View Full Version : Preference for gay, lesbian, transgender

03-09-11, 14:06
I just wonder how far this stuff will go before there is major backlash.

The White Man's Burden

By Robin of Berkeley

I was just filling out an application to be a provider for an insurance panel. And one of the questions they ask is, "Are you a GLBT-owned business?"

GLBT means gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered. I rolled my eyes when I saw this. I thought, "So, if I share my bed with a woman, I would be a superior therapist, a more desirable member of your insurance panel?"

Of course, the questionnaire also asked whether I were a minority- or female-owned business. Apparently, if I were an Asian woman who sleeps with other women, I would be a Most Valuable Player in the psychotherapy world.



03-09-11, 14:58
I really appreciate you sharing this article. As a college student, I see a grossly disproportionate amount of foreign students at my college as compared to the demographics of the surrounding community. I probably let it get on my nerves more than it should, but I always seem to notice that foreign students skip class more often and recieve excess "guidance" due to the language barrier that they are faced with, and when I say excess, I mean that it is alot more than translation. Sometimes I wonder if the university pays these kids to come to their school just so they can boast "diversity". My application to the school was rejected the first year I tried to get in despite a solid HS GPA and well above average SAT scores. Now that I see the ethnic breakdown of the student population, I cannot help but think that I was kept out in order to make room for someone who was accepted simply for their sexual orientation, race, ethnicity etc. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely view myself as being no better than anyone else just because I am a white male, it just burns my ass to know that people are actively recruited because of the color of their skin or because they are gay or whatever. I am a criminal justice major, and in one of my textbooks there is an entire chapter on diversity in police departments. While I agree that the police force should mirror the demographic make-up of the community it serves, I strongly believe that if a person is hired onto a police department, or to any other job for that matter, it damn sure ought to be because they are more qualified than the other applicants for that job. To me, affirmative action and equal opportunity employment are just another form of welfare, which completely undermines the value of self determination and bitch slaps the white man who values personal merit.

03-09-11, 15:11
I really appreciate you sharing this article. As a college student, I see a grossly disproportionate amount of foreign students at my college as compared to the demographics of the surrounding community. I probably let it get on my nerves more than it should, but I always seem to notice that foreign students skip class more often and recieve excess "guidance" due to the language barrier that they are faced with, and when I say excess, I mean that it is alot more than translation. Sometimes I wonder if the university pays these kids to come to their school just so they can boast "diversity". My application to the school was rejected the first year I tried to get in despite a solid HS GPA and well above average SAT scores. Now that I see the ethnic breakdown of the student population, I cannot help but think that I was kept out in order to make room for someone who was accepted simply for their sexual orientation, race, ethnicity etc. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely view myself as being no better than anyone else just because I am a white male, it just burns my ass to know that people are actively recruited because of the color of their skin or because they are gay or whatever. I am a criminal justice major, and in one of my textbooks there is an entire chapter on diversity in police departments. While I agree that the police force should mirror the demographic make-up of the community it serves, I strongly believe that if a person is hired onto a police department, or to any other job for that matter, it damn sure ought to be because they are more qualified than the other applicants for that job. To me, affirmative action and equal opportunity employment are just another form of welfare, which completely undermines the value of self determination and bitch slaps the white man who values personal merit.

Couldn't have said that any better.

03-09-11, 15:21
American Thinker. Great dose of irony there. Seems to be anything but.

03-09-11, 16:36
None of the above.

03-09-11, 16:55
As for myself, I'm a minority (there's only one of me), lesbian trapped in a man's body....

03-09-11, 17:20
I really appreciate you sharing this article. As a college student, I see a grossly disproportionate amount of foreign students at my college as compared to the demographics of the surrounding community. I probably let it get on my nerves more than it should, but I always seem to notice that foreign students skip class more often and recieve excess "guidance" due to the language barrier that they are faced with, and when I say excess, I mean that it is alot more than translation. Sometimes I wonder if the university pays these kids to come to their school just so they can boast "diversity". My application to the school was rejected the first year I tried to get in despite a solid HS GPA and well above average SAT scores. Now that I see the ethnic breakdown of the student population, I cannot help but think that I was kept out in order to make room for someone who was accepted simply for their sexual orientation, race, ethnicity etc. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely view myself as being no better than anyone else just because I am a white male, it just burns my ass to know that people are actively recruited because of the color of their skin or because they are gay or whatever. I am a criminal justice major, and in one of my textbooks there is an entire chapter on diversity in police departments. While I agree that the police force should mirror the demographic make-up of the community it serves, I strongly believe that if a person is hired onto a police department, or to any other job for that matter, it damn sure ought to be because they are more qualified than the other applicants for that job. To me, affirmative action and equal opportunity employment are just another form of welfare, [/b]which completely undermines the value of self determination and bitch slaps the white man who values personal merit.[/B]

I think it's a bitch slap to 'minorities' who exhibit those same characteristics (of which I know and work with several) as well, not just to whites.

