View Full Version : Love the new zero tolerance policy.

03-04-11, 17:06
As has been posted in threads elsewhere on this site, zero tolerance policies are crutches for those who can't be trusted to think for themselves. School administrators, business administrators, etc...

It's just a shame that that is what this site has had to sink to. There have been so many interesting threads that have had to be shut down simply because they may have had some tangential relationship to law enforcement.

I understand why the administrators of the site did it. Every law enforcement thread just degenerated into LEO bashing. It's just a shame that people couldn't police themselves enough that it wouldn't have been necessary. :(

03-04-11, 20:30
What I fail to understand is the LEO bashing itself. Can we not question and critique the actions themselves without branding an entire workforce? :(

03-04-11, 20:49
What I fail to understand is the LEO bashing itself. Can we not question and critique the actions themselves without branding an entire workforce? :(

Because they were not but some folks perceived them that way. It was questioning and critiquing but it. Did . Not. Work.

It's better this way. Sort of like avoiding talk of religion and abortion with folks you know you disagree with.

I am certain that 90% of the heated conversations on LEOs here would have been FINE in person.

03-04-11, 20:55
there's plenty of moron sites on the internet for bashing cops. Generally cops and armed professionals probably don't share their knowledge there. I'd rather have the knowledge base that we have here then have a bunch of cop bashing threads. We're all more or less on the same page politically here. No need for it to get ugly over the details.

03-04-11, 21:19
I am certain that 90% of the heated conversations on LEOs here would have been FINE in person.

That's a good point. The relative anonymity of the Internet always has the potential to turn what would otherwise be a relatively civil conversation in person, into some of the shit we've seen here.


03-04-11, 21:53
Yep. I agree it's better this way. It's just a shame.

03-05-11, 18:42
VEnting complete