View Full Version : Charlie Sheen

03-09-11, 02:43
Have you all seen this guy's videos? Classic I tell you this guy has lost his mind...


03-09-11, 03:20
he looks a little cracked out.. i noticed that during his today show interview.

03-09-11, 05:07
I'm just amazed that some people actually look up to this loser.

Coke and whores are apparently very cool nowadays! :cool:

03-09-11, 05:14
I'm guessing this whole "frickin' rock star from Mars" saga ends within six months with one of two headlines:

Charlie Sheen Found Dead From Overdose


Charlie Sheen Arrested After [pick a number between one and ten] Dead Hookers Found in his Hollywood Mansion

03-09-11, 06:18
He is an actor, isn't he? What if he wanted out of his contract and the show? Wouldn't it be odd if this was just a "show" put on for all the dupes watching it?


03-09-11, 06:42
I definitely think he's whacked outta his gourd but the entertainment value is fantastic.

03-09-11, 07:10
While it may all be an act, after having seen some of the videos I'm about convinced that an involuntary commitment is in his future. The last video I saw of him was essentially a checklist of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for a hypomanic episode. If one goes on long enough or manifests with behavior that is disturbing enough, it can be classified as a manic episode in some people's eyes. I tend to stick with hypomania because he's not talking to stuff that isn't there and he's functional, which you generally wouldn't see with full-blown mania.

Whether it's drug induced or not, I don't know...but it's something I think will result in either an unpleasant interaction with law enforcement in the near future resulting in a psychiatric assessment, or an intervention by people who care about him.

...assuming there are any people who do.

03-09-11, 07:25
I liked him much better when he was carrying an AKM and running around the Colorado Rockies shooting Soviets and Cubans and blasting BRDM's with a RPG-7.



03-09-11, 07:58
He hasn't hit rock bottom as much as he is just sort of flying nap of the earth at potentially unsafe speeds.

Irregardless we'll always have Men at Work and Navy Seals.

It's a joke... unlike this actual schizo man who was terrorized by a rouge helicopter pilot.


03-09-11, 08:32
Thats what you look like when you take a ride on the white pony.

03-09-11, 08:57
White light, white heat...hes still salvageable should he choose to be.

03-09-11, 09:39
Charlie Sheen is an icon of a generation, alot like Robert Downey Jr. He turned things around and I hope that Charlie can turn things around but he has to hit bottom 1st and he is getting closer every day.

And isn't Hookers and Blow always popular?

03-09-11, 10:02
Wow he has gone nuts!

03-09-11, 10:13
This has GOT to be an act.

He is an actor, remember? Gotta be some viral shit for his next gig or whatever.

03-09-11, 10:59
he looks a little cracked out.. i noticed that during his today show interview.I don't do crack. Crack is cheap. Crack is wack. Whitney Houston quote/paraphase.

03-09-11, 11:15
This has GOT to be an act.

He is an actor, remember? Gotta be some viral shit for his next gig or whatever.

Ya I agree. You can see his eyes index to the left, I think hes reading a teleprompter or something.

03-09-11, 11:21
While it may all be an act, after having seen some of the videos I'm about convinced that an involuntary commitment is in his future. The last video I saw of him was essentially a checklist of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for a hypomanic episode. If one goes on long enough or manifests with behavior that is disturbing enough, it can be classified as a manic episode in some people's eyes. I tend to stick with hypomania because he's not talking to stuff that isn't there and he's functional, which you generally wouldn't see with full-blown mania.

Whether it's drug induced or not, I don't know...but it's something I think will result in either an unpleasant interaction with law enforcement in the near future resulting in a psychiatric assessment, or an intervention by people who care about him.

...assuming there are any people who do.A family intervention would be the softest way out, but my money is on "unpleasant interaction with law enforcement". I don't disagree with hypomania, but that, even full-blown mania, wouldn't be committable in most places (around here, anyway) unless he was seen to be an actual danger to himself or others. He can sit around "Sober Valley Ranch" and be a whacko all he wants, otherwise, becoming increasingly irrelevant to the entertainment industry.

Next stop...TruTV, narrating reality videos with Gary Busey, Tonya Harding, and Danny Bonaduce

edit: I just saw an interview with Drew Pinsky. He did make some good arguments for committment...maybe I should re-think my opinion.

03-09-11, 11:42
Ya I agree. You can see his eyes index to the left, I think hes reading a teleprompter or something.

I think he is looking at chats and comments...

If that is acting, he should be nominated for an award...


03-09-11, 11:49
Ah, don't think it's an act...

Looks like he's been using meth. Negative drug test results aside, he certainly is starting to look and act like a user.

03-09-11, 11:59
I think he is looking at chats and comments...

If that is acting, he should be nominated for an award...


If he's streaming the video, he's probably looking at the image of himself. He keeps fidgeting with his hair, centering his body in the frame, carefully avoiding letting the bottle brand be seen.

He's looking at his vain self in the feedback window.

03-09-11, 12:35
He is an EPIC FAIL.

Trainwreck that continues to wreck due to his celebrity & people supportive of how he comports himself etc. i.e. Lohan, Hilton et alia....

Turned down work from him just don't need the BS etc.

03-09-11, 13:04
He peaked when he was banging Ginger Lynn regularly.

It's been all down hill from there. He should have never stopped banging Ginger Lynn. He wouldn't need drugs and he'd be a happier man.





03-09-11, 13:15
I think he is looking at chats and comments...

If that is acting, he should be nominated for an award...


Oh okay. You can tell hes looking at something lol. Pretty crazy though. It reminds me of james brown towards his end...god rest his soul haha

03-09-11, 14:53
Charlie is doing what all men want to do. Get intoxicated on a substance, and have sex with lots of women.

The dude has coke parties with porn stars. WTF more could you ask for?:cool:

03-09-11, 15:00
Epic phrase from Episode 4 in reference to one of the guys that he hates.

"Grab ankles and accept your fate".

03-09-11, 15:57
Charlie is doing what all men want to do. Get intoxicated on a substance, and have sex with lots of women.

The dude has coke parties with porn stars. WTF more could you ask for?:cool:

UHHHH....to NOT be a crackhead wit your penis rotting away?

03-09-11, 16:00
Tiger's Blood!

03-09-11, 16:01
He peaked when he was banging Ginger Lynn regularly.

It's been all down hill from there. He should have never stopped banging Ginger Lynn. He wouldn't need drugs and he'd be a happier man.





God damn I miss the 80's.


03-09-11, 16:47
Charlie is doing what all men want to do. Get intoxicated on a substance, and have sex with lots of women.

The dude has coke parties with porn stars. WTF more could you ask for?:cool:

Well I for one don't want to be intoxicated. I don't enjoy the feeling of not being in control of myself. I also don't need to be substance dependent.

I've also never really been into the random whores thing (not that it is inherently wrong). I'd much rather spend time with females who actually like me and aren't just spreading their legs for coke and cash.

Now I'm sure I could enjoy myself at a porn star coke party, especially as I'd be one of the few who would actually remember what I did. But I think it would be a lot more fun to bang porn stars who actually liked me.

Call me old fashioned.

03-09-11, 17:13
Call me old fashioned.

There's nothing wrong with that.

But seriously, what guy wouldn't want his own porn stars stored in the house across the street?:D

Like beer in the fridge......
"Hey butler, could you get me a porn star please? Thanks...":D


03-09-11, 17:28
There's nothing wrong with that.

But seriously, what guy wouldn't want his own porn stars stored in the house across the street?:D

Like beer in the fridge......
"Hey butler, could you get me a porn star please? Thanks...":D


I was only addressing your position that most males want to be intoxicated and involved in meaningless relationships.

I'm also not big on the "sharing my tang with tattooed, drug addicted losers" aspect that is usually associated with banging porn stars.

03-09-11, 23:23
Viewing these videos really makes me think of Johnny Depp's performance as Hunter Thompson. Sheen is a really good actor IMO and it would be funny if this really is a big joke. Either way, it's still entertaining and I don't really care.

03-10-11, 10:08
I just hate how Charlie is giving Porn Stars a bad reputation:)

03-10-11, 10:20
Isnt his new toy Bree Olsen......why in the hell would you want to get with a pornstar?

EMILIO!! Wheres Emilio? He needs to kick his brothers ass...

03-10-11, 10:29
Like that idiot Lady Gaga, Charlie Sheen apparently knows how to make money, so cheers to him for that. But I have no interest in his rants, his drugs or his shows.

03-10-11, 10:40
He is an EPIC FAIL.

Trainwreck that continues to wreck due to his celebrity & people supportive of how he comports himself etc. i.e. Lohan, Hilton et alia....

Turned down work from him just don't need the BS etc.

What are you talking about, didn't you hear him, hes a winner:blink:

03-10-11, 11:45
Tiger's Blood, and Rock Stars aside...

Porn actors/actresses are generally disgusting. I know. I dated one once. Not one of my better moments, and she was out of work at the time.

Charlie Sheen can do a lot better now that he's actually famous.

03-10-11, 12:26
charlie sheens winning recipes. :lol:

I think charlie is on to something.

03-10-11, 13:39
He's an arrogant prick... Self-destructing right before our eyes.

03-10-11, 17:12
Oh yeah, cash in on the self destruction now!


03-10-11, 17:25
So just how much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do?

Enough to kill 2 1/2 men.

03-10-11, 17:27
Oh yeah, cash in on the self destruction now!


Ohhh, I've got to have some of that. A friend of mine idolizes Charlie Sheen (he and his wife really like the 2 1/2 Men show). His birthday is coming up and that would be PERFECT!

03-10-11, 19:08
So just how much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do?

Enough to kill 2 1/2 men.


03-10-11, 20:32

The fact this trainwreck gets more attn that those that died in the sand box the past week or two sticks in my craw...he has kids and is nothing but a sperm doner and cash cow for their future.

They deserve a daddy which they will never know...i hope he figures it all out asap.

very sad

03-10-11, 21:37
So just how much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do?

Enough to kill 2 1/2 men.

the best one i've heard in a while.


i think this is another perfect thread for one of my favorites:


03-10-11, 22:05
So just how much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do?

Enough to kill 2 1/2 men.

Oh snap. That is all kinds of winning right there.

03-10-11, 23:05
So just how much cocaine did Charlie Sheen do?

Enough to kill 2 1/2 men.

Took me a second.


03-11-11, 08:03
Looks like Charlie has been raided looking for weapons (or drugs, and whatever else they can find)
