View Full Version : Attorney General states he dismissed voter intimidation case because of race.

03-02-11, 11:09
US Attorney General Eric Holder admits he dismissed the very clear cut and egregious voter intimidation case against the Black Panthers (Army of Shabazz) because of the race of the defendants.

Not news, I know, but the confirmation is interesting.

Yet another piece of the puzzle.

"There’s clearly evidence, overwhelming evidence, that your Department of Justice refuses to protect the rights of anybody other than African Americans to vote," the Texas Republican said.


03-02-11, 11:12
Vote intimidator Shabazz himself:



03-02-11, 16:22
Racism only works one way remember.....

03-02-11, 17:15
My shocked face.

03-02-11, 18:54
you are so misinformed quit listening to any one but the left and you will soon realize you are the problem and these kind people were just there to keep the tea party crowd from causing problems and to help little old ladies !
those sticks ? those were not stick but pointing devices to point the way to the door :)

03-02-11, 19:13
Its part of the social justice thing.

The commie citys, states, and us gov now are going to stop enforcing laws if they happen to disproportionally effect minorities.


So if you live in a city where 70% of the robbery convictions are blacks, and they institute a social justice view of the law...they will stop convicting people of robbery because it disproportionally effects blacks.

03-02-11, 19:35
One more step in the disintegration of our society and planting the seeds of chaos and destruction.

03-02-11, 20:13
Vote intimidator Shabazz himself:



Not impressed:lazy:

03-02-11, 20:22
and in other news, the sun will rise in the east tomorrow.

Gutshot John
03-02-11, 22:02
Uhm did you actually read the article in question? In reading the quote provided, Holder actually seemed to deny that he dismissed the case due to race. So how do you come to the exact opposite conclusion?

He only said that there was no comparison to what happened in Philly and what happened in the South.

I'm not saying it had nothing to do with race or even that Justice acted properly but you just took the quote of one man (a republican congressman) and attributed it to Holder?

Holder admitted nothing of the sort. The thread title is wholly misleading and so undermines what might be a legitimate claim against the AG, who's a douche as far as I'm concerned but I see no reason to put words in a man's mouth.

03-03-11, 05:31
In reading the article, no where does Holder say the case was dismissed because of race. Change the title of the thread and get your facts straight and I'll open this one back up.