View Full Version : Radioactive fallout and NVS

03-16-11, 05:45
Heaven HELP us if Japanese reactor fallout hits Pittsburgh :eek:, BUT... my Bing-fu appears weak this morning; does anyone know IF or HOW such fallout might affect NVS?

With a crack in the containment vessel of a second reactor appearing to be the case this morning, should any of it reach the west coast, what concerns/precautions should one consider in using NVS? Could it DAMAGE the optic in any way?

03-16-11, 07:11
Heaven HELP us if Japanese reactor fallout hits Pittsburgh :eek:, BUT... my Bing-fu appears weak this morning; does anyone know IF or HOW such fallout might affect NVS?

With a crack in the containment vessel of a second reactor appearing to be the case this morning, should any of it reach the west coast, what concerns/precautions should one consider in using NVS? Could it DAMAGE the optic in any way?



03-16-11, 07:37
This may be the most way out there case of "WHAT IF" I have ever seen.....

03-16-11, 07:53
On March 19th the Super Moon's super gravitational pull will suck all the all the leaking radiation sky high. The radiation will then form a giant George W. Bush, and it will kung-fu fight with Al Gore. Also, I'm sure Godzilla is involved in this some how, seeing as it is Japan and all.

I mean really. Know one really knows what is going on. There are a limited number of these events in the past to draw knowledge on. Everyone is making it up as they go (so to speak); it doesn't help that the Japanese government is being extremely tight lipped on the situation.

Oh, about your optic? Who knows?

03-16-11, 08:01
Heyyyyyyyy... I hadn't had my coffee yet when the question occurred to me - gimmee a break. :p

03-16-11, 08:09
Heyyyyyyyy... I hadn't had my coffee yet when the question occurred to me - gimmee a break. :p

I thought you'd been watching too much Predator 2. Lack of coffee does do strange things to the brain.

I can only speculate that the small amount of radiation that could reach the coast wouldn't harm it or even interfere with it. Most night vision is thermal, so the radiation would have to give off significant amounts of thermal energy (heat). I'm not sure that all decaying particles release heat I'm a biochemist, not a nuclear physicist. I think if you had enough of these particles decaying in your general area that the last thing you'd be worrying about is your optic.

03-16-11, 08:32
I was speaking to my father about this last night. He used to work on Nukes in the AF. The amount of radiation that will reach the west coast is less dangerous than the Root beer sitting next to me on my desk.

03-16-11, 10:11
I was speaking to my father about this last night. He used to work on Nukes in the AF. The amount of radiation that will reach the west coast is less dangerous than the Root beer sitting next to me on my desk.

This is correct. I was a Navy Nuke for over 9 years. We go through a training pipeline that, among other things, dumps a huge amount of nuclear/ reactor physics and radiological controls down your throat in a very short period of time. One of my instructors likened it to being spoonfed with a bulldozer. I remember reading somewhere yesterday that radiation levels of .5 millirem were detected in Tokyo. I realize that to a lot of people, that sounds scary, but it's actually laughable the way the MSM is trying to scare the crap out of everyone. What's even funnier is the number of people freaking out about it here and buying up iodine pills like it's going out of style. Just to put things into perspective, during my 4 1/2 sea tour, I received a total of 550 millirem. I don't glow in the dark, I don't have cancer and don't have any new appendages growing anywhere...

03-16-11, 11:16
what concerns/precautions should one consider in using NVS? Could it DAMAGE the optic in any way?

The radiation won't affect your night vision gear one bit. Even if you took your optics to Chernobyl, they'd still work fine.

If you want to simulate a worst case radiation environment for the Japanese reactors, bury your optics in some kitty litter. Seriously. That's about the level of radiation you'd get in PGH from a worst case event in Japan. Yes, kitty litter is radioactive.

03-16-11, 11:27
This is correct. I was a Navy Nuke for over 9 years. We go through a training pipeline that, among other things, dumps a huge amount of nuclear/ reactor physics and radiological controls down your throat in a very short period of time. One of my instructors likened it to being spoonfed with a bulldozer. I remember reading somewhere yesterday that radiation levels of .5 millirem were detected in Tokyo. I realize that to a lot of people, that sounds scary, but it's actually laughable the way the MSM is trying to scare the crap out of everyone. What's even funnier is the number of people freaking out about it here and buying up iodine pills like it's going out of style. Just to put things into perspective, during my 4 1/2 sea tour, I received a total of 550 millirem. I don't glow in the dark, I don't have cancer and don't have any new appendages growing anywhere...

Just because you want to be subjected to 550 millirem of radiation poising doesn't mean I want even .5! I have lived in brick or stone buildings my whole life to protect me from potential radiation sources...

