View Full Version : Hillary on Fox

09-23-07, 10:56
Anyone catch the interview??? If so, what did you think?


Robb Jensen
09-23-07, 11:16
Anyone catch the interview??? If so, what did you think?


I think she's bi-polar.

09-23-07, 11:24
I think she's bi-polar.


09-23-07, 11:28


I think Bill should take his wig off when he's on tv.

09-23-07, 14:11
I think she's bi-polar.

Yesterday she said she was straight.:D :p

09-23-07, 23:11
Personally, I think she is bat-shit crazy.

09-23-07, 23:28
I think she's actually fairly normal for your typical self-absorbed self-righteous self-serving touchy-feely wealth-redistributing totalitarian-socialist government pushing commie pinko left-winger elitist.

The true nut jobs are the ones that are going to vote her in as the first female president of this country.

09-24-07, 06:32
She's only interested in redistributing our wealth. The Clinton's are fairly well off, I've heard.

09-24-07, 06:49
Lumpy, well stated. And to think that people of this mentality (and there's plenty of them) could soon be in power is frightening.

Jay Cunningham
09-24-07, 06:52
I think she's actually fairly normal for your typical self-absorbed self-righteous self-serving touchy-feely wealth-redistributing totalitarian-socialist government pushing commie pinko left-winger elitist.

The true nut jobs are the ones that are going to vote her in as the first female president of this country.

She's just going to take things away from us on behalf of the common good. Where's the harm in that?


09-24-07, 08:37
I truly dont believe that she has a chance to be elected unless Ross Perot decides to jump in and split the vote again. Her husband never got 50% of the vote, and she is far less popular now than he ever was while he was running for office.

09-24-07, 08:55
A "partial transcript" of the FOXNews interview lives here (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,297746,00.html).

I didn't see the broadcast, but the transcript reads like pretty soft stuff, with Chris Wallace tossing slow hangers right over the plate. In black-and-white, it looks like she didn't have to break a sweat and stuck to her talking points.

(If it weren't for talking points, I would've been unemployed for the last 25 years. ;) )

So is that the way it played, Grant, or did the video reveal something that the words don't?

09-24-07, 11:04
I think she's actually fairly normal for your typical self-absorbed self-righteous self-serving touchy-feely wealth-redistributing totalitarian-socialist government pushing commie pinko left-winger elitist.

Sadly, the same might be said of Rudy as well.

Wouldn't it suck if they are the two candidates.

The horror! The horror!

09-24-07, 11:38
She's only interested in redistributing our wealth. The Clinton's are fairly well off, I've heard.

most politicians are well off...which is why I don't believe them when they say the rich should pay more taxes.

I don't think Hillary and Obama are electable.

09-24-07, 13:37
most politicians are well off...which is why I don't believe them when they say the rich should pay more taxes.

I don't think Hillary and Obama are electable.

I don't think Hilary is electable, but I believe Obama is.


09-24-07, 17:14
Never underestimate the ability of liberals to do the unimaginable against the resonable.

Did anyone hear her float the trial balloon of "public financing" for elections?

09-24-07, 17:34
Did anyone hear her float the trial balloon of "public financing" for elections?

I don't know what the Witch of the Left has in mind, but I think we're in need of some serious campaign reform. Just because someone (like NY mayor Bloomberg) has virtually unlimited personal resources should not allow him to have more media coverage/advertisements than other candidtates who have less. I would not neccessarily be opposed to tax payers flipping the campaign bill as long as ALL candidates had to abide by the same advertising budget and were not allowed to accept any donations/free advertising other than published endorsements. IMO, this would be the only way to "level the playing field" and take personal wealth/connections out of the equation.

Also, all debates should include all candidates, not just The 2 Parties.

09-24-07, 18:35

She looks like she bites.

09-24-07, 19:58
I don't know what the Witch of the Left has in mind, but I think we're in need of some serious campaign reform. Just because someone (like NY mayor Bloomberg) has virtually unlimited personal resources should not allow him to have more media coverage/advertisements than other candidtates who have less. I would not neccessarily be opposed to tax payers flipping the campaign bill as long as ALL candidates had to abide by the same advertising budget and were not allowed to accept any donations/free advertising other than published endorsements. IMO, this would be the only way to "level the playing field" and take personal wealth/connections out of the equation.

