View Full Version : $529 for a complete AR Kit

03-15-11, 12:52
never mind...

03-15-11, 13:03
Hmmm, Del-ton...You dont work for this company do you? Just saying that this might not be well recieved here. And that comes from a guy with a Doublestar in the safe.

03-15-11, 13:08
How many rounds did you fire?

03-15-11, 13:09
Welcome to the forum. I am curious to see how your first post about a $529 AR is received.

03-15-11, 13:12
Welcome to the forum. I am curious to see how your first post about a $529 AR is received.

I'm kind of excited to see Iraqgunz' response. :D

03-15-11, 13:15
To start I don't work for Steve. Just came across this deal on okshooters.com and wanted to pass it along. Take it for what it's worth. If people want to critique so be it.

As for round count, less than 1000.

03-15-11, 13:19
Yeah well I can see this is your typical friendly online community. It is my first post only cause I've been lurking...I'll just delete my thread....thanks for the welcome.

03-15-11, 13:21
Yeah well I can see this is your typical friendly online community. It is my first post only cause I've been lurking...I'll just delete my thread....thanks for the welcome.

Here's the thing man, this forum is not Arfcom. The majority of members of this forum are most interested in a working carbine that meets certain criteria.

That certain criteria isn't going to be met by a kit for $529.00.

You're welcome to stick around and participate, just be aware that it's a very different mindset....professional grade vs. commercial grade.

03-15-11, 13:24
Well, OP, you might want to go ahead and put on an asbestos suit while you read some more on this site to see why you're getting flamed here. Try to have thick skin and not take it personally.

Very few, if any, people here are interested in getting the cheapest gun they can. Many, if not most, are interested in getting the best they can. For them, you have posted a review of an expensive paperweight. They have sound reasoning behind such thinking, which you will discover by reading the stickies and some of the other posts on the site. I would suggest you search here for Del-ton to see how the brand has been received by the members here.

I post this on the assumption that you are a firearms enthusiast and not a ham-fisted astroturfer.

03-15-11, 13:27
Yeah well I can see this is your typical friendly online community. It is my first post only cause I've been lurking...I'll just delete my thread....thanks for the welcome.

You really need to stop taking this sort of thing personally. The kit is an inanimate object, and you shouldn't have any sort of personal allegiance to it. A slight against it is NOT a slight against you. There is a WEALTH of information on this website, and the culture of this site caters to those who put higher demands on their firearms than most.

lethal dose
03-15-11, 13:28
no offense, but you must not have been lurking very much, because if you were... you'd know that your first post should not have been about a del ton. seriously... welcome to the forum. read. think. post.

03-15-11, 13:35
Alright, enough bullshit.

OP. You must have anticipated what was going to come down. If not, then you either didn't "lurk" here much or you are a sadist. Either way please outline your build for us and why you chose it.

What were the deciding factors?

03-15-11, 15:39
Alright, enough bullshit.

OP. You must have anticipated what was going to come down. If not, then you either didn't "lurk" here much or you are a sadist. Either way please outline your build for us and why you chose it.

What were the deciding factors?

I will be taking bets on the OP's intent. 7-2 odds people that he is a SADIST!

03-15-11, 15:59
No I am an LEO that does not make a ton of money. (Contrary to what most people say who I write citations.)

My main deciding factor was the money. I know that those of you out there that have your BUG OUT BAG packed and ready for the zombies won't truly grasp this concept until the Apocalypse. But, one cannot consider something an asset unless they have it on them at the time they need it.

So yes I might have an AR that is not up to the standards of such Operators as those on this site. But, when I have to make sure I get home at the end of the day, I have confidence this AR is better than not having one.

So again, thank you for the warming welcome to such a knowledgeable group. I am humbled to be in the presence of such genius.

03-15-11, 16:05
No I am an LEO that does not make a ton of money. (Contrary to what most people say who I write citations.)

My main deciding factor was the money. I know that those of you out there that have your BUG OUT BAG packed and ready for the zombies won't truly grasp this concept until the Apocalypse. But, one cannot consider something an asset unless they have it on them at the time they need it.

So yes I might have an AR that is not up to the standards of such Operators as those on this site. But, when I have to make sure I get home at the end of the day, I have confidence this AR is better than not having one.

So again, thank you for the warming welcome to such a knowledgeable group. I am humbled to be in the presence of such genius.

Not to sound rude to you, but your post doesn't make sense. You state that the reason you want an AR is so that you can "survive the fight." So wouldn't you want something better to bet your life on???

I understand that funds are tight, but you can get into a COMPLETE BCM rifle for $867. So for a little more coin, you would be into a MUCH BETTER weapon. It is ALWAYS better to save your money and buy quality once OR buy a used quality weapon.

I don't know about you, but my life and the lives of my loved ones are worth WAY more than a budget AR. YMMV.

Welcome to the forum by the way.


03-15-11, 16:15
Not going to bash you at all, just trying to do some reasoning. You want to make it home at the end of shift- gotcha! Makes perfect sense.

