View Full Version : Grip plug question.

04-01-11, 16:53
So most grips have a plug that you can either buy separately or is already included. Before i buy this troy grip which does not have a grip plug im curious if there would be any issue with not having one like excess crap working its way up there and into your lower. Not so much worried about the storage or lack thereof, more so not having anything to keep the elements out. From what i recall the only thing holding the grip in place is one screw but that cant be water/dirt/muck/proof. Am i just being paranoid ?

04-01-11, 16:59
The standard A2 grip is hollow too. So, yes your being paranoid. If I use an Ergo grip, I cut the plug out. Dont worry bout it.

04-01-11, 17:04
I would say a bit too worried. the A2 grip is wide open, and i have gotten mud/salt water and all manner of crude in their. Once so bad i had to hose the entire gun down in the shower, blast out the water with an air gun and then tear down and relube everything. I don't see much of a problem with them being open.