03-09-11, 17:22
According to mitochondrial DNA I am originally of African decent. I was born here, thus I'm Native American.

Furthermore on my mothers side I have black, Hispanic and Native American roots so I am correctly "other." Feel free to attempt to prove I'm not.

I also am pretty sure I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. So can you please move me to the front of the line?

One of these days we will hopefully trash the notion of "acceptable racism." When you point out that the premise of Affirmative Action is basically that minorities cannot complete equally and "need help" you are basically accepting the premise of the KKK that they are different and not as capable.

More importantly it ensures continued racism as minorities cling to these notions for advantage and are rightfully resented by others who don't enjoy such advantages. When we finally understand that there are no positive reasons to categorize by race (this includes racist organizations such as the NAACP) then we can finally attempt something like real equality.

03-09-11, 17:23
As for myself, I'm a minority (there's only one of me), lesbian trapped in a man's body....

Hey now...that's my shtick...get your own.


03-09-11, 20:21
I hate hearing black people whine about the burden of being black in America.

Why would I like hearing a white person whine about being white in America

Or Asian...

Or border jumper...

Or Hispanic...

Or Queer...

Or whatever...

I hate whining in general. STFU and handle your business. Life is not a blog, or twitter account. Adapt, overcome and improvise. Last I checked whining solved pretty much nothing in life...

03-09-11, 22:56
I hate hearing black people whine about the burden of being black in America.

Why would I like hearing a white person whine about being white in America

Or Asian...

Or border jumper...

Or Hispanic...

Or Queer...

Or whatever...

I hate whining in general. STFU and handle your business. Life is not a blog, or twitter account. Adapt, overcome and improvise. Last I checked whining solved pretty much nothing in life...

Actually it gets you free stuff. And the more you do it, the more you get. That is the problem. If all that happened is they whined and nobody gave a shit, it wouldn't really be a problem.

03-09-11, 23:07
I really appreciate you sharing this article. As a college student, I see a grossly disproportionate amount of foreign students at my college as compared to the demographics of the surrounding community.


Ill be starting school later this year but my good friend who went to UCLA said the same thing. They'd get tons of Mexicans who didn't speak English (well), and the school had special assistants for them. They basically just coast through college not doing their work and they took tests outside of the class....read someone "interprets" the test and "assists" the student. Then they get priority in getting into the school, and all kinds of grants/scholarships so they don't even pay a dime to attend.

03-10-11, 10:21
What ever happened to merit?

What happened to giving the spot to the most qualified applicant?

And I do not buy that B.S. about the SAT / ACT / I.Q. tests / etc. being language biased or culturally biased. It has been proven false through multiple legitimate studies.

We need to start being RACE BLIND in all regards - hiring, promotion, school acceptance, etc.

And everyone needs to quit bitching about the hardships that their ancestors suffered. Am I owed reparations by Norway because vikings raided Ireland 1200 years ago?

03-10-11, 11:39
I hate to bring reason into the thread, but is is possible these are just demographic questions and don't play an other role.

When I used to do staffing we had forms that requested but did not require this info. It played no part in hiring but was just because the .gov likes demographic info.

03-10-11, 11:48
According to mitochondrial DNA I am originally of African decent. I was born here, thus I'm Native American.

Furthermore on my mothers side I have black, Hispanic and Native American roots so I am correctly "other." Feel free to attempt to prove I'm not.

I also am pretty sure I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. So can you please move me to the front of the line?

One of these days we will hopefully trash the notion of "acceptable racism." When you point out that the premise of Affirmative Action is basically that minorities cannot complete equally and "need help" you are basically accepting the premise of the KKK that they are different and not as capable.

