated, healthy population to draw upon. New military recruits require less PT and classroom work to bring them up to speed. It shouldn't be enough to just barely squeak out of high school. The 1950's are long gone and we no longer live in a manufacturing based economy. It is now consumer based, one reason we're living longer, so establishing a cradle to grave healthcare system, uniquely American, is a win-win for the me and the United States as a whole. A word of caution though, MY life is NOT the basis for a profit model to be evaluated by some insurance corp on behalf of stockholders. I will defend it.

10-11-11, 12:29
I agree with this however this is one area that we run into a constitutional issue concerning State's Rights. Any Rights not specified to the Federal Gov is afforded to the individual States. That is why we have a confusing mess going state to state.

It really shouldn't be confusing.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

States do not have to right to infringe on any other ammendment. What should they be allowed to infringe on the 2nd?

Doc Maker
10-11-11, 12:42
"you have eyes and you do not see, you have ears and you do not hear"...what else can we say? There's many like you and there always has been throughout history. Usually the masses in fact! You're certainly entitled to your opinions. However, most of us see & hear things differently. We all hope we're wrong. Time will tell. But modest preparations in the mean time are prudent.

History is replete of example after example of citizens who didn't recognize or heed the warning signs, didn't get or understand what was truly happening until it was too late. Doesn't make them bad people necessarily, just lacking in wisdom or foresight. Some of us might affectionately refer to them as "stupid shits though! Intelligence and wisdom are not mutually inclusive of each other. People like Dietrich Bonhoffer and others got it way in advance. Some people learn from history and look for the warning signs. Some don't.

There is nothing anyone can say to disway me from prepping. I'll believe my own eyes and ears and listen to my own paranoid inner voice thank you! I'm prepared for hurricanes every year, most of them miss me here in south Florida. Never do I fret because they missed me, nor do I fret about the preps I've taken.

Don't get me wrong Jar, I'm not trying to dissuade anyone from prepping. Quite the opposite, actually. You have only restated my point in a not so delicate manner. You cannot reinterpret the hard facts that led us into this situation but you can learn from them.

Calling me blind and stupid only illustrated the point of my original post. Once we turn on each other, the United Stated is finished. By your screen name I'm assuming that you're a Marine. Had we served together, in some imaginary hypothetical scenario, I find it difficult to believe that either of us would leave the other out to hang because we don't see the world in exactly the same way. If the goal is to become some homogenous society of same-thinkers, then count me out.

10-11-11, 12:50
I think most of us live out normal lives and aren't sitting here paranoid all day looking out the window for the helicopters.

I just think we would be better off if more people paid attention and were aware of whats going on in the world. The reason why things are crap is because most people have their head stuck in the sand, aren't aware of issues, and vote for dumb reasons.

Id also like to point out governments in the 20th Century killed over 200 million of their own citizens. If you look at are our country's past there's no real reason to think things can't happen here. As far as having faith in the Constitution and BOR why don't we go ask all the Japanese who were ripped out of their homes and placed in camps how faith in rights worked out for them.

Its akin to not carrying concealed or not worrying about being harmed (or your family) because we have other things written down on paper that say murder is illegal yet we have thousands of those every year. I think thinking ahead, knowing the dangers, becoming educated and having a means to protect yourself goes both ways. Im sure theres lots of people out there who think carrying concealed is a sign of paranoia and have the attitude nothing is ever going to happen to them. Doesn't really bother me someone would say Im paranoid to talk about larger scale world events.

10-11-11, 13:54
Doc, i agree with your responses and thank you for clarifying things for me.

I would however like to see the dept of education done away with. Based on what i have read i really dont see how they are helping, nor do i think the teachers unions are helping better educate todays children. I have a lot of family members that are teachers, most of which are at private schools. The things that are happening with the testing at the public schools is ridiculous.

One of my wife's best friends is a teacher at a podunk public school and these poor kids dont have an ice cubes chance in hell of a succesfull future because their parents dont give a shit about them. My wife's friends is very intelligent. They went to the same high school, had all the same honors and ap classes. But she is so worn down having to teach these kids day in day out because they leave school and nothing that she teaches is reinforced at home.

We also need complete tax reform, less spending and less restrictions on businesses. I would rather see people have more money to do with what they please, than the gov't to "spread it around".
If people want to smoke, drink, do drugs and eat fast food all day. That is perfectly cool with me. I dont wanna pay for any of it through welfare, foodstamps, wic, government health care or any other means. I dont want to complete get rid of gov't assistance but the system as we have it now is broken.
I know it is harsh, but if a person does all those things that are bad for them and cant afford a medical procedure as a result of their bad habits, why should the medical community and creditors and other companys be forced to pay for it. Hospitals are losing a lot of money because people getting medical attention with out paying for it.

Hospitals incur GREAT costs because people can not afford medical procedures. If we give people the ways and means to provide for themselves and they still dont do it. Then shame on them.

You can not tell me that damn near everyone these days doesnt have a clue what food is bad for them, that smoking causes cancer and other health problems, that they should excercise or that ****ing w/ out a rubber can produces kids or can cause a VD. These are big problems with the entitlement class. Too many kids, no jobs, no interest in education and poor health.

Give people the opportunity through less government and if they squander it, ****'EM. Survival of the fittest.

10-11-11, 15:48
Survival of the fittest... natural selection... it goes by several names.
The biggest problem with the system and the fools in charge of it is the addiction to the handout. The politicians know they get the votes when they pay the zombies to be zombies. I say vote every damn one of them out and only vote in those that will follow the Constitution. Obama, sadly has put it all into overdrive based on who he really is deep down inside.

10-12-11, 04:18
This thread is firing on all cylinders, no wonder we keep getting hacked! :ph34r:

Our republic was murdered on 23 December 1913.

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson

The board has been set and the pieces are in motion. The NWO is not something that is going to happen, it is something that HAS ALREADY happened.

The coming economic collapse of the WORLD monetary system is no accident. It is another engine of social change so the page of history can be turned to yet another tainted chapter.

It does me good to see so many on M4C tracking. . .


10-12-11, 07:40
It really pisses me off!

10-12-11, 07:45
It is a favored tactic of the left (see Alinsky) to ridicule the other side.

Perfect example: The term 'homophobe' means that the person in question is afraid of homosexuals, probably due to their ignorance or superstitious beliefs. That's allowing your opponent to control the terms of the conversation. Why don't we have a word for a person who is not in the least bit afraid of homosexuals, but is disgusted by their deviant behavior? Because we don't control the media who set trends and invent new words.

So it is with this. I do not wear a tinfoil hat, nor do I think the government is beaming mind control rays to their bots through household appliances or heavy metal music. I do not think Obama gets up in the morning and plots ways to destroy the Republic. I do not wait in my basement with sweaty hands for a coming apocalypse in which I can be a ruler since I can't make it in this life. I do not think that what I'm 80% sure is coming is going to be fun in any way.

I am not paranoid, I carry a gun because I'm aware. I realize that being aware is too much unpleasant stimuli for the average person, because it means that they'd have to realize that bad shit happens all the time. I know that I'm more likely to die of a heart attack than have to use my gun - except that I've already looked down the barrel of an unfriendly's gun twice as a civilian - and before you suggest that I hang out in stupid places with stupid people, realize that one of those occurrences was in an AutoZone in a small town at 8 on a Saturday night, and the other was in a friend's apartment when I was at university. Care to guess the ethnicity of both would-be shooters? No? I bet that's too unpleasant to contemplate too.

Do you remember the runs on gas and food on 9/11? Probably not - I bet some of the yammering idiot naysayers here were still in junior high school - and I bet the other ones are that ever-present 'man in their 50s who know ****ing everything because they've gotten away with being an idiot up to this point'. So here's a refresher course: Gas went up to $5.00 a gallon around here, and there were lines that looked like the 1970s. People were fighting in the gas lines, and the stores were empty by the end of the day.

Do you realize that civilization is about two days from fighting in the streets if the supply lines are interrupted? Probably not - I bet that's too unpleasant to contemplate too. So don't ever read about New Orleans after Katrina, or ask SteyrAUG about his hurricane adventures in Florida. Or LA after the earthquake.

People are ****ing monkeys at the end of the day. We all shave and walk upright for the most part, but strip away our electricity, daily showers, and pre-packaged food for a week and we'll revert back to the predatory apes that we are.

Remember this?

Oh, I forgot - guns never get confiscated in this country. That must be a Photoshop.

Do what the hell you want. If you don't think you need to be ready for a month or two loss of services, then don't. If I'm wrong, I just have some more food and ammo. If you're wrong, enjoy the Superdome, but quit it here with the smug, superior 'the system will never fail and it will do the right thing in the end' bullshit. Take it back to DU or wherever you sprang from.

I'm sitting on guns, gold, gear, and plans, and I'm a happy guy. And if that bothers you, so much the better...that's just a benefit I didn't even have to pay for.

10-12-11, 08:54
Hey Moose, I agree it does make me feel good that I am not the only person who knows that the crap is already lined up in front of the fan.

My only comment about your post is do not think for one second that good ole Woodrow Wilson was upset about the government controlling everything, he loved it!!!! He was a nasty racist progressive who wanted complete control of this country. I believe he can be attributed to getting this whole shit storm in motion. He was one of the first leaders of this country who walked away from a constitutional republic and started discussing "democracy", and he loved to discuss the collective before the individual; both of these ideas are at the heart of the progeressive movement. Oh and he segregated the federal government....great guy...

10-12-11, 09:31
This thread is firing on all cylinders, no wonder we keep getting hacked! :ph34r:

The board has been set and the pieces are in motion. The NWO is not something that is going to happen, it is something that HAS ALREADY happened.

The coming economic collapse of the WORLD monetary system is no accident. It is another engine of social change so the page of history can be turned to yet another tainted chapter.

It does me good to see so many on M4C tracking. . .

Definitely many here are tracking with you.

10-12-11, 10:43
The shit is so close to hitting the fan you can smell the stench in the breeze. I wish I was more prepared now and I tell my wife just about every other day that shit is getting bad and explain why.

I have a ton of money tied up in dealing with this car accident and medical bills. I am not at fault and I can't wait to settle. I will be a little better off and be able to start preparing. I start my new PD job Nov. 7th so i will finally be a contributing member of society after 6 months of waiting. This means a new rifle and a bunch of other necessary things. There will be some serious prep work going on once my income jumps.

Doc Safari
10-12-11, 10:53
If anyone is interested in what Glenn Beck has to say and is a subscriber to GBTV, supposedly tomorrow he is going to present an assessment of what areas of the country you should not be living in once the feces does hit the fan.

I'm not a subscriber, but he often repeats stuff like this on his radio show.

10-12-11, 11:12
Great discussion guys... Occupy L.A. stating that violence, revolution and bloodshed will be necessary to achieve their goals. Video here: http://youtu.be/qlPY9AfQFqI

Occupy L.A. Speaker: “One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. I’ll give you two examples: French Revolution, and Indian so-called Revolution.

Gandhi, Gandhi today is, with respect to all of you, Gandhi today is a tumor that the ruling class is using constantly to mislead us. French Revolution made fundamental transformation. But it was bloody.

India, the result of Gandhi, is 600 million people living in maximum poverty.

So, ultimately, the bourgeoisie won’t go without violent means. Revolution! Yes, revolution that is led by the working class.

Long live revolution! Long live socialism!”

10-12-11, 11:23
Here's an uplifting, warm & fuzzy version from 2008...


10-12-11, 13:01
It is a favored tactic of the left (see Alinsky) to ridicule the other side.

Perfect example: The term 'homophobe' means that the person in question is afraid of homosexuals, probably due to their ignorance or superstitious beliefs. That's allowing your opponent to control the terms of the conversation. Why don't we have a word for a person who is not in the least bit afraid of homosexuals, but is disgusted by their deviant behavior? Because we don't control the media who set trends and invent new words.

I don't allow anyone to pin labels on me. ie., I refuse to call homosexuals, "gay". nor do I use pejorative terms like faggot, etc. I simply say homosexual...

someone once said to me, "the term is GAY!". I said I'm just using the accurate term. gay is an adjective that means lighthearted or happy, and in my experience, these people are not that. I have had a few bosses, co-workers, and several friends who were homosexual. none has ever threatened me with their sexuality or been devoid of troubling issues because of their lifestyle and in many ways I respect and admire them for being who they are despite the challenges.

"oh, so you're a homophobe"... and I say "Oh hell no, you're not pinning that on me! they don't threaten me so why should I be afraid? I don't agree with their behavior or politics, and I'm opposed their growing militant agenda and tactics and indoctrination of youth but I don't fear them. far from it"...

10-12-11, 13:59
It will be interesting to see what happens in the next three weeks. As was linked to earlier, the problem creators (reps of Fed, BOE, IMF, etc) are warning that catastrophe happens if we don't hand them trillions of dollars by then. Similar to what Hank Paulson told Congress in 2008 to get TARP.

Either they are exaggerating to get us to panic and throw them our wallets; or they are about to lose a lot of money through debtor country bankruptcies, and will try anything (war) to coerce us into compliance. I believe they really hope the conservatives will overreact and start the violence so they can look like the innocent victims instead of the perps.

The best thing we can do is absolutely do nothing in response to these banksters. Ignore their pleas and tantrums. Resist as much as we can politically but of course don't start any reaction. Ultimately the system is broke and corrupt and is going to collapse under its own weight of lies and ponzi schemes.

We are left with taking care of ourselves and loved ones and being alert and ready to repel boarders as needed. I don't see how our current political system can be used to correct the massive dependency and corruption.

Let's see what the what happens around early November. Probably a flood of credit and money and lots more inflation.

Doc Maker
10-12-11, 14:18
We are all in agreement on one thing... the Nation is in real trouble. The problem is, no one of us has all the pieces to the puzzle nor a crystal ball to know the future. The past is over, all we can do is stick to our respective plans for self preservation. My preps are proceeding and I'm in a place where I'd have to scrounge for very little, spare parts mostly.

That being said, we must know WHY this happened "for those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them."

As Deep Throat famously said, "Follow the money." The United States is (was) the wealthiest nation on Earth. Contrary to popular belief, we are NOT BROKE! Our money didn't just vanish into thin air. I seriously doubt that anyone here is rich enough to have caused this mess. The WS Occupiers obviously didn't. The Tea Party didn't either. So where is it?

Find the money, find the problem. Remember, we're talking about TRILLIONS of dollars, that's this many zeros: 1,000,000,000,000. Not the relatively small amount that is "wasted" on oxygen thieves. Honestly, what is a few million compared to the trillions that were stolen? About six zeros. http://amazingdata.com/what-does-one-trillion-dollars-look-like/

Think about it like a movie heist and we're the victim that's looking around in the morning to see what's missing. The thieves with our money are making their getaway. Leaving false clues for investigators to follow, leaving honest civil servants with dead-end leads, little evidence and framed suspects. I'd be looking at the VERY wealthy, not the self made guy with around $10m or so, I'm talking about the Buffett's, Soros', Bush's, Koch's, Fanjul's, Saudi's, etc.

Don't be blinded by misdirection.
Gather your own intel from a variety of sources. Never rely on just one source.
Verify your intel. Critical thinking will save your life.

searcher 45
10-12-11, 14:19
For clarity sake, and if I am wrong correct me!!

We are talking about a total brake down of the economy and a loss of rule of law with the elite riding to the rescue at the head of the new system they have put in place.

This makes them the rulers of the earth with no middle class, just masters and slaves.

Is this what we are talking about?

10-12-11, 14:31
For clarity sake, and if I am wrong correct me!!

We are talking about a total brake down of the economy and a loss of rule of law with the elite riding to the rescue at the head of the new system they have put in place.

This makes them the rulers of the earth with no middle class, just masters and slaves.

Is this what we are talking about?

Yeah pretty much.

10-12-11, 15:59
Don't post here often but I read most of the threads especially these in this section. Both me and my father are avid preppers and have really started to put out efforts into high gear within the last month of so. Sadly (sarcasm) our family owns a company that employs 200+ people, which my the grace of God became successful because of my hard working grandfather. We treat our people good and it shows, the average length of employment at our company is 19 years. But sadly the newer generations don't seem to understand the American Dream. This occupy Wall Street has us concerned, our family went through the race riots of the 1960s and almost had our factory fire bombed. It would not surprise us to see something similar.

Below is a article from my local news that shows just how out of touch people are and how much they are stuck on the government dime. As the economy tanks and government shuffles to try and stay afloat I can the checks stop to flow and this will happen more and more. Sooner or later it will overflow and the citizens will revolt.


Keep in mind that it has been 5+ years since Katrina. They were paying around $70/month and now are around $135/month. Now that .Gov has pulled out the rent will rise to $350ish/month which is under half what a normal person pays for the same size rental.


Just a Jarhead
10-12-11, 16:26
The progressive liberal strategy being employed...“bottom up, top down, inside out!”…Van Jones

You only need to watch the first 2 video's of this search results if you're not already familiar with this.


10-12-11, 17:18
My only comment about your post is do not think for one second that good ole Woodrow Wilson was upset about the government controlling everything, he loved it!!!! He was a nasty racist progressive who wanted complete control of this country. I believe he can be attributed to getting this whole shit storm in motion. He was one of the first leaders of this country who walked away from a constitutional republic and started discussing "democracy", and he loved to discuss the collective before the individual; both of these ideas are at the heart of the progeressive movement. Oh and he segregated the federal government....great guy...

Negative. I do not think for one second that Wilson was a good American. IMHO, all the Presidents that have been loyal to the Constitution and wished to print debt free money backed by anything other than the hot air from the private corporation known as the Federal Reserve have been assassinated.

Presidents, Justices, Senators, Congressmen, CEO’s, and captains of industry, et al are mere puppets to their masters, elite banking families. Thomas Jefferson warned us over and over again about the dangers of central banks.

We didn’t’ listen.

10-12-11, 17:32
For clarity sake, and if I am wrong correct me!!

We are talking about a total brake down of the economy and a loss of rule of law with the elite riding to the rescue at the head of the new system they have put in place.

This makes them the rulers of the earth with no middle class, just masters and slaves.

Is this what we are talking about?

That is their plan, yes. Perpetual servitude to pay off through taxes or inflation insurmountable debts racked up by....ensuring the bankster get every penny they imagined they could grab. In other words, they just arranged the largest transfer of wealth from citizens to private cartels in world history in the form of IOUs (figurative and actual). Now they hope we will be foolish enough to shoulder the harness and be "responsible" to pay them off...and our kids, and our grandkids, and so on.

We bristle at that notion. :no:

10-12-11, 17:39
Below is a article from my local news that shows just how out of touch people are and how much they are stuck on the government dime. As the economy tanks and government shuffles to try and stay afloat I can the checks stop to flow and this will happen more and more. Sooner or later it will overflow and the citizens will revolt.


Keep in mind that it has been 5+ years since Katrina. They were paying around $70/month and now are around $135/month. Now that .Gov has pulled out the rent will rise to $350ish/month which is under half what a normal person pays for the same size rental.


Back in the 1980s and early 1990s I worked for two state agencies: employment security and labor and industries. I was one of four lead analysts on those benefit payment systems. Nothing scared the department directors more than if we did not get the monthly payments out exactly by 6am on the 1st of the month. They would be flooded by irate calls and the local offices in every town would have angry complaints if we were late by even a day. We would be told to work 24/7 until any bugs were resolved. I once worked 79 hrs straight to get a troublesome upgrade completed before 6am on the 1st.

If benefits are cut permanently or severely disrupted, man oh man, I can imagine the violence within a week!


10-12-11, 19:50
Here's an uplifting, warm & fuzzy version from 2008...


Swamp gas and weather balloons...

It's ironic that liberals called Bush on violating and disregarding the constitution every time, and ignore when Obama (or any other given liberal) violates it.

10-12-11, 20:36
Swamp gas and weather balloons...

It's ironic that liberals called Bush on violating and disregarding the constitution every time, and ignore when Obama (or any other given liberal) violates it.

This is nothing new. I think more and more people are beginning to realize this.

While everyone knows Fox News is conservative and MSNBC is liberal, its incredibly obvious when you watch these 2 stations. Fox will show both sides and call out both democrats and republicans. MSNBC is very one sided, only blasting conservatives and giving free passes to all the liberals.

I do think Americans are seeing this and looking down on it though.

10-12-11, 23:46
Worth a listen there are some interesting insights to glean imo etc.


"Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people."


There's a clue....

Doc Maker
10-13-11, 00:15
Here's a very disturbing example of budget cuts gone wild:

10-13-11, 01:47
Here's a very disturbing example of budget cuts gone wild:

Practically everyone I talk to who works in government, especially education, says the real problem with current budgets are pensions. There are so many people retired and living longer and given cost of living increases that more of more of department budgets are going just to pay retirees. The current operations have to keep being cut further and further as more people retire.

Seattle is so crewed up anyway that I am not surprised they threaten to release 12,000 violent convicts on the populace unless they cough up more money for DOC. Ever since about 1994 that area swerved so hard left all their remaining critical thinking skills fell out the window. Very deeply Democrat with pockets of conservatives.

10-13-11, 05:50
Is it just me or have any of you questioned some of these budgets cuts such as the one in Topeka KS that defunds prosecuting domestic violence? Or the one in Seattle allowing for release of MODERATE risk re-offenders? It looks like rather than cutting Parks and Recreation out completely or Arts/Cultural, they aim for the cuts to Police, Fire, jails etc. So that maybe we scream, Oh no-just raise my taxes! We can't have parolees unsupervised!

10-13-11, 09:39
They always cut the things that will help honest law abiding tax paying people. Cut teachers, police, EMS, firefighters, and release criminals early. CA did the same thing. They released thousands of prisoners early.

But those welfare checks will still be there on time every month. We're not able to afford everything anymore so we cut the most beneficial things in favor of social programs and entitlements. Same on the national level. Lets gut the military so the ghetto rats can still get their EBT card refilled every month and grandpa keeps getting his SS check.

Then they use it to guilt people into paying more taxes. They did the same shit around here. Build two mega high school football stadiums for a combined cost of almost 50 million dollars (built 2 years apart in the same district) but they laid off teachers, and the board members were all over the place whining about state budget cuts. Then we had our property taxes go up, and the city also raised our property taxes. The city is also building a mega city hall north of 20 million for a city of 45k people.

If you look in any of these budgets they can't afford the useful stuff anymore because the liberal mindset do gooders and statists bloated the budget with toys for the cities, schools, states, and even on the Federal level over half the budget is social spending.

When revenue drops during a recession, and they don't get the same tax revenue, they threaten citizens safety to coerce them into supporting higher taxes. Then once the economy recovers they never lower the tax rates back down. Then they have a bit of extra money they go waste on more stupid shit. Cycle just repeats, and taxes NEVER go down.

10-13-11, 09:50
Because they know if they cut welfare they will have riots and destruction and if they cut police, fire and teachers they will hear basically nothing about it. Maybe we should change the status quo and MAKE those that destroy good people to take care of the useless hoardes of people who rarely ever vote, pay for the consequences. We are all smart enough to make our voice heard without violence just like the tea party did.

10-13-11, 11:44
Our society continues to degrade...

30 girls attack a 15 year old for her phone. http://www.nj.com/jjournal-news/index.ssf/2011/10/30_girls_assault_another_girl.html

Gunman kills 8 in CA. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-1013-seal-beach-shooting-20111013,0,4309220.story

Not directly related to this thread but I didn't want to start another... Union officials get pensions of $500k a year in Chicago. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44872639/ns/us_news-life/

Doc Safari
10-13-11, 11:56
Our society continues to degrade...

I believe we are in the endgame.

I don't want to go to conspiracy theories about how much of this might be orchestrated by someone, but the effect will be the same. The government will grant itself and/or exercise dictatorial powers to quell all of this violence as it gets worse. For the first time in my life I hear the words 'martial law' echoing in my head without snickering that it's nutjob stuff.

10-13-11, 12:12
I believe we are in the endgame.

I don't want to go to conspiracy theories about how much of this might be orchestrated by someone, but the effect will be the same.

You or someone else may find this site interesting. The first link will tell you what the site is about, and the second is to the Forum. I've been over there about 6 years, and I can tell you there are some smart mofos there.

For the most part they're not interested in speaking about "Alex Jones style" conspiracy theories; they're only dealing with one topic.



10-13-11, 19:06
You or someone else may find this site interesting. The first link will tell you what the site is about, and the second is to the Forum. I've been over there about 6 years, and I can tell you there are some smart mofos there.



Wow. This is awesome!

And, more to the point, inline with comments made by philosopher Olavo de Carvalho (he is brazilian, but is living in the US).
He went all the way to debating with Alexsandr Dugin, which is the main strategist behind Putin and the FSB/KGB.

Olavo totally tore down the pretensiouness of Dugin's philosophy, but never dismissed the strategic evil genious behind his discourse.

more info: http://www.olavodecarvalho.org
and http://debateolavodugin.blogspot.com/

10-13-11, 19:51
Russia, communism, et al are more pieces in the greater puzzle. They are useful idiots just like us.

"Follow the money."



10-14-11, 08:31
The point Olavo makes is more or less that there are 3 globalist projects competing:
The Eurasian Project (russians)
the islamofacists
The Syndicate/Consortium (financial globalists)

Those three sometimes work together, sometimes they clash.

We are stuck in the middle.

10-14-11, 10:11
Interesting read... You know that your city is a hellhole when... (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/you-know-that-your-city-has-become-a-hellhole-when)

10-14-11, 10:29
Trade deficit is one thing that doesn't get talked about much. Every year we are sending out hundreds of billions in wealth. China is a large part, and in just the last decade they went from under 30% of the deficit to now over 75%. We buy their shit, and then they buy treasury bonds as well as putting money into their own country. We are basically funding their growth and increasingly hostile relationship.

A lot of the small towns used to rely on industry. My wife grew up in a small town with a national company that provides a lot of jobs for the area. They are still there but its probably only a matter of time before those jobs are sent overseas which what has happened to many small towns who are now basically shuttered. Then Wal Mart has moved into many small towns as well so instead of money staying in the local economy its taken out and sent elsewhere aside from what the employees make.

Manufacturing is not a glamorous job but it used to be what kept many rural and small towns alive. The more hostile our country become to business the more of these jobs are going to China and other places where the cost is much lower w/o all the regulatory burden, taxes, and other assorted BS like unions. Not only have hundreds of thousands of jobs left the country but we're also sending hundreds of billions of dollars out, too, which is a real problem as well. Eventually we run out of money to keep sending since we don't have any left or the government keeps printing it which means eventually you have to use a wheel barrow full of worthless dollars to buy a load of bread. Ive seen many small towns that are shuttered, and its quite sad.

10-14-11, 11:30
Interesting read... You know that your city is a hellhole when... (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/you-know-that-your-city-has-become-a-hellhole-when)

Hey, my entire country is a hellhole by that definition.
Yet worse is that I agree with that.

Brazil, world champion in Murders. 43 thousand in 2009.
Just see the latest UN report on Global Murder.

10-14-11, 11:33
If civil unrest/SHTF you will probably see a bunch of bad guys driving around in the back of small pickup trucks.

That's why I keep my suppressed AR, plated vest, & lots of mags handy. :dirol:

10-14-11, 11:36

It will look something like this. Gangs of militant thugs attempting to gain a foothold and control the masses. This activity seems to repeat itself and play out time and time again such as Rwanda, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

10-14-11, 16:34
For those who havne't read the writing on the wall. . .

More Americans than Chinese can’t put food on the table (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/more-americans-chinese-t-put-food-table-132752601.html).

10-14-11, 16:38
For those who havne't read the writing on the wall. . .

More Americans than Chinese can’t put food on the table (http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/more-americans-chinese-t-put-food-table-132752601.html).

I saw that. It appears that we are in a steep decline and the top analysts on the Hill and Wall Street are both pointing to a worsening recession. Where will this go.... ?

10-14-11, 20:17
Interesting read... You know that your city is a hellhole when... (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/you-know-that-your-city-has-become-a-hellhole-when)

The story of the man who's house was entered by youths chasing other youths with guns and blunt objects is a damn good reason to own a gun.

10-16-11, 13:50
Trade deficit is one thing that doesn't get talked about much. Every year we are sending out hundreds of billions in wealth. China is a large part, and in just the last decade they went from under 30% of the deficit to now over 75%. We buy their shit, and then they buy treasury bonds as well as putting money into their own country. We are basically funding their growth and increasingly hostile relationship.

I read a few weeks ago that by 2015, the interest alone that we will be paying China on the money that we have borrowed from them will be enough to fund their entire defense budget.

10-16-11, 15:06

10-16-11, 15:52
Really? A man dressed up as Hitler championing democracy, the very political system that brought him to power, and which was loathed by many of our Founding Fathers? (read "Democracy, the God that Failed." or "The Trouble With Democracy") A video stating that the U.S. should cease to exist and be replaced by some quasi-socialist egalitarian utopian one world State? A video about "the rights of the people" but nothing about the inalienable God given rights of the individual human person? Really?

The mob has never been a friend of liberty. Never.

10-16-11, 15:56
Really? A man dressed up as Hitler championing democracy, the very political system that brought him to power, and which was loathed by many of our Founding Fathers? (read "Democracy, the God that Failed." or "The Trouble With Democracy") A video stating that the U.S. should cease to exist and be replaced by some quasi-socialist egalitarian utopian one world State? A video about "the rights of the people" but nothing about the inalienable God given rights of the individual human person? Really?

The mob has never been a friend of liberty. Never.

Charlie Chaplan predates Hitler.... The mob that whipped the British did pretty well in regards to Liberty. I agree about Democracy.

10-16-11, 16:07
Charlie Chaplan predates Hitler....
No he doesn't. Both born in or around 1889, and the clip in question is from a film from 1939.

The mob that whipped the British did pretty well in regards to Liberty.
How do you mean?

I agree about Democracy.
Too bad more don't.

10-16-11, 16:07
The Great Dictator is a comedy film by Charlie Chaplin released in October 1940. Like most Chaplin films, he wrote, produced, and directed, in addition to starring as the lead. Having been the only Hollywood film maker to continue to make silent films well into the period of sound films, this was Chaplin's first true talking picture as well as his most commercially successful film.[1] More importantly, it was the first major feature film of its period to bitterly satirize Nazism and Adolf Hitler.

At the time of its first release, the United States was still formally at peace with Nazi Germany. Chaplin's film advanced a stirring, controversial condemnation of Hitler, fascism, antisemitism, and the Nazis, whom he excoriates in the film as "machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts".

Wikipedia material.

10-16-11, 18:04
Really? A man dressed up as Hitler championing democracy, the very political system that brought him to power, and which was loathed by many of our Founding Fathers? (read "Democracy, the God that Failed." or "The Trouble With Democracy") A video stating that the U.S. should cease to exist and be replaced by some quasi-socialist egalitarian utopian one world State? A video about "the rights of the people" but nothing about the inalienable God given rights of the individual human person? Really?

The mob has never been a friend of liberty. Never.


I guess someone has to put a turd in the punchbowl at every party...

My Spidey senses detect a vituperative, invective, diatribe and condescending tone in your reply.

OK let's start here.

1) I would call the original Tea Party a MOB (I'm can say w/ certitude that most people could easily make that nexxus as well & can think of several other MOB's but I'll leave it at the first example as it should suffice) and to say "The mob has never been a friend of liberty. Never

Really Belloc ? .....

2) Actually Chaplin DOES predate Hitler by 4 days (technicality sure BUT, it is a fact)
Mr. Chaplin was born April 16th, 1889
Mr. Hitler was born April 20th, 1889

3) Your assessment is not only inaccurate BUT you completely missed the point. Mr. Chaplin, directed, wrote and starred in "The Great Dictator" (1940 in which Mr. Chaplin played Adenoid Hynkel, dictator of Toemania) which was a parody/satire on Hitler, Nazi Germany et al etc.
His moustache DOES in fact predate Mr. Hitler's as well.
Mr. Chaplin started wearing his "Toothbrush" moustache (aka Charlie Chaplin moustache, 1/3 moustache, philtrum moustache, the postage stamp, or soul (mou)stache) sometime after 1915. Hitler who does not have any pictures or VETTED assoicates who can confirm he wore that style moustache before 1919.

What is also confirmed, is that Hitler was a fan of Charles Chaplin. Not the other way around.

I don't mind a difference of opinion. In fact, that's healthy. As it promulgate's thought, dialogue & discussion, BUT to attempt your "revisionist history" w/ obfuscations/prevarications regardless of the facts is different.

So let's see if you have the character within yourself to admit you stepped on your crank.

What say ye ?

assess the threat(s), front sight, press, followthrough, scan.....

10-16-11, 20:34
If you can't hear the message for the sight of the attire, i will not argue with you as it is a fruitless endeavor. If you don't know what i mean by the mob that whipped the British, the only thing I can suggest is for you to take a trip to the nearest busiest interstate with a hammer and chisel, begin removing reflectors.

10-17-11, 01:16
OK let's start here.

1) I would call the original Tea Party a MOB (I'm can say w/ certitude that most people could easily make that nexxus as well & can think of several other MOB's but I'll leave it at the first example as it should suffice)
Except that it doesn't. A group of men waiting till nightfall and then sneaking in disguise on board ship, tossing tea overboard, and then going quietly home afterwards is only a "mob" if you stretch the definition of the term into an absurdity.

and to say "The mob has never been a friend of liberty. Never

Really Belloc ? .....
If you can refute that, then by all means.

2) Actually Chaplin DOES predate Hitler by 4 days (technicality sure BUT, it is a fact)
Mr. Chaplin was born April 16th, 1889
Mr. Hitler was born April 20th, 1889
Again, you seem to want to stretch the definition of a term into a joke.