Was that AR so important to you that it will be a deciding factor? If so, what did you do to get home before you bought it? Did you borrow one, avoid dangerous calls or was it a non-issue.

If it was truly so important then why would you buy a weapon of questionable build and use it, rather than wait another 3-4 paychecks and get a good one, as Grant pointed out.

I think the real issue here is that you suffer from the typical American "must have it right now" disease that we see all the time.

If you detach your emotions from the subject you will see that your post is entirely contradictory. Additionally, if you are strapped then you will not have money for ammo, magazines and additional training. I assume that you have at least a good working knowledge of the AR and how to employ it?

No I am an LEO that does not make a ton of money. (Contrary to what most people say who I write citations.)

My main deciding factor was the money. I know that those of you out there that have your BUG OUT BAG packed and ready for the zombies won't truly grasp this concept until the Apocalypse. But, one cannot consider something an asset unless they have it on them at the time they need it.

So yes I might have an AR that is not up to the standards of such Operators as those on this site. But, when I have to make sure I get home at the end of the day, I have confidence this AR is better than not having one.

So again, thank you for the warming welcome to such a knowledgeable group. I am humbled to be in the presence of such genius.

Beat Trash
03-15-11, 16:52
No I am an LEO that does not make a ton of money. (Contrary to what most people say who I write citations.)

My main deciding factor was the money. I know that those of you out there that have your BUG OUT BAG packed and ready for the zombies won't truly grasp this concept until the Apocalypse. But, one cannot consider something an asset unless they have it on them at the time they need it.

So yes I might have an AR that is not up to the standards of such Operators as those on this site. But, when I have to make sure I get home at the end of the day, I have confidence this AR is better than not having one.

So again, thank you for the warming welcome to such a knowledgeable group. I am humbled to be in the presence of such genius.

Not to sound like a jerk but...

I'm also an LEO. Been working intercity uniform patrol as an officer and as a Relief Sergeant for going on 19 years.

I have a soon to be ex-wife, two attorneys, and two kids to support. I understand the concept of money being tight and needing to get the most bang for the buck.

If you are looking to build an AR to be used as a recreational item, often referred to as a "range toy", then buy/build what you can afford to spend.

If you are going to carry/use this gun while at work, going into "harms way", why on earth would you skimp on quality that could literally mean the difference between you coming home or not?

Quality and expensive do not mean the same thing. Buy quality gear for work, be it your carbine, your handgun, or your flashlight. Write it off on your taxes as a work related expense.

If you spend a wee bit of time on this site, you'd find that the "tin foil hat" crowd is rare. Instead of Bug Out bags for zombies (I'm getting so sick of the whole zombie thing!), you'll find guys with "go bags" in the Military, CDOP bags and/or ready bags for LEO's, and range bags for the 3-gun crowd.

Even for those here who don't have to go into harms way just so they can earn a few bucks to pay for their divorces, most here have found it's actually cheaper to spend just a couple of bucks more up front and only have to buy once.

Sounds like you got your feelings hurt. If so, I wish you luck in your career as an LEO. Kinda need a thick skin to survive, and that's just from co-workers during roll call...

03-15-11, 17:20
Hey congrats on the new rifle. If you are happy with your purchase and it is working for what you need it to do then who cares what others think. Shoot your new rifle and enjoy it also take a look at this thread here it should give you some ideas on what you could upgrade to make it more reliable if you ever feel the need to.


03-15-11, 18:54
Alright, enough bullshit.

OP. You must have anticipated what was going to come down. If not, then you either didn't "lurk" here much or you are a sadist. Either way please outline your build for us and why you chose it.

What were the deciding factors?

Wouldn't that be a masochist? :p

03-15-11, 21:18
Zombies are not real :D so my "Bug out bag " it set up as what i would have in the Military to quickly bug out and have the necessary tools needed to Make it Home or defend My family .

Don't take it personal man! People here tell it like it is ,so YOU can get the best knowledge and gear to make it through what ever hell comes your way.

Stay and do some reading and ask some questions ,The experts here will lead you in the right direction . they did it for me !!!

and really Welcome to the Site !!

03-15-11, 22:05
Nope, sadist. Because he posted this with the intent of inflicting emotional harm and distress on us.

Sadism is the derivation of pleasure as a result of inflicting pain or watching pain inflicted on others.

Wouldn't that be a masochist? :p

03-15-11, 22:13
Sounds like you got your feelings hurt. If so, I wish you luck in your career as an LEO. Kinda need a thick skin to survive, and that's just from co-workers during roll call...

Man, you aren't kidding. I still haven't met a badguy who was as mean, nasty and cruel as the guys on graveyard shift during briefing...

03-15-11, 22:15
Nope, sadist. Because he posted this with the intent of inflicting emotional harm and distress on us.

Sadism is the derivation of pleasure as a result of inflicting pain or watching pain inflicted on others.

So I covered the spread and win back my "NUT" with interest!