More importantly it ensures continued racism as minorities cling to these notions for advantage and are rightfully resented by others who don't enjoy such advantages. When we finally understand that there are no positive reasons to categorize by race (this includes racist organizations such as the NAACP) then we can finally attempt something like real equality.

Dude, if it makes you feel any better, I did quietly get mine. When I applied to grad school, I listed "Native American" as my race. I flatter myself into thinking it was my smoking hot GRE score that got me admitted, but I know the truth. And I took a slot away from some douchebag Affirmative Action student.

I still get mail from the university's Native American Graduate Students Association, and I got my master's in 2005:D


03-10-11, 12:33
I still get mail from the university's Native American Graduate Students Association, and I got my master's in 2005:D

My freshman year college roomate was a ginger haired Irish American, born in Puerto Rico (his parents were on vacation). He had a Puerto Rican scholarship. When the other students in the scholarship program used to give him shit, he'd just say "what, are you being racist?" and they'd shut up.

I'm going to have to start putting "other" on those forms too. Not only am I an African-Native-American like SteyrAUG, some of my ancestors came from Eastern Europe and are likely to have Asian and Middle Eastern genes in there, too. Not to stereotype, but I do like spicy food and I'm good at math.

Pacific Islander is going to be a tough one to pick up, though. Hmm...

03-10-11, 12:40
My freshman year college roomate was a ginger haired Irish American, born in Puerto Rico (his parents were on vacation). He had a Puerto Rican scholarship. When the other students in the scholarship program used to give him shit, he'd just say "what, are you being racist?" and they'd shut up.

I'm going to have to start putting "other" on those forms too. Not only am I an African-Native-American like SteyrAUG, some of my ancestors came from Eastern Europe and are likely to have Asian and Middle Eastern genes in there, too. Not to stereotype, but I do like spicy food and I'm good at math.

Pacific Islander is going to be a tough one to pick up, though. Hmm...

Do it, man...**** them. They made this world, we just live in it.

03-10-11, 12:49
Pacific Islander is going to be a tough one to pick up, though. Hmm...

Are there quotas for PI? I know that if you check Asian on the form, your chances of getting in are materially diminished.

03-10-11, 13:06
Are there quotas for PI? I know that if you check Asian on the form, your chances of getting in are materially diminished.

I have the answer, even if you are Asian: You're actually Peruvian, which would make you South American/Hispanic, even if you look like you're Bruce Lee's little brother and have an Asian-sounding surname. Most roundeyes won't know the difference between Japanese, Chinese, or Korean anyway.

03-10-11, 13:42

Chief Heather Fong on the left), is the first SFPD female, lesbian chief of police.

Theresa Sparks (center, a former male), is president of the San Francisco Police Commission, CEO of a multimillion-dollar sex toy retailer, and a transgender woman.

Sgt. Stephan Thorne (right, a former female), is the first transgender SFPD police officer.

Their Representative in Congress is Nancy Pelosi.


03-10-11, 13:46

Do they perform their job(s) well?

03-10-11, 14:38
I surmising this is what you may be referring to.

Kwelz writes:
"If a woman can meet all the requirements let her serve. If she can't then don't. Simple. But do not put in a separate set of retirements for Males and females."

Having trained with a number of SFPD LEO's through my years, knowing several SFPD officers I can only give my opinion from my experiences & their comments.

I or the aformentioned LEO's do not feel they are up to standards for Law Enforcement duties.

I'm conversantly versed in the LE system etc. There are other's in LE w/ certainly more than myself. Point being, I'm not a neophyte & know what I speaketh.

Due to powers that be (read MOU's) they have been able to meet POST Level 1, 2 or 3 etc. standards for now and that may have changed since this pic was announced.

While I certain respect your opinion and 1st ammendment rights, I have been around the block for far too long working w/ LE or training them or in combat to engage in a futile diatribe when I know the difference from a sham/press opportunity vs. reality of LE work et alia.

I can say w/ certitude that WE collectively will never know if they factually perform(ed) their duties because we most likely will not know their roles/duties/assignments etc. (i.e. "turd in jacket", performance reviews/evals etc.) I also recognize their rights under the laws of equality. I also recognize that there is NOT always equality is the system or it's ability for perfected equality. The system tries to do the best to it's ability or WHO YOU KNOW if you catch my azimuth...

Let's agree to disagree if that's the direction your headed.


03-10-11, 15:06
I am not even sure that we do disagree but perhaps so. I am just of the mindset that if a person can do the job then they should be able to. If they can not then they don't and the requirements for a job should not be changed to "accommodate" a person.