3) Your assessment is not only inaccurate BUT you completely missed the point. Mr. Chaplin, directed, wrote and starred in "The Great Dictator" (1940 in which Mr. Chaplin played Adenoid Hynkel, dictator of Toemania) which was a parody/satire on Hitler, Nazi Germany et al etc.
His moustache DOES in fact predate Mr. Hitler's as well.
Mr. Chaplin started wearing his "Toothbrush" moustache (aka Charlie Chaplin moustache, 1/3 moustache, philtrum moustache, the postage stamp, or soul (mou)stache) sometime after 1915. Hitler who does not have any pictures or VETTED assoicates who can confirm he wore that style moustache before 1919.
I stand corrected. I had not realized in your earlier post that it was Chaplin's mustache that had filled you with such a warm fuzzy rainbow glow.

I don't mind a difference of opinion. In fact, that's healthy. As it promulgate's thought, dialogue & discussion, BUT to attempt your "revisionist history" w/ obfuscations/prevarications regardless of the facts is different.

So let's see if you have the character within yourself to admit you stepped on your crank.

What say ye ?

I say that I am still waiting for you to actually address any of my objections.

10-17-11, 01:19
If you can't hear the message for the sight of the attire, i will not argue with you as it is a fruitless endeavor. If you don't know what i mean by the mob that whipped the British, the only thing I can suggest is for you to take a trip to the nearest busiest interstate with a hammer and chisel, begin removing reflectors.

Well, I suppose that is a little more mature than stomping your feet, crossing your arms and huffing "No, I don't wanna answer!"But only just slightly. Cheers.

10-17-11, 07:29
Well, I suppose that is a little more mature than stomping your feet, crossing your arms and huffing "No, I don't wanna answer!"But only just slightly. Cheers.

More like I am not feeding the trolls.

10-17-11, 11:34
Except that it doesn't. A group of men waiting till nightfall and then sneaking in disguise on board ship, tossing tea overboard, and then going quietly home afterwards is only a "mob" if you stretch the definition of the term into an absurdity.

If you can refute that, then by all means.

I see, so "a group of men" (your own words) does NOT constitute a Mob...
Really ? Wow.

"I stand corrected. I had not realized in your earlier post that it was Chaplin's mustache that had filled you with such a warm fuzzy rainbow glow."

Your attempt to deflect the fact that you are wrong w/ typical sophomoric whitty diatribe again is typical and obvious.

I say that I am still waiting for you to actually address any of my objections.

Already did & done with replying to your scemantic games & attempts to re-direct the obvious. Your key grasp of the obivious & attempts to obfuscate the crux of the media's message you challenged is astounding.

10-17-11, 11:53
Your key grasp of the obivious & attempts to obfuscate the crux of the media's message you challenged is astounding.
Keep going, you're actually hysterical.

Still, if you really can't answer for yourself than that will have to suffice.

10-17-11, 17:46

10-17-11, 21:07
sounds about right, thanks uwe1.

10-17-11, 22:57

Fantastic contribution. Thank you.

Doc Maker
10-17-11, 23:21

Please tell me that you guys are not buying this VERY biased and one sided right-wing edit. You're looking at an interview that was taken out of context and re-edited with ONLY images of Democrat pols? Is the poster of this video really suggesting that the R's are just innocent little victims in the evil plan of the D's? If so, then why did they just stand back and let all this happen? The R's had control of most of the government from 1998 to 2008, Congress since 1994.

If you're a politician, you're a professional liar. Period. The fact remains that both parties are beholden to the banks and our (yours too) President is no communist. There are far easier ways to destabilize a country than some overly complicated, Blofeld style plan to crash the global economic system. Conspiracy theories are just that, theories.

If you actually listen to his statement, he is laying out the tactics he used in targeting CONSERVATIVES in the US.
from the video - "Here was my mission, try to get into large, established, CONSERVATIVE media."

Anyone else notice that the poster of this video did not include the whole interview. The entire section on Normalization is missing as well as many other glaring and ham-handed edits. Anonymous video postings should always be suspect. Occam's Razor. "Follow the Money."

Let's play video mash-up: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6e9_1317821089

10-18-11, 10:14
Please tell me that you guys are not buying this VERY biased and one sided right-wing edit. You're looking at an interview that was taken out of context and re-edited with ONLY images of Democrat pols? Is the poster of this video really suggesting that the R's are just innocent little victims in the evil plan of the D's? If so, then why did they just stand back and let all this happen? The R's had control of most of the government from 1998 to 2008, Congress since 1994.

I am going against my better judgement in bothering to respond, as I am a bit out of my depth in historical factoids, but I don't believe that any of us here believe that the Dems are completely responsible for this. Hoploethos had posted a photo earlier of a triangle shape and of each side of "pyramid" being Reps and Dems and the top having the "all seeing eye" of the freemasons. Most people here recognize that there are hidden players moving the pieces and that Rs and Ds are just different sides of the same coin. It's already been mentioned that there are very deep pockets controlling this country. Globalists etc...

Reagan did put in place many liberal/progressive ideas. Bush was no conservative. So you have no disagreement from me there.

I took the video for what it was, not a political hit job on one party...looking at the big picture if you will.

If you're a politician, you're a professional liar. Period. The fact remains that both parties are beholden to the banks and our (yours too) President is no communist. There are far easier ways to destabilize a country than some overly complicated, Blofeld style plan to crash the global economic system. Conspiracy theories are just that, theories.

He may not be a communist :jester:, but it's no secret that instead of telling all the lazy ****s of this country to get off their asses to work (and stop collecting on entitlements) that he will make excuses for them and continue to cause this country to spiral.

The other thing, communist revolutions are never really about equality. The "useful idiots" may think that it is, but the true intent is the complete control of a group of people. In order for communism to succeed, dissenters must to eliminated. Is the current POTUS just a "useful idiot"? I don't know...

And please spare me the "Bush did it too" and "Reagan did it too" crap. Tired of it. Those with our eyes open do not agree with members of either party when they engage in unconstitutional acts.

If you actually listen to his statement, he is laying out the tactics he used in targeting CONSERVATIVES in the US.
from the video - "Here was my mission, try to get into large, established, CONSERVATIVE media."

I am going to go out on a limb here and say that it is probable that at the time the original interview was filmed (it said 25 years ago), media was much more conservative leaning than it is today. It has been slowly infiltrated and is now a liberal institution with a political agenda.

If you can slowly infiltrate "conservative" media, you start to change the political attitude of a country. You'll never get the truly conservative to change, but you can get most of the political center. The left are already there so that's not the target audience.

Anyone else notice that the poster of this video did not include the whole interview. The entire section on Normalization is missing as well as many other glaring and ham-handed edits. Anonymous video postings should always be suspect. Occam's Razor. "Follow the Money."

Let's play video mash-up: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6e9_1317821089

I haven't seen the original interview and I already addressed the whole Rs versus Ds having the same ideas.

Last year, I saw an interesting statistic that the wealthiest members of Congress were Ds. Goldmann Sachs and other financial institutions were huge donors of Obama. Do you really think that he is looking to tax the "Rich"? The ones in power are the 1% and they are going to protect their shit. These higher taxes will end up hurting everyone in the top 20%, but it will affect the "Rich" the least. On the surface it will seem like they did something wonderful in equalizing taxes, but at the end of the day, all they did was to prevent more of the 2-5% from achieving the dream of being in the 1%. The bottom ~50% will just continue to collect entitlements until the wheels come off. The loopholes will be closed and replaced with different ones.

I've gotta get ready for work....so I can pay my fair share. :rolleyes:

Just a Jarhead
10-18-11, 11:04
I've watched the entire video several times over the last few years. Watching the entire hour long video revealed no editing hack jobs to me. It's an amazingly prophetic video from the 70's which puts us right squarely where we find ourselves today. Current events have been planned for many many years.
Go to youtube and type in G. Edward Griffin Interview Of Yuri Bezmenov . Look for the version that's over an hour long. This might be it but I don't have flash on this particular laptop to see the run time of the clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RS8LA-5fmrs

ETA: Here it is 1:21:27 long http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3qkf3bajd4&feature=related

10-18-11, 11:10
Reagan did put in place many liberal/progressive ideas. Bush was no conservative. So you have no disagreement from me there.

And please spare me the "Bush did it too" and "Reagan did it too" crap. Tired of it. Those with our eyes open do not agree with members of either party when they engage in unconstitutional acts.The problem is that there's little effort to stop either side from putting in place the unconstitutional policies and virtually zero effort to repeal them. We've still got stuff on the books from the 1920's we haven't even begun to try to undo.

But anyway, back to the original question presented by the thread topic. What to do about when the civil unrest happens and the people causing all the problems are people you know or recognize? A very difficult problem indeed. There are way too many foolish people out there and chances are you know some of them or at least know where they live. If you live near people you live near a potential problem. While a lot of the posts above deal with the abstract "1%", "mobs", etc. as if zombies or people 2,000 miles away, what happens when the problem is 1 mile away? I have a WalMart across the street from me--how will my wife and I react if/when 10-25% of the people inside that WalMart turn into pillagers, scavengers, and predators?

We need more ammo at very least.

10-18-11, 12:24
uwe1. . .spot on!

The sheep are awaking from their slumber; a review of this thread will find that most here DO NOT like the neocon Republicans any more than they do the Marxist Democrats. You have two factions moving forward with the same goal. Dissolve our nation and assimilate into a global system.

10-18-11, 12:29
Please tell me that you guys are not buying this VERY biased and one sided right-wing edit.
Let's play video mash-up: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6e9_1317821089

The images are maybe biased but the basic information is spot on. My family saw this happen first hand in their native land and after finally arriving in the US, were horrified to see it happening here. The reality is that Marxism and Leninism are in many ways stronger today than ever. It is amazing how few people realize it. While the Red Army perhaps could have never won the war on the battlefield, the shadow elements of Communism have been amazingly successful in infiltrating Western media, education, popular culture, and even government.

10-18-11, 12:46
Back to civil unrest. . .

Another McDonalds attack: these two bitches deserved a good beat down by the ex-con IMHO. Play with fire and all. . .



To bad those two black females didn't bitch slap the libtard white female screaming STOP after they called down the fire from the cashier! :rolleyes:

10-18-11, 13:26
The images are maybe biased but the basic information is spot on. My family saw this happen first hand in their native land and after finally arriving in the US, were horrified to see it happening here. The reality is that Marxism and Leninism are in many ways stronger today than ever. It is amazing how few people realize it. While the Red Army perhaps could have never won the war on the battlefield, the shadow elements of Communism have been amazingly successful in infiltrating Western media, education, popular culture, and even government.

Sounds alot like my family...where is your family from?

10-18-11, 16:08
Speaking of civil unrest, I just watched Red Dawn for the first time. Good movie.

Carry On.

10-18-11, 16:59
I must be old... I saw it opening night.

10-18-11, 19:09
Speaking of civil unrest, I just watched Red Dawn for the first time. Good movie.

Carry On.

Welcome to the rest of you life! :D

It came out when I was a kid, I know I'm dated. Ha! There is a remake that was supposed to be released this year but it has stalled for some strange reason. Hmm. . .

The new version pits Red China invading CONUS. Since China holds our nations debt the film's producers/studio figured it wasn't wise to piss off the new land lord so they digitally modifed the enemy forces to be N Korean instead! Like N Korea could cross the pond to invade the mainland US. :rolleyes:

Should be released in '12.

Doc Maker
10-18-11, 23:49
I'm not trying to start anything uwe, I think we agree on most things. The Founders were from across the political spectrum as well. I just don't believe that we see the real culprits. Blaming the most visible politician is easy, I want the guys BEHIND them. The money men who caused this mess.

I will disagree with you on one small point, the media is no where near as liberal as FOX News and others would like you to believe. As a military journalist, many of the editors I've worked for are the most conservative I've had (even the ones at MSNBC.) The problem now is that honest journalism has been corrupted by corporate profit. I've personally had stories quashed or rewritten because they didn't meet the "theme of the day." TOD is a common practice at ALL news networks. Just watch FOX, CNN, MSNBC, any of them all day for one whole day. If your cognitive abilities haven't completely gooified by the end, you'll have no trouble naming the day's theme. Every host will mention it in their lead, every crawl will contain multiple angles of the theme. Single source news is a pre-packaged sample of spoon fed information. do your own homework and don't let others tell you what to think.

In the years following the Revolution, newspapers were bitterly partisan, as the new government was still ironing out the smaller issues. It took a few years, and an act of appropriations from Congress, to establish the American newspaper. During the early days of television, men like Murrow and Cronkite set the standards for fact checking and proper sourcing of information.

Now we seem to have come full circle. Not all of us in the media are biased in the way everyone's been led to believe. I have my biases, we all do. As a professional I must look beyond them and report the facts, whether I like it or not. "We report, you decide." is the most misleading tag line ever used in journalism. It is the opposite of what journalism is. Decide on what?

The only job a news reporter has is to relay information. Nothing to decide. An action has no other action to choose from, only a reaction. When I do my job correctly, there is no decision for the viewer to make other than how to react to the action I just relayed to them.


10-19-11, 00:33
I'm not trying to start anything uwe, I think we agree on most things. The Founders were from across the political spectrum as well. I just don't believe that we see the real culprits. Blaming the most visible politician is easy, I want the guys BEHIND them. The money men who caused this mess.


I can not argue against this.

Sounds alot like my family...where is your family from?

Russia. They were "Whites" and the majority of them died during the Civil War and the following purges. Grandparents and Father survived but were captured by the Germans in WWII. Liberated by the Americans, they eventually ended up here even though it took them about 15 years to get the needed visas.

10-19-11, 14:50
The ows bowel movement is the civil unrest seed. 30% polled said they would use violence to accomplish their goals.
It's laughable that anyone compares ows to the Tea Party. The pro-marxism signs are a stark contrast to the "Lower Taxes, Less Govt." signs carried at a Tea Party rally. The dope smoking zombies hardly represent America.

10-21-11, 10:58
Always be prepared. How about sitting in a bar and some dick wants to run up shooting an AK? http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Man-Shoots-Up-W-Philly-Bar-With-AK-47-132284803.html

I think it's interesting on the video you can see 1 guy getting up from the bar with pistol in hand.

Doc Safari
10-21-11, 11:02
Always be prepared. How about sitting in a bar and some dick wants to run up shooting an AK? http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Man-Shoots-Up-W-Philly-Bar-With-AK-47-132284803.html

I think it's interesting on the video you can see 1 guy getting up from the bar with pistol in hand.

Is it just my paranoia because the media is covering this kind of stuff and the flash mobs more and more, or does it seem like the wise person would be best served by not being in public places any more than necessary?

10-21-11, 12:07
Let's see how long it takes the left to call for more gun control. I wonder if that jack ass would even pop up on a list if the fed started a roundup. Morons like that would be the only one's left with guns in the end.

Doc Maker
10-22-11, 00:04
Is it just my paranoia because the media is covering this kind of stuff and the flash mobs more and more, or does it seem like the wise person would be best served by not being in public places any more than necessary?

You're not paranoid... conflict and mayhem make good TV. The former Administration did make one valid point about the media not covering the positive stories.

Let's see how long it takes the left to call for more gun control.
If they didn't go apeshit over the Giffords shooting, when the D's had all of Congress, they won't do anything now. You'll always hear the loudest voices of the extreme, on both sides.

Just a Jarhead
10-22-11, 07:48
You're not paranoid... conflict and mayhem make good TV. The former Administration did make one valid point about the media not covering the positive stories.

If they didn't go apeshit over the Giffords shooting, when the D's had all of Congress, they won't do anything now. You'll always hear the loudest voices of the extreme, on both sides.

How's this for a loud voice!

It helps to have your facts straight before you go spouting off! Repubs took over the House on Weds. Jan.5th. 2011 Giffords was shot on Saturday Jan. 8th. 2011 so D's did not have control of both House's of Congress at that time as you falsely asserted.

Also, guess you're not familiar with the following bills that are still floating around that were drafted immediately after the Giffords shooting sponsored by gun rights nightmare Rep Carolyn McCarthy using the Giffords shooting as the impetus:

H.R. 308 High Cap Magazine ban ( NO GRANDFATHERING. Don't know about you but I call this ape shit)
H.R. 591 Gun Show loop hole Act
H.R. 1781 Fix Gun Checks Act

Go here and select House Member McCarthy, Carolyn. Check Sponsor, Then click search http://thomas.loc.gov/home/LegislativeData.php

Slim to no chance of going anywhere because of the Repub controlled House, but otherwise...

HAVOC 5150
10-22-11, 12:20
Let's see how long it takes the left to call for more gun control. I wonder if that jack ass would even pop up on a list if the fed started a roundup. Morons like that would be the only one's left with guns in the end.

The not so funny thing about this situation is the Jackwagon that is shooting the bar up is probably a "proud card carrying Demoncat". And yes I intentionally spelled it that way.

10-22-11, 13:02
How's this for a loud voice!

It helps to have your facts straight before you go spouting off! Repubs took over the House on Weds. Jan.5th. 2011 Giffords was shot on Saturday Jan. 8th. 2011 so D's did not have control of both House's of Congress at that time as you falsely asserted.

