View Full Version : How to handle a bully? Handle with authority...

03-22-11, 03:59
K, I grew up in a different time, where it was understood that bullies will only leave you alone if you handle them with extreme prejudice. That is how they learn. Getting your ass kicked when you are being a little asshole builds character.

The bully learned a couple of valuable lessons...Don't pick fights with people that outweigh you by 30 some odd pounds, and don't assume someone who is fat is weak physically or mentally.

Lastly, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Anyway, the viral video heard around the world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isfn4OxCPQs

Interviews with the kids and the family: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__IjcLVBBYc&feature=related

03-22-11, 05:42
Did you see the bully's tall friend try to bow up after his buddy got slammed?

BRAVO for the big kid. Maybe if more kids took up for themselves, all this bullying crap will largely go away.

But going a little deeper, there are so many sociological issues at hand here that it really speaks volumes about where we stand in regards to our youth and our society. I mean, we've now got anti-bullying public service announcements. Seriously?

This is a very big reason why we are currently, and will continue to, home-school our kids. Too much garbage in today's schools and too many kids raised by TV, video games, and the movies, and not by honorable parents.

03-22-11, 05:58
I got bullied twice. I grabbed them by their necks, slammed them to the ground and cracked both of their heads open enough they needed stiches. I was never bullied again and one of them never bullied again, the other never bullied again in the presence of me......

Suwannee Tim
03-22-11, 06:01
I have a real problem with bullies. I had asthma and allergies as a child and could not fight or exert myself very much because I ran out of air. I was bullied mercilessly by about a half a dozen bullies. I grew out of it between the sixth and seventh grade and bloomed physically and learned to fight. I had ambitions of whipping every one of the six who tormented me but I only got the chance to whip one. The rest suddenly had no interest in fighting. Imagine that. I worked at reducing my resentment of bullies and had mostly succeeded. Then I became crippled when I was struck in the head from behind with a club. That is the method of a bully. I couldn't walk for two years and was again bullied. I overcame the physical disabilities and of course the bullying ended. My resentment for bullies vastly increased. I struggle with that resentment daily. One problem for me is that there are a lot of bullies on the internet. The safety of distance and anonymity makes bullying easy. There are few people in this universe I loathe more than a bully.

03-22-11, 08:38


03-22-11, 08:49
I mean, we've now got anti-bullying public service announcements. Seriously?

And now Obama has an anti-bullying initiative. While I deplore bullying, this is my opinion: a campaign to end bullying is praiseworthy for a school principal, laudatory for a superintendant, questionable for a mayor, a distraction for a governor, and ridiculous for a President.

03-22-11, 09:14
duplicate thread - see link above.