View Full Version : ACS FDE stock for wounded warrior

03-06-11, 15:14
Hello to all,
Tried to post this in the EE section but site would not let me. Not sure why,maybe because I am new here.I am trying to find a used ACS for a build. This is for a friend who was wounded on his 7th tour in Afghanistan.I have some vendors helping me with some other parts,but they have already done enough. I am not asking for anything free,just trying to save money wherever I can.Anyone that can help,it would be greatly appreciated.I know there are cheaper routes to go but he really likes the look of the ACS and I feel he has earned it.Thanks a bunch guys. John

03-06-11, 16:11

You cannot post because you have not been a member long enough with the requisite amount of posts.

Please do not take this the wrong way, but I am having a little difficulty with the 7 tours in Afghanistan thing. I know we have plenty of personnel deployed and many have done more than their share. But, I am just a little skeptical.

I am sure that you can understand this and you also must understand if people aren't jumping to assist you.

03-06-11, 16:22

You cannot post because you have not been a member long enough with the requisite amount of posts.

Please do not take this the wrong way, but I am having a little difficulty with the 7 tours in Afghanistan thing. I know we have plenty of personnel deployed and many have done more than their share. But, I am just a little skeptical.

I am sure that you can understand this and you also must understand if people aren't jumping to assist you.

7 isn't that unbelievable. Maybe not 7 conventional 12 month Army tours, but there are lot of people doing shorter but much more often deployments. I could find some guys with 10 deployments since 9/11.

03-06-11, 16:33
To the OP, please send me some info proving this and I may be able to help out. As a current servicemember, I find it hard to believe that someone has completed 7 full tours in 10 years, as we are begging to be able to do more than 2 every 4 years. But, it's possible, so provide evidence so we know its not a hoax (the .mil community doesnt take fakers well) and we'll see what we can do.

03-06-11, 16:42
7 isn't that unbelievable. Maybe not 7 conventional 12 month Army tours, but there are lot of people doing shorter but much more often deployments. I could find some guys with 10 deployments since 9/11.

One of my Sniper Marines hit his head really bad in the mid 90's and became an Air Force JTAC. They rotate for two to three month stints, he ended up doing 5 tours in Iraq and 6 in Afghanistan before he ended up getting station in Norfolk.

03-06-11, 17:12
First of all I am sorry you are all so skeptical.Secondly,I am one of the most honest people you will ever meet.I have 2 stepchildren (that I treat as my own),in the military,I would NEVER use the military as a means of personal gain.I cannot say with 100% certainty that all his tours were 12months each.what I can tell you is that I have met the family of this young man and have seen the wounds. And I can tell you for a fact he was deployed 7 times. Again I am not asking for anything free,just trying to do something good for a very deserving soldier.Thank you again for your response. John

03-06-11, 17:33
I am very thankful that you are willing to help one of my fellow warriors, i have been in the service for 23 years and we all need help sometimes.

Army Chief
03-06-11, 17:55
Gentlemen, let's kindly give the OP the benefit of the doubt until we know for certain that something is amiss.

For a conventional forces guy, most of our high-time deployers are somewhere in the mid-40-month range right now, which equates to four or five "normal" combat tours.

For a special operations guy, four or five deployments could very well add up to less than a year of actual time downrange, because the tour lengths are obviously quite different. I am familiar with many SF assets with "tour counts" in the double digits for this very reason. Seven is entirely plausible for a special operations Soldier, an augmentee, or someone serving in a non-standard unit.

It is for this very reason that those of us currently in the assignments business (I manage the Army's Blackhawk pilot population) really don't measure time in bandit country by the number of tours, so much as by the number of months involved in those tours.


03-06-11, 18:11
Thanks Army Chief and to everyone else who served.When my stepson returned from Iraq,I gave him his first AR. It was a very emotional time and something that brought us closer together.So when this soldiers father (a friend),asked me to help,there was no way I would have said no.Thanks again.John

03-07-11, 06:43
Gentlemen, let's kindly give the OP the benefit of the doubt until we know for certain that something is amiss.

For a conventional forces guy, most of our high-time deployers are somewhere in the mid-40-month range right now, which equates to four or five "normal" combat tours.

For a special operations guy, four or five deployments could very well add up to less than a year of actual time downrange, because the tour lengths are obviously quite different. I am familiar with many SF assets with "tour counts" in the double digits for this very reason. Seven is entirely plausible for a special operations Soldier, an augmentee, or someone serving in a non-standard unit.

It is for this very reason that those of us currently in the assignments business (I manage the Army's Blackhawk pilot population) really don't measure time in bandit country by the number of tours, so much as by the number of months involved in those tours.


+1 on that...very very true. SOF guys deploy for a short time but deploy more often

03-07-11, 10:11
gandrtactical.com has the OD and FG ACS stocks on sale for $83+shipping. I know it's not FDE but the price is very good.