Also, guess you're not familiar with the following bills that are still floating around that were drafted immediately after the Giffords shooting sponsored by gun rights nightmare Rep Carolyn McCarthy using the Giffords shooting as the impetus:

H.R. 308 High Cap Magazine ban ( NO GRANDFATHERING. Don't know about you but I call this ape shit)
H.R. 591 Gun Show loop hole Act
H.R. 1781 Fix Gun Checks Act

Go here and select House Member McCarthy, Carolyn. Check Sponsor, Then click search http://thomas.loc.gov/home/LegislativeData.php

Slim to no chance of going anywhere because of the Repub controlled House, but otherwise...

The video/interview I posted speaks of "useful idiots" who will deny and disagree even when the facts are staring them in the face...

You really can't change their minds.

10-22-11, 13:17
The video/interview I posted speaks of "useful idiots" who will deny and disagree even when the facts are staring them in the face...

You really can't change their minds.

The term "useful idiots" was coined by none other than Lenin.

Doc Maker
10-22-11, 15:10
How's this for a loud voice!

It helps to have your facts straight before you go spouting off! Repubs took over the House on Weds. Jan.5th. 2011 Giffords was shot on Saturday Jan. 8th. 2011 so D's did not have control of both House's of Congress at that time as you falsely asserted.

Also, guess you're not familiar with the following bills that are still floating around that were drafted immediately after the Giffords shooting sponsored by gun rights nightmare Rep Carolyn McCarthy using the Giffords shooting as the impetus:

H.R. 308 High Cap Magazine ban ( NO GRANDFATHERING. Don't know about you but I call this ape shit)
H.R. 591 Gun Show loop hole Act
H.R. 1781 Fix Gun Checks Act

Go here and select House Member McCarthy, Carolyn. Check Sponsor, Then click search http://thomas.loc.gov/home/LegislativeData.php

Slim to no chance of going anywhere because of the Repub controlled House, but otherwise...

I stand corrected, You're right about the dates. I was off by three days, better call the time police! Now, before YOU go spouting off, be sure to read the whole post where I mention that "You'll always hear the loudest voices of the extreme, on both sides." That includes McCarthy, who in my opinion is a one tune jukebox on the subject of gun control and therefore not a credible source to cite. She lost a family member in the LIRR shooting and has no objectivity on the subject. I considered putting a "no-mccarthy argument" in my original post but I figured anybody reading it would read the whole thing. Guess not.

That being said, my point is still valid, the only thing Obama has done for the firearms industry is create jobs.

Here is an article that lays out the ACTUAL political landscape in front of the President.

Most of the extreme, conspiracy theories that I've been reading cite a number of Executive orders, 90% of which have been REVOKED by subsequent EO's, have talked about firearm confiscation. The Defense Authorization Bills of 2006 and 2008 contain amendments that SPECIFICALLY PROHIBIT the confiscation of privately owned weapons in a national emergency.

I've said it before and I'll say it until I'm blue in the face, "follow the money."
Who has the most to gain from scaring gun owners with confiscation?
Who makes billions every time a Democrat is elected to the WH because gun owners make a run on the stores?
Who stands to gain from setting Americans against one another?

The not so funny thing about this situation is the Jackwagon that is shooting the bar up is probably a "proud card carrying Demoncat". And yes I intentionally spelled it that way.
"Probably?" Do you have a source for your accusation or does it just "feel" true? Richard Jones, the dumb ass in the video who doesn't even know how to use an AK, is a criminal who's off his meds. Using words like "Demoncat" only serves to intentionally stir up defensive, reactionary, emotional responses. Once that happens, there's no hope for a civil discourse.

10-22-11, 15:17
I live near the mexico border.

I'll be dead in the first week, but not for lack of shooting.

10-22-11, 15:39
I live near the mexico border.

I'll be dead in the first week, but not for lack of shooting.

me too, why will we be dead lol

10-22-11, 15:45
How's this for a loud voice!

It helps to have your facts straight before you go spouting off! Repubs took over the House on Weds. Jan.5th. 2011 Giffords was shot on Saturday Jan. 8th. 2011 so D's did not have control of both House's of Congress at that time as you falsely asserted.

Also, guess you're not familiar with the following bills that are still floating around that were drafted immediately after the Giffords shooting sponsored by gun rights nightmare Rep Carolyn McCarthy using the Giffords shooting as the impetus:

H.R. 308 High Cap Magazine ban ( NO GRANDFATHERING. Don't know about you but I call this ape shit)
H.R. 591 Gun Show loop hole Act
H.R. 1781 Fix Gun Checks Act

Go here and select House Member McCarthy, Carolyn. Check Sponsor, Then click search http://thomas.loc.gov/home/LegislativeData.php

Slim to no chance of going anywhere because of the Repub controlled House, but otherwise...

Just for the sake of clarification, the text of H.R. 308 contains the following:

(v)(1)(A)(i) Except as provided in clause (ii), it shall be unlawful for a person to transfer or possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

`(ii) Clause (i) shall not apply to the possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device otherwise lawfully possessed within the United States on or before the date of the enactment of this subsection.

That appears to be a "grandfather" clause to me. What am I missing?

Not that I support any of this legislation. I'm just trying to know what's at stake.

10-22-11, 16:09
How's this for a loud voice!

It helps to have your facts straight before you go spouting off! Repubs took over the House on Weds. Jan.5th. 2011 Giffords was shot on Saturday Jan. 8th. 2011 so D's did not have control of both House's of Congress at that time as you falsely asserted.

Also, guess you're not familiar with the following bills that are still floating around that were drafted immediately after the Giffords shooting sponsored by gun rights nightmare Rep Carolyn McCarthy using the Giffords shooting as the impetus:

H.R. 308 High Cap Magazine ban ( NO GRANDFATHERING. Don't know about you but I call this ape shit)
H.R. 591 Gun Show loop hole Act
H.R. 1781 Fix Gun Checks Act

Go here and select House Member McCarthy, Carolyn. Check Sponsor, Then click search http://thomas.loc.gov/home/LegislativeData.php

Slim to no chance of going anywhere because of the Repub controlled House, but otherwise...

Who started the BRADY bill ?

Funny the goverment wants us to sit and argue with each online while both DEMS and REP are destroying this country by allowing the guys with the MOST money to EARN to make policy. AS STATED IN EARLIER POST ** follow the money trail **
Wake up people. As long as we are fighting each other they all are just getting richer and laughing because "we the people"..
who should be telling them what to DO...
are to busy pointing fingers or complaing about the current leaders in WA. I have lived thru both Dem and Rep controlled admins. Shit is always the same compliants from both sides. The country is obsessed with the two party rule, it needs to go and be done by majority without party lines. Let us decide our fate.

10-22-11, 16:15
Thought this was very interesting to say the least. It could be nothing, but it could also mean that the powers that be are expecting something. Take from it what you will gents...just thought it was important enough to share.


HAVOC 5150
10-22-11, 19:09
[QUOTE=Doc Maker;1127309
"Probably?" Do you have a source for your accusation or does it just "feel" true? Richard Jones, the dumb ass in the video who doesn't even know how to use an AK, is a criminal who's off his meds. Using words like "Demoncat" only serves to intentionally stir up defensive, reactionary, emotional responses. Once that happens, there's no hope for a civil discourse.[/QUOTE]

I don't usually talk about what I do for a living but I have worked for a Sheriff's department in Ca for over 12 yrs now all of it in the jail, so yes my accusation is true. Every election year we have to give the shitbirds the ability to vote and a yellow voter registration card. Every registration card I have ever received was checked Democrate and I have seen a few in my time. So I have seen it with my own eyes and I believe my accusation is correct.

10-22-11, 19:44
Thought this was very interesting to say the least. It could be nothing, but it could also mean that the powers that be are expecting something. Take from it what you will gents...just thought it was important enough to share.


Yep indeed. They are planning for Martial Law no doubt & want to make sure all their ducks are lined up ahead in case things happen.... "C3"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C3 all MIL tactics etc.

Especially if innocent American citizens get killed / whacked when the SHTF for spin control.

Thanks for the post & I agree.

10-22-11, 21:02
Yep indeed. They are planning for Martial Law no doubt & want to make sure all their ducks are lined up ahead in case things happen.... "C3"
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C3 all MIL tactics etc.

Especially if innocent American citizens get killed / whacked when the SHTF for spin control.

Thanks for the post & I agree.

No question. If there is one thing the "Arab Spring" has taught everyone is how quickly effectively mobs/insurgencies/revolutions can organize and be controlled using modern communication devices.

Doc Maker
10-22-11, 21:53
I don't usually talk about what I do for a living but I have worked for a Sheriff's department in Ca for over 12 yrs now all of it in the jail, so yes my accusation is true. Every election year we have to give the shitbirds the ability to vote and a yellow voter registration card. Every registration card I have ever received was checked Democrate and I have seen a few in my time. So I have seen it with my own eyes and I believe my accusation is correct.

So it just "feels" true then? You have no proof, no credible intel to back up your accusation, not to mention the fact that you're in CA not PA.

Every card? Hyperbole if I've ever heard it. You're obviously not a Deputy, otherwise you'd have a basic knowledge of investigation techniques and you'd know better than to level unsubstantiated accusations without any form of credible proof. If you are a deputy, I don't have to wonder why you're not on the streets. Amateurs deal in absolutes!

Stop being part of the problem, HAVOC.

Nov. 9 is no big deal. The EAS is nothing new. We've had it's predecessor, the EBS since 1963. A result of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the EAS provides Government the ability to interrupt broadcast programming so they can provide information to the public. A simple tone is transmitted to the EAS receiver in the station and the message is then relayed through to the public. DO NOT confuse this ability with the fiction that the conspiracy nuts would have you believe, which is actual control of the on air programming.

The .gov does NOT write, produce, direct, cast or edit the programming. I do, along with MANY other talented individuals across the industry. Nor is there any .gov infrastructure to do so in the event of a full blown emergency. The best they can do is the stuff that comes out of Ft. Meade and the Defense Media center. Ever actually watched the Pentagon Channel? Pretty lame, most of the time.

Just a Jarhead
10-23-11, 05:41
Just for the sake of clarification, the text of H.R. 308 contains the following:

(v)(1)(A)(i) Except as provided in clause (ii), it shall be unlawful for a person to transfer or possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

`(ii) Clause (i) shall not apply to the possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device otherwise lawfully possessed within the United States on or before the date of the enactment of this subsection.

That appears to be a "grandfather" clause to me. What am I missing?

Not that I support any of this legislation. I'm just trying to know what's at stake.

Looks like this was amended since it was first drafted. The original version made it illegal to sell or transfer any high cap magazine. period. Subsequently they must have added section ii.

Just a Jarhead
10-23-11, 05:47
I stand corrected, You're right about the dates. I was off by three days, better call the time police!

Time was not the factor. It's irrelevant to the point you were trying to make. Don't deflect and spin away from your original intent. The point you were trying to make was that Democrats are harmelss and benign when it comes to the second amendment. If they could have done it "they would have gone apeshit after the Giffords shooting." The truth is they did not have the opportunity to do so after the Giffords shooting was the point I was making. Democrats are the 2nd amendments worst enemy. It's a constant assault of some sorts.

10-23-11, 13:40

When the POOP Hits the Oscillator
By Country Codger, on October 22nd, 2011

I have been asked to share my perspective (vision or nightmare) of what will happen when the Poop finally hit’s the fan. You asked for it, you got it.

No matter what happens, massive earthquakes, tsunamis Coronal Mass… you know whats, EMP’s (manmade or natural) the ultimate crisis will be caused by none other than an economic Crisis. How can I say that? Easy look at history. Japan was bombed to oblivion in WWII, received the first atomic bombs in modern warfare and still it rebuilt itself. Now, after being struck with a major earthquake of Biblical proportions and then crushed by a tsunami which in turn has caused the largest nuclear crisis in history, yesterday, the dollar dropped below the historic low of the dollar to the yen since WWII.

Hiroshima, Japan 1945
Why? We have had no major earthquakes, tsunamis, major nuclear disasters. Our infrastructure is still basically intact. Japan cannot even operate their own factories because of the limited amount of electricity. It has to have South Korea build most of its automobiles. Japan produces no oil and negligible amounts of natural gas. The U.S. is producing oil and gas and discovering new fields and has developed technology to increase oil production from previously inaccessible oil strata. So if it had to do with natural resources, or major disasters the dollar should be worth 200 or more yen. Why is it that the yen is stronger than the dollar. Because the fundamentals upon which the dollar is based are collapsing. The dollar is only valuable right now because of the Bretton-Woods Agreement which came out of WWII. Everybody in the world has to buy dollars in order to purchase any internationally traded commodity. Otherwise we would be a poster child for economic collapse. Greeks would be saying, “It sure is bad but at least we don’t live in America.”

Detroit, Michigan 1945
So, we are lucky right? Nope. People around the world are waking up and are tired of the old Bretton-Woods banking arrangement. Countries such as China, India, Saudi Arabia, Russia and others are using their own currencies in commodity swaps with other nations. This will encourage others, which will encourage others to do the same thing. Pretty soon you will be wiping the poop off the oscillator with 100 dollar bills, because that and starting fires will be the only thing they will be good for.
What about EMP’s and Coronal Mass..uh..you know and what about… It doesn’t make any difference. If the American economy was healthy, say pre-1964 we could work and produce our way out of the problem even if we had to do it with steam power or horses. We did it once we could easily do it again. But our manufacturing infrastructure is destroyed and we don’t have the financial ability to rebuild. We have sold and traded all of our national gold, and silver is now called “an industrial metal.” Odd, for 5 ½ thousand years before this gold and silver were true wealth. America is now broke and the International Banksters are just waiting for the day that they can hammer the Foreclosure Sale sign in the front yard of the u.s. of A. for everyone in the world to see.

Hiroshima, Japan 2011
When Americans, out of fear, allowed Franklin Deranged Roosevelt to talk them out of their wealth and placed them under a Constitutional dictatorship form of government in March 1933 our end was sealed (I am currently considering an article on this and it will shock some and piss off the rest but I will document it if I have the time.) It has just taken a long time to get here. We are headed for foreclosure. (This is the second time I have made this point.)

(Stark contrast between the two cities. Hiroshima died in
an instant. Detroit is dying from rot slowly.)

William Livingstone house, Detroit 2011

In foreclosure, an officer of the court posts a notice of foreclosure on the property for all to see. (Of course if you are BofA, Wells Fargo, CITI, Fanny, Freddie, or Peewee Herman all you have to do is grease palms with Federal Reserve Notes instead of following the laws of the land and skip all those needless steps. Hell, you don’t even need a deed, title or mortgage, just foreclose and make the property owner prove you are wrong. See what I mean?)

So what, you ask? The banksters will foreclose and their court is the Court of International Settlements? Who is the officer of the court? The U.N. is the high sheriff and is in charge of placing countries into receivership. Don’t believe me, ask Muamar Qaddafi. The U.N. authorized N.A.T.O. action in Libya, hello. You saw what kind of treatment Libya and ultimately Qaddafi received. The countries resources have been hijacked, international accounts frozen (read stolen), and now the largest reserves of the sweetest, lightest crude in the Middle East just got placed under the protection of the receivers in bankruptcy. Oh, and where is Qaddafi’s more than 9 billion dollars in gold bullion? Probably in the same place as all the gold bullion taken from the vault underneath WTC7 BEFORE it was never struck by an aircraft and burned to the ground against all the laws of physics.

Get my point? IF the American economy was healthy no disaster could stop America from coming back from the brink of destruction. Unfortunately, the DISASTER is our economy and we are over the brink. We are in free fall and it is not the fall that kills you but the sudden stop.

So what do I see as the scenario? I believe it will take place sometime after the 2012 elections. Why? Because the Federal Reserve has done everything in its bag of tricks, to keep this train chugging down the tracks, as it can. (Even if Ron Paul is elected I believe he will be either assassinated, the economy will be willfully imploded or a huge false flag event will take place that will destroy at least 3, possibly more, major urban areas.)

We are from the government and we are here to help!
In others words we are doomed? No way. This is America and there is at least one gun for every citizen, on average. Unfortunately, for the first year or so, most people will simply try to exist. Probably, (remember, this is my opinion and opinions cannot be wrong no matter how much they stink) two-thirds of the people in this country will die during the first two years after the fall. It will be a combination of events but about one half that number will be because of lawlessness, the rest due to disease or starvation.

I think it will take three to four years to stabilize the situation, i.e. kill the outlaws and use alternative forms of medicine before things stop getting worse. However, there is a rule of thumb that kicks in about this time. When the smallest kid in class kicks the class bully’s butt then everyone he ever bullied will try to kick his butt. It will be during this time that I believe America will suffer some form of invasion. Maybe, it will be under the auspices of stabilizing America, or restoring order or maybe just to settle an old debt. Here is a propaganda film that will be released soon. http://www.reddawnmovienews.com. I once heard Lindsay Williams say that that the Elite will always tell you bfore they do something. I was shocked. This was almost word for word what Zbigniew Brzinski said years ago when asked how he knew about a particular event coming to pass in advance of it happening.