Im in Hawaii now and I am alot closer than most are to Japan (Even the Japanese, because the wind is blowing this way) I'm thinking about getting some lead containers for my ammunition so the radiation doesn't get to it, I may sprinkle salt all over my weapons and accessories for the iodine. After all, what good is my SHTF equipment if its glowing? :alcoholic:

03-16-11, 11:53
I have lived in brick or stone buildings my whole life to protect me from potential radiation sources...

If you had lived in wooden buildings, you would have been exposed to less radiation. Bricks and stone are naturally radioactive.

But if you're seriously considering sprinkling iodized salt on your gear to "protect" it, you're probably too far gone. Or trolling. In which case: your mom is radioactive. Actually, she is even if you're not a troll.

lethal dose
03-16-11, 12:06
If you had lived in wooden buildings, you would have been exposed to less radiation. Bricks and stone are naturally radioactive.

But if you're seriously considering sprinkling iodized salt on your gear to "protect" it, you're probably too far gone. Or trolling. In which case: your mom is radioactive. Actually, she is even if you're not a troll.
i was about to say something similar.

wagon... you need some meds, brother? i'm thinking some of that radiation may have already got to you!

03-16-11, 12:47
Just because you want to be subjected to 550 millirem of radiation poising doesn't mean I want even .5! I have lived in brick or stone buildings my whole life to protect me from potential radiation sources...

Im in Hawaii now and I am alot closer than most are to Japan (Even the Japanese, because the wind is blowing this way) I'm thinking about getting some lead containers for my ammunition so the radiation doesn't get to it, I may sprinkle salt all over my weapons and accessories for the iodine. After all, what good is my SHTF equipment if its glowing? :alcoholic:

1. First off, it wasn't a matter of "wanting" to be exposed, but it's kind of difficult to serve on a nuclear submarine without being exposed.

2. You're being exposed to radiation when, among other things, you stand outside in the sun. Radiation exposure does not equal radiation "poisoning".

3. It's already been mentioned, but bricks are natural sources of radiation. In fact, over your lifetime, you're probably been exposed to more radiation from your house than you will from the situation in Japan.

4. Radiation is energy that travels in waves. The wind can't blow it around any more than the wind can blow sunlight around. The people in Japan are actually being exposed to more radiation because they are closer to the source than you are. I think maybe contamination is the word you're looking for.

5. If it were even feasible for you to get lead containers for all your gear, the lead would present a much greater risk to your health than whatever radiation (like .5 millirem) you may be exposed to as a result of this unfortunate series of events unfolding in Japan.

03-16-11, 14:26
I wish I remember where I read it, but I was looking up information about one of those small x-ray machines that are used to check your carry on luggage at airports. We had one at work and it was a pretty small unit, but the amount of radiation it put out was really insignificant. Funny thing was, they claimed that you would have to run an item through the machine between 750-1000 times to expose it to as much radiation as standing in Colorado's sunlight for 24 hours, or as much as 3 hours flying in an airplane.

I'm sure the only way we would receive a dangerous amount of radiation, is if someone put the reactor on a boat and brought the entire thing here to melt down. Otherwise, there are FAR worse things to worry about that come from our own country.

pbr streetgang
03-17-11, 17:50
To the OP..

If it makes you feel any better, I live closer to japan than pretty much everyone else on this site and my NEPVS-14 has been in use every night since the quake and is still working fine.. However, my eyes started glowing last night and I think I might be growing a tail:D

2/5 Grunt
03-17-11, 18:49
Despite EMP, logistics train battery replacement failure, or busting your optic....

No excuses.
If ya can't shoot with iron.... You aint a shooter.
Nuff said.
I'll say again:
If you cannot shoot with iron sights,

03-17-11, 18:51
To me it sounds like you have a cheap source for tracers.

Just because you want to be subjected to 550 millirem of radiation poising doesn't mean I want even .5! I have lived in brick or stone buildings my whole life to protect me from potential radiation sources...

Im in Hawaii now and I am alot closer than most are to Japan (Even the Japanese, because the wind is blowing this way) I'm thinking about getting some lead containers for my ammunition so the radiation doesn't get to it, I may sprinkle salt all over my weapons and accessories for the iodine. After all, what good is my SHTF equipment if its glowing? :alcoholic:

03-17-11, 23:24
Despite EMP, logistics train battery replacement failure, or busting your optic....

Aha - that's the distinction: EMP versus radiation. Electromagnetic pulses CAN wreck electronic optics. Radiation however, won't.

Fortunately, radiation does not cause EMP. Even regular airburst nuclear explosions won't do it. You need either a very high altitude nuclear explosion, or a specially crafted conventional explosive. The conventional EMP's

03-19-11, 10:44
Despite EMP, logistics train battery replacement failure, or busting your optic....

No excuses.
If ya can't shoot with iron.... You aint a shooter.
Nuff said.
I'll say again:
If you cannot shoot with iron sights,

EMP and radiation are two entirely different things. :haha:

03-19-11, 11:42

03-19-11, 14:18