View Full Version : Is Your Home Bigger Than Your Fathers...?

03-28-11, 22:27
Using google maps satellite images and a copy/paste side by side it turns out my fathers home (where I grew up) is about twice the size of mine and and their lots is almost exactly twice as big as my lot.

Of course my father was a doctor and I am not, and I've probably spent more on guns than my father did.

But interesting nonetheless. Also turns out my lot is twice as big as my grandfathers (who also ran his own small business) but our homes have almost the same living space, mine being about an extra room larger.

It must have been pretty tight with three kids.

03-28-11, 22:42
My house is about the same size as my childhood home, maybe slightly smaller. But my father recently sold the house and moved into a condo so he didnt have to do yardwork, so now my place is definitely bigger.

03-28-11, 23:29
My home is about 500 SF bigger, but due to it being built in 98, the layout is a lot more efficent and spacious feeling than his that was built in 79. Now my lot is bigger. 3/4 acre compared to his 1/3 acre. I believe that my wife and I are only marginally more successful than he was. However I think that we have the benefit of two incomes and better money management.

03-29-11, 00:32
Not yet. Maybe when I retire, if I don't downsize.

Don Robison
03-29-11, 00:39
We lived in three houses while I was growing up. Our house is bigger than the first two; we moved into my grandparents house when they moved out of state and I don't think I'll ever need a house that big. When my grandma sold it; it was turned it into a nursing home/adult foster care.
I do have more land though.:D

03-29-11, 05:00
My Dad's house is 2.5 times the size of mine and his lot is about 4 times the size. He has always built his own houses as an investment. My Grandfather started the Tupelo Cab Co. after WWII and raised my Dad and Uncle in a 1 room house (more like a shack) about 3 houses up the street from Elvis and his family.

03-29-11, 05:52
Comparing houses at similar ages - my house is much bigger, but the lot is smaller. Both homes compared are in urban areas and that is the trend today - putting a large house on a small lot, because city land is so expensive. But I am at a stage in life where I would prefer a much smaller house on about 10 times as much land as I currently have; i.e., don't need to work in the city anymore.

03-29-11, 05:53
We had two houses on the same street so no, I don't even have a pool :(

03-29-11, 06:20
Nope, and Im glad its not. Bigger the house the more junk that goes in it, increased heating/cooling cost, ect. If I was single Id want even a smaller house than I hav now (1800SQFT)

The only thing I want in regards to a house I don't have now is land. I grew up on 3 acres with horses, a big yard, ect. I feel cramped in these cookie cutter tracts and feel like Im on display.

03-29-11, 06:25
Not even close!

03-29-11, 07:20
Using google maps satellite images and a copy/paste side by side it turns out my fathers home (where I grew up) is about twice the size of mine and and their lots is almost exactly twice as big as my lot.

Of course my father was a doctor and I am not, and I've probably spent more on guns than my father did.

But interesting nonetheless. Also turns out my lot is twice as big as my grandfathers (who also ran his own small business) but our homes have almost the same living space, mine being about an extra room larger.

It must have been pretty tight with three kids.

No way in hell. I do all right, but there's no way in hell I'll have what my parents did unless I hit a Powerball or something.

User Name
03-29-11, 08:11
Yes but his is 10x more expensive.

03-29-11, 08:45
Mine is bigger by about 1500 sq ft but we just kind of fell into it dont use most of it

03-29-11, 09:18
I grew up in a townhouse, so max square feet was somewhere around 1500. My home is roughly 2600, and I actually have a yard.

Kinda cool being a teenager and (thanks to condo fees) not having to cut the grass. Too bad my three kids will never have that luxury :p

03-29-11, 09:25
Both houses I lived in as a child, the house I currently live in, and the house my parents bought several years ago when they "downsized" are all within about a half mile radius.

My current home is smaller than all three of the homes my parents have owned. My house was built in '48, a one story with just under 850 sq. ft. on the ground floor. It does have a basement which I punched a couple of egress windows into a few years back. We finished 3/4 of the basement to include a TV room and master bedroom and bath (cool in the summer and QUIET).

The "condo" (really a duplex) my parents currently own has a full basement (half finished w/ egress windows) and is still close to 3000 sq. ft.

