View Full Version : Be careful where you swim

09-19-07, 18:11
There was a guy in the lower part of my State (SC) that was swimming in Lake Moultrie, I believe, this past weekend and an 11ft 10" Gator took his arm off. Check out these pictures:



09-19-07, 18:51
Usually the Darwin effect takes children when they are young. Some don't get kicked out of the gene pool until later in life.:rolleyes:

09-19-07, 18:52
Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

I'm glad I left my alligator days living in Florida behind now that I am in Virginia... I think back on all the POSSIBLE alligator encounters as a kid swiming in local ponds and canals, as well as the VERY CLOSE gators while hunting the south Florida swamps... :rolleyes:

That dude is blues'in..........

I also heard on the news that several kids have DIED in Florida from that AMOEBA (very small, microscopic organism) that frequents FRESH water (not salt water) that entered their BRAIN, caused swelling and eventually killed them. Soon you will need a full & sealed diving suit with CHAINMAIL to swim in Florida...


09-19-07, 19:19
Yeah not far from me either.

I remember the canoe trips we used to take through the Okeefenokee. We would stop counting after about 50 gators in the first mile or two. Not an easy feeling when a 10 footer slides under your canoe.

What I wanna know is. What A$$hole stands around snapping pictures of the guy and the gator with his arm in its mouth??? Do something useful to help! Jeez...


09-19-07, 20:51
Holy Crap!

Are people allowed to swim in that lake or what?

I couldn't imagine having that sucker clamp down and swim off with my arm :eek:

09-19-07, 21:43
It's actually a pretty big and popular lake. Boating, skiing, fishing, etc. A world record catfish came from there if I remember right. Talk about wrong place at the wrong time!:eek:
