View Full Version : I have proof that mondays don't suck

03-08-11, 12:42
Started out as a regular monday with the usual hustle and bustle. Running right from work to pick up my boys and stressing about the usual crap. Bills,job, kids grades e.t.c.

Then my 9yr old goes an throws me a curve ball as we are walking through the parking lot to his game. He tells me "Dad, I am gonna knock it out of the park" True to his word about an hour later he hits his 1st home run !!! 3-run homer and was about 2 inches from getting another one on his next at bat:D

Made me forget all about the things we bitch about on a daily basis and reminded me of what is important, our children and close friends/family

Needless to say I am 1 proud papa today. I think he slept with that ball and took it to school with him today. Big thumbs up to my son zach.



03-08-11, 13:11
Good deal!!! Tell the young man good job.

03-08-11, 14:31
Glad you were there to see it! Great moment and even better memory.

A few more threads like this, a few less of the "here's another reason the whole world is going to hell" variety, and I think everybody's mood would lighten a tad.

Thanks for sharing your kid's big day. :smile:

03-08-11, 15:26
Great story - and here I am taking my oldest son to his very first baseball team practice today!

Thanks for sharing!

03-08-11, 15:44
Both you and your son will remember that hit for the rest of your lives. 20+ years later I still have my first home run ball and remember that hit out to left field like it was yesterday.

03-08-11, 19:17
Thank you for sharing that! One of those little moments that made me slow down, and realize the important things as well.

03-08-11, 20:40
It's awesome when you actually win at life.

03-09-11, 12:40
Thanks guys, I showed this thread to my son and he thought it was cool. He thinks he is a rock star now:D
He told me that he wants to go shooting with me this weekend. Now I am really fired up !! Kids have a way of putting things in perspective for you some times.


Travis B
03-09-11, 17:55
Great hit! The first one was the hardest for me. Then went two in a row lol.

Make sure it doesn't go to his head, though. I remember after I had my first two I was swinging for the fences the next game. Well I put one out there and it bounced off the fence and since I was trotting after I hit it, I only got a single. Man my coach was pissed lol. But how mad can you be at a little kid

03-09-11, 22:36
Awesome news. Yeah makes you strut a bit like a peacock doesnt it?