But I ain't gonna bitch about my house. It's just me and my wife, a couple of cats and dogs, I've remodeled (and rewired and replumbed and reroofed and...) from stem to stern, I know what I've got, and it's paid for. We could afford to buy a newer, bigger house and seriously considered it a couple of years ago. But we both decided against taking out a mortgage and I'm damn glad we didn't. I sleep a whole lot better at night with no debt.

03-29-11, 10:04
My house is about the same size as the one I grew up in, but have about eight more acres. I also paid my house off in two years after we bought it. They took nearly 30yrs to pay theirs off.

I was reading an article about the fact that my children will most likely NOT be wealthier than me. I know that I was surpassed my parents income by age 28 and now make 3 times what they did when they worked.

Kind of interesting to think about.

Edited to add that my parents (especially my Mother) has FAR MORE education than I ever had.


03-29-11, 13:27
Nah, but I've never married or had kids, and I only just got through buying a townhouse as a first-time buyer. Not to mention that he's got two households to my one (no, he's not a polygamist, he geo-bachelors to work, you reprobates :p)

My circumstances are completely different, and I haven't felt competitive with my father's personal benchmarks since the day I said "Dad, you're my father and I love you, but you're a human being and thereby at least as full of shit as anybody else."

My siblings, however...

I'm the oldest kid, and of course I need to maintain my complete and utter dominance over the younger brothers, so I've paid for my own far better education then theirs (they sponged off of the parents), make more $$$, throw it to more women (they're married) and have (now!) a bigger home.

All of which can go hang, for all I really care, so long as I can still kick their asses two at a time (yes, still Got It -- tested at a wedding in 2008 when we were drunk :D and Mom was popping each of us on the back of the head the next day [there was some ahhhh...breakage]; gooood times!)

03-29-11, 14:26
My house is slightly larger than my parents' first house, it has less land, and it cost 60x as much. The property tax alone is more than 3x what my dad earned per year when he bought that house.

Fried Chicken Blowout
03-29-11, 17:22
Yes... The house I grew up in was 1000 sq ft total in San Diego. My house in Colorado is 5000 sq ft. Our lot is about the twice the size.

lethal dose
03-29-11, 17:35
My "house" is only about 750 square feet opposed to my dad's 3000... however, the vast amour of land I live on (which hosts 2 shooting ranges) FAR surpasses my dad's half acre city lot. I make nowhere near the amount of money my dad does. I'm pretty poor, actually. Haha.

Suwannee Tim
03-30-11, 20:21
My father's house was somewhat smaller with more people living there. The actual living quarters were drastically smaller as about half was used as a workshop for homebuilding, rebuilding and restoring aircraft, which occupied much of my childhood time. We had no television, no room for one or no time for it. At one time we had most or all of three aircraft inside the house which was a bit much. My mother insisted he rent hangar space and two of the aircraft went to the hangar.

03-31-11, 02:27
nope... i got a better view though.

03-31-11, 05:13
Interesting to note how some replies immediately took the thread title to mean there was a competition.

I have heard the same thing that, I think, Grant mentioned about our kids being the first generation not to do better than their parents as a rule.

04-01-11, 11:10
WAAAY bigger, especially since he was cremated.

04-01-11, 14:40

My mom's house (no father to speak of) is 2700 sq ft single family on the water with a 2+ car garage, mine is a 1600 town home on 1/3 acre.

I would like to have a single family home & land. Maybe one day.

04-02-11, 10:23

04-02-11, 10:23
I live in a one bedroom apartment with one other person.

**** you guys.

04-02-11, 15:46
I live in a one bedroom apartment with one other person.

**** you guys.

Nothing wrong with that if you are still young. Beats living at home with the parents.

04-02-11, 16:00
Bigger than the one I grew up in, yes. Bigger than the one HE grew up in? NO.

Of course, there were only three of us growing up - we have 4 kids - so we got another bedroom with ours!

Don Robison
04-02-11, 20:56
I live in a one bedroom apartment with one other person.

**** you guys.

The first place I had was so small I had to go down the hall to the one bedroom sideways or else my shoulders wouldn't fit. It was like living in a land locked submarine. :D I kinda miss that place sometimes. If the wife croaks before me; I'll probably rent this place out and move into another small place.