Also, all debates should include all candidates, not just The 2 Parties.

I'll be OK with publicly financed campaigns the minute the news/media organizations become nonprofit organizations.

09-24-07, 20:07
very scary /// halloween coming soon

09-24-07, 21:44
I don't think Hilary is electable, but I believe Obama is.


How can Hilary not be electable when her husband got two, T-W-O, as in MORE THAN ONE, terms in office?

09-24-07, 22:01
How can Hilary not be electable when her husband got two, T-W-O, as in MORE THAN ONE, terms in office?

Because Bill Clinton didn't have as much baggage as Hilary and was popular ENOUGH to get elected.

09-25-07, 05:58
High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton (http://books.google.com/books?id=6fPxErorqIIC&dq=&pg=PP1&ots=P8oe8_vCQT&sig=SEzYXZKIHwa2c74WDD7SR3hVzZI&prev=http://www.google.com/search%3Fnum%3D100%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26as_qdr%3Dall%26q%3Dcoulter%2Bhigh%2Bcrimes%2Band%2Bmisdemeanors%26btnG%3DSearch&sa=X&oi=print&ct=title#PPP1,M1)
By Ann Coulter

A great read - stuff you never knew about the billary story (get a used library copy (http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?an=ann+coulter&bi=0&bx=off&ds=30&sortby=2&sts=t&x=0&y=0) for a dollar). Hillary will be elected because the left will overlook everything short of electing someone behind bars.

condition 1
09-25-07, 07:41
She looks like she bites.

Yea, she is a friken viper, didn't she do 2 terms already !!!!:mad:

09-25-07, 08:18
You guys should ready Dereliction of Duty, by Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson, USAF (Ret.).

That'll give you a good idea of how the Clinton's are. It said that Hilliary had a huge problem with Military officers being in the White House and tried to make it so that they could not come into the White House while wearing their uniform. There is all kinds of shit in that book.

09-25-07, 22:46
I don't think Hilary is electable, but I believe Obama is.



Obamination will not be elected by any white man who does not want "black revenge" to be taken out on them because of the blame game.

Obama has been given slow movers of the plate since the day he has got into office. He is nothing more than an unaccomplished walking-talking TV commercial. All rehearsed talk and media giving him a pass. Once he gets into the ring he will get his ass kicked as long as the candidate is Newt Gingritch or similar candidate.

09-26-07, 17:49

Now that you know how I feel about her.

09-26-07, 18:24

Obamination will not be elected by any white man who does not want "black revenge" to be taken out on them because of the blame game.

Obama has been given slow movers of the plate since the day he has got into office. He is nothing more than an unaccomplished walking-talking TV commercial. All rehearsed talk and media giving him a pass. Once he gets into the ring he will get his ass kicked as long as the candidate is Newt Gingritch or similar candidate.

What does Obama being Black have to do with it? I thought we were way past that kind of stuff after the sixties! At least far enough where an "equal" individual has the ability to run for President.

I don't think this is the place for "Racial Ty-raids". You might want to read Rule #1 on Posting. For all you know...we could all be black?


09-26-07, 18:51
What does Obama being Black have to do with it? I thought we were way past that kind of stuff after the sixties! At least far enough where an "equal" individual has the ability to run for President.

I don't think this is the place for "Racial Ty-raids". You might want to read Rule #1 on Posting. For all you know...we could all be black?


It is not a post about his being black. It is a post about his speech in the South (LA) and how many (but not all) black people feel that white people are actively oppressing them. Many white people won't say it, but let's face it, there is a huge percentage who think about this when they see Obama and wonder who he will surround himself with. Will he recruit black racists? That is my point.

There are also lots of people, Democrats and Republicans and others, who are racist and won't vote for him. That was not what I was talking about. I am NOT saying that he should not get voted in because he is "the first articulate black candidate" (quote by a democrat). But I am saying that people shouldn't vote for him because he is black (many will), and that they shouldn't vote against him because he is black (although many will). It is just a fact that these things will play a role in the election.