If a job requirement is that you can Bench press 250lbs and run a mile in 7 minutes then don't put in a separate set of requirements for another group so that more of them can get it.

If the people you mentioned are not up to the duties that they are required to do(and I trust your opinion on this) then it is a travesty that they are in the position and I blame the typical feel good PC bullshit that we all hate.

A lot of people throw around the "Equal rights" line and have no idea what it means. I am not one of those people. We all do have equal rights. That doesn't mean we can all do the same thing.

I can not do what you do: I am an overweight man with medical history that precludes me from serving this country as LE or Military.
That does not mean I have less rights than you and I can't sue because I can't serve in uniform.

Maybe I am still to idealistic in some ways. But this is just how I see it.

03-10-11, 15:51
Fair enough,

We probably do not disagree then from your post.

The lack/double/fudging/hypocracy of standards is the downfall of credibility imo.

So if the powers that be decide to enforce a lowering/hybridization/mutation of standards (which is what I see & believe is/has happened) how does that help society as a whole ?
That particular MICRO demographic may perceive that as an improvement. But that is MICRO not MACRO.

Nobody is going to convince me from my experience that someone who does not meet the standards or quality of that job/position/assignment can perform that job as CAPABLE of someone whom does meet that criteria/standard. When public safety or people's lives hanging in the balance of said standards how can you justify that when things go fubar.

While they should have an opportunity to compete/apply etc. lowering the standards does nothing for the society as a hole (oops).

While I realize that their may be MICRO demographics that certain types are better suited for those areas/regions. I see no compelling reason to validate their holding out as a LEO's when they are really performing Public Publicity Service as Officers for the community. But that's me.

If that becomes policy for the masses then color me out of that area/country/state.

I personally have been prejudiced numerous times because of my HETEROSEXUAL preferences & admittedly Alpha Male propensities. I'm not homophobic in the least either. Big Boy rules 101 I'll get over it right.

My concern is people holding themselves out as something they really are not or society jumping in the bandwagon when they know not what they speaketh.

Hope that was Bacarat Crystal Clear....
I enjoy the dialogue.

03-10-11, 16:46
Do they ever ask for proof of this stuff? Like, sex change papers or what ever? If not, I'm a asian trans women to man and sucking dicks RIGHT NOW if it gets my college or shop off the ground.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

03-10-11, 17:26
What ever happened to merit?

What happened to giving the spot to the most qualified applicant?

We need to start being RACE BLIND in all regards - hiring, promotion, school acceptance, etc.

I think it's a bitch slap to 'minorities' who exhibit those same characteristics (of which I know and work with several) as well, not just to whites.

It's a bitch slap to anybody. So much for the America I grew up in. I was taught that you will only succeed in life if you have a solid education and can speak, write and typed correct and proper English. Then again I did go to a pretty conservative Catholic school, probably the polar opposite of UCLA.

"HM Insurance Group is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer"


03-10-11, 18:01
A place that I worked lost a bid for UPS work due to not having a sufficient number of minorities. This is Utah - gimme a break. There aren't very many minorities to begin with.

My dad worked at a Goodyear plant and the EEOC got on his ass about there not being any black employees. The plant was in a rural area in the northeast. My dad pulled out a huge stack of employment applications, set them down in front of the EEOC person and said that no black person had ever applied for work at the plant. That was the end of it.

03-10-11, 18:15
500 that is funny, sad but funny. We had some ass clowns from Olympia come over and ask why our SO has ZERO minorities. We said umm look where we are at and look at our applications for this dept. NONE. We have females(white) but that is it. Our Sheriff doesn't suffer fools neither, if you can't hack it you are gone. He shit canned two "tubbies" last year for weight issues/PT standard. They appealed to the union and Sheriff said fine you have 90 days to pass POST standards. It didn't happen and they went down the road.

Standards are made and need to be adhered to for the common good of the majority, even if I find myself someday on the chopping block for being unable to meet those standards. We all do what we can to our best ability. The reality is we all can't be the best, someone has to lose out... it is called life. Now to speak concerning gender/race/sexual pref. I call severe bullshit. EE should have never been created nor enforced. We are worse off as a society coddling to weaker human beings to make ourselves feel better about the poor minorities. **** them, they can't hack it, they can go flip burgers.