It is at this time things get ticklish. About 100 million, heavily armed and motivated Americans will have absolutely little mercy on an invading army. I think an invading army from the west will be stopped at the Sierra Nevada’s or at worst, at the Rockies. An army invading from the east will be stopped in the Smoky/Adirondack chain and if not there then at the mighty Mississippi. It might even be an army from each direction, China/Russia alliance from the west and U.N./European contingent from the east. Remember, they are blaming the U.S. for their current fiscal problems. What happens when their problems get ten times or one hundred times worse than they are now?

I think they will have bit off more than they can chew and in the end we will triumph. But when will it end? One year? Two? Three? Ten? Will it turn nuclear or just stay conventional? Quien sabe?

America has been the biggest bully on the block for a long time, post World War One and a lot of people worldwide resent that. At some point in time we will be due our comeuppance. Unfortunately, there are several new bullies waiting in the wings. China and the Pan-Asian League? Maybe. Revised Russian/Soviet Empire? Possible. Make no mistake about it,some one will be ready to take on the old bully for a shot at the title.

A moose turd pie, no matter how you sugar coat it, still taste like a moose turd
Am I cynical? Well, like I’ve said before, I always thought of myself as an upbeat kind of guy. But my Mary Poppins attitude, that just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, is gone.

I listen to a lot of radio programs and I have listened to Alex Jones regularly for a couple of years. There are many things I admire about that young man but I have one criticism, not of Alex but for the mistaken believe that the Illuminati care one whit whether we know what they are doing or not. They really don’t care, as long as it doesn’t upset their timetable. When it does, they just back up and punt.

War and Depression are just Urban Renewal for the Elite.
These people, the “elite”, Illuminists, assholes, really do drink blood and eat human flesh from fetuses. They plot and plan the deaths of millions of people by any number of means. They own armies, parliaments, congresses and dictators. And, if a random dictator gets out of line, what happens? Ask Qaddafy Duck. They order their enforcers to go in and clean house and “foreclose” on the property, make no mistake about it. They will kill one million, two million, ten million or one hundred million Americans to foreclose on the greatest piece of real estate this side of Heaven. America is the final jewel to add to their “CROWN” jewels collection.

I am a simple country boy and I like simple logic. If we want to keep America, we cannot win by disclosing their names on radios or TV or satellites. We can only win, and keep our nation by killing them. To quote General George Smith Patton, “No poor dumb son of a bitch ever won a war by dying for his country. He won the war by making the other poor dumb son of a bitch die for his country.” If we want to win this war, they, the elite, have to die. We have to pull them out of their hiding places, their bunkers and drain pipes and kill them as expeditiously as possible.

Now, having said that, this is not a call to arms. Like my other articles in the past, it is a call to get armed. You must get armed and become proficient with the weapons of your choice. Don’t run out and buy a gun and say I said for you to start shooting people. This is as far from the truth as anything could be.

What will America be like in the short term after the collapse? The first stage will be to HUNKER down. You will have to get to your refuge, make sure you have adequate provisions for your group and ride out the initial storm. The initial storm will proabably consist of a FORMAL declaration of martial law. Eventually, the National Guard and the military will walk away and return to protect they families, their loved ones. They are not fools, they know what is coming down the pike. I believe the initial storm will last one to two years. That is why I have repeatedly said that you need a minimum of one year’s worth of food for each man, woman and child in your group. You should have extra for stragglers.

Here is a word about provisions. I have told you what to stock and how to stock it and now we need to look at something very important, SKILLS. If your group consist of 12 adults and you are all computer programmers and have no other skill sets you are in deep doodoo. You need diversity of skills within your group. You need someone proficient in the following skillsets (minimum):

Medicine – no you don’t need to look for a brain surgeon. I would find an herbalist and/or nurse or EMT,

Firearms and self defense – you do not need to have Rambo in your group but you should have someone who is proficient enough with firearms to teach others and do basic maintenance and repairs of broken equipment. This will also be the person that will teach all of you to reload you own ammunition. Most people can be taught to use a few basic holds, punches and gouges to save their life in an emergency and this person should be proficient enough to teach it. Look for former military, cops, private security or martial artist,

Farming/gardening - at some point you will have to grow your own food to replenish your dwindling food stocks. This is as much an art form as it is a science. To find the right person look for the biggest and best gardens and start there,

Mechanics – this specialist will keep your equipment repaired and design/build new equipment that is better, more efficient or quieter than before. There may not be a big need for auto mechanics but since you can run diesels on any oil and older gas vehicles on wood smoke this may be the person that keeps you out of the dark during the dark ages. (Note: I am not telling you this, but a diesel truck will run on the oil taken from transformers on electrical poles. I did not say this and make sure you have waited until all electricity is dead.),

Nutrition – notice I did not say cook. This is the person that will keep you healthy by planning well balanced meals. If you plan on eating a lot of meat, foraged for the countryside, you better have a lot of milk of magnesia, Epsom Salts or Ex Lax on hand. Otherwise, the shit WON’T hit the fan,

Logistics – this is the discipline of having everything you need when you need it. If your logistician bought 7.62 x 39 ammunition for all your 5.56 x 45 rifles, you have a problem. This person has to be detail oriented in their planning. If you have dehydrated food for a year and no water, you won’t last long. This is a key person.

Communications – is necessary so you can at least hear what is happening. You can do this with a CB radio, shortwave radio or a HAM set. When you are used to getting information everyday, from multiple sources, to suddenly go cold turkey is frightening. IF there is a roving band of marauders/brigands headed your way you will want as much advanced notice as possible.

Everyone in your group must know every other persons skill. Each specialist much be able to teach what they know to others as well as do their job. Also, there will be a lot of unpleasant tasks that will have to be shared by all. All tasks should be on a rotating basis. Schedules should be posted and checked everyday by everyone. IN a survival situation there is no EXCUSE. Death is a reason not an excuse.

When asked what type of governmental system our group would use I told everyone that it would be a dictatorship and I am the dic. When it is time to fight or flee you can’t wait to have a discussion and vote. You have to move quickly or you will be dead. The leader of the group is just that. The leader may also be your mechanical expert or your gardening expert or no expert at all. The leader might be your “can do” person. That person that seems to be able to get anything done when no one else even knows where to start.

Another person you should have is your Tactical Coordinator. In many cases I am sure that this will be your firearms/self defense guru, but not necessarily. These titles are not student body titles to be voted on by the student body in a popular election. They must be based on skill sets, overall proficiency and ability. Your tactical coordinator might be 25 years old or they might be 65, or older. One very important criteria you SHOULD look for: they should be a veteran of an insurgency style conflict. I did not say conventional war veteran. Insurgency/counterinsurgency is a totally different mindset or paradigm. In counterinsurgency your sniper is your reconnaissance, your artillery and your first strike capability. This is completely different from a conventional war’s needs.

Don’t be guilty of the same mistake I was. When planning my personnel needs I depended upon people, especially family members, that were expert in two or more categories. I have lost two very key and vital people from my group, and also my family, that I depended on heavily. I valued their opinions and i loved them dearly. I can never replace their roles in my family and it will take at least 6 people to take their places in the group, if I can find them at all. You must have a person responsible for a skill set and train everyone in that skill set. If you lose your farmer and no one else knows diddely about farming you are screwed big time.

I’ve said it in at least one other article and I will say it again. “Do not send your corpsman (medical guru) or your tactical coordinator onto a live battlefield.” The wounded must be brought to the corpsman and the information brought to the Tactical Coordinator. You cannot afford to lose these two in a battle.

How many people? Good question. Keep your signature small. Around eight to twelve active members (not counting children) is ideal, 15 is okay but never, ever go over 20. When you reach twenty, divide into two 10 person groups, not counting children and start over, once again based on skill sets. Keep families intact at all cost. Isn’t that why we are fighting, for our families.

So I’ll boil it down. I do not believe that the united states of America will have any government greater than line of sight communities before three years after the fall. Community communication and coordination will begin around two to three years after the collapse and progress from there. At some point in time, after most of the bad guys are dead and it is safe to step in and PROTECT America from herself, we will be invaded by the latest bullies of the banksters. In a prolonged insurgency war, we Americans will win out over the sorry bastards sent against us. After that, we as a nation begin to rebuild based upon sound money and sound business practices. That’s it. Remember, opinions are like a**holes. Everybody has one and they all stink, just some less than others. I know it stinks. I know it is not rosy, but is it REAL. Quien Sabe?

Doc Maker
10-23-11, 15:58
Time was not the factor. It's irrelevant to the point you were trying to make. Don't deflect and spin away from your original intent. The point you were trying to make was that Democrats are harmelss and benign when it comes to the second amendment. If they could have done it "they would have gone apeshit after the Giffords shooting." The truth is they did not have the opportunity to do so after the Giffords shooting was the point I was making. Democrats are the 2nd amendments worst enemy. It's a constant assault of some sorts.

I'm not deflecting anything Jar. If you'd pay attention to what I wrote, you'd see that I make no excuses and never implied that the Dems are "harmelss and benign when it comes to the second amendment." But my point, which you completely missed, is that the Dems are not going to take your guns. Look at the record. The 110th and 111th Congress never even TRIED to pass any gun control legislation.

And one more over generalization of yours that I take issue with is "Democrats are the 2nd amendments worst enemy." Hardly. You name one virulently anti-gun congresswoman from NY and paint all Dems with the same brush. I happen to be a registered Independent who votes D most of the time and no one has taken my guns. I even have a Concealed Pistol License. Oh, one more thing, earlier this year WA State passed a new law allowing the use of suppressors, expanding my rights. Not bad for a House, Senate and Governor that are all Dems.

10-23-11, 16:06
Some of you can't play nice. KNOCK OFF THE BULLSHIT!

Just a Jarhead
10-24-11, 03:20
America has been the biggest bully on the block for a long time, post World War One and a lot of people worldwide resent that. At some point in time we will be due our comeuppance. Unfortunately, there are several new bullies waiting in the wings. China and the Pan-Asian League? Maybe. Revised Russian/Soviet Empire? Possible. Make no mistake about it,some one will be ready to take on the old bully for a shot at the title.

Only 2 parts of this article I disagree with Hop. This above and how it ends. Regarding the above, from my perspective we have not been the bully, but rather perceived as a bully from a globe full of malcontent children. The U.S. often times has been the only adult on the planet. I guess perception is all that matters in the end. However, I do agree with the assesment that we will be kicked when down.

Sure we had to do some unseemly things but when the planet is infested with evil the likes of Saddam Hussein, Quadaffi, Ahmedinejad, Pol Pot, Iddi Amin, Hitler, what choice do you have? Unfortunately, a huge dirty repsonsiblility comes with being the only Super Power on the planet.

I love Ron Paul's economic policies but his isolationist foreign policy is where he loses me completely. I know we can't afford in many ways to continue to be the World's policemen, but we're a moral country (or were) founded on Judeo-Christian principles, with a GOD to answer to someday, and we just can't sit back and watch some of these atrocities and do nothing. There are sins of ommission as well as commission. There has to be a balance though. I just don't think Ron Paul's moral compass is pointing to true north.

It's like 2 parents of the same unruly child. One's the adult disciplinaraian the other the is ambivalent and would rather be friends with the child than a parent. However, when the chips are down and the kid needs help, they know who the responsible parent to run to is.

10-24-11, 05:52
Only 2 parts of this article I disagree with Hop. This above and how it ends. Regarding the above, from my perspective we have not been the bully, but rather perceived as a bully from a globe full of malcontent children. The U.S. often times has been the only adult on the planet. I guess perception is all that matters in the end. However, I do agree with the assesment that we will be kicked when down.

Sure we had to do some unseemly things but when the planet is infested with evil the likes of Saddam Hussein, Quadaffi, Ahmedinejad, Pol Pot, Iddi Amin, Hitler, what choice do you have? Unfortunately, a huge dirty repsonsiblility comes with being the only Super Power on the planet.

I love Ron Paul's economic policies but his isolationist foreign policy is where he loses me completely. I know we can't afford in many ways to continue to be the World's policemen, but we're a moral country (or were) founded on Judeo-Christian principles, with a GOD to answer to someday, and we just can't sit back and watch some of these atrocities and do nothing. There are sins of ommission as well as commission. There has to be a balance though. I just don't think Ron Paul's moral compass is pointing to true north.

It's like 2 parents of the same unruly child. One's the adult disciplinaraian the other the is ambivalent and would rather be friends with the child than a parent. However, when the chips are down and the kid needs help, they know who the responsible parent to run to is.

Just A Jarhead,
I just put it out there as It was one of the more "uplifting" articles I came across recently.
As for me it's more like The Doors "Strange days" for me.
I surely can see your POV as you bring up some good points. Nonetheless, it does promulgate some thoughts.
I will add that the OP Ed did not mention NATO forces coming here if US Mil/Nat guard would not engage etc. dunno why he left that out, remote as it sounds to some....

Quien sabe ?

10-24-11, 19:53
Only 2 parts of this article I disagree with Hop. This above and how it ends. Regarding the above, from my perspective we have not been the bully, but rather perceived as a bully from a globe full of malcontent children. The U.S. often times has been the only adult on the planet. I guess perception is all that matters in the end. However, I do agree with the assesment that we will be kicked when down.

Sure we had to do some unseemly things but when the planet is infested with evil the likes of Saddam Hussein, Quadaffi, Ahmedinejad, Pol Pot, Iddi Amin, Hitler, what choice do you have? Unfortunately, a huge dirty repsonsiblility comes with being the only Super Power on the planet.

I love Ron Paul's economic policies but his isolationist foreign policy is where he loses me completely. I know we can't afford in many ways to continue to be the World's policemen, but we're a moral country (or were) founded on Judeo-Christian principles, with a GOD to answer to someday, and we just can't sit back and watch some of these atrocities and do nothing. There are sins of ommission as well as commission. There has to be a balance though. I just don't think Ron Paul's moral compass is pointing to true north.

It's like 2 parents of the same unruly child. One's the adult disciplinaraian the other the is ambivalent and would rather be friends with the child than a parent. However, when the chips are down and the kid needs help, they know who the responsible parent to run to is.

I'm with Ron Paul on about 50 percent of his foreign policy. When he's talking about not being able to afford feeding, teaching, housing and protecting everyone on the planet, I'm right there. It's when he starts talking about singing kum-bay-ah with Iran and North Korea and not continuing to assist Israel (our only true ally anymore, the Europeans and everyone else just hides behind our bases, they don't maintain standing armies of their own these days, that would be barbaric of them :rolleyes:) that I lose him. It isn't our job to deal with the world's problems, we can't afford that (in lives or in money) and it isn't working, as soon as we leave the violence just revs right up again.
I just can't abide by his utter ignorance of the threats we face around the world. I don't want to be going around trying to change these people, I just want to close down international bases, all of them, let me repeat that, ALL OF THEM, including, as hard as it is to say, German and Okinawan bases (my grandfathers fought for those bases, along with my great uncles, believe me it's hard to type that). Just tell the whole world, on international TV (hell, interrupt the world cup with it, I don't care, just make it happen) that the U.S. is going home, leave America and Americans alone, and there won't be any problems. If you attack America, Americans will hunt you down and kill you, and they'll do it very efficiently, and they'll kill anyone that associates with you, and then they'll leave, without rebuilding or cleaning up or giving out candy.

10-24-11, 21:45


10-24-11, 21:45
dbl tp kindly delete.

10-25-11, 09:17
If an individual wants to help the less fortunate, it is an act of compassion. A nation putting a gun to the head of its own citizens to pay for such action is not an act of compassion.

Only 2 parts of this article I disagree with Hop. This above and how it ends. Regarding the above, from my perspective we have not been the bully, but rather perceived as a bully from a globe full of malcontent children. The U.S. often times has been the only adult on the planet. I guess perception is all that matters in the end. However, I do agree with the assesment that we will be kicked when down.

Sure we had to do some unseemly things but when the planet is infested with evil the likes of Saddam Hussein, Quadaffi, Ahmedinejad, Pol Pot, Iddi Amin, Hitler, what choice do you have? Unfortunately, a huge dirty repsonsiblility comes with being the only Super Power on the planet.

I love Ron Paul's economic policies but his isolationist foreign policy is where he loses me completely. I know we can't afford in many ways to continue to be the World's policemen, but we're a moral country (or were) founded on Judeo-Christian principles, with a GOD to answer to someday, and we just can't sit back and watch some of these atrocities and do nothing. There are sins of ommission as well as commission. There has to be a balance though. I just don't think Ron Paul's moral compass is pointing to true north.

It's like 2 parents of the same unruly child. One's the adult disciplinaraian the other the is ambivalent and would rather be friends with the child than a parent. However, when the chips are down and the kid needs help, they know who the responsible parent to run to is.

Doc Maker
10-25-11, 23:38
I found this today. VERY interesting read! Here's the first line of the report...
"Field Manual (FM) 3-19.15 addresses continental United States (CONUS) and outside continental United States (OCONUS) civil disturbance operations."


10-26-11, 18:20

10-28-11, 10:55
So, anyone think "Occupy" will go away?

10-28-11, 11:35
So, anyone think "Occupy" will go away?

