View Full Version : Thought I would share

03-19-11, 17:27
Considering we all have certain items that we would love not to have to go without, I decided to post my favorite and found a company that actually has them.



03-19-11, 19:55
Got any fries to with that Big and Tasty?

03-19-11, 20:35
I'd eat one. Although I don't think any of the readers on the attached link would. What a trainwreck of comments.

03-19-11, 20:40
That is because only real men eat potted meat products and smile while doing so.:D

03-19-11, 20:53
Its not on their site anymore. http://www.trekneat.com/trekn-eat-produkte/produkte/katadynshopconnect/trekn-eat-snacks/tne-cheeseburger-in-der-dose/ That would have been the perfect Christmas gift for a few people I know.

03-21-11, 04:49
I don't think I'd miss a cheeseburger enough in the woods to hump them around in a metal can.

Maybe as a way to diversify stored preps in a BOL.
I'd have to see a price drop to buy in any quantity,and food everywhere is costing more these days.

Beat Trash
03-21-11, 14:56
I can feel my arteries starting to clog just looking at the photo's...

03-22-11, 00:01
I'd like to see the nutritional breakdown of that.

03-22-11, 08:42
Well if you don't want a burger from a can make your own as you drive.



03-26-11, 09:34
Considering we all have certain items that we would love not to have to go without, I decided to post my favorite and found a company that actually has them.




I was going to tease you for having such small and nicely manicured hands but it looks like the hand model is from the 2008 poster!


03-26-11, 10:26
I don't think I'd miss a cheeseburger enough in the woods to hump them around in a metal can.

Maybe as a way to diversify stored preps in a BOL.
I'd have to see a price drop to buy in any quantity,and food everywhere is costing more these days.

Really? In an all out SHTF situation, I'd punch my own mother in the mouth for a cheeseburger! Can you imagine what that would be worth?... Now I'm hungry.

03-26-11, 11:09
Joby, how do you know I don't have the hands of a woman.

Atch, hell yes that canned burger would be worth at least a battle pack of 7.62 in the "end of days".

03-26-11, 11:28
Strong Little hands are okay. Cheese Burgers are better. Some of the MRE's I've heard of sound pretty good too.

03-26-11, 12:14
Here's more! Keep some of this stuff around for "cumshaw" purposes and you'd be a King for sure.


03-26-11, 13:07
I was just up in Utah and saw this in a preparedness store.


03-26-11, 16:22
I'll have to keep an eye out for cool stores like that, If I can ever afford another road trip. I'm trying to save up for you CQB! Sure is a nice pistol, Sir.

03-26-11, 16:58
I'll have to keep an eye out for cool stores like that, If I can ever afford another road trip. I'm trying to save up for you CQB! Sure is a nice pistol, Sir.

Their website is www.beprepared.com and they several stores through out Utah. Thanks for the compliment! :)

03-28-11, 14:03
Really? In an all out SHTF situation, I'd punch my own mother in the mouth for a cheeseburger! Can you imagine what that would be worth?... Now I'm hungry.

I understand missing stuff when you're out of your normal environment. I remember having a bit of steak on a piece of MRE cardboard after being in Helmand province in Afghanistan for several months eatting MREs and tray packs, and that was a piece of Heaven I'll tell you...but I think that if I am here in the US and SHTF, a burger will be low on my list of priorities. To each their own.

04-03-11, 17:44
I don't think I'd miss a cheeseburger enough in the woods to hump them around in a metal can.

Soldiers "humped" them around for many years in the form of C-Rations. I know MREs are an upgrade of sorts, but still I'm in for the physical torture involved with carrying a few burgers on a trek anytime if they're good.

Maybe even some at home...

Thomas M-4
04-03-11, 18:16
Hell I would try it. It doesn't look any worse than a microwavable burger. I would put a couple of strips of that canned bacon on it to with some Tabasco sauce :D Now I want a cheeseburger

04-04-11, 11:47
Soldiers "humped" them around for many years in the form of C-Rations.

Which are a better option than a cheeseburger in an emergency scenario. At least i think so.....