View Full Version : WTF is this?

03-10-11, 02:56

from the film Monsters- produced by brits, in mexico.

03-10-11, 03:06
Probably toy gun. It was a bit too of a rip off of 'The Mist' imo, but not bad.

03-10-11, 03:11
Yeah, my vote is for a plastic movie prob.

03-10-11, 03:39
that's what it looks like.. but what's it even trying to look like? the selector is funky, the magazine almost looks like a .308 from a different weapon, the pistol grip looks like a melted ergo or something, with the high backstrap... it's got mid-length gas and straight, skinny ribbed handguards, but with the original smooth m16 delta ring

you'd think a movie prop, and all the effort that goes into making it, would attempt some semblance of accuracy.. so i figured maybe it was some foreign variation or something. but now that i've stared at it and put all the "wrongs" together, i think it must simply be the abominable spawn of some idiot's imagination.

maybe even CG? could they have been so low-budget that they had to just CG in an attempt at an M16?

03-10-11, 05:11
You'd be surprised at how crappy movie guns look in real life. On the set of Water World the non-firing AKs they passed out were in real bad shape- some were missing the handguards altogether as well as other parts. Props can be pretty cheesy. The prop in the picture bkb0000 posted is probably a one piece rubber gun that's seen better days

03-10-11, 06:48
some movie props look like the real thing,but don't have internals.

03-10-11, 07:10
Remember that movie props have to look like a gun to 99% of the people out there, they don't care that you know the grip is incorrect or if the handguards are not period correct. If they convey the idea that a bad guy will use it to shoot someone they did their job.

03-10-11, 07:18
Yep, this is exactly like when a history buff watches a war movie and can't hold back his, "Thats not right, it happened differently" notions. Like in the first episode of Band of Brothers when they are on the boat headed to England and its like 1941 and to of the Airborne soldiers start fighting over the Nazis killing Jews. I thought we didnt find out about all of that until like 1944 but...its a movie.

03-10-11, 07:33
The movie was pretty low budget and was crewed by people outside the realm of normal mainstream movie making, so they may not have had a real gun wrangler on set and just more of a prop designer. The sets I've worked on with actual gun wranglers usually were running real guns that were modified to fire blanks and/or real guns that were inactive, and the rubber props and what not that weren't used in actual firing or "hero shots" were pretty close too... It all just depends who you get in to handle it, because pretty much no one else in filmmaking seems to know - in fact when I revealed on one set that I actually owned guns it was as if I'd announced to the crew I was an alien.

that's what it looks like.. but what's it even trying to look like? the selector is funky, the magazine almost looks like a .308 from a different weapon, the pistol grip looks like a melted ergo or something, with the high backstrap... it's got mid-length gas and straight, skinny ribbed handguards, but with the original smooth m16 delta ring

you'd think a movie prop, and all the effort that goes into making it, would attempt some semblance of accuracy.. so i figured maybe it was some foreign variation or something. but now that i've stared at it and put all the "wrongs" together, i think it must simply be the abominable spawn of some idiot's imagination.

maybe even CG? could they have been so low-budget that they had to just CG in an attempt at an M16?

03-10-11, 07:34
I am surpised nobody has posted that picture of a from a movie being filmed in Eastern Europe where they are shooting an AK bastardized to look like an AR

03-10-11, 10:24
Yep, this is exactly like when a history buff watches a war movie and can't hold back his, "Thats not right, it happened differently" notions. Like in the first episode of Band of Brothers when they are on the boat headed to England and its like 1941 and to of the Airborne soldiers start fighting over the Nazis killing Jews. I thought we didnt find out about all of that until like 1944 but...its a movie.

That's not what they are fighting about, re-watch the scene. ;) /hijack

That does look like a pretty crappy prop but how long was that shot in the film. If its like a1/2 second shot I doubt they put a lot of effort into it.

03-10-11, 10:27
Looks like a large piece of black licorice made into an AR type form. I have seen small ones before, black AR, red AK. But a large one now that would be fun for the whole family to eat!

03-10-11, 12:55
Another rubber gun vote. I did some work on a film and it is very apparent that they have no knowledge about weapons, and don't care all that much as long as its close (or kind of close).

03-10-11, 13:33
The foam/rubber gun I've seen from The Expendables is very accurate. If you weren't looking for a fake you wouldn't notice at 10 feet unless you could see into the muzzle.

03-10-11, 13:37
I'm trying to remember what I saw recently where they kept showing the muzzle end of a rubber gun - which totally gave it away... may have been a short, but I would have sworn I saw it on my TV not my computer... Anyway, like Todd said, some of them are really stinkin' good unless you get the wrong angle... others aren't. Outside of myself I don't think there are hardly any filmmakers that are actually into guns...

03-10-11, 17:26
I vote for rubber gun.

they are on the boat headed to England and its like 1941

Not true, the series stated they started training at Curahee in 1942 and left for England in 1943.

Another rubber gun spot...watch the beginning of "Iron Man"; when Tony Stark is unmasked and the terrorists are making a web transmission, one of the terrorists is holding an M4 with an undermounted shotgun to Tony's head. If you look close, the flash suppressor slots are filled, making it a prop gun, and this is a 100 million dollar movie!

An Undocumented Worker
03-10-11, 17:56
I'm trying to remember what I saw recently where they kept showing the muzzle end of a rubber gun - which totally gave it away... may have been a short, but I would have sworn I saw it on my TV not my computer... Anyway, like Todd said, some of them are really stinkin' good unless you get the wrong angle... others aren't. Outside of myself I don't think there are hardly any filmmakers that are actually into guns...

I think that was Grand Torino on the Get off my lawn scene.

03-10-11, 18:21
And then you've got guys like John Milius, who's a gun dude, go to the trouble of taking Steyr Maadi AKM's and making them look like AKS-74's for the Spetznaz in Red Dawn.