Give it a few more weeks, as soon as the temps get consistently below freezing they will head back to their parents' toasty warm basements.

There might be a few that believe enough in what they're doing to stick it through the cold, but I'd say 99% of "The 99%" will not like the cold and head home :sarcastic:

10-28-11, 11:58
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking, but as they sit home they'll probably be chastised for being weak and come Spring I think it'll pick back up. There will be a lot of behind-the-scene planning by the Soros and Jones types and it will be much more ugly.

10-28-11, 12:05
The Occupy people I saw were camping in $400 tents. They have too much at stake to start any real shit.

At some point in time, after most of the bad guys are dead and it is safe to step in and PROTECT America from herself, we will be invaded by the latest bullies of the banksters.

I have to say NO WAY to an invasion of the USA even if we turn into the planet of the apes. No other nation has the logistics to pull it off, even if they were willing to sustain casualties in the millions. An 8 year old kid with a 10/22 can hold up a whole company while it is flanked by a couple of guys who know what they are doing. For an invasion to occur we would need another nation with a huge military (more than 5 million), enormous transport capability, piss poor intel about the US, and the dumbest leaders ever.

However, I do think the Russians would hit us with biowarfare to make sure we stay down for the count.

If the Chinese were smart, they would land ashore to hand out medicine, food and Wal Mart clothes. The masses would submit to that kind of rule.

10-28-11, 12:19
I haven't read all the posts in this, just the first couple of pages, so if this has already been said sorry for the repeat.

I strongly recommend a book called "Hold Your Ground" on this topic. Really. It's available on Amazon and has some excellent information.


30 cal slut
10-28-11, 12:21
Anyone read this yet? New book out by James Wesley Rawles - a companion to his first book.


I'm midway through it. Civil unrest is a topic that is prominently addressed.

10-28-11, 13:09
4 arrested for 18 robberies in Philly. Police call it "sign of the times" criminals due to the poor economy, unemployment, etc. http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2011/10/27/4-arrested-in-‘sign-of-the-times’-crime-spree/

“One of the individuals said they were hungry; they did it because they were hungry,”

10-28-11, 16:34
Hunger... now there's a motivating feeling. Imagine hunger on a mass scale not contained in some federal camp. The "time" is creaping up on us every day. To ignore the signs now is simply ignorant. To paint the signs as anything except what they truly are is malicious. D.C. is in full denial so they can hold on just a little longer. There aren't very many people out there telling the truth. I'm about to start selling off things I don't need so I can get serious about my prep. I mean really... who needs 9 electric guitars? I'll keep one acoustic and play music while my family eats in the dark.

10-28-11, 18:35
Hunger... now there's a motivating feeling. Imagine hunger on a mass scale not contained in some federal camp. The "time" is creaping up on us every day. To ignore the signs now is simply ignorant. To paint the signs as anything except what they truly are is malicious. D.C. is in full denial so they can hold on just a little longer. There aren't very many people out there telling the truth. I'm about to start selling off things I don't need so I can get serious about my prep. I mean really... who needs 9 electric guitars? I'll keep one acoustic and play music while my family eats in the dark.

Hunger will be a huge motivating factor as the economy worsens, food prices rise, housing and job markets get worse and worse. I sold off several guns in the past year that were fun to own and shoot, Wilson 1911, and a 3 "back up" LMT M4s but who needs 5 spare AR's when you can use that money towards more pressing needs such as food, water, first aid, etc.

Dollar decline in full swing: http://www.cnbc.com/id/45070916

10-28-11, 20:59
Anyone read this yet? New book out by James Wesley Rawles - a companion to his first book.


I'm midway through it. Civil unrest is a topic that is prominently addressed.

I heard it wasn't very good? What do you think?

Ga Shooter
10-28-11, 21:00
A freind of mine who is high up in the banking industry here in GA told me last week that the peanut crop was a total loss for the farmers and the banks. Since I have small children and peanut butter is akin to water for survival she told that we should stock up because the peanut butter prices are estimated to triple in the very near future. We already have a pretty good supply of PB on hand from our prepping but it is always good to add some extra.

10-28-11, 22:02
Thanks for that tip...PB is a daily staple of mine. For the survival stash, and the pantry, I need it. Thanks in advance for saving me some dough.

10-28-11, 22:08
Cant imagine life without PB. Talk about a super food!

10-28-11, 22:09
I heard about the peanut butter thing earlier this week and have bought 4 packs of it this week. Volume wise its one of the better things to keep around as its densely packed with stuff to keep you going.

10-29-11, 02:36
How long will peanut butter keep for?

Edit: Sorry, I should have just googled the answer myself (stupid ass)


10-29-11, 08:51
That explains why I paid $7.87 for a 40 oz. jar the other day.

Let's see how long these morons can stand this.
There's a big difference in the girl who knows she can go home and have a hot bath, snuggle up on the couch and watch some msnbc, and most of us that have been in the military or law enforcement and had to be in really uncomfortable conditions without choice.

10-29-11, 18:44
I hope they turn into bumsickles.

10-29-11, 19:42
A nation putting a gun to the head of its own citizens to pay for such action is not an act of compassion.

I agree.

And I am constantly enraged that our govt puts a gun to my head to take my wages from me and give them to the indolent and worthless both at home and abroad. Let them starve.

10-30-11, 17:02
Thought I'd share this one FWIW.


10-31-11, 17:40
Economic issues like home prices going for a triple dip (http://money.cnn.com/2011/10/31/real_estate/home_prices/index.htm?hpt=hp_t2) will definitely contribute to our nation's instability.

I like this Sheriff a lot... Sheriff Chuck Wright opened his news conference by saying, "Our form of justice is not making it."

He said, "Carry a concealed weapon. That'll fix it." Related story. (http://www.wyff4.com/r/29638219/detail.html)

10-31-11, 18:25
Thought I'd share this one FWIW.


I'm sure he has good things to say judging by the first 2 minutes, but that was about all I could handle of his ghetto white chocolate jive talk.

10-31-11, 18:46
I'm sure he has good things to say judging by the first 2 minutes, but that was about all I could handle of his ghetto white chocolate jive talk.

Yup, me too. The rant got old.

10-31-11, 20:17
I'm sure he has good things to say judging by the first 2 minutes, but that was about all I could handle of his ghetto white chocolate jive talk.

definitly agree, his presentation could have been a lot better.

10-31-11, 21:45
I heard it wasn't very good? What do you think?

its not BAD. if you are looking for a "i can't put it down" novel, look elsewhere. hes really not a novelist. hes a survivalist writer for a reason, facts, facts and more facts. his character building is poor and his dialogue is unrealistic. but its still interesting and REALLY makes you think. in my opinion his reasoning in the beginning of the book for the "collapse" is extremely realistic. he even uses examples of regulations passed recently and in our history as well as examples from russia and argentina when they had ridiculous inflation. im not sure things would get as bad as he says in his book. hard to say.

ill tell you one thing, if you live in a city it will make you want to move to the countryside or at the least out skirts of a suburb. i live in denver and am finishing grad school and when i have the money saved up im building a bomb proof house in the foothills no doubt. its a cheap book and probably worth the cost. i used it more as a tool and motivation than a leisure read.

11-01-11, 15:49
A few questions come to mind here.

One, what level of force would one be authorized to use if you're a driver and they start doing that to you? I know what I would like to do, just don't know what the law is in this case. I think here in FL, the Castle Doctrine applies to your vehicle as well.

Second, have a plan to stash you SBR, shotgun and a few couple of pistol so the last part doesn't happen again.

I was told law was written after that prohibiting LEOs from doing that again. Have you guys heard that???

11-01-11, 16:54
What situation are you referring to? Did I miss something?

A few questions come to mind here.

One, what level of force would one be authorized to use if you're a driver and they start doing that to you? I know what I would like to do, just don't know what the law is in this case. I think here in FL, the Castle Doctrine applies to your vehicle as well.

Second, have a plan to stash you SBR, shotgun and a few couple of pistol so the last part doesn't happen again.

I was told law was written after that prohibiting LEOs from doing that again. Have you guys heard that???

11-01-11, 17:16
Sorry, first video, riots.

11-01-11, 17:48
Would the law really matter at that point? I think one issue to look at is "disparity of force". As long as you can articulate it, sure.

Of course, another question is do you live in a state where there is a duty to retreat?

You always have to ask yourself, Am I being reasonable or prudent. If I am driving in my car and am confronted by a group and they are acting hostile and I cannot escape- then I am being forced to act.

Now if we are talking about an "end of the world" scenario I would think all bets would be off.

Sorry, first video, riots.

11-01-11, 18:20
True. I'm not thinking end of the world. But when I see people being smashed in the head with solid objects, I have to say my initial reaction will be a lasting one if you know what I mean.

I think FL's Castle doctrine extends to the vehicle if I'm not wrong. But that's my concern I guess, some could argue that you could just drive away, even with idiots hanging from your window trying to yank you out.

11-01-11, 18:58
I heard it wasn't very good? What do you think?

Read it, it was good, not great but good. if you liked his last book "Patriots" than you will most likely enjoy this one. In my opinion where Patriots reads almost likely a "how to" or "check list" this new book is more interesting story telling with some gee wiz stuff in there as well.

hope that helps.

11-01-11, 19:07
I think FL's Castle doctrine extends to the vehicle if I'm not wrong. But that's my concern I guess, some could argue that you could just drive away, even with idiots hanging from your window trying to yank you out.

The Castle doctrine does extend to the vehicle. More importantly the Stand Your Ground law does as well.

11-01-11, 20:11
I only advocate it, if you can. Obviously people hanging off the car and wndow, etc..would be treated appopriately.

Several years ago I was involved in what I perceived to be an attempted carjacking. I was a bail bondsman at the time and was driving through a small strip mall in west Seattle. There was a group D-bags standing around near the front of the McD's and their "hooptie ride".

I was driving very slow and had my drivers window down. I was wearing a photovest which had a can of OC, cuffs and concealing my G22. One of the persons started walking real slow from the car to McD's. I suspected absolutely nothing.

He then stopped in front of the car as if I was going to hit him and he made a WTF? gesture with his hands. I told him to get the **** out of the road. As I continued by he reached through the window and punched me in the face. I hit the brakes and no sooner did I do that, there were 4 of them at the car. One had opened the door and the others trying to pull me from the vehicle. It was the one time where I wore my seatbelt and it saved my ass. I grabbed the first thing available which was OC and nuked all of them including myself.

I then put the car in drive and hit the gas moving forward about 75 feet. I was slightly blinded from the OC. I grabbed my cell and called 911. While this was going on two of them went to the rear of their ride and were looking for something in the trunk. One grabbed a tire iron, but didn't come towards me. While this is happening I am on the phone with 911 and I am relaying all of this. I told the dispatcher I was armed and that I was having some difficulty seeing due to the OC and therefore couldn't drive. I advised her to send someone ASAP because should they advance on me, I would be forced to use "force".

During this time the assclowns realized they have better leave and instead of driving the car (smart move) they took off on foot. I was pissed and followed two of them in the car as they left. Long story short was PD finally arrives, they take one the guys into custody after they ask to speak with him (he denied he was there) and then told them to **** off.

During my conversation with one of the officers he told me straight out had I smoked all 4 of them I would have been good to go. I explained to him that he may be right, but because of my background and training and the fact that I had less lethal options available I used them first.

True. I'm not thinking end of the world. But when I see people being smashed in the head with solid objects, I have to say my initial reaction will be a lasting one if you know what I mean.

I think FL's Castle doctrine extends to the vehicle if I'm not wrong. But that's my concern I guess, some could argue that you could just drive away, even with idiots hanging from your window trying to yank you out.

11-01-11, 22:13
Several years ago I was involved in what I perceived to be an attempted carjacking.

I was driving very slow and had my drivers window down. I was wearing a photovest which had a can of OC, cuffs and concealing my G22. One of the persons started walking real slow from the car to McD's. I suspected absolutely nothing.

He then stopped in front of the car as if I was going to hit him and he made a WTF? gesture with his hands. I told him to get the **** out of the road. As I continued by he reached through the window and punched me in the face. I hit the brakes and no sooner did I do that, there were 4 of them at the car. One had opened the door and the others trying to pull me from the vehicle. It was the one time where I wore my seatbelt and it saved my ass. I grabbed the first thing available which was OC and nuked all of them including myself.

From your description, it doesn't really sound like they wanted to steal your car as much as just kick your ass, 4 on 1.

Seems like you did the best thing.

If they didn't have any visible weapons, anything more than the spray may have been a little too much force response.

However, with the 4 to 1 match up and how weapons can "appear" in an instant while you're busy with the other three, the likely hood of you getting seriously hurt / killed could be justifiably high.

11-01-11, 22:24
From your description, it doesn't really sound like they wanted to steal your car as much as just kick your ass, 4 on 1.

Seems like you did the best thing.

If they didn't have any visible weapons, anything more than the spray may have been a little too much force response.

However, with the 4 to 1 match up and how weapons can "appear" in an instant while you're busy with the other three, the likely hood of you getting seriously hurt / killed could be justifiably high.

It depends on where you're at. Here, that situation is considered attempted murder & you're in the clear to do what you need to.

Just a Jarhead
11-02-11, 03:08
It matters where you live for sure.

Here in Florida, had that happened to me IG, I guarantee at least one less homie would be walking around today, the guy that punched me. 230 grain Federal HST .45, 2 to the chest and one to the head. Had the others continued to purse they would have found the same fate. Again, that's because I live in Florida. Any other state, I may have responded the same way with OC.

The Florida "Stand Your Ground" law has four key components:

It establishes that law-abiding residents and visitors may legally presume the threat of bodily harm or death from anyone who breaks into a residence or occupied vehicle and may use defensive force, including deadly force, against the intruder.

In any other place where a person “has a right to be,” that person has “no duty to retreat” if attacked and may “meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.”

In either case, a person using any force permitted by the law is immune from criminal prosecution or civil action and cannot be arrested unless a law enforcement agency determines there is probable cause that the force used was unlawful.

In Florida carjacking carries a life sentence and is a Felony in the 1st degree whether or not the perp had a weapon or not.

If a civil action is brought and the court finds the defendant to be immune based on the parameters of the law, the defendant will be awarded all costs of defense.

11-02-11, 03:10
There is actually no way that you or I (at the time) could have know that. The actions by the first person could have been nothing more than a diversion to get me to respond as I did.

Or it could have been a simple assault which then escalated into a car jacking, who knows? I don't try and guess what someones' motive is in a scenario like that.

They also could have had knives, box cutters, etc... again just because there wasn't something immediately visible, doesn't mean it wasn't there.

Again- disparity of force would definitely come into play here and if I had been able to articulate that I was in fear of my life it wouldn't have really mattered.

From your description, it doesn't really sound like they wanted to steal your car as much as just kick your ass, 4 on 1.

Seems like you did the best thing.

If they didn't have any visible weapons, anything more than the spray may have been a little too much force response.

However, with the 4 to 1 match up and how weapons can "appear" in an instant while you're busy with the other three, the likely hood of you getting seriously hurt / killed could be justifiably high.

Just a Jarhead
11-02-11, 03:20
If they didn't have any visible weapons, anything more than the spray may have been a little too much force response.

In Florida this is a completely false assertion. If you carry a gun you really really need to know the laws and stay abreast of changes. You can't hesitate in situations, that pause could be fatal (to you). You need to act with confidence and decisiveness, quickly, and knowing the law inside and out of where you live will help to do so.

11-02-11, 10:01
In Florida this is a completely false assertion. If you carry a gun you really really need to know the laws and stay abreast of changes. You can't hesitate in situations, that pause could be fatal (to you). You need to act with confidence and decisiveness, quickly, and knowing the law inside and out of where you live will help to do so.

This is soooo true. As IGs I have pepper spray in my truck too. I think its a good alternate for when and if some asshole comes up to your window looking for trouble.

IG, you got lucky. Glad you walked away with only irritated eyes and a runny nose.

11-02-11, 10:07
HEre' is Floridas Law on the matter

776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—

(1) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle; and
(b) The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred.
(2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force is used has the right to be in or is a lawful resident of the dwelling, residence, or vehicle, such as an owner, lessee, or titleholder, and there is not an injunction for protection from domestic violence or a written pretrial supervision order of no contact against that person; or
(b) The person or persons sought to be removed is a child or grandchild, or is otherwise in the lawful custody or under the lawful guardianship of, the person against whom the defensive force is used; or
(c) The person who uses defensive force is engaged in an unlawful activity or is using the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle to further an unlawful activity; or
(d) The person against whom the defensive force is used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who enters or attempts to enter a dwelling, residence, or vehicle in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person entering or attempting to enter was a law enforcement officer.
(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
(4) A person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter a person’s dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle is presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or violence.
(5) As used in this section, the term:
(a) “Dwelling” means a building or conveyance of any kind, including any attached porch, whether the building or conveyance is temporary or permanent, mobile or immobile, which has a roof over it, including a tent, and is designed to be occupied by people lodging therein at night.
(b) “Residence” means a dwelling in which a person resides either temporarily or permanently or is visiting as an invited guest.
(c) “Vehicle” means a conveyance of any kind, whether or not motorized, which is designed to transport people or property.
History.—s. 1, ch. 2005-27.

11-02-11, 10:40
World faces years of social unrest as economies falter. (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/world-faces-years-of-social-unrest-as-economies-falter-6255401.html)

The international economy is on the brink of a deep new economic crisis that could cost millions of jobs around the globe and trigger mass social unrest, the world's most powerful nations were warned yesterday...

The UN agency warned that it could take until 2016 for global employment to return to the levels of three years ago – and that anger could erupt on the streets of Europe and other continents as a result.

11-02-11, 10:55
World faces years of social unrest as economies falter. (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/world-faces-years-of-social-unrest-as-economies-falter-6255401.html)

Socialism is a failure and reminds me of this quote:

The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

- Margaret Thatcher

Well the socialist governments in Europe are running out of money and they've created a populace who will riot at the drop of the hat much like we have done with urban populations when the welfare money is a day late.

Not to mention our own country is deeply in debt and so are many others. The cost of the free goodies of the last 50 years is starting to catch up and theres not enough money in the world to keep it going another 20 let alone 50 more years.

11-02-11, 20:33
Socialism is a failure and reminds me of this quote:

- Margaret Thatcher

Well the socialist governments in Europe are running out of money and they've created a populace who will riot at the drop of the hat much like we have done with urban populations when the welfare money is a day late.

Not to mention our own country is deeply in debt and so are many others. The cost of the free goodies of the last 50 years is starting to catch up and theres not enough money in the world to keep it going another 20 let alone 50 more years.

Now those who riot at the drop of a hat? We just knocked over the whole rack, and they've got the OWS thing to stand behind.

11-02-11, 20:45
Now those who riot at the drop of a hat? We just knocked over the whole rack, and they've got the OWS thing to stand behind.

The Europeans are much more likely to riot and do it a lot worse than Americans.

11-03-11, 00:55
Transient man beats to death 74 year old with a baseball bat off the shelf in a Wal-Mart sporting goods department.

"Witnesses told KCAL-TV that a man who appeared to be homeless asked a man for money in the sporting goods section of the store Tuesday afternoon. When the man refused, the other grabbed an aluminum baseball bat and started swinging.

Jennifer Thompson was one aisle over from where the beating occurred.

"It was very scary — very, very scary, to hear the noise of someone's life being taken away," she told KCAL-TV. "Noises like moans and groans ... you could hear when he hit him. It was awful, so awful. And then I went around the corner and peeked ... and he just walked out like it was nothing."


11-03-11, 02:17
Transient man beats to death 74 year old with a baseball bat off the shelf in a Wal-Mart sporting goods department.


Too bad you can't CCW in CALIFORNIA! :shout:

11-03-11, 04:33
Transient man beats to death 74 year old with a baseball bat off the shelf in a Wal-Mart sporting goods department.


That is just plain nuts..........again CCW ALWAYS!

Bad Medicine
11-03-11, 07:55
Too bad you can't CCW in CALIFORNIA! :shout:

you can conceal carry, its rediculous to get a permit but you can get one.

11-03-11, 12:09
Transient man beats to death 74 year old with a baseball bat off the shelf in a Wal-Mart sporting goods department.


Another... 3 men arrested for attacking man with machete! http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/11/02/paterson-police-arrest-three-people-caught-on-tape-in-machete-attack/ Video of incident at link but it is graphic.

11-03-11, 15:22
2 thoughts...

1. When the SHTF it will be very important to keep anyone you don't know (and some that you do) at a distance.
2. When the SHTF it will provide some with great satisfaction to rid the earth of trash like that.

11-03-11, 16:19
2 thoughts...

1. When the SHTF it will be very important to keep anyone you don't know (and some that you do) at a distance.
2. When the SHTF it will provide some with great satisfaction to rid the earth of trash like that.

Why wait? Be proactive. Never put off til tomorrow the people you can kill today.

11-03-11, 17:44
Watching the news right now. Violence erupted in Oakland CA. Typical, protests that got out of hand and violence started.


11-03-11, 18:54
you can conceal carry, its rediculous to get a permit but you can get one.

Well, to be specific, it depends on your county. Some counties issue them on a "shall issue" basis for all intents. Other counties will not issue them unless you have some pull with the Sheriff or are somehow deemed important.

In the instance in Long Beach, you are correct, it is basically impossible for civilians to obtain a permit. That said, permits issued in one county are valid statewide.

Now back to our regularly schedule riot in Oakland.

For all you guys on the outside, California is going to make for some entertaining and very educational viewing in the next few years as we are likely to undergo the economic riots of Greece combined with the race riots of France with a possible post disaster scenario that will make New Orleans look like Summer Camp.

Interesting times...

11-04-11, 03:10
Well, to be specific, it depends on your county. Some counties issue them on a "shall issue" basis for all intents. Other counties will not issue them unless you have some pull with the Sheriff or are somehow deemed important.

In the instance in Long Beach, you are correct, it is basically impossible for civilians to obtain a permit. That said, permits issued in one county are valid statewide.

Now back to our regularly schedule riot in Oakland.

For all you guys on the outside, California is going to make for some entertaining and very educational viewing in the next few years as we are likely to undergo the economic riots of Greece combined with the race riots of France with a possible post disaster scenario that will make New Orleans look like Summer Camp.

Interesting times...

Moral of the story. . .get the F*** out of Kali.

Irish good post, more signs of the times. The random acts of violence appear to becoming more savage yet the FBI wants us to believe that violent crimes are down, hmmm. . . :confused:

Watch you six gents.

11-04-11, 05:16
You do know that the former chief of police in Oakland was the chief in Long Beach? He was married to Laura Richardson, those two were and are a waste of skin.

11-04-11, 06:44
Moral of the story. . .get the F*** out of Kali.

Irish good post, more signs of the times. The random acts of violence appear to becoming more savage yet the FBI wants us to believe that violent crimes are down, hmmm. . . :confused:

Watch you six gents.

Well, the thing is obama, holder, napalitano, and co. are only speaking to people that are stupid enough to believe their bs. The more zombie insurgents we have in society the worse it's going to get. The insurrection will bring the cleansing, and the cleansing will bring back America.

11-04-11, 10:37
Things that lend themselves to the decline of polite society...

Michigan city turns out the lights, can't afford electricity. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Unable-to-pay-bill-Mich-city-apf-2920161472.html?x=0

Detroit - 100 bus drivers won't work because "They're scared for their lives." http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2011/11/04/d-dot-drivers-refuse-to-run-routes-bus-riders-stranded/

EDIT: The bus drivers incident is directly related to gangs of teenagers roaming the city and attacking bus drivers. It took the police over 30 minutes to respond to 1 incident in downtown Detroit and prompted this response.

11-04-11, 11:31
I found an article wit the 15 most dangerous cities. Miami Fl was 3rd.
even though the info is about a year old. The even named my suburb. and I don't live in the getto, at all!!!!!!!

Here's some more recent numbers.


11-04-11, 11:42
Sorry wrong post.

11-04-11, 15:33
Finished the book Survivors last night. Other than Chapter 24 which was about Ian and Blanca's romantic beginning 20 years ago it was a good read IMO. Rawles must have let his wife write a chapter.

The book makes you really see the possibilities of widespread collapse. It also makes you consider your preps and where you're really deficient. My deficiency is goods that can be bartered, and precious metals besides lead.

11-04-11, 16:05
Well, the thing is obama, holder, napalitano, and co. are only speaking to people that are stupid enough to believe their bs. The more zombie insurgents we have in society the worse it's going to get. The insurrection will bring the cleansing, and the cleansing will bring back America.

I was being tounge and cheek with my FBI violent crime statistics comment. ;)

Dave L.
11-06-11, 01:58
Police Arrest Suspect in Brutal Machete Attack at New Jersey Chicken Restaurant. (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/police-arrest-suspect-in-brutal-machete-attack-at-new-jersey-chicken-restaurant/)

11-06-11, 02:45
What's really interesting is that if you do some searching on the net, you will that Walmart seems to have quite a few incidents like this. At the store where my wife used to be a manager they had an attempted kidnapping, there was at least one robbery, numerous types of asaults and crazy shit.

I wonder what the common denominator is?

That is just plain nuts..........again CCW ALWAYS!

11-06-11, 05:22
Well, the thing is obama, holder, napalitano, and co. are only speaking to people that are stupid enough to believe their bs. The more zombie insurgents we have in society the worse it's going to get. The insurrection will bring the cleansing, and the cleansing will bring back America.

The "cleansing"? Seriously?


11-06-11, 07:21
Well, the thing is obama, holder, napalitano, and co. are only speaking to people that are stupid enough to believe their bs. The more zombie insurgents we have in society the worse it's going to get. The insurrection will bring the cleansing, and the cleansing will bring back America.

Crazy person detected.

11-07-11, 08:59
Crazy? Really? WTF? Really? You guys think that the scum that would rise up in a complete collapse situation would not be looking at every one of us and our families and want to eliminate some of us and do unspeakable acts to others? You guys are obviously foolish if you don't realize that "cleansing" is what we would inevitably have to do to restore any kind of life in America. I didn't say "ethnic" or "religious" or any other questionable terminology so don't assume anything. It's the logical progression of events back to civil society. So you can keep your "WTF"s and your "Crazy" comments. Then you can think about them again when some jack ass comes to take what's yours in every possible way.

11-07-11, 09:27
I was tracking with what you were saying.

11-07-11, 10:44
I worked at Walmart fish year in college and I can attest to that! We had a son take his own mother hostage just before I started working there :confused: People were getting robbed very very frequently in the parking lot and it still amazes me how much people steal from Walmart. Working in the parking lot of Walmart you see lots of strange stuff :lol:

What's really interesting is that if you do some searching on the net, you will that Walmart seems to have quite a few incidents like this. At the store where my wife used to be a manager they had an attempted kidnapping, there was at least one robbery, numerous types of asaults and crazy shit.

I wonder what the common denominator is?

11-07-11, 10:56
A son took his own mother hostage? I bet she grounded him later.

11-07-11, 15:51
Crazy? Really? WTF? Really? You guys think that the scum that would rise up in a complete collapse situation would not be looking at every one of us and our families and want to eliminate some of us and do unspeakable acts to others? You guys are obviously foolish if you don't realize that "cleansing" is what we would inevitably have to do to restore any kind of life in America. I didn't say "ethnic" or "religious" or any other questionable terminology so don't assume anything. It's the logical progression of events back to civil society. So you can keep your "WTF"s and your "Crazy" comments. Then you can think about them again when some jack ass comes to take what's yours in every possible way.

You speak my language. ;)

11-07-11, 18:48
You speak my language. ;)

I know.

11-08-11, 07:11
Police Arrest Suspect in Brutal Machete Attack at New Jersey Chicken Restaurant. (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/police-arrest-suspect-in-brutal-machete-attack-at-new-jersey-chicken-restaurant/)

Looks like an MS13 initiation? All too familiar with those assholes here in Columbus.

I was tracking with what you were saying.

Me too.

11-08-11, 07:55
Crazy? Really? WTF? Really? You guys think that the scum that would rise up in a complete collapse situation would not be looking at every one of us and our families and want to eliminate some of us and do unspeakable acts to others? You guys are obviously foolish if you don't realize that "cleansing" is what we would inevitably have to do to restore any kind of life in America. I didn't say "ethnic" or "religious" or any other questionable terminology so don't assume anything. It's the logical progression of events back to civil society. So you can keep your "WTF"s and your "Crazy" comments. Then you can think about them again when some jack ass comes to take what's yours in every possible way.

I understand what you're saying. And whether I agree or not is immaterial.

My objection was to your language. Protestations of "I didn't say 'ethnic' or 'religious' or any other questionable terminology" aside, the word "cleansing" carries some pretty heavy baggage and there is no getting away from the racial and ethnic overtones.

The world has seen more than it's fair share of "cleansing" and it all smells the same... putrid. The word carries with it the images of Nazi death camps, Armenian genocide, the Khmer Rouge and the killing fields of Cambodia, Rwanda, Serbia, pick your favorite "cleansing."

To suggest that this nation needs to engage in the same type of barbaric social engineering to restore some idealized and illusory "Ward and June Cleaver" vision of American society is seriously ****ed up.

11-08-11, 08:04
"Cleansing" is a touchy word, yes. The wording could be different but the point remains. In a disaster or societal collapse, the bad guys will get worse, probably multiply, and they'd have to be "Managed" effectively.

11-08-11, 08:05
Well montanadave, I will never say things the way someone else wants me to say them. That's called being "pc" and that label doesn't fit me at all. I call it the way I see it. War is cleansing and it doesn't matter the cause. One side cleans up a mess, or at least tries. Pick the term apart if you want, but it still applies no matter what angle you try to paint on it.

11-08-11, 09:06
Well montanadave, I will never say things the way someone else wants me to say them. That's called being "pc" and that label doesn't fit me at all. I call it the way I see it. War is cleansing and it doesn't matter the cause. One side cleans up a mess, or at least tries. Pick the term apart if you want, but it still applies no matter what angle you try to paint on it.

It is certainly not my intent to tell you how to express yourself or censor your views. Short of yelling "fire!" in a crowded theatre, we are both afforded significant license to say what we will.

And I don't disagree with everything you have to say.

My point was (and remains) that the manner in which one states their case and the words they employ can have a significant impact on convincing others of the legitimacy of their point of view. If you simply want to preach to the choir, carry on. If you're looking for converts, you might consider tempering your language.

11-08-11, 12:12
The idea of a cleansing "fire" that will restore order to a decaying society is attractive and romantic, but the historical reality is that things very seldom get better after such a event. Didn't work for the people of Western Rome after their fall, hasn't worked for the Byzantines after their fall and hasn't worked for the vast majority of developing countries in the past 200 years either. Once the Rule of Law is lost (either by slow decay leading to societal upheaval or foreign invasion) it is nearly impossible to restore and often leaves the people worse off than they were before (Russia - 1917). This is probably the biggest thing that makes what happened here in the 1780s so special.

So lets keep our heads in the game and all do what we can to keep things from spinning out of control and forget any notions that life during and after the social collapse of America will be idyllic. The reality is that we will look back on 2011 as the "good old days."

I'm not saying not to prepare, and if the balloon goes up, not to do the right thing, but to do everything we can to prevent the day from coming and certainly not look forward to it. When society collapses, it is usually the criminals that gain the most.

11-08-11, 12:29
I in no way want anything to happen. I've been in that kind of stress before and I don't want my entire family to experience it.
You can't ignore that the anti-America movement has more of a foothold now more than ever before, and imo it will have to be tamped down. And I'd bet my pov is shared by many. Opposed by some, but shared by many.

11-08-11, 13:09
I in no way want anything to happen. I've been in that kind of stress before and I don't want my entire family to experience it.
You can't ignore that the anti-America movement has more of a foothold now more than ever before, and imo it will have to be tamped down. And I'd bet my pov is shared by many. Opposed by some, but shared by many.

I'm like the rest here, I'm picking up what you are putting down. There is no doubt in my mind that we are heading for some real rough times ahead and it is pretty obvious that certain groups and powers are doing what they can to hasten that day. Lets just not have any wrong ideas about what it will be like when it comes or any unrealistic expectations of what it will be like after the fact either.

11-08-11, 13:14
Mankind once removed from the comforts of a civilized society where food, water, shelter are easily obtained, will revert back to using force to obtain those things that they deem necessary. Unfortunately we haven't come very far in the grand scheme of things.

I have seen what can happen when society breaks down. I was in Tivat Yugoslavia when it was a beautiful city and when I returned during the war it was not even recognizable. Anything was fair game.

I have been deployed to places such as Somalia, Iraq and AFG. I have seen what happens to people when they are reduced to scavenging.

I would love for my children to grow up in a utopian world. I am becoming much more uncertain about the future for our children (and it is beginning to feel much closer for us as well).

Having said all of this and having seen war, I am not inclined to be hopeful of such things here. I do believe strongly in being prepared for anything and I believe that should the 'have nots' loose all hope and begin resorting to violence that the only thing that will stop them is force.

My father who was in Chosin during the Korean War said, "There are some people you cannot reason with - you have to kill them".

Keep your head down.


11-08-11, 14:38
Gives new meaning to "cleansing"....


11-08-11, 14:57
Am I prepared for civil unrest?.....while I and other close ones have been working on it for more that a decade and I'd like to think so....but will never be....ESPECIALLY with all the material stuff.

Where you really need to be ready is in the mind/sole that is the meat...everything else will fall into place.

11-08-11, 15:37
I worked at Walmart fish year in college and I can attest to that! We had a son take his own mother hostage just before I started working there :confused: People were getting robbed very very frequently in the parking lot and it still amazes me how much people steal from Walmart. Working in the parking lot of Walmart you see lots of strange stuff :lol:

Parking lot of Walmart near me, there's been a number of attempted abductions and two pipe bombs were found last year or so, that didn't detonate. Hate the place personally, and won't go near it to save a few $$$ no matter.

11-08-11, 15:53
This one will be even worse than those you mentioned.
7 Billion people on the Earth. Over half of them are alive today because of Borlaug's agricultural practices. His high density, high yield farming REQUIRES a mechanized society. The wheels come off for just 2 harvest, not years just harvests, and the death count is terrifying to consider.
The outcome will be a more agrarian, less urban species. As the lion's share of the dying will be in or near the cities. Simply because the major cities and their 100 mile radius, are where 75% of mankind lives.

The idea of a cleansing "fire" that will restore order to a decaying society is attractive and romantic, but the historical reality is that things very seldom get better after such a event. Didn't work for the people of Western Rome after their fall, hasn't worked for the Byzantines after their fall and hasn't worked for the vast majority of developing countries in the past 200 years either. Once the Rule of Law is lost (either by slow decay leading to societal upheaval or foreign invasion) it is nearly impossible to restore and often leaves the people worse off than they were before (Russia - 1917). This is probably the biggest thing that makes what happened here in the 1780s so special.

So lets keep our heads in the game and all do what we can to keep things from spinning out of control and forget any notions that life during and after the social collapse of America will be idyllic. The reality is that we will look back on 2011 as the "good old days."

I'm not saying not to prepare, and if the balloon goes up, not to do the right thing, but to do everything we can to prevent the day from coming and certainly not look forward to it. When society collapses, it is usually the criminals that gain the most.

11-08-11, 16:45
Dire predictions today, what fun.

When there's rampant starvation, violence and complete lawlessness in the street's everyone will do what they have to in order to survive. The armed will last longer than the rest but there's not going to be much hope for anyone by that time.

A lot of the sheep are going to turn into wolves to survive and feel justified in doing so, and every sheepdog out there better have their sh!t together when that happens.

11-08-11, 18:09
I think the zombies we'll be dealing with in a present day collapse might be a little more ruthless than those seen in the past. I know it's relative to the times, but it seems to me that what we're seeing play out on the news almost on a daily basis now is more and more heartless and more disturbing than anything this country has seen.

11-08-11, 19:15
I think the zombies we'll be dealing with in a present day collapse might be a little more ruthless than those seen in the past. I know it's relative to the times, but it seems to me that what we're seeing play out on the news almost on a daily basis now is more and more heartless and more disturbing than anything this country has seen.

Agree. Slinging shit like a bunch of f*cking savages is one way to reveal their true colors.

11-08-11, 19:30
That video is exactly the scenario that I have prepared for ever since Katrina.

11-08-11, 20:49
This one will be even worse than those you mentioned.
7 Billion people on the Earth. Over half of them are alive today because of Borlaug's agricultural practices. His high density, high yield farming REQUIRES a mechanized society. The wheels come off for just 2 harvest, not years just harvests, and the death count is terrifying to consider.
The outcome will be a more agrarian, less urban species. As the lion's share of the dying will be in or near the cities. Simply because the major cities and their 100 mile radius, are where 75% of mankind lives.

Yep, the manufactured famine in the Soviet Union during the 1920s is just a glimpse. And the scary thing about this all is, it all depends on oil. When you consider just how important oil is to modern life, it kind of makes sense that we wage war over it.

11-09-11, 03:37
Mankind once removed from the comforts of a civilized society where food, water, shelter are easily obtained, will revert back to using force to obtain those things that they deem necessary. Unfortunately we haven't come very far in the grand scheme of things.

I have seen what can happen when society breaks down. I was in Tivat Yugoslavia when it was a beautiful city and when I returned during the war it was not even recognizable. Anything was fair game.

I have been deployed to places such as Somalia, Iraq and AFG. I have seen what happens to people when they are reduced to scavenging.

I would love for my children to grow up in a utopian world. I am becoming much more uncertain about the future for our children (and it is beginning to feel much closer for us as well).

Having said all of this and having seen war, I am not inclined to be hopeful of such things here. I do believe strongly in being prepared for anything and I believe that should the 'have nots' loose all hope and begin resorting to violence that the only thing that will stop them is force.

My father who was in Chosin during the Korean War said, "There are some people you cannot reason with - you have to kill them".

Keep your head down.


Excellent post sir, along the line of what your father said. . ."some people only understand one laungage, brute force".

7 Billion people on the Earth. Over half of them are alive today because of Borlaug's agricultural practices. His high density, high yield farming REQUIRES a mechanized society. The wheels come off for just 2 harvest, not years just harvests, and the death count is terrifying to consider.
The outcome will be a more agrarian, less urban species. As the lion's share of the dying will be in or near the cities. Simply because the major cities and their 100 mile radius, are where 75% of mankind lives.

Absolutely. As they say, "we are only nine meals away from anarchy".

Great posts gents.

11-09-11, 07:14
Gives new meaning to "cleansing"....


Why were the people telling their stories cutoff so quick by the board?

11-09-11, 08:41
1. Gunmen crossed the Rio Grande into the United States near a shootout between where the Mexican military and a group of gunmen was taking place.

Several area SWAT teams responded about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday to a ranch near Escobares, just across the U.S.-Mexico border, where a shootout broke out south of the Rio Grande. (http://www.themonitor.com/articles/escobares-56422-swat-teams.html)

2. 4 assholes shoot money display case at casino and steal money. (http://www.10news.com/news/29721373/detail.html)

3. 4 zombies kidnap and rape a 70 year old man. WTF? (http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/news/elderly-man-raped-socorro/nFT9K/)

4. Psycho wingnut attacks and murders elderly couple with crossbow and hatchet. (http://www.king5.com/news/Elderly-Humptulips-man-was-shot-with-crossbow-wife-attacked-with-axe-133395258.html)

We live in a crazy world... And it's only gonna get worse.

Doc Safari
11-09-11, 08:59
We live in a crazy world... And it's only gonna get worse.

Or is it that the media is just better at covering these types of incidents than ever before? In the age before the internet the instantaneous news feed wasn't available and I bet a lot of these incidents stayed "local". I wish there were a way to prove it one way or the other.

11-09-11, 09:09
Or is it that the media is just better at covering these types of incidents than ever before? In the age before the internet the instantaneous news feed wasn't available and I bet a lot of these incidents stayed "local". I wish there were a way to prove it one way or the other.

I completely get where you're coming from and have similar thoughts. However, I am much more aware of these types of events and crimes happening on a regular basis. Either way I'm prepared to defend me and my family in the event that these zombies come our way. Stay safe.

11-09-11, 12:51
3. 4 zombies kidnap and rape a 70 year old man. WTF? (http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/news/elderly-man-raped-socorro/nFT9K/)

Well the news site pulled the comments at the bottom of the story, LOL!

Thankfully the victim in this horrible crime happened to be Hispanic, otherwise those four would not be sought in a "hate crime". God, I love this country. . .

11-09-11, 15:07
Several area SWAT teams responded about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday to a ranch near Escobares, just across the U.S.-Mexico border, where a shootout broke out south of the Rio Grande.

Was the ranch called Pablo by any chance :jester:

11-09-11, 15:07
Years ago I worked several major race riots as a street cop. Typically those rioters/looters/fire-bombers fled when it looked like they were going to be fired on. However, with vicious modern well organized and armed street gangs you can no longer count on that happening. Still, your best bet is to target the leaders first, and the rest will "probably" flee the scene. Even now days I doubt that there are many gang members that will charge into a hail of accurate AR fire after seeing their leaders dropped.

11-10-11, 07:42
Well Al Gore invented the internet a long time ago and news feeds have been pretty fast for at least the last 10 years. So if you even take a conservative look and only go back 5 years I think the frequency of events is way up. It's only going to increase. I don't see a fix.

(the Al Gore comment was an attemt at humor)

11-10-11, 08:31
The number of officers killed in the LOD is way up this year. Just one indication of things.

The state of the economy does have an impact on crime.

11-10-11, 11:11
Or is it that the media is just better at covering these types of incidents than ever before? In the age before the internet the instantaneous news feed wasn't available and I bet a lot of these incidents stayed "local". I wish there were a way to prove it one way or the other.

I live on the TEX-MEX border and I can assure you that most of the so-called spill-over cartel violence is NOT reported other than locally.

A retired Captain from my old department stayed with us for a few days recently and he couldn't believe all the shootings and major drug busts (TONS, not ounces) that were going on here that he never sees on TV in Florida where he lives. Plus, we have Derectv and very few Mexican Border crime reports are carried by the nationals, not even by FOX.

Did you see today where a Mexican citizen blogger (in Mexico) who was reporting cartel violence via the net was kidnapped and murdered for his reporting activities? It was on the local news. He was #4. Run a search on MEXICO BLOGGER MURDER.

11-10-11, 14:08
Why were the people telling their stories cutoff so quick by the board?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think that in any public hearing, each person is only given a short time to make their case. The time limits are strictly enforced so the message must be concise and to the point. Otherwise, you'll have one person hogging up 15-30 minutes carrying on about random bullshit.

However, it sure seemed like the guys up at the city council already had their minds made up and weren't giving the two hot dog stand owners much leeway.

11-10-11, 17:10
The number of officers killed in the LOD is way up this year. Just one indication of things.

And here is the data.


11-11-11, 07:15
The number of officers killed in the LOD is way up this year. Just one indication of things.

That is some bad doo doo.

11-11-11, 07:34
The number of officers killed in the LOD is way up this year. Just one indication of things.

The state of the economy does have an impact on crime.

I'm no LEO or attorney, but from what I read in the paper about when officers do draw their weapon and fire a round, there is hell to pay. Some family member of the perp comes forward and presses charges against the officer and department and god help us if it was white officer shooting a black perp - the race card gets played. What I'm saying is, it seems as though officers would become more reluctant to draw and fire in fear of repercussion. Why arm them if they are only going to end up suspended, downgraded or worse when they actually take action? They should be armed with potato guns! :D

11-11-11, 13:19
Detroit Riots 1967.... http://youtu.be/GXqSYgO9vFg

11-11-11, 22:10
Detroit Riots 1967.... http://youtu.be/GXqSYgO9vFg

Just what the current admin is hoping to see.

11-12-11, 10:26
Just what the current admin is hoping to see.

Nailed it!

11-12-11, 10:50
Scumbags like this will fuel the unrest. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Teen-Punching-Man-at-CTA-Stop-Caught-on-Tape-133703583.html?dr

11-12-11, 12:15
Scumbags like this will fuel the unrest. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Teen-Punching-Man-at-CTA-Stop-Caught-on-Tape-133703583.html?dr

I saw that on another forum. I understand that there are bad people out there that aren't wired correctly, but I don't think that is what we are seeing here. This is a cultural thing. You notice in the video that even the people that were not involved are laughing about what happened. No one is holding him accountable and instead are actually supporting his actions.

Also, this isn't a random occurrence. This is a "game" that is becoming common where these thugs pick random people and see if they can knock them out with one punch. There have been a few deaths reported.

11-12-11, 13:28
This is the decline of America and this kind of scum is emboldened by their leader barack obama. It's disgusting and these are the kind of people that will stop at nothing in a real breakdown of society. Any sign of a threat will mean you have to deal with it quickly, before it get's close enough to do harm to your family, friends, or yourself. Being in a position to where you can identify an oncoming threat from a distance will be an important factor in deciding where you want to be during and after any kind of collapse.

11-12-11, 16:39
First post from a longtime lurker.

You sir, are switched on.

11-12-11, 16:43
This is the decline of America and this kind of scum is emboldened by their leader barack obama. It's disgusting and these are the kind of people that will stop at nothing in a real breakdown of society. Any sign of a threat will mean you have to deal with it quickly, before it get's close enough to do harm to your family, friends, or yourself. Being in a position to where you can identify an oncoming threat from a distance will be an important factor in deciding where you want to be during and after any kind of collapse.

Not that where we live is the worst place you can be, but this is really why I'd like to get out of the area and be a little more rural...

11-12-11, 16:50
How do you as an individual defined prepared? How much food? how many arms?
We have enough Spam for our two dogs and ourselves for at least two weeks. Water would be the most vital, Ican do with some forced dieting, but I need to drink water all the time.
I am very well armed in my house, but when I got out on the street I don't have much. A knife and a 4 cell bashlight is all I have in my car or at work. The people I work for and the Feds frown on guns at my workplace.
I expect to face a mob on the way home one of these days, my car needs a new hood ornament...
The anarchists will be suprised if they force a break down of civil society. True anarchy means just that, no rules and no niceties.

11-12-11, 17:52
This is the decline of America and this kind of scum is emboldened by their leader barack obama. It's disgusting and these are the kind of people that will stop at nothing in a real breakdown of society. Any sign of a threat will mean you have to deal with it quickly, before it get's close enough to do harm to your family, friends, or yourself. Being in a position to where you can identify an oncoming threat from a distance will be an important factor in deciding where you want to be during and after any kind of collapse.


Optics and GOOD training on how to use them effectively, are a huge force multiplier.

11-12-11, 18:15
Also, this isn't a random occurrence. This is a "game" that is becoming common where these thugs pick random people and see if they can knock them out with one punch. There have been a few deaths reported.

Notice how the cameraman worked in tandem with the guy doing the punching.... Somebody was going to get hit in that station, it was just a matter of who.

11-12-11, 18:34
Oh yeah, and you have to be a real tough mutha to take on the elderly. I wouldn't give it more than 1/10th of a seconds thought before I stopped that f'n p-word from stealing oxygen from the more deserving.

11-13-11, 03:11
Scumbags like this will fuel the unrest. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Teen-Punching-Man-at-CTA-Stop-Caught-on-Tape-133703583.html?dr

Typical oxygen theives, attack in superior numbers and prey upon those who are weaker because they cannot defend themselves.

Agree with all here, this sort of shit is getting more frequent. . .further signs of our Republic rotting away from with in.

If anyone is interested, this is a great movie about an old man who got fed up with young punks and went Charlie Bronson on their ass! :)


One of my personal favorites.

Just a Jarhead
11-13-11, 04:01
The need for "cleansing", as much as is humanly possible, is becoming readily apparent to all sane, reasoned, God fearing Americans. It will give me great satisfaction to do my part in cleansing these "evil vermin" from the planet. That video of knocking the elderly man out for sport is simply apalling and sickens me. Not only the puncher but all his laughing putrid scum accomplices, male & female. My range time has increased dramatically as have my final preps, if there ever is such a thing as final.

11-13-11, 09:02
HOOAH... That's all I got to say about that.

11-13-11, 10:02

I gave up watching TV back in 2006 and therefore never see previews for movies. Having clicked on that link and watched the trailer, I'll have to check it out - I'd never even heard of that movie.

11-13-11, 12:30
Zombie preparation and family protection are great. Realizing people are scum, twisted and more frequently resulting to crime is raising the zombie preparation among me and my friends.

My concern is that once bullets begin to fly and bodies begin to pile up, the local police, sherif's office, national guard and more will be sent in to restore order. Question is, whose side will they be on?

The zombies = the have nots = the "99%" protesting economic injustice today. Our politicians and other global elitist will order our military to continue serving "their" will. Just another humanitarian operation to restore order.

11-13-11, 12:50
the local police, sherif's office, national guard and more will be sent in to restore order. Question is, whose side will they be on?

The laws don't favor the self-reliant.

11-13-11, 12:54
The laws don't favor the self-reliant.

Thats why its best to keep a low profile

11-13-11, 12:56
Zombie preparation and family protection are great. Realizing people are scum, twisted and more frequently resulting to crime is raising the zombie preparation among me and my friends.

My concern is that once bullets begin to fly and bodies begin to pile up, the local police, sherif's office, national guard and more will be sent in to restore order. Question is, whose side will they be on?

The zombies = the have nots = the "99%" protesting economic injustice today. Our politicians and other global elitist will order our military to continue serving "their" will. Just another humanitarian operation to restore order.

The military is not going to pick sides. It doesn't matter if you're a good guy protecting his family and land. I wouldn't recommend looting a store right in front of the mil but I wouldn't want to be caught driving around with a rifle for self defense, either. If things are that bad its likely to get taken from you.

11-13-11, 16:16
I gave up watching TV back in 2006 and therefore never see previews for movies. Having clicked on that link and watched the trailer, I'll have to check it out - I'd never even heard of that movie.

I'm a big movie buff and watch a lot of stuff that never gets released wide and or mentioned in the media. That film is very politicaly incorrect. It is also a UK production. They have a lot of good cinema across the pond that doesn't get much attention state side.

You'll enjoy Harry Brown, I picked up my father and I a copy on Amazon for under $10.


11-13-11, 17:52
I'm a big movie buff and watch a lot of stuff that never gets released wide and or mentioned in the media. That film is very politicaly incorrect. It is also a UK production. They have a lot of good cinema across the pond that doesn't get much attention state side.

You'll enjoy Harry Brown, I picked up my father and I a copy on Amazon for under $10.


Also available on Netflix streaming.

11-14-11, 01:58
Scumbags like this will fuel the unrest. http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Teen-Punching-Man-at-CTA-Stop-Caught-on-Tape-133703583.html?dr

That behavior is a product of:

- section 8 housing
- other welfare crap
- U.S. Dept of Education

If people had to make themselves useful in order to not starve